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    							Appendix D:
    Installing RDSP/RTNI Boards
    Installation Checklist
    The RDSP/RTNI two-board combination puts all the Digital Signal Processors (DSPs, 
    specialized CPUs) on one board and provides either an analog or digital telephony 
    interface with the other.
    You must jumper and install one RDSP/xx000 (that is RDSP/4000, RDSP/8000, RDSP/
    12000, RDSP/16000, RDSP/24000) and one of the following boards:
     The Brooktrout RTNI-xATI board that provides an analog telephony interface 
     The Brooktrout RTNI-2T1 board that provides a digital telephony interface
    You must connect the interface board to the RDSP/x000 board using the MVIP bus cable, 
    which will transfer voice data between the two boards. The connector cable for this is 
    supplied with the board set. Since the RDSP/x000 board does not provide its own clock, it 
    also receives timing information from the bus.
    In addition, you must connect the RTNI board to the telephone network.
    Follow this checklist or use it to verify that you have completed all the necessary steps for 
    connecting Amanda to the telephone switching system. 
    Be sure to…
    1. Configure an RDSP/x000 board:
    a. Configure MVIP Streams
    b. Configure the MVIP Termination
    c. Configure the Base I/O Port
    2. Configure an RTNI-xATI board:
    a. Configure the MVIP Termination
    b. Configure the Base I/O Port
    c. Configure the Line Interface
    3. Configure an RTNI-2T1 board:
    a. Configure the Base I/O Port
    b. Configure the IRQ Jumpers
    c. Configure the Line Interface
    4. Install the boards
    5. Install the MVIP cable 
    							242 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    6. Install Amanda software without errors
    7. Connect the line cords from the voice boards to the telephone switching system
    8. Test each voice board port for answering
    9. Run Setup to define dial codes
    10. Program the telephone switching system for voice mail integration
    11. Run Setup to obtain tone patterns
    12. Run Setup to define telephone switching system integration patterns
    13. Run Setup to define Amanda system configuration options
    Before installing the RDSP/x000 board, verify that the host system meets each of the 
    following requirements:
     Bus speed is 8 MHz with 0 wait states or 10 MHz with 1 wait state
     Can provide +5v 3.0 A power to the RDSP/x000 board
    These requirements are in addition to those for the system.
    ShowJump Utility
    Brooktrout provides the ShowJump utility which shows how to configure the jumpers on 
    various types of Brooktrout boards. On Amanda, this utility is stored in the directory 
    where you installed the Brooktrout driver.
    With ShowJump, you do not need to read all the configuration information in this chapter.
    To use ShowJump:
    1. Select Start⇒Programs⇒Brooktrout⇒ShowJump.
    2. Check the jumpering for the correct voice board.
    3. Click Exit to exit.
    Configuring an RDSP/x000 Voice Board
    The following figure shows the locations of the jumper blocks and connectors on the 
    RDSP/x000 board. The tables below it describe those jumper blocks and connectors and 
    show how to jumper the RDSP/x000 board for use with Amanda.
    Later sections of this chapter offer more detailed explanations about how to jumper this 
    							Appendix D: Installing RDSP/RTNI Boards 243
    The RDSP/x000 Board
    Jumper Block and Connector Information
    Closed means that two pins are covered/connected by the shorting jumper, and Open 
    means that the two pins are not covered/connected by the shorting jumper. In the diagrams 
    in this chapter, the blacked out pin positions represent closed positions.
    IP:Installers often place shorting jumpers over only one pin when the posi-
    tion is Open. This does not connect the pins, but it does prevent losing 
    Table 1: Jumper Positions for Use with Amanda
    LabelTy p eDescrip-
    block DSi MVIP 
    block DSo MVIP 
    block Base I/O 
    block MVIP ter-
    torMVIP bus
    							244 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Understanding MVIP Streams
    MVIP is a standard protocol for connecting PC resources. The MVIP bus provides both 
    physical and logical half-duplex internal connections for up to 512 resources.
    The MVIP bus is segmented into 8 bidirectional serial data streams, each composed of a 
    pair of unidirectional streams. Each unidirectional stream can carry 2.048 megabits of data 
    per second, partitioned by Time Division Multiplexing into 32 64-kilobits-per-second 
    (Kb/sec.) time slots. A single MVIP time slot has sufficient bandwidth to do either of the 
     Carry PCM voice data
     Be a 64 Kb/sec. pipe for data communications
    Numbering schemes for both streams and time slots start with 0. An MVIP board is 
    configured to use one of the eight streams on the bus. The port associated with each time 
    slot is made up of two half-duplex connections. During configuration, each resource on 
    the board is mapped to a discrete time slot of the stream.
    For example, the stream on an RDSP/24000 board automatically maps time slots 1, 9, 17, 
    and 25 to RDSP resources to 1, 2, 3, and 4, respectively. The port associated with Time 
    Slot 4 has two halves: the input designated DSi4, and the output DSo4. The network 
    interface board is the point of reference for input and output.
    Configuring MVIP Streams
    Each RDSP/x000 board uses two MVIP streams: one for receiving and one for 
    transmitting. The RDSP/x000 board can receive on one of the DSi streams (DSi0 through 
    DSi7) and can transmit on one of the DSo streams (DSo0 through DSo7). Each RDSP/
    x000 board is factory-configured to use streams DSi6 and DSo6. The Amanda Company 
    recommends that you change these settings.
    The DSi stream jumper block consists of a pin position for each DSi stream. If you look at 
    the board with the bracket on your right, the leftmost pin position corresponds to DSi0, the 
    next pin position corresponds to DSi1, and so on. The rightmost pin position corresponds 
    to DSi7. 
    The DSo stream jumper block has the same construction as the DSi stream jumper block 
    with the leftmost pin position corresponding to DSo0 and the rightmost pin position 
    corresponding to DSo7.
    To configure the DSi and DSo streams:
    1. Find the jumper block for the DSi and DSo streams on the board.
    The jumper block for the DSi MVIP stream is labeled W1. It is below the MVIP con-
    nector if the bracket is to your right.
    							Appendix D: Installing RDSP/RTNI Boards 245
    The jumper block for the DSo MVIP stream is labeled W2. It is below the MVIP con-
    nector and the W1 block if the bracket is to your right.
    2. The settings should be as shown below:
    3. Only the first pin position should be closed with a shorting jumper. 
    AUTION:Do not add or remove shorting jumpers while power is applied 
    to the board.
    Configuring the MVIP Termination
    Each RDSP/x000 can terminate the C2 MVIP and C4 MVIP bus signals. In a series of 
    boards that are on an MVIP bus, the boards at both ends must terminate C2 and C4 while 
    the other boards must not terminate the signals. For example, the following figure shows 
    three boards on an MVIP bus. The left and right boards must terminate the MVIP bus 
    signals while the middle board must not. Each RDSP/x000 is configured at the factory to 
    terminate both C2 and C4.
    The MVIP termination block consists of two pin positions, one for the C2 and one for the 
    C4. If you look at the board with the bracket on your right, the pin position on the left 
    corresponds to C4 and the pin position on the right corresponds to C2. The Amanda 
    Company assumes that you are installing only one RDSP/x000 board and, therefore, that it 
    should terminate both signals.
    To terminate both MVIP bus signals:
    1. Find the MVIP termination block on the board.
    It is labeled W4 and is below the MVIP connector at the right of the W1 block if the 
    bracket is to your right.
    							246 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    2. For use with Amanda, close both signals’ pin positions using shorting jumpers (as 
    shown below).
    AUTION:Do not add or remove shorting jumpers while power is applied 
    to the board.
    Configuring the Base I/O Port
    Each RDSP/x000 uses 47 I/O ports in addition to its base I/O port. Seven of these 
    additional I/O ports are contiguous to the base I/O port. For example, if the RDSP/x000’s 
    base I/O port is 300H, then the seven contiguous I/O ports are 301H, 302H, 303H, 304H, 
    305H, 306H and 307H. The RDSP/x000 also uses five additional I/O ports offset from the 
    base I/O port and each of its seven contiguous I/O ports:
     I/O port plus 400H
     I/O port plus 800H
     I/O port plus C00H
     I/O port plus 1000H
     I/O port plus FC00H
    Each RDSP/x000 board is factory-configured to use base I/O port 300H. If you are 
    installing more than one RDSP/x000 board, you need to change the base I/O ports so that 
    each board has a unique base I/O port. If you are installing only one RDSP/x000 board, 
    you need to change its base I/O port only if there is an I/O port conflict with another 
    Each RDSP/x000 must use a base I/O port in the range 0000H through 3FFH. The 
    Amanda Company assumes that you are installing only one RDSP board and recommends 
    that you use base I/O port 300H.
    To configure the base I/O port:
    1. Find the jumper block for the base I/O port. 
    It is labeled W3 and is below the W2 block if the bracket is to your right.
    2. Set W3 for use with Amanda as shown below. 
    Close the five positions on the left using shorting jumpers and open the two positions 
    on the right.
    							Appendix D: Installing RDSP/RTNI Boards 247
    CAUTION:Do not add or remove shorting jumpers while power is applied 
    to the board.
    Configuring an RTNI-xATI Voice Board
    An RTNI-xATI board’s main function is connecting any line resource with any other line 
    or MVIP resource. This is commonly called switching. Your RTNI-xATI board provides 
    Analog-to-MVIP switching. The line resource for your ATI board is analog, but only 
    digital PCM signals can be switched, so the board must convert the incoming analog 
    signal to PCM prior to switching. This conversion is made by the board’s loop start 
    module which links the MVIP bus and a trunk line. Amanda uses only the linking function 
    and not the switching function of MVIP.
    The following figure shows the locations of the jumper blocks and connectors on the 
    RTNI-xATI board. The tables below it describe those jumper blocks and connectors. They 
    also show how to jumper the RTNI-xATI board for use with Amanda.
    HexJumper positions
    							248 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Closed means that two pins are covered/connected by the shorting jumper, and Open 
    means that the two pins are not covered/connected by the shorting jumper. 
    Configuring the MVIP Termination
    The MVIP termination block consists of two pin positions, one for the C2 and one for the 
    C4. The top pin position (labeled W1) corresponds to C4 and the next pin position (labeled 
    W2) corresponds to C2. 
    You should close both pin positions. The Amanda Company assumes that you are 
    installing only one RTNI-xATI board along with an RDSP/x000 board. In this case, this 
    board should terminate both signals.
    To terminate both MVIP bus signals:
    1. Find the MVIP termination block on the board.
    One pin position is labeled W1 and the other is labeled W2. They are located just 
    below the J1 connector with the bracket on your right.
    JumpersEJ10Jumper blockBase I/O AddressOpen
    W1Jumper blockMVIP TerminationClosed
    W2Jumper blockMVIP TerminationClosed
    ConnectorsJ1ConnectorMVIP bus
    J4ConnectorTelephony Cable
    							Appendix D: Installing RDSP/RTNI Boards 249
    2. For use with Amanda, close both signals’ pin positions using shorting jumpers (as 
    shown below).
    AUTION:Do not add or remove shorting jumpers while power is applied 
    to the board.
    Configuring the Base I/O Port
    Each voice board must have a unique base I/O port. Each RTNI-xATI board is factory-
    configured to use base I/O port 308H. It uses the base I/O port and three others, calculated 
    as offsets of the base I/O port. These I/O ports are:
     Base I/O port
     Base I/O port plus 400H
     Base I/O port plus 800H
     Base I/O port plus C00H
    For example, if the RTNI-xATI board’s base I/O port is 308H, then the ATI board uses the 
    following I/O ports:
    If you are installing only one RTNI-xATI board, you must change its base I/O port only if 
    another device in the computer has the same I/O port. The Amanda Company 
    recommends that you use 308H.
    To set the base I/O port:
    1. Locate the base I/O port jumper block. 
    It is labeled EJ10.
    2. For use with Amanda, set the jumpers as shown below.
    							250 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    CAUTION:Do not add or remove shorting jumpers while power is applied 
    to the board.
    Configuring the Line Interface
    The line interface configuration of your RTNI-xATI board determines which CO 
    provisions it requires. You must match the line connection to your line interface module 
    configuration as follows:
    Interface Type: 2-Wire Loop Start
    USOC Jack Connectory: RJ21X
    REN/Service Code: X.XB
    Facility Interface Code: 02LS2
    The Loop Start module links your MVIP bus and a telephone line from your CO or PBX. 
    For a loop start, you alert your CO to an outbound call by connecting the tip to the ring, 
    thereby closing the loop and allowing current to flow.
    Physical Connections
    After you have installed the board (as explained in “Installing the Boards” on page 251), 
    use the cable supplied with the RTNI-xATI board to connect the Amanda system to the 
    telephone network. Connect the 62-pin connector to the RTNI-xATI board and the 
    Amphenol 50-pin connector to a 66 Block.
    Pinout Table for Amphenol 50-pin Connector
    PinDescription-Color codePinDescription-Color code
    26T1: Channel 1 Tip-white/blue13R13: Channel 13 Ring-green/black
    1R1: Channel 1 Ring-blue/white39T14: Channel 14 Tip-black/brown
    27T2: Channel 2 Tip-white/orange14R14: Channel 14 Ring-brown/black
    2R2: Channel 2 Ring-orange/white40T15: Channel 15 Tip-black/gray
    28T3: Channel 3 Tip-white/green15R15: Channel 15 Ring-gray/black
    3R3: Channel 3 Ring-green/white41T16: Channel 16 Tip-blue/yellow
    29T4: Channel 4 Tip-white/brown16R16: Channel 16 Ring-yellow/blue
    4R4: Channel 4 Ring-brown/white42T17: Channel 17 Tip-yellow/orange
    30T5: Channel 5 Tip-white/gray17R17: Channel 17 Ring-orange/yellow
    5R5: Channel 5 Ring-gray/white43T18: Channel 18 Tip-yellow/green
    31T6: Channel 6 Tip-red/blue18R18: Channel 18 Ring-green/yellow
    6R6: Channel 6 Ring-blue/red44T19: Channel 19 Tip-yellow/brown
    32T7: Channel 7 Tip-red/orange19R19: Channel 19 Ring-brown/yellow 
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