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    							Chapter 13: Configuration Reference 221
    Serial Port Settings
    Baud RateThe bps (bits per second) for the logical serial port with the same number. For example, 
    baud1 gives the bps for serial_port1. (Serial_port1 can be mapped to any COM port.)
    Possible values:  Any valid bps rate. The default is 19200. 
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set baudn 19200
    where n is the logical serial port 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    COM PortTo communicate with peripheral devices connected to COM/RS232 ports, Amanda 
    needs to know which ports are connected. 
    This parameter matches the serial ports as Amanda knows them (called the logical serial 
    ports) to the actual COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4 ports on the computer (called the 
    physical serial ports). 
    Possible values are 0 through 4. The default is 0, which means that the port is not con-
    Only after this matching can Amanda communicate with devices, such as SMDI inter-
    faces, connected to her COM ports. For example, serial_port1 2 matches serial_ 
    port1 (Amanda’s first logical serial port) to the physical COM port 2 of the PC. Howev-
    er, it is less confusing to use serial_port1 1, matching logical and physical ports 
    with the same number.
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set serial_portn 0
    where n is the logical serial port 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    Data BitsThe number of data bits for the logical serial port with the same number. For example, 
    databits1 gives the number of data bits for the COM port defined as serial_port1. 
    (Serial_port1 can be mapped to any COM port.)
    Possible values are 7 or 8. The default is 8.
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set databitsn 8
    where n is the logical serial port 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    ParityThe parity for the logical serial port with the same number. For example, parity1 gives 
    the parity for serial_port1. (Serial_port1 can be mapped to any COM port.)
    Possible values are none, even, odd, mark, or space. The default is none.
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set parity
    n none
    where n is the logical serial port 1, 2, 3, or 4.
    Stop BitsThe number of stop bits for the logical serial port with the same number. For example, 
    stopbits1 gives the number of stop bits for serial_port1. (Serial_port1 can be mapped to 
    any COM port.)
    Possible values are 1 and 2. The default is 1.
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set stopbitsn 1
    where n is the logical serial port 1, 2, 3, or 4. 
    							222 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    SMDI Settings
    Base PortUse this Parameter to identify Amanda’s first voice mail port. The first voice mail port 
    is identified as logical port 1, with every successive port having a sequential logical port 
    These numbers must be consecutive. The number for the second port must be one more 
    than the number for the first port, and so on.
    The default number is 1. The range is 0 to 32000.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_base_port 1
    DelayThe time that Amanda waits after the phone rings and is answered, before looking at the 
    integration information (if any). 
    Use a number of tenths of seconds or 0. The default is 0. The range is 0-255. This pa-
    rameter does not apply to inband integration.
    When non-zero, Amanda waits the specified time. This allows more than one string to 
    be sent to a given port per telephone call. The number should allow enough time for all 
    the strings to arrive, forcing Amanda to use only the last (most recent) one. (The integra-
    tion time specified in the 1001.PBX configuration file can be zero or near zero, because 
    Amanda has already waited for smdi_delay time to pass.)
    For example, if smdi_delay is set to 30 (3 seconds), it is OK to use a pattern such as in-
    tegration 1 ..., which designates a 0.1-second integration timeout because Amanda 
    waits 3 seconds for the last packet to be received. 
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_delay 0
    MaxThe maximum number of characters expected in a generic SMDI packet.
    The default is 143. The range is from 1 to 143. Use this when smdi_type is generic.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_max 143
    PretimeoutThe maximum number of seconds that an SMDI packet can precede the forwarded call.
    The default is 50. The range is from 1 to 99. Use this when the smdi_type is smdi, nec-
    mci, md100, or generic.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_pretimeout 50
    PortThe logical serial port (represented by serial_portn) to use for SMDI integration. The 
    port should already have been configured as a serial port using the serial port parameters.
    The range is 0 to 4. The default is 0 (no serial port used). 
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_port 0 
    							Chapter 13: Configuration Reference 223
    StartUse this parameter when smdi_type is necmci, generic, or md110.
    When the smdi_type is necmci or generic, the position in the integration packet sent 
    by the telephone switching system where the field containing the port number begins. 
    The first position in the packet is number 1.
    When the smdi_type is md110, this is the number of digits in the extension plan. Nor-
    mally, this is the same as the value of Longest Local Extension.
    The default is 8. The range is 0-65535.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_start 8
    StopUse this parameter when smdi_type is necmci, generic, or md110.
    When the smdi_type is necmci or generic, the position in the integration packet sent 
    by the telephone switching system where the field containing the port number ends. The 
    first position in the packet is number 1.
    When the smdi_type is md110, this is the number of digits in the port number informa-
    tion sent by the telephone switching system. This is usually 2.
    The default is 11. The range is 0-65535.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_stop 11
    Termination StringUsed only when smdi_type is generic. The terminating characters (if any) which define 
    the end of a generic SMDI packet. You can include the following escape sequences (sim-
    ilar to those used in strings within tokens)
     newline (carriage return followed by a linefeed)
     carriage return
    \j linefeed
    \a attention
    \d end of transmission
    \\ backslash
    \digitsThe digits must represent the octal number for any character in the 
    range 0 to 377 (That is 0 to 255 decimal). For example, to include the ASCII character 
    A (which is 101 in octal), you use \101.
    When this parameter is not set, packets end only when smdi_max characters have been 
    TypeIndicates which SMDI integration protocol Amanda is to use.
    For Bellcore Standard, use smdi. 
    For AT&T System 75 or Definity-G3, use s75. 
    For NEC 2000 Message Center Interface use necmci. 
    For Ericsson MD-110, use md110.
    For the generic driver, use generic.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set smdi_type smdi
    SMDI Settings (Continued) 
    							224 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Fax Settings
    Dial Out DialstringWhen a user is listening to messages over the telephone and discovers that he has a fax 
    message, he dials 72 to send the message to a fax machine followed by the telephone 
    number for the fax machine. Amanda dials this parameter before the system dials the fax 
    machines number. Usually, it is the dial code for accessing an outside line. The default 
    is 9,. Use a maximum of 20 characters.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_dl_init 9,
    Direct Connect 
    CommandThe string to send (after AT) to the fax modem to make it connect to a ringing tele-
    phone, play the CNG tone, and send the fax. Use a maximum of 20 characters. This pa-
    rameter defaults to H1O0 which some Zoom modems require.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    OTE:The value of H1O0 contains four distinct characters:  alphabetic H, numeric 
    one, alphabetic O, and numeric zero.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_direct_connect H1O0
    Fax n ExtensionUse these parameters to define extension numbers used by the telephone switching sys-
    tem for fax modems or BrookTrout TruFax/200 boards. 
    You can have up to four max modems connected to Amanda serial ports and to telephone 
    switching system extension numbers. Each of these parameters provides the extension 
    number to which a fax modem is connected. For example, if the first fax modem is con-
    nected to extension 101, set fax1 to 101.
    If you are using Brooktrout TruFax/200 boards, these parameters specify the extension 
    numbers that the telephone switching system uses for first four fax ports (the fax ports 
    on the first twoTruFax cards).  If there are more than four TruFax ports, then their exten-
    sions must be consecutive and are determined from Fax 4 Extension. For example, the 
    5th fax port is assumed to be the next extension; the 6th the one after that, etc.
    By default, no extension is set for a fax modem. Use a maximum of 7 digits.
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set faxn 
    where n is logical serial port 1, 2, 3, or 4. See serial_portn.
    Fax IDIdentifies your fax modem or Brooktrout TruFax/200 board. Use the company name or 
    the telephone number of your fax machine. Use a maximum of 20 characters.
    By default, no identification is provided. When two faxes connect, they exchange and 
    then display each other’s identifying strings.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_id 
    fax_monitorNotifies the sending mailbox about fax transmission. See the Global Settings table for 
    details about this parameter.
    This parameter applies to both fax modems and the Brooktrout TruFax/200 board. 
    							Chapter 13: Configuration Reference 225
    Flow ID PaddingControls whether 1111 is added to the front of the fax_id. Many older fax modems need 
    some extra characters as padding. Otherwise, part of the identifying string is cut off.
    True or False. The default is True, but if 1111 appears on the receiving fax machine, 
    change this parameter to False (so no padding characters are added).
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_id_pad true
    Flow Control CommandDefines the Class 2 command to set the type of flow control for the fax modem. The de-
    fault is &K3. Use a maximum of 20 characters. 
    For Use
    Rockwell-based fax modems&K3
    Aceex modems\Q3 X3 &K3
    Practical Peripherals modemsX3 &K3
    Zoom modems&K3
    Smart One 1442 modems&K4
    Boca modem M144EW&K3
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_flow_control &K3
    Flow Initialization 
    CommandString sent to initialize a fax modem (give it a known starting state). The default is 
    &F0E0. Use a maximum of 20 characters.
    Some modems require &F rather than &F0. The E0 insures that the modem is in 
    non-echo mode, because the command that puts the modem into Class 2 or Class 2.0 
    mode expects the fax modem to be in non-echo mode first. 
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_init &F0E0
    Log FilenameUse this parameter to log data about files (not messages) that are faxed. Amanda creates 
    a log file in the C:\AMANDA directory and logs: 
    The names of the files that were faxed
    The telephone numbers to which the files were sent
    Whether the fax finished successfully
    The time of each log entry
    By default, no filename is used and no log is written. Use a maximum of 20 characters.
    This parameter applies to both fax modems and the Brooktrout TruFax/200 board.
    The Amanda Company recommends using FAX.LOG.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_log 
    Fax Settings (Continued)
    							226 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Longest Local 
    ExtensionThe maximum number of digits that can be considered an extension number. 
    The default number is 6. The range is 1 to 6.
    Users (at the message menu) can send fax messages they have received to a fax machine 
    by entering 72 then a fax machine’s telephone number. Amanda applies fax_dl_init (usu-
    ally 9 for an outside line) if the telephone number entered by the user has more digits 
    than max_local_extension.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set max_local_extension 6
    Maximum RetriesDefines the maximum number of times, after the first, to retry sending a fax file if it is 
    unsuccessful. This is used only when sending the fax in two-call mode (where the caller 
    enters a fax telephone number and the fax modem sends the file to that number).
    This parameter applies to both fax modems and the Brooktrout TruFax/200 board.
    The range is 0 to 9. The default is 1.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_max_retries 1
    Send SpeedThe maximum speed that Amanda uses to send faxes. 
    The value can be 0, 1, 3. Use 0 for 2400, 1 for 4800, and 3 for 9600 bps. Normally 
    a value of 3 works for 486 CPUs at 25MHz or higher (and is the default), but it depends 
    on your computer.
    If you experience data loss on your faxes, lower this setting.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_send_speed 3
    Receive SpeedThe maximum speed for receiving faxes. 
    The value can be 0, 1, 3. Use 0 for 2400 bps, 1 for 4800 bps, and 3 for 9600 bps.
    Normally a value of 3 works for 486 CPUs at 25MHz or higher (and is the default). If 
    you experience data loss on your faxes, lower this setting.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_receive_speed 3
    Requeue IntervalDefines the number of minutes to wait between retries.
    The range is 1 to 99. The default is 5.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    See also Maximum Retries.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_requeue_interval 5
    Reset CommandDefines the reset command to send to your fax modem when DTR (Data Terminal 
    Ready) is dropped. For most Rockwell-based fax modems, it should be &D3, which is 
    the default.
    Possible values: See your fax modem manual. Use a maximum of 20 characters.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_reset &D3
    Fax Settings (Continued)
    							Chapter 13: Configuration Reference 227
    Reverse Received DataTrue or False. Depends solely on the fax modem you are using. For most Rockwell-
    chipset-based Class 2 modems, this parameter should be True. For most other modems 
    (including Class 2.0), it should be False.
    If set incorrectly, received faxes cannot be retransmitted or viewed at all. Setting it to 
    True reverses the bits within each received byte, correcting for an oddity in the Rockwell 
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_receive_reverse true
    Reverse Send DataTrue or False, depends solely on your Class 2 or Class 2.0 fax modem. For most fax mo-
    dems, this option should be False. 
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_send_reverse false
    Use Start CharacterControls whether the system waits for the start character or not.
    True or False. The default is False.
    When True, Amanda waits for the character.
    When False, Amanda does not wait.
    Early drafts of the CCITT Class 2 Specification require that, when sending a fax, the 
    sender wait for the fax modem to send a control character indicating that it is ready for 
    the data to begin. Some modems lose data if the computer starts sending before the fax 
    modem indicates that its ready to receive. Unfortunately, not all Class 2 fax modems 
    send the start character.
    This parameter applies to fax modems only.
    The default appears in install.cfg as:
    set fax_start_char false
    Hot Box Settings
    hot_boxDefines the mailboxes to which Amanda goes when the system detects special PCPM 
    tones. You can have up to 24 hot_boxes. For example, you can configure a hot_box to 
    detect connections from TDD machines for deaf communications. 
    In most cases, only one hot_box is defined to detect fax tones and the remainder are un-
    You provide a mailbox next to the corresponding PCPM code (12 to 21). The default mailbox is -
    1, which means no mailbox. We recommend using 994 as the first hot_box mailbox, but you can 
    use any valid mailbox.
    To add a specific tone to the tone table, it must be one of the first four tones defined, and 
    it must be marked as a terminating tone. Call to be faxed Technical Note 8, “Special Tone 
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set hot_box -1 n
    where n
     is either -1 or the PCPM code minus 12. (For example, for PCPM code 12, you use 12-12 
    which is 0. The range for n is from -1 to 9.)
    Fax Settings (Continued)
    							228 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Outdial Settings
    box_outdialControls special mailbox options.
    You provide a mailbox for each telephone digit that becomes a special mailbox option. 
    While logged into a mailbox, a user presses 7 to reach special options, then a digit, 0-9, 
    depending on what you specify here. Then Amanda executes the tokens in the extension 
    field of the mailbox you specify for that digit.
    Setting the mailbox to -1 disables that special mailbox option. For example, to allow us-
    ers to press 7 then 5 to call for the time of day, you might type 149 next to the digit 5. In 
    this case, 149’s Extension field should contain the telephone number Amanda dials for 
    the weather (perhaps 9,8531212). Later, users log into their mailboxes and press 75 for 
    the current time. Afterwards they continue other mailbox options. 
    The defaults appear in install.cfg as:
    set box_outdial -1 x
    where x is a digit from 0 to 9
    AUTION:If you use box_outdial to give users an outside line, you might want to use 
    telephone lines that are toll restricted. 
    							Appendix A:
    Troubleshooting Amanda
    New Problems
    Solving a problem often requires sending annotated trace files to The Amanda Company. 
    A customer service representatives need to know what happened, what SHOULD HAVE 
    happened, what time, and so on. The trace files need to go to the right people in a timely 
    manner. If a line connected to Amanda goes out of service, The Amanda Company needs 
    trace information on the last activity on that line. You can e-mail your trace files to 
    [email protected].
    What to Do When…
    This section explains what to do when:
     Amanda does not transfer the call
     The caller doesn’t hear the Busy or RNA Greeting
     Notification does not work correctly
     Pager company appears not to answer
    Amanda Does Not Transfer the Call
    If Amanda does not transfer the call, one of the following may be causing the problem.
    Problem: The mailbox has Do Not Disturb turned ON.
    Solution: If ON, no transfer is attempted and the caller immediately hears the current greeting of 
    the mailbox. Check the mailbox you are calling to make sure Do Not Disturb is OFF. 
    Problem: The dial codes are incorrect.
    Solution: Run the Setup utility to verify that the dial codes are correct for the telephone switching 
    system Amanda is connected to.
    OTE:The telephone switching system dial codes should be in the system’s 
    Problem: The telephone switching system returns stutter dial tone on a transfer hookflash.
    Solution: If stutter dial tone is returned, change the value of the Number of seconds to wait for 
    dial tone detection option to 0 seconds. (Run the Setup utility, selection 1.) 
    							230 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Problem: The telephone switching system does not return dial tone on a transfer hook-
    flash—and it is supposed to.
    Solution: Do one or more of the following:
     Check your single line station card to see if it is operating properly
     Use a buttset or single line telephone to verify that the switch is not giving dial 
    tone to the ports
     Check to see that you have enough Touch Tone Receivers (TTRs, also called 
    DTMF receivers)
    Problem: Token programming is being used and a hookflash has not been entered in the 
    Extension field.
    Solution: Review the tokens and insert a hookflash where needed. Remember that an @ as the 
    first character in the extension field suppresses the hookflash.
    Problem: An additional hookflash is needed because the transfer involves both Centrex 
    lines and a telephone switching system.
    Solution: Include another F- in the Dial code to put a caller on transfer hold option (also known 
    as dl_dtwait). (Run the Setup utility, selection 1.)
    Problem: The call progress tones are not correct.
    Solution: You should run should run AccuCall for Windows to correct the call progress tones. 
    See “Using AccuCall for Windows” on page 70.
    Problem: There may be insufficient intercom paths on older analog telephone switching 
    Solution: Check your telephone switching system’s intercom path capability to see if additional 
    hardware will add more intercom paths.
    Problem: After dialing the mailbox, the caller hears DTMF tones.
    Solution: Amanda’s hookflash timer is too short so the caller is not actually being put on hold. 
    Find out what the valid hookflash length is on the telephone system and set Amanda’s 
    hookflash timer to the same value or try to increase Amanda’s flash timer by 25% in-
    tervals until you find a time that works for you.
    Problem: After dialing the mailbox number, the caller is disconnected.
    Solution: Amanda’s hookflash timer is too long. Try lowering Amanda’s hookflash timer in the 
    telephone system dialcodes or find out what the hookflash timer is on the telephone 
    system and set Amanda’s hookflash to the same value.
    Caller Doesn’t Hear the Busy Message or RNA Greeting
    If the caller does not hear a busy or RNA (ring no answer) greeting, one of the following 
    may be causing the problem.
    Problem: Amanda is unable to recognize a busy or RNA tone.
    Solution: Run AccuCall for Windows to requalify the tones Amanda is listening for. See “Using 
    AccuCall for Windows” on page 70.
    Solution: Amanda is doing blind transfers rather than supervised transfers.
    Solution: Check the Extension field of the mailbox you are calling and the What to dial AFTER 
    dialing the mailbox extension option (also known as dl_suffix) to see if an H has been 
    added. (Run the Setup utility, selection 1.) If the integration codes are unique, blind 
    transfers are OK, but the stations must be forwarded back to Amanda.
    Problem: The U token (used to indicate a partially supervised transfer) is unrecognized, so 
    the call is not processed correctly.
    Solution: Remove the U token and place the call again to see if the greeting can be heard or look 
    at the trace file to see which token within the extension field is failing. 
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