Toshiba Strata Dk Admin/ Dk Backup User Guide
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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Dial DK 41File Menu Important! lIn order for the DKAdmin/DKBackup Backup/Restore Data option to operate if you are using an IMDU or RMDS modem, Program 77-1, LED 14 must be “ON.” (See Prg 77-1 LED 15 for RMDS bps rate in the Strata DK Programming Manual.) lThe DKAdmin/DKBackup hardware key (green or red) must be installed whenever using the DKAdmin/DKBackup program (see the figure in Substep 6 on Page 2-4). lThe modem/TTY port must be enabled (see Program 03 codes 41 and 49 and Program 76). äTo access the option 1. Type f and the File Menu displays. 2. Type d and the Customer List displays. äTo dial a Strata DK to upload/download data 1. After selecting a customer from the Dial DK Customer List, press one of the following function keys to establish communications: ©F2 DIU/DIU: Sends the DIU Initialization String (in Communications Setup) and the DIU String (in the Customer file) to the DKAdmin/DKBackup COM port (see Figure 17 on Page 131). ©F3 DIU/DIU Modem: Sends the DIU Initialization String, the DIU String, the Modem Initialization String, and the Modem String to the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC COM port in the order described here (see Figure 21 on Page 137 and Figure 22 on Page 139). ©F4 Modem Initial + Modem Dial String:Sends both the Modem Initialization String from the Communications Setup Menu and the Modem String from the Customer File to the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC modem (see Figures 18 ~ 20 on Pages 132 ~ 135). ©F5 Modem Dial String only: Switches from a voice call that is transferred to the DK maintenance modem. The Modem String from the customer file is sent to the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC modem (see Figure 19 on Page 133). You can also use F5 to dial the remote DK modem from the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC modem without initializing the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC modem. DKAdmin/DKBackup establishes communications with the Strata DK per the procedures in Appendix A. 2. When complete, the DKAdmin/DKBackup Main Menu displays again. You may now download or upload DK data using the options in the Backup Menu (see “Upgrade” on Page 107). äTo update any of the available communication dialing strings 1. Highlight the customer from the Customer List screen, and press Enter. NoteIf you have multiple customers, you can use the Find function to move quickly to another customer by typing the first letter of the Customer ID number. The program highlights the first customer which matches your entry. Press Enter to select the highlighted customer or re-enter. 2. Highlight the field, enter the new information and press Enter.

Hangup Connection––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 42DKAdmin/DKBackup 3. Pressing Enter from the last field on the screen, saves the new information and returns you to the Customer List screen. Pressing Esc, exits the screen without saving the changes and returns you to the Customer List screen. Hangup Connection äTo close the DK communications link 1. Type f and the File Menu displays. 2. Type h and DKAdmin/DKBackup sends +++ ATZ H from the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC COM port, closing the communication link to the DK. NoteThe escape sequence of the modem or DIU connected to the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC must be set as +++ using the modem command ATS2=43. Transfer DK Data äTo transfer DK data to a floppy disk to/from the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC hard drive database 1. From the File Menu, type t to display the Transfer DK Program Data screen (shown right). 2. Enter the drive/directory path you wish to transfer the data from (for example, C:\280ADMIN\XXX or C:\280BCKUP\XXX) and press Enter. (To switch the drive and directory, press F2.) NoteXXX = The customer directory. It is not necessary to add the.DK extension onto the customer directory when transferring data or creating customers from the Maintain Customer option. 3. Enter the drive/directory you wish to transfer data to (for example: A:\XXX). 4. Press Enter and follow the screen prompts to transfer the data. 5. Press Esc to close the Transfer DK Program Data dialog box. About äTo access the option 1. Type f and the File Menu displays. 2. Type a and a pop-up dialog box displays, listing the name of the program, the release number and date, and the copyright date(s). Exit For information on exiting DKAdmin/DKBackup, see “Logging Off” on Page 33.

43Administration Menu (DKAdmin) Administration Menu (DKAdmin)6 NoteThe Administration Menu is only available in the DKAdmin program. The Check Processor Type, Backup/Restore Data, and View/Print Data appear in both the DKAdmin Administration Menu and the DKBackup Backup Menu. These functions are identical (e.g., screens, operations, commands, etc.) whether you use DKAdmin or DKBackup. This chapter gives you step-by-step instructions on using the options available on the Administration Menu. The options are: ©View Cabinet Diagram ©Check Processor Type (see Page 100) ©System/Station Administration ©Flexible Key Programming Section ©Speed Dial Programming Section ©ACD Administration Section ©Program Administration Section ©Security Maintenance Section ©Directory Number Administration ©DNIS Administration ©Distributed Hunt Group Administration ©Call Forward Assignments ©E911/CAMA Trunk Programs (R4 Only) ©ISDN Programs (R4 Only) ©Backup/Restore Data (see Page 99) ©View/Print Data (see Page 115) Important!In order to use any of the options in the Administration Menu, you must have first selected a customer in the File Menu, Select Customer option.

View Cabinet Diagram––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 44DKAdmin/DKBackup View Cabinet Diagram The base and expansion cabinet diagram displays the current Printed Circuit Board (PCB) configuration for the customer’s Strata DK system. The diagram varies based on the Strata DK model and processor listed in the Customer File Maintenance screen. äTo view cabinet diagram 1. Select a customer using the Select Customer option in the File Menu. 2. From the Administration Menu/ Backup Menu, press g or Enter to display the PCB Placement per Program 03 screen for the selected customer (example shown at right). 3. Use the left/right arrow, CTRL, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down keys to scroll the screen. Check Processor Type For the Check Processor Type option, see “Check Processor Type” on Page 100. System/Station Administration The System/Station Administration option in the Administration Menu enables you to program or update system ports and stations. Depending on your password level, you can have complete control over assignments of such items as: ©Logical ports assignments ©Telephone locations ©PDN/Intercom numbers ©DID numbers ©LCD user names ©Voice mail forward ID codes ©Voice mail message waiting codes ©System speed dials ©System messages ©Station attributes (40 individual telephone options)

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––System/Station Administration 45Administration Menu (DKAdmin) While you can assign these attributes to individual ports, station attributes cannot be copied from one port to another, or set for a range of ports from this menu. However, range programming for ports can be completed on a program level using the Program Administration option. Some features (Intercom/DID numbers and VMID codes) enable you to set a range of values (default values) which can be applied to all ports, making programming quick and easy. NoteIt is recommended, if you are updating station attributes and have not performed a system backup recently, that you do so before updating system information. For information, see Chapter 7 – Backup Menu (DKBackup). äTo access the option 1. Type a and the Administration Menu displays (shown right). 2. Type s and the System/ Station Administration screen displays. The System/Station Administration screen displays the entire system as it currently exists. For each physical port, you can: ©Enter the location (room or office name) of each telephone or device connected to the Strata DK. ©Transfer telephone attributes to another telephone by changing the logical port number. ©Enter a PDN/Intercom number. ©Enter a DID number. ©Enter a user name. ©Enter a voice mail call forward ID code. lEnter a voice mail message waiting code. lAssign speed dial numbers. lAssign system messages. Important!The DKAdmin PC must be connected to the Strata DK to upload any changes to this data (see Appendix A – Connecting to Strata DK for procedures on connecting the DKAdmin PC to a Strata DK). You can also: ©Print the information for all system ports. ©Print the attributes for a particular port. ©Print the Strata DK cabinet configuration.

System/Station Administration––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 46DKAdmin/DKBackup Programming/Updating System äTo program or update the entire system or an individual port 1. Highlight the Telephone Location field of the physical port with which you wish to work. Enter the physical telephone location (for example, main conference room, VP office, lunch room, etc.). 2. Highlight the Log. Port No. field of the physical port. NoteLogical port number assignments are the same as the physical port unless you wish to relocate (swap) telephone attributes. This enables you to utilize the telephone attributes (voice mail, speed numbers, messages, etc.) of a particular telephone at a different location. For example, you might wish to transfer your office telephone attributes to a conference room. 3. Type the logical (Log.) port number of the telephone containing the attributes you wish to transfer and press Enter. The ports relocate after you press F9 to save and upload. Important!Ports only relocate to the same Port Type (PT). 4.Highlight the Int/PDN No. field. This field enables you to change a telephone’s intercom number. If you attempt to enter a number already assigned to another telephone, an error message displays: Conflict found in Int./DN numbering NoteYou cannot duplicate DNs/intercom numbers. ...or if you would like to change the DNs/intercom numbers on all of the ports at one time, press F5. A message displays. Press any key to continue. A Change dialog box displays. Enter the Starting Int./DN Number you wish to assign and press Enter. A pop-up screen displays: This operation will modify DN numbers. Go ahead? Press Enter to continue or highlight No and press Enter to discontinue the procedure. The DNs/intercom numbers for all of the ports are changed if you enter Yes. 5. Highlight the DID No. field. This field enables you to enter a dial-in-direct extension number. If you attempt to enter a number already assigned to another telephone, an error message displays: Conflict found in DID Extension numbering Please review Program 05 either before or after making your changes as conflicts may arise from inserting Int./ DN numbers which start with the same digit as the access codes in Program 05. In a default DK setting, digits 8 and 9 are used in Pro- gram 05 and therefore should not be used as the first digit of Int./DN numbers. PDN Port Ref. From 000 to 031, Starting DN:_________. Blank entry does not change value, “0” indicates blank.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––System/Station Administration 47Administration Menu (DKAdmin) NoteYou cannot duplicate DID numbers. ...or if you would like to change DID numbers for a range of ports, press F5. A Change dialog box displays similar to the one shown above. Type the Starting DID Number you wish to assign and press Enter. A pop-up screen asks you to confirm the change. The DID numbers for the range of ports you specified are changed if you enter Yes. 6. Highlight the Telephone LCD User Name field. Enter the name of the user assigned this physical port ...or if you prefer, you may use DNs/intercom numbers in this field rather than names. To insert DNs/intercom numbers into this field for all ports, press F5. 7. Highlight the VM MW ID Code field. This field enables you to assign a voice mail call pick-up ID code (enabling users to pick-up their voice mail messages) ...or you may set a starting default ID prefix for all ports by pressing F5. A Change dialog box displays. Type the voice mail ID prefix number (example: 92) you wish to begin the sequence and press Enter. A confirmation message displays: All Ports Will Be Reset To Default Values. Go Ahead? Press Enter to assign the VM MW ID code. The prefix is added to each mailbox (DN/ Intercom) number. If you change your mind, and wish to cancel the operation, highlight No and press Enter. 8. Press F9 to save and upload your changes to the Strata DK, or F10 to save the data to the customer database file. Printing Port/Station Information (F3) äTo print port and station information 1. Press F3. The Select Printout screen displays (shown right). 2. Highlight the desired report and press Enter. The Printer Selection screen displays (shown right). NoteThe current port is the port that is highlighted on the System/Station Administration screen. 3. Press Enter to print the selected information.

System/Station Administration––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 48DKAdmin/DKBackup For information on selecting printers, see Chapter 8 – Options Menu. See Figure 8 for a System/Station Administration printout example. System Speed Dial Number (F7) äTo set or change available system speed dial numbers NoteYou may assign system speed dial numbers to individual ports for up to 800 system speed dial numbers for the RCTUE/F processor, 100 for RCTUBA/BB, RCTUC/D processors, and 40 for TMAU and RCTUA processors. 1. From the System/ Station Administration Menu, press F7. The System Speed Dial Numbers screen displays (shown right). 2. Highlight the System Speed Dial No. field. Enter the speed dial telephone number, including area code (example: 7145559696). Do not enter dashes. 3. Highlight the System Speed Dial Memo field and enter a description of the speed dial number (up to 12 characters). This memo displays on the telephones LCD when the Bin Number is selected by an LCD telephone, using the MODE 8XXX function (where XXX is the speed dial bin number). 4. Press F10 to save the speed dial assignments and return to the System/Station Administration screen.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––System/Station Administration 49Administration Menu (DKAdmin) System LCD Messages (F8) äTo set or change available system LCD messages NoteYou may create up to 40 system messages which may be used by all LCD telephone ports. Each message may contain two lines using up to 32 characters. 1. From the System/Station Administration Screen, press F8. The System Messages screen displays (shown right). 2. Highlight the Message Line 1 field and type the message you wish displayed on the first message line of the LCD. 3. Highlight the Message Line 2 field and type the message you wish displayed on the second message line of the LCD. 4. Press F10 to save the message assignments and return to the Station Administration screen. Station Port Attributes (Ctrl Enter) äTo program or update individual station port attributes 1. On the System/Station Administration Screen, highlight the port you wish to program and press Ctrl+Enter. The Port Attributes screen displays (shown right). This screen lists all the features available for an individual telephone. Additionally, you can view CO Line information, or assign personal Speed Dial and LCD Messages to this telephone. The definitions of each program item are listed in Table 3 on Page 50. 2. Highlight the Attribute field. NotePay close attention to the message bar at the bottom of the screen. It will tell you what options are available for each program. 3. Depending on the attribute you can either:

System/Station Administration––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 50DKAdmin/DKBackup ©Press the spacebar to toggle between available options, or enable (indicated by a check mark)/disable (indicated by a blank) the attribute. ©Enter a value. 4. Press F10 to save the changed data to the customer database file. NoteAfter saving the data, press F9 to update the Strata DK with the changes. The DKAdmin PC must be connected to the Strata DK to upload changes to port attributes (see Appendix A – Connecting to Strata DK). Table 3 Attribute Definitions AttributeDescription Telephone Keystrip TypeFour default telephone button arrangements are provided. Changing the keystrip type writes/overwrites existing button assignments. Ring ToneDistinctive system ringing sends a different ring tone for CO (loop, DID, or ground) line ringing than that for intercom, tie ringing. In addition, CO line (loop or ground) ringing can be different from one telephone to another. Volume Level This program sets the initial off-hook volume level for each digital telephone handset and/ or headset. Speakerphone EnabledAny electronic or digital full speakerphone operation can be disabled by assignment with this program. If disabled, a speakerphone will act as a handsfree electronic or digital telephone. Initialized data enables all speakerphones. MIC Key Lock EnabledAn electronic or digital telephone microphone can be turned on or off by using the Mic button. A button lock operation enables an alternate action Push On/Push Off of the Mic button. MIC on at Start of CallThe microphone, as well as the MIC LED, can be selected to be on or off at the start of a call if the Push On/Push Off mode is chosen. Call Pkup On=AC, Off= AC, GP & STAIf ON, a station or group of stations (Pickup Group) can pick up a call that is ringing another stations’s [PDN] or [PhDN], a call placed on hold at another station and other types of calls. Speed Dial AllowedA station may be denied the use of Speed Dial (Station and System) with this program. ABR Access EnabledThe ABR feature can be enabled or denied for each station. The system selects the last line in the originating line group each time ABR is initiated. OCA/Busy Override AutomaticA busy digital or electronic telephone can receive a second voice communication on intercom via Handsfree Answerback if the OCA feature is installed. If a calling station does not have an automatic function, the user must dial an extra digit of 2 after hearing busy tone in order to gain access to OCA. Forced Account CodeIf this feature is selected, a station or Direct Inward System Access (DISA) CO line user using a line with a Forced Account requirement must enter an Account Code before the call can be completed. Change TR Override CodeIf selected for this feature, a station can change Toll Restriction (TR) override codes. Change DISA Security CodeThis enables a selected station to change the DISA security code. SLT ANTI-BounceSLT Hookflash Anti-Bounce Guard (LED 12 ON) in Program 30 prevents false recalls due to hookflash bounce during SLT hang-up on outside calls. Account Codes Ve r i fi e dIf the system is set for Verified Account Codes in Program 69, station users must enter specific codes when entering Forced or Voluntary Account Codes.