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Amanda Work Group Manual

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    							Chapter 1:
    Introducing Amanda
    The PC on which your Amanda system is installed has:
     Windows NT Server 4.0 with NT Service Pack 3 or higher or Windows 2000 Pro.
     A Pentium-class processor running at a minimum of 200MHz.
     A VGA card.
     A minimum of 64MB of RAM.
     A 3.5-inch, 1.44MB floppy disk drive and appropriate controller.
     An IDE hard disk drive with an access time of less than 14ms and appropriate IDE 
    A CD-ROM drive.
     No LPT2 port (if disabled, it must be non-interfering).
     To operate Amanda as a voice server over a network, you need a LAN that is not 
    at I/O 300-310.
     Ten clients connections for Amanda clients such as Amanda Administrator and 
    Amanda Messenger. 
    (You can purchase a Client Connection Bank (CCB) to activate additional clients.)
    Amanda can run with any of the following voice boards:
    1 232, 432, 2132, and 4132 voice boards
     Brooktrout TR1100 board (for 24 or 48 ports)
     A Brooktrout RDSP/x0000 with any of the following:
     An analog telephony interface using the Brooktrout RTNI-xATI board 
     A digital telephony interface using the Brooktrout RTNI-2T1 board
     A digital telephone interface using a Brooktrout E1 board
     Vantage Volare board (with international approval and full rotary detection)
     Vantage PCI/4L and the Vantage PCI/8L boards from the Vantage PCI Series
    [email protected]/Windows can support 72 ports.
    OTES:This book contains no information about E1 boards and configuring 
    Amanda to use them. Contact The Amanda Company for more informa-
    1. Brooktrout uses Rhetorex technology. 
    							2 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    [email protected]/Windows can support as many as 12 industrial-strength fax ports 
    using Brooktrout TruFax/200 boards. Each board is a two-port ISA board. Its driver 
    supports up to 6 boards. With fax modems, [email protected]/Windows can support 
    four fax ports. The user of TruFax/200 boards and fax modems is mutually exclusive. You 
    can use only one of the two.
    Environmental Requirements
     Locate the unit in an area free of excess moisture, dust, corrosive gases, and chem-
     Install Amanda securely on a table or desk at least 2 feet (.6 meters) above the 
     Use a properly grounded electrical outlet which is not controlled by a switch.
     Ensure that the operating temperature is 40 to 95 degrees Fahrenheit (2 to 35 de-
    grees Centigrade), away from direct sunlight.
     Ensure that the humidity is 15% to 90%, noncondensing.
     For proper ventilation and servicing of the unit, provide at least 1 foot (0.3 meters) 
    clearance on all sides and above the unit.
    Electrical Requirements
     90 to 130 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz, 3-prong outlet with separate ground, separately fused 
    at 15 amps.
     Outlet not controlled by an on/off switch.
     Use of electrical line conditioning equipment such as a surge protector and an un-
    interruptible power supply (UPS) is strongly recommended.
     Grounding to comply with Underwriters Laboratories (UL) 1459.
    Upgrade Issues
    If you are upgrading from a previous release of [email protected]/Windows, see the 
    readme.txt file on your installation CD for detailed information about changes you may 
    need to make to your system.
    General Uses
    [email protected]/Windows is an automated attendant and voice processing system 
    designed especially for ease of use and flexibility. As an NT-based product, Amanda takes 
    advantage of the technical innovations in the personal computer market. In addition, 
    Amanda’s standard hardware components can be repaired or replaced by any PC service 
    company. The computer on which Amanda is installed must be used only for Amanda.
    Depending on what lines from your PBX are connected to Amanda and when calls are 
    sent to Amanda to be processed, Amanda can serve you or your customer in a variety of 
    Configured as a primary attendant:  Amanda answers all your incoming calls on the 
    lines you designate and allows the callers to direct their calls to a specific person or 
    department without being placed on indefinite hold. If a specific person is unavailable, 
    Amanda can take a private message for that person without missing any details. 
    In this case, the telephone switching system sends all incoming calls to Amanda. 
    							Chapter 1: Introducing Amanda3
    Configured as a secondary attendant:  Amanda assists your regular operator when call 
    volume is heavy, allowing callers to direct their own calls or hold for the operator. Some 
    companies provide specific incoming lines for Amanda as a backdoor attendant for calls 
    from vendors, family members, friends, and special clients who prefer to have Amanda 
    process their calls.
    In this case, the telephone switching system sends incoming calls to Amanda only when 
    the regular operator’s extension is busy or not answered.
    Configured as an off-duty attendant:  Amanda provides 24-hour access to your 
    company and its employees when an operator is unavailable.
    In this case, the telephone switching system sends all incoming calls to Amanda while the 
    office is closed.
    Configured as a voice messaging center:  Amanda takes messages and allows users to 
    send, store, and forward messages, increasing productivity and enhancing inter-office 
    In this case, the telephone switching system transfers any incoming call to Amanda if the 
    extension being called is busy or not answering.
    Configured as an information system:  Amanda provides answers to your callers’ most 
    frequently asked questions (so you can avoid costly interruptions and provide a higher 
    level of customer service 24 hours a day). Information such as your address, available 
    hours, directions to your offices, and so forth, might be better handled by Amanda. 
    Amanda’s serial ports can access databases and other information stored in other 
    computers, allowing Amanda to give callers information on account balances, train 
    schedules, and so forth.
    In this case, the telephone switching system or even an operator can send incoming calls to 
    Amanda. Then automatically, or if selected, Amanda plays out the requested information.
    Purpose of This Guide
    This guide explains how to set up [email protected]/Windows for the first time. This 
    guide covers:
     Connecting and configuring Amanda to work with your telephone switching sys-
     Configuring Amanda to provide the voice mail services that the owner selects
    Customer Service and Support
    The Amanda Company provides customer service and support Monday through Friday 
    from 8:00 
    A.M. to 8:00 P.M. Eastern Time, except holidays
    Customer Support:
    (800) 800–9822
    For sales, contact The Amanda Company at the East Coast office.
    Dealer Sales:
    Telephone: (800) 410-2745 
    							4 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Distribution Sales:
    Telephone: (800) 410-2745
    International Sales:
    Telephone: (203) 744-3600
    International Support:
    Telephone: (203) 744-0860
    We b  S i t e :
    End User Support
    End user support covers the actual usage of Amanda through the telephone, such as 
    picking up messages, sending messages, changing greetings, and using distribution lists. 
    Registered Amanda sites receive free end user support for the life of their systems. Be sure 
    to send in your registration card!
    System Administration Support
    System administration support covers the configuration of Amanda; such as setting up 
    mailboxes, programming notification, scheduling automatic changes, and creating reports. 
    Registered Amanda sites receive free system administration support for up to six months 
    after the installation. Be sure to send in your registration card!
    Installation Support
    Installation support covers the initial connection of Amanda to a telephone switching 
    system as well as solutions to problems that occur when the system is reconfigured or 
    Amanda is upgraded. 
    The Amanda Company also offers installation support to any dealer who buys a turnkey 
    Qualified Amanda marketing partners and solution providers, who are in good standing, 
    receive installation support for any system.
    Application Support
    Application support covers extended features that can be added to Amanda using 
    Amanda’s powerful Token Programming Language. The Amanda Company can write 
    custom applications for you. All Amanda Solution Providers, who are in good standing, 
    receive application support. Please contact your Amanda sales representative for more 
    							Chapter 2:
    Getting Started
    Setting Up Your Turnkey System
    This document outlines the procedures you must perform to set up your new 
    [email protected]/Windows voice server for use at a given site. While much of the 
    configuration was done for you before the turnkey system was shipped, you, the network 
    administrator, and the Amanda administrator must configure a number of site-specific 
    options after removing the voice server from its box.
    Logging On to Amanda
    Amanda runs as a service at startup. You log on so that you can run the Setup utility, etc.
    To start the computer and log on:
    1. Turn on the computer.
    The Windows NT or 2000 operating system starts. Eventually the Begin Logon dialog 
    box tells you to press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log on.
    2. Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to log on.
    The Logon Information dialog box appears.
    3. The logon name should default to Administrator. If not, type it in.
    4. Type the password, which is AMandA, spelled exactly as shown here.
    5. Click OK.
    To confirm that your server is running as a Windows NT Service:
    1. From the Start menu, select Start⇒Settings⇒Control Panel.
    2. From the Control Panel window, select Services.
    The Services dialog opens.
    3. Scroll to locate Amanda in the Service list box.
    The Status list indicates “started” and the Startup list is “Automatic.” 
    							6 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    To confirm that your server is running as a Windows 2000 Service:
    1. From the Start menu, select Start⇒Settings⇒Control Panel⇒Administrative 
    To o l s⇒Services.
    The Services window appears. It has toolbar buttons for Start and Stop that look like 
    the play and stop buttons on a tape player.
    2. Select Amanda in the Service list box.
    3. Click the Start button.
    To check Amanda’s service properties:
     Within the Service Control Panel, double-click Amanda.
    The Amanda Properties dialog box appears.
    							Chapter 2: Getting Started7
    Shutting Amanda Down
    To stop running your server as an NT Service (this shuts Amanda down):
    1. From the Control Panel, select Services.
    The Services dialog appears.
    2. Scroll and select Amanda in the Service list box.
    3. Click Stop.
    If the server fails for any reason at step 3 above, the error messages are displayed in the 
    Event Viewer application log. 
    To view the Windows NT service in the Application Log:
    1. From the Start menu, select Start⇒Programs⇒Administrative Tools 
    (Common)⇒Event Viewer.
    The Event Viewer window appears.
    2. On the Log menu, click Application.
    The Event Viewer Application Log window displays service information entries.
    3. Double-click an entry to view the Event Detail dialog.
    To stop running your server as a Windows 2000 Service (this shuts Amanda down):
    1. From the Start menu, select Start⇒Settings⇒Control Panel⇒Administrative 
    To o l s⇒Services.
    The Services dialog appears.
    2. Select Amanda in the Service list box.
    3. Click Stop.
    Using Setup to Define Codes, Integration 
    Patterns, and Other Parameters
    You must configure Amanda to work properly with your telephone switching system and 
    to let Amanda know your customer’s voice mail and other preferences. The Amanda 
    Company provides the Setup utility to make configuring Amanda easy.
    You run Setup to configure dial codes, DTMF integration patterns, and Amanda’s system 
    configuration parameters. This section explains how to navigate from one tab to another, 
    setting options correctly.
    You can use the Setup utility while the Amanda system is running, but your changes do 
    not go into effect until the next time you start Amanda. 
    							8 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    To run the Setup utility:
    1. From the Start menu, select Start⇒Programs⇒Amanda Server⇒Setup.
    The Amanda Setup dialog box opens, displaying the Global Settings parameters. 
    To define global settings:
    OTE:See “Chapter 5: Configuring Amanda” for more information.Use 
    the First Use Questionnaire to determine what configuration options 
    must be set. 
    a. Scroll the list box until you see the parameter you want to change.
    b. When you select the parameter from the list box, the lower portion of the di-
    alog box changes to a description of the parameter as help in setting it. Other 
    changes are because of the parameter’s type.
    If the parameter is a Boolean, you select a True or False option button.
    If the parameter has a few predefined values, you select from a list box of those 
    							Chapter 2: Getting Started9
    You click the triangular button to see the possible settings:
    If the parameter is a number, you usually use a spin box to select the setting.
    Clicking the upper triangular button raises the number. Clicking the lower button 
    reduces the number.
    Sometimes a number is one of a set of predefined values and appears in a list box.
    If the parameter can take any number of alphanumeric settings, you type the set-
    ting into a text box.
    If you place the mouse cursor over a box’s label, such as Value, and waiting a 
    couple of seconds, the Setup utility displays helpful information.
    You scroll the Tab bar, initialing by clicking the triangular button at the right end 
    of the Tab bar. 
    							10 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Depending what tab is selected the triangular button can appear at either or both 
    c. When you are finished, click Apply (and another tab) or OK (to exit and save 
    your changes).
    Global settings are stored in the install.cfg file.
    To define per-port settings:
    See “Per Port Settings” on page 219 for an explanation of the per-port parameters.
    a. Select the Per Port Settings tab.
    b. Select the parameter you need from the parameter list box.
    c. Select a value, often a mailbox number, for each port.
    This dialog displays the maximum number of ports that the Amanda system can 
    support. You only need to set the ports that you use.
    d. When you are finished, click Apply (and another tab) or OK (to exit).
    Per port settings are stored in the install.cfg file. 
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