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Amanda Work Group Manual

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    							Chapter 11: Programming Examples 181
    Choosing Tokens
    A number of commands from the Token Programming Language make IVR easier and 
    voice forms possible.
    To present a menu for your caller, you can use:
     The menu fields associated with the mailbox. The mailbox allows the caller to en-
    ter either a one-digit response to the menu or another mailbox. Amanda waits long 
    enough to be sure that the caller has finished. (For this method, turn Do Not Dis-
    turb ON.)
     The M() command. In this case, Amanda waits for only one digit. It is faster that 
    using menu fields, but it does not allow the caller to enter a mailbox with more 
    than one digit. (For this method, turn Do Not Disturb OFF.)
    To convert the DTMF (or touch) tones entered by the caller into a number, use:
     The R() command, which stores a number in a variable.
    To play a greeting or play back the number stored by the R() command, use:
     The P() command. This command has many variations. See the “Token Refer-
    ence” on page 128 for details.
    To play up to 20 questions (from greetings) and store the answers as a single message, use:
     The Q() command, which also allows the caller to edit the responses. 
    Using Tokens
    This example describes parts of an application that records consumer reactions to sample 
    products. For example, hair stylists may be mailed information about a line of new hair 
    care products.
    If interested, a stylist can call an 800 number to request a sample of one of them. The 
    sample is mailed along with product literature and a test ID that uniquely identifies the 
    stylist with the product. 
    After using the product, the stylist calls again to answer a series of questions. For services 
    rendered, the stylist is mailed a small fee or a free case of the product.
    Later, the survey company analyzes the data and reports back to the manufacturer. The 
    application has two parts: 
     Gathering information about a potential tester, such as name, address, telephone 
    number, and the product to be sent 
     Quizzing the testers about the product
    The tester information part (explained in “Gathering Testing Information” on page 182) 
     Menus using the M() command and 0 to reach a live attendant at any time.
     The P() command to play a general greeting.
     The R() command to request a telephone number, convert the DTMF tones en-
    tered by the stylist, and store the telephone number in a variable.
     The |() command (that’s the pipe command or vertical bar command) to add data 
    about the stylist to a database file.
     A series of greetings that ask for the parts of an address. The Q() command plays 
    the greetings and allows the stylist to edit the responses before they are saved as a 
    							182 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    The quiz part (not explained) uses:
     Menus using the M() command, using 0 to reach a live attendant at any time.
     The R() command to request the test ID, convert the DTMF tones entered by the 
    stylist, and store the ID in a variable.
     The N() command to look up the test ID in a database file. The database deter-
    mines what set of questions to ask the stylist. It also contains a field indicating how 
    many calls have come in using this test ID. Only one call should come in for each 
    ID. If a stylist never calls in, an employee can call that person. If a stylist calls 
    more than once (hoping for extra free cases of the product or whatever), an em-
    ployee talks to the stylist personally, assuming some error has occurred.
     The Q() command to play a series of questions (greetings), allows the stylist to 
    edit the responses, and stores the set of responses as a message. 
    Gathering Testing Information
    Mailbox 880 handles all calls coming in on the 800 number and immediately passes the 
    call to the caller instructions mailbox 881 (via the Done Chain). 
    Mailbox 881 has:
    Extension Field:@M(G1,2,30)G(0)
    Amanda plays the menu in Greeting 1. If there is no response from 
    the caller, Amanda plays Greeting 1 again after a three-second 
    pause. If there is still no response, Amanda executes the next token 
    in the Extension field (which goes to the operator).
    DND: OFF
    Store Messages: NO
    Greeting 1: To become one of our testers, press 1. If you are already one of our 
    testers and you want to answer a product questionnaire, press 2….
    Menu 1: 1000
    Menu 2:  2000
    Menu 0:  0
    Mailbox 1000 has:
    Extension Field:@P(G1)Q(G2,G3,G4,G5,G6,G7,
    Amanda plays Greeting 1 from mailbox 1000 to welcome the tester 
    and to give an overview of the process. 
    Then Amanda asks for the stylist’s mailing address using a series of 
    greetings and recording the answers as one message.
    Next Amanda asks for a telephone number and stores it as a variable 
    (It would be a good idea to play this number back to the stylist and 
    allow reentry, but this example does not do that. See how this is done 
    in “Two-call Faxback” on page 175.)
    Finally, the call is transferred to mailbox 1001.
    DND: OFF
    Store Messages: YES
    Greeting 1: Welcome to…. 
    Greeting 2: Please say your last name now.
    Greeting 3: Please say your first name and middle initial now.
    Greeting 4: Please say the name of your business now.
    Greeting 5: Please say your street address now. 
    							Chapter 11: Programming Examples 183
    Greeting 6: Please say your zip code now.
    Greeting 7: Please say the name of your city now.
    Greeting 1 of mailbox 1001: Please say the name of your state now.
    Greeting 2 of mailbox 1001: Please use your telephone keypad to enter a daytime 
    telephone number where we can reach you if neces-
    sary. Please start now.
    Mailbox 1001 has:
    Extension Field:@=(%S2,%M(1000))M(G3,2,30)G(0)
    %M[1000] is the number of messages stored in mailbox 1000. 
    Amanda stores this number in a variable (%S2). This message num-
    ber becomes associated with the stylist for the duration of the sur-
    Then Amanda plays the menu in Greeting 3. If there is no response 
    from the caller, Amanda plays Greeting 3 again after a three-second 
    pause. If there is still no response, Amanda executes the next token 
    in the Extension field (which goes to the operator).
    OTE:Using the message number to uniquely identify the tester works 
    only because no messages will be deleted from mailbox 1000 
    until after the survey. If you will have more messages than disk 
    space, keep a number in another file. Read the number using the 
    [() command, increment it by one with the +() command, and 
    write the new number (for the next tester) back to the file using 
    the ]() command.
    DND: OFF
    Store Messages: NO
    Greeting 3: Please select one of the following products….
    Menu 1: 1002
    Menu 2:  1003
    … other menu options …
    Menu 0:  0 
    Mailboxes 1002, 1003, … have:
    Extension Field:@=(%S3,%S2)+(10000,%S3) 
    Next Amanda makes a copy (%S3) of the message number (which 
    identifies the stylist) and adds 10000 (or some other product differ-
    entiating number) to it. This becomes the test ID.
    Then Amanda appends the stylist’s telephone number (%S1), mes-
    sage number (%S2), and product number (%S3) to a database file 
    Finally, Amanda plays Greeting 1 from the current mailbox and 
    hangs up. (It would be a good idea to have the user verify that the 
    stylist did indeed want this product or return to mailbox 1001, but 
    this example does not do that. You would play a greeting naming the 
    product and ask the stylist to confirm, similar to reconfirming the 
    telephone number in Example 4.)
    DND: OFF
    Store Messages: NO
    Greeting 3: Thank you for agreeing to test product such-and-such. You will be 
    receiving…within 10 days. Please try the product and call this sys-
    tem again to answer a few questions about it…. 
    							Chapter 12:
    Installing the Clients
    Introducing the Clients
    Amanda’s Windows 3.11 client applications also run on Windows 9x, Windows NT, and 
    Windows 2000. 
    Amanda Administrator Windows 3.11. Allows the Amanda system administrator 
    to set up mailboxes and perform other system functions. 
    Amanda Monitor Windows 3.11. Allows the Amanda system administrator 
    to monitor the Amanda system.
    Installing the Administrative Clients
    Now that the Amanda is up and running properly, you may install Amanda clients on user 
    workstations. For information about installing the other clients, see Using 
    [email protected]/Windows Workstation Features.
    To install the administrative clients:
    1. When Amanda Voice Server was installed, the installation program was placed in a 
    shared folder on the server. From the [email protected]/Windows server, run 
    The Welcome dialog appears.
    2. Click Next>.
    The Select Client Folder dialog box appears.
    3. Use the default path (C:\AMACLNTS) or type (or browse for) another path in the 
    Folder text box.
    4. Click Next>. 
    							186 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    The Select Type of Installation dialog box appears.
    5. Select either the Full Install/Re-Install or the Upgrade option button the click Next>.
    The Select Client Applications dialog box appears.
    6. Only for Amanda system administrators’ workstations: Select the Administrative Cli-
    ents check box to install Amanda Administrator and Amanda Monitor.
    7. Click Next>.
    The Select Program Group dialog box appears.
    8. Use the default group (Amanda) or type a new group name in the text box. 
    							Chapter 12: Installing the Clients 187
    9. Click Finish.
    The Finish the Installation dialog box appears.
    10. Click OK.
    Adding Client Connections
    Now that users have the [email protected]/Windows clients, you must add the 
    appropriate number of Client Connections to the Amanda Voice Server. Ten client 
    connections come with Amanda Voice Server. With ten client connections, ten users can 
    log on to the Amanda server at a time. 
    Adding client connections requires a Client Connection Bank (CCB) with at least as many 
    connections as you wish to install at this site. This CCB is an Aladdin Hardlock.
    To add client connections:
    1. Stop the Amanda Service.
    2. Install the CCB driver from the Amanda CD (Hldrv32.exe). 
    3. Click Start⇒Programs⇒Amanda Server⇒Client Activation. 
     If your CCB is connected to LPT1 and the hardlock drivers were installed, the Client 
    Activation window appears. 
    To Printer Port CCB
    Voice Board
    VGA CardCOM1
    							188 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    The window will show you the number of clients currently activated (this will not 
    include the ten clients that come with the system) as well as the number of clients on 
    the CCB available for activation. 
    4. Enter the number of client connections you wish to activate from the CCB in the 
    Number Of Clients To Activate text box. 
    5. Click OK to finish. 
    6. Restart the Amanda Service. 
    The Amanda voice server’s install.cfg configuration file is updated so that the new 
    number of client connections is available when you restart Amanda.
    This affects the value of the n_clients and client_activation_key configuration 
    Reviewing Client Connections
    Each time a user logs onto Amanda Messenger or Amanda Dialer, or the system 
    administrator logs onto Amanda Administrator or Monitor, he acquires a client 
    connection. When he logs off, the client connection is returned to the pool and is available 
    for the next person who logs on. As more users log into Amanda, some users may not be 
    able to log on because all client connections are in use. 
    To display the maximum number of clients Amanda is configured for:
    1. From the Start menu, select Start⇒Programs⇒Amanda Server⇒Setup.
    The Amanda Setup dialog box opens, displaying the Global Settings parameters.
    2. Scroll the list box until you see the n_clients parameter.
    The value for n_clients is the maximum number of clients the Amanda server cur-
    rently accepts. Do not edit this value.
    OTE:The value for n_clients does not include the ten client connections which 
    come with the system. It indicates the number of clients that have been 
    activated. The actual number of users who can connect to the Amanda 
    server via client programs is the value of n_clients plus ten. Do not edit 
    this value. 
    							Chapter 13:
    Configuration Reference
    This chapter divides the configuration parameters into the groups in which they appear in 
    the Setup utility. Then it explains each parameter. Within each group, the Parameters 
    appear in alphabetical order.
    Global Settings
    abbreviate_datesControls how Amanda says the date for a message dated today or yesterday.
    True or False. The default is True.
    When True, Amanda says “today” or “yesterday” instead of the actual date, for example, 
    “November 27
    th, 1996.”
    When False, Amanda says only the actual date, such as “November 27
    th, 1996.”
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set abbreviate_dates true
    abbreviate_greetingAllows you to shorten the system greeting.
    True or False. The default is False.
    When True, Amanda says, “Please leave a message at the tone.” This is the shortened 
    version of the system greeting.
    When False, Amanda says, “Please leave a message for” followed by the name and ex-
    tension recording. This is the usual default version of the system greeting.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set abbreviate_greeting false
    activation_keyA number you receive from an Amanda Company sales representative to activate your 
    system. You must set this parameter if one or more of your voice boards were not pur-
    chased from The Amanda Company. 
    If you change or add a board later, you need another activation key because the key is 
    based on the serial numbers for all of the boards and the total number of ports.
    The default is 0, which means there is no activation key.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set activation_key 0 
    							190 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    active_holdWhen the extension is busy, the caller can hold for the called party—actively or inactive-
    True or False. The default is True.
    When True, Amanda is set up for active hold. The caller must continually indicate that 
    he wants to remain on hold. Failure to continue to press * when prompted indicates that 
    the caller is no longer interested in holding. If he doesn’t enter another extension, he is 
    asked for a message. Active hold is best for 800 numbers, support lines, or when Aman-
    da is used as an Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) device. It prevents a caller from 
    pressing * to go on hold and staying on hold indefinitely without further interaction. The 
    caller presses * to go on hold and must press * periodically to stay on hold.
    When False, Amanda is set up for inactive hold. The caller indicates that he wants to be 
    on hold only once. If the caller does nothing, Amanda retries the extension until it is no 
    longer busy. The caller can also enter another extension or press * to leave a message. 
    In this case, the user uses * to go on hold and * to leave a message.
    See also auto_queue.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set active_hold true
    adpcm_hqSets the sampling rate for outgoing greetings. The higher the sampling rate, the better the 
    sound quality, but also the more disk space used. 
    24, 32, or 64. The default (and recommended value) is 64.
    OTE:If you change this on an active system, all previously recorded outgoing greet-
    ings need to be re-recorded.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set adpcm_hq 64
    adpcm_nqSets the sampling rate for incoming messages. The higher the sampling rate, the better 
    the sound quality, but also the more disk space used. 
    24, 32, or 64. The default (and recommended value) is 32.
    OTE:  If you change this on an active system, you should have users delete all their 
    messages first.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set adpcm_nq 32
    adpcm_pqSets the sampling rate for the system prompt file. This is set to the sampling rate at which 
    the system prompt file was recorded.
    24, 32, or 64. Correctly set by default.
    OTE:Do not change this unless you have installed the appropriate system prompt file.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set adpcm_pq 
    where x is the correct setting for your prompt files.
    Global Settings (Continued)
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