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Amanda Work Group Manual

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    							Appendix D: Installing RDSP/RTNI Boards 251
    Installing the Boards
    Use the following procedure to install one or more RDSP/RTNI boards.
    To  i n s t a l l  t h e  b o a r d :
    1. Turn off your computer and remove the cover.
    2. Locate free bus slots that have 16-bit-compatible, ISA bus edge connectors.
    3. Carefully align the boards with the slot and firmly seat the boards into the computer. 
    4. Use a bracket screw to securely fasten the boards’ brackets. 
    The bracket provides grounding for the board.
    5. Turn the computer back on.
    6. From the C:> DOS prompt, follow the installation instructions in “Appendix F: 
    Installing Amanda.”
    AUTION:Use an ESD-safe station while configuring and installing your 
    board. Otherwise, static discharge may damage your board.
    7R7: Channel 7 Ring-orange/red45T20: Channel 20 Tip-yellow/gray
    33T8: Channel 8 Tip-red/green20R20: Channel 20 Ring-gray/yellow
    8R8: Channel 8 Ring-green/red46T21: Channel 21 Tip-violet/blue
    34T9: Channel 9 Tip-red/brown21R21: Channel 21 Ring-blue/violet
    9R9: Channel 9 Ring-brown/red47T22: Channel 22 Tip-violet/orange
    35T10: Channel 10 Tip-red/gray22R22: Channel 22 Ring-orange/violet
    10R10: Channel 10 Ring-gray/red48T23: Channel 23 Tip-violet/green
    36T11: Channel 11 Tip-black/blue23R23: Channel 23 Ring-green/violet
    11R11: Channel 11 Ring-blue/black49T24: Channel 24 Tip-violet/brown
    37T12: Channel 12 Tip-black/orange24R24: Channel 24 Ring-brown/violet
    12R12: Channel 12 Ring-orange/ black50Analog Ground-violet/gray
    38T13: Channel 13 Tip-black/ green25BAT-: Negative battery terminal-gray/ violet
    Pinout Table for Amphenol 50-pin Connector (Continued)
    PinDescription-Color codePinDescription-Color code 
    							252 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Installing the MVIP Cable
    After installing an RDSP/x000 board you need to connect the MVIP bus cable to each 
    This 40-pin MVIP-compliant connector is at the top of the board if you look at the board 
    with the bracket to your right. Use the MVIP connector to connect the RDSP/x000 board 
    to a telephone network interface board. 
    If your MVIP connector cable has more than two connector positions, use the two end-
    positions for this installation.
    Configuring Amanda to Use the ATI Board
    There are a couple of Amanda’s configuration options that must be set correctly when you 
    are using an RTNI-xATI voice board. See “Logging On to Amanda” on page 5 for 
    information about using the Setup utility to set or check the following global settings 
    The parameter ati_mode must be set to true. Then Amanda makes the connections needed 
    for the ATI board.
    Be aware that RTNI-xATI voice boards cannot detect rotary. If you use an RTNI-xATI 
    voice board, you must leave the rotary parameter set to false. 
    							Appendix E:
    Other Cards and Devices
    Installing a LAN Card
    To use Amanda as a voice server, you must install a LAN card, also called a network 
    interface card (NIC). The card must be NE2000 compatible.
    If you have any problems with the installation and you purchased the NIC from The 
    Amanda Company, please contact Customer Service.
    To install a LAN card:
    1. Configure the card.
    If you purchased your LAN card from The Amanda Company, it is preconfigured for 
    IRQ 10, I/O address 340H, and is to be used with unshielded twisted pair (UTP) 
    cable. These are the default settings. 
    If you purchase another LAN card, use this IRQ and address. Follow that LAN card’s 
    instructions for installation. 
    OTE:Addresses 300 through 305 are not available for the LAN card. See “Ap-
    pendix C: Installing RDSP/x32 Boards” and “Appendix D: Installing 
    RDSP/RTNI Boards” for more information.
    2. If this is a new installation, go to step 3. Otherwise, shutdown Amanda from the Main 
    a. Press Alt+S.
    b. Type in the password. (The default is AMandA with only the first two and the 
    last letter capitalized.)
    c. Press Enter.
    d. Press Y (to confirm the shutdown).
    e. Press Y again (to reconfirm).
    f. After the DOS prompt C:\AMANDA> appears, wait 30 seconds before turn-
    ing off the power.
    3. Turn off the computer’s power.
    4. Remove the computer cover and locate an available slot. 
    5. Remove the back slot cover and install the LAN card. If there is a rear card guide, 
    slide the end of the LAN card into it properly.
    AUTION:When installing your LAN card, you must be careful about electrostatic 
    discharges (ESD). Use an ESD-safe environment, a wrist guard, and 
    so on. Otherwise, static discharge may damage your card. 
    							254 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    6. Connect the LAN card to the rest of the network. 
    The Amanda Voice Server sends and receives TCP/IP commands, and can be part of 
    any network that supports TCP/IP.
    7. Reassemble the computer and restart it by turning the power switch on. 
    Using a UPS
    The Amanda Company strongly recommends the installation of an uninterrupted power 
    supply (UPS) with every Amanda system. It provides clean power to Amanda and keeps 
    the probability of a computer lockup (and the resulting loss of data or even loss of the 
    system) as low as possible. 
    According to some reports, power problems are the primary reason why computers lose 
    data (45.3%). The next closest cause is storm damage at 9.4%. (Human error and sabotage 
    rank eighth with 3.2%.)
    According to a Bell Laboratories study entitled “The Quality of US Commercial AC 
    Power,” the main categories of AC power irregularities across the nation are sags (or 
    brownouts), power surges, blackouts, and overvoltages. The best solution is a UPS, which 
    can handle 99.3% of these power problems. 
    A UPS is a special type of AC power line conditioner. When compared to the other 
    devices available, such as surge suppressors, filters, isolation transformers, tap changing 
    regulators, and voltage regulating transformers, the UPS is rated highest by Bell 
    Laboratories and is relatively inexpensive.
    The cost of installing a UPS is nominal when compared to the cost of repairing a damaged 
    Amanda system or compared to the loss of confidence from callers and internal Amanda 
    For more information about what causes power irregularities and what damage they can 
    do to Amanda, call to be faxed Technical Note 10, “The Importance of a UPS.” 
    							Appendix F:
    Installing Amanda
    To install Amanda, you perform the following tasks:
    1. Install the Brooktrout voice boards.
    See Appendix C of Installing [email protected]/Windows for details.
    2. Install a LAN card.
    See Appendix E of Installing [email protected]/Windows for details.
    3. Install Windows NT 4.0 and NT Service Pack 5 (or whatever is most recent).
    4. Change the boot.ini file in a text editor.
    5. Configure COM3 and COM4.
    6. Maximize throughput.
    7. Install Brooktrout drivers from the Amanda CD.
    8. Do a full installation of Amanda from the Amanda CD.
    9. Install pcANYWHERE from the Amanda CD.
    10. Install the hard lock driver from the Amanda CD.
    11. Install clients on the appropriate workstations. 
    For example, you will want Amanda Administrator and Amanda Monitor on the 
    administrator’s workstation. User’s workstations would normally install Amanda 
    Messenger (or the new 32-bit application, Amanda Unified Messenger), Amanda 
    Dialer, and Amanda Fax (which comes in both a 16 and 32-bit version).
    This document explains how to perform these steps or refers you to other documentation 
    for the details. 
    							256 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Installing NT
    To install NT, you need the NT CD-ROM, the NT Service Pack 5 CD-ROM, and three 
    setup disks. If there is a more recent release, use that.
    To create the three setup disks:
    1. Insert the NT CD-ROM in a working computer and have ready three empty formatted 
    floppy disks.
    2. From the I386 directory, run the command:
    3. Follow the directions on the screen.
    To  i n s t a l l  N T:
    1. Insert the first setup disk into drive A on the computer to be installed.
    2. Insert the Windows NT CD into the CD-ROM drive.
    3. Start the computer.
    4. Follow the directions on the screen.
    For example, you will be asked to insert setup disk number 2.
    Eventually, the Welcome to Setup screen appears.
    5. Press Enter.
    6. Continue to follow the directions on the screen.
    For example, you will be asked to insert setup disk number 3.
    You will also read the licensing agreement and press F8 to accept it.
    This procedure does not attempt to show each step of the installation process, but it 
    does indicate when you must take some action other than the default.
    7. If no mouse is detected at the screen that lists your PC and its devices, start this proce-
    dure over again.
    (You can provide data for your mouse, but it is better to start over at step 1.)
    8. When offered a choice of the FAT or NTFS file system:  Select NTFS then press 
    9. When asked where to install NT files, use the default destination:
    Then press Enter.
    10. Allow NT to examine your hard drive for corruption, and so on.
    11. When asked, remove the last setup disk from drive A and the CD from the CD-ROM 
    drive. Then press Enter. 
    							Appendix F: Installing Amanda 257
    12. Let the computer reboot itself. (This happens twice at it switches from a FAT to an 
    NTFS file system.) 
    13. Then reinsert the CD.
    14. Follow the directions on the screen again.
    15. When the Name and Organization dialog box appears, type in a name and organiza-
    tion, then click Next>.
    16. Type the CD key found on the CD then click Next>.
    17. Select a Computer Name, such as AMANDASERVER, that will work for your net-
    work. Click Next>.
    18. The Server Type should be Stand-Alone Server. Click Next>.
    19. For the Administrator Account, use the password AMandA (be sure to use the case 
    shown here for each letter) and confirm it.
    20. Do not make an emergency repair disk at this time. Select No then click Next>.
    21. From the Select Components dialog box, clear the Accessibility Options check box.
    22. Select the Windows Messaging check box.
    23. Click Details.... The All Components check box should be selected. 
    24. Click OK to return to the Select Components dialog box.
    25. Click Next> until you come to the dialog with the Install Microsoft Internet Informa-
    tion Server check box.
    26. Clear this check box then click Next>.
    27. At the Network Adapter dialog box, click Select From List...
    28. At the Select Network Adapter dialog box, insert the first 3COM disk then click Have 
    29. At the Insert Disk dialog box, click OK.
    30. At the Select OEM Option dialog box, select 3Com EtherLink XL Adapter (3C900) 
    then click OK.
    31. Click Next>.
    32. At the Network Protocols dialog box, clear the NWLink IPX/SPX Compatible Trans-
    port check box and select the NetBEUI Protocol and TCP/IP Protocol check boxes.
    33. Click Next> until you reach the Network Card Setup dialog box.
    34. At the TCP/IP Setup dialog box for the DHCP server, click No.
    35. At the TCP/IP Properties dialog box, you need the assistance of the network adminis-
    trator (unless you are the network administrator). 
    							258 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    You will need an IP address and perhaps identify a default gateway.
    The DHS tab’s contents is up to the administrator.
    Usually, on the WINS tab, you will clear the Enable LMHosts check box.
    36. Insert the second 3COM disk as directed.
    37. At the Show Bindings dialog, click Next>.
    38. At the Windows NT Server Setup dialog box, you may want to join this computer to a 
    domain or leave it as a workgroup. This is up to the administrator.
    39. Click Next> and then Finish.
    40. At the Date/Time Properties dialog box, select the appropriate date and time. Click 
    41. Follow the directions on the screen for testing the Display Properties dialog box.
    Modifying Boot.ini
    The Boot.ini file is on the C: drive at the root. You must modify it so that every COM port 
    that is used for something other than a mouse has the 
    /NoSerialMice parameter. 
    To modify Boot.ini:
    1. Double-click My Computer.
    2. Double-click the C: folder.
    3. Right-click Boot.ini to display the pop-up menu.
    4. Select Properties.
    5. From the Properties dialog, clear the Read-only check box so you can modify the file.
    6. Click OK.
    7. Double-click Boot.ini to display it in NotePad.
    8. To the line that reads:
    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINNT=Windows NT 
    Server Version 4.00
    Add (for example if both COM3 and COM4 do not have mice attached):
    If no mice are used at all, use:
    9. Save the file and exit the text editor.
    10. Make the file read-only again using the Properties dialog box. 
    							Appendix F: Installing Amanda 259
    Configuring the Ports
    To configure the ports:
    1. Select the Start menu, Settings, then Control Panel.
    2. From the Control Panel, select the Ports icon.
    3. From the Ports dialog box, double-click COM3.
    4. From the Settings for COM3 dialog box, select the Baud Rate of 115200.
    5. Click Advanced.
    6. From the Advanced Settings for COM3 dialog box, select 11 as the IRQ.
    7. Click OK or Done until you return to the Ports dialog box.
    8. Double-click COM4.
    9. From the Settings for COM4 dialog box, select the Baud Rate of 115200.
    10. Click Advanced.
    11. From the Advanced Settings for COM4 dialog box, select 9 as the IRQ.
    12. Click OK or Done until you exit.
    Maximizing Throughput
    To maximize throughput:
    1. Right-click the Network Services icon on the desktop to display the pop-up menu.
    2. Select Properties.
    The Server Properties dialog box appears.
    3. From the Services tab, double-click Server. 
    4. Then select the Maximize Throughput For Network Applications option button.
    5. Click OK then Close.
    6. Do not restart at this time. 
    							260 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Installing Windows NT Service Pack
    To install Windows NT Service Pack 5 (or whatever is the latest):
    1. Insert the CD-ROM for Service Pack 5 (or whatever is the latest). 
    2. Locate and start the file Nt4spx_i, where x stands for the latest service pack, for exam-
    ple, Nt4sp5_i.
    3. Follow the directions on the screen.
    Reinstalling the Brooktrout Drivers
    Next you must reinstall and reconfigure the Brooktrout drivers. Makes sure that your 
    voice boards are properly jumpered and in the computer.
    To install the Brooktrout drivers:
    1. Open the Brooktrout232 folder on the Amanda CD and run setup.exe.
    The Welcome dialog box appears. 
    2. Click Next>.
    The Software License Agreement dialog box appears.
    3. Click Yes to continue.
    The Choose Destination Location dialog box appears. 
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