Toshiba Strata Dk Admin/ Dk Backup User Guide
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1The Grand Tour The Grand Tour1 Important! lDKAdmin/DKBackup support all releases of the Strata DK14, DK16e, DK40, DK280, and DK424 (all processors). This guide refers to these systems as Strata DK systems. lDKAdmin/DKBackup programs do not support Strata DK8, DK16, or any DK24/56/96 releases. The Toshiba Strata DK systems are powerful, state-of-the-art modular digital key/hybrid/PBX telephone systems offering customers outstanding performance and flexibility. The advanced technology behind the Strata DK enables customers to configure a system based on their current telecommunications requirements. Small systems can be expanded over time through the addition of flexible modular units. As needs expand, so does the Strata DK. DKAdmin/DKBackup are interactive software applications with user-friendly menus and screens that let you program, update, back up and restore Strata DK. DKAdmin/DKBackup are DOS programs that run on your IBM-compatible personal computer. Although they are not Microsoft ® Windows® programs, you can run them as a DOS session under Windows and configure them with an icon in Program Manager (see your Windows manual). Capabilities DKAdmin/DKBackup make the installation, programming and support process easier and more efficient. Among other functions, you can: ©Program, update, back up, restore and upgrade all Strata DK system databases from your IBM-compatible personal computer rather than from a programming telephone. ©Support DK14, DK16e, DK40 RCTUA, RCTUB, RCTUBA/BB, RCTUC/D, RCTUE/F processors (all releases). NoteWhenever a DKAdmin/DKBackup screen refers to Strata DK Release 3.0, Release 3, etc., the function will also work with Strata DK Release 3.10. DK16e, Release 1 is equivalent to the RCTUA3 feature set but does not provide Distributed Hunt. ©Backup, restore and upgrade station features, port locations and Strata DK individual customer data programs. This includes: ©Station and system speed dial numbers ©User names ©Voice mail ID codes

Basic Operations––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 2DKAdmin/DKBackup ©Voice mail message waiting ID codes ©Station and system speed dial memos ©Station and system LCD messages ©Station feature options ©CO line to station ringing and access assignments ©Flexible button assignments ©Directory number call forward status (Release 3 or above) ©Directory number message waiting status (Release 3 or above) ©ANI/Caller ID lost call telephone numbers (Release 3 or above) ©Display existing station and port data in ASCII format. ©Control certain system menu access through menu-specific user passwords. ©Use advanced search features to locate customers, features and programs. ©Backup, restore, and upgrade existing Strata DK programmed customer data. ©Transfer DK data to/from the database on the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC hard drive and/or programmed databases from one PC to another, using a floppy disk. ©Upgrade automatically to a larger processor. NoteA customer database (PRGALL) that is backed up from one type of processor can be upgraded to a larger type of processor, but not to a smaller one. For example, a PRGALL file that is backed up for RCTUB cannot be restored RCTUA but it can be restored (upgraded) to a RCTUC/D type processor. Basic Operations The DKAdmin and DKBackup Main Menu consists of the following menus: NoteThe Backup Menu consists of three functions also available on the DKAdmin Administration Menu. DKAdmin DKBackup File Menu File Menu Administration Menu Backup Menu Options Menu Options Menu

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Basic Operations 3The Grand Tour The table below lists the options for each menu. A check mark (3) appears next to the functions which are available on that menu: Table 1 Main Menu Options Main MenuDKAdminDKBackup File Menu Select Customer Select a customer for whom you wish to program or update Strata DK system data. 33 Maintain Customer File Create a new customer or update an existing customer’s basic file information. 33 Dial DK Automatically select (program displays the Customer List screen) and dial to connect to a customer’s Strata DK to upload/download data to/from your PC. 33 Hangup Connection Disconnect an online connection between your DKAdmin PC and a customer’s Strata DK. 33 Transfer DK Data Transfer Strata DK customer data to/from your PC hard disk drive to a floppy disk. 33 About Displays the version number of the DKAdmin program.33 Exit Exit DKAdmin and return to the C:\ prompt (or Program Manager, if configured to run under Windows). 33 DKAdmin Administration Menu—DKBackup Backup Menu View Cabinet Diagram Shows PCB placement per Program 03.3 Check Processor Type Pulls and displays the processor type, Release and ROM/Flash Memory version from the installed Strata DK RCTU PCB. 33 System/Station Administration Maintain system and individual stations/port features.3 Flexible Button Programming Section Maintain flexible button program assignments.3 Speed Dial Programming Section Maintain system and station speed dial assignments.3 ACD Administration Section Maintain ACD and ACD Agent programs.3 Program Administration Section Maintain individual DK programs.3 Security Maintenance Section Maintain DK program security levels.3 Directory Number Administration Maintain your Directory Number assignments for PDNs and PhDNs.3 DNIS Administration Maintain assignments for DNIS/DID/ANI lines.3

Screen Conventions–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 4DKAdmin/DKBackup Screen Conventions All DKAdmin/DKBackup screens are organized in a similar manner (see Figure 1). Screen elements include: ©Screen title (at the top of the screen): tells you what screen is displayed. Distributed Hunt Group Administration Maintain Distributed Hunt Group assignments.3 E911/CAMA Trunk Programs (R4 Only) Maintain E911/CAMA trunk assignments.3 ISDN Programs (R4 Only) Maintain ISDN program assignments.3 Call Forward Assignments Maintain call forward assignments.3 Backup/Restore Data Backup, restore and/or upgrade Strata DK customer databases.33 View/Print Data View or print existing customer Strata DK databases in ASCII format.33 Options Menu System Installation Set up or change screen type/colors, printers, user passwords and communication settings. 33 System Utilities ReIndex files.33 Table 1 Main Menu Options (continued) Main MenuDKAdminDKBackup Select Local Printer Available Printer Drivers Local Printer FIND: H Screen Title Scroll Arrows Hewlett-Packard Laserjet Compatible Hewlett-Packard Laserjet Series II Hewlett-Packard Laserjet Series III IBM 80 CPS Graphics IBM 80 CPS Matrix IBM 80 CPS/Epson LX-90 IBM Color Printer IBM Proprinter 0903 Select Local Printer F1-Help Function Keys Find Feature Message Line Figure 1 Sample Screen

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Screen Conventions 5The Grand Tour© Find feature: Many of the screens in the DKAdmin/DKBackup programs have a Find feature for customer IDs, program numbers, or port numbers. To use the feature, highlight the number field you are searching (e.g., program number) and type the desired number. The DKAdmin/DKBackup programs move the highlighter to the field requested. If the number you have entered is incorrect, the program displays a dialog box telling you that it could not be found. To repeat the search, press Esc, the highlighter moves back to the first number in the column and you can type in the new search number. NoteIf the feature is available on the screen you have displayed, the word FIND appears at the bottom left corner. ©Scroll arrows: If scroll arrows appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, additional screen information is available. Some screens cannot display all the information they contain within the boundaries of the screen display. Scroll arrows allow you to move the screen (vertically or horizontally). Tab and Shift+Tab keys enable you to move the bar up and down the screen vertically. ©Function keys (appear above the message line): tell you the processing options available from this screen. ©Message line (at the bottom of the screen): tells you important information about the task you are performing.

Screen Conventions–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 6DKAdmin/DKBackup

7Installing DKAdmin Installing DKAdmin2 Step 1: Check System Requirements For optimum performance, run DKAdmin on a personal computer with the following minimum specifications: ©IBM-compatible Pentium® personal computer ©100MB or larger hard drive ©CD-ROM or 3.5 1.44KB high-density floppy drive NoteDKAdmin software is distributed on a CD-ROM disk. Installation can be performed using the CD-ROM disk or from floppy disk(s) copied from the CD-ROM DKAdmin install program. ©VGA or SVGA monitor preferred ©4MB RAM (minimum) ©MicrosoftÒ MS-DOSÒ 6.22, WindowsÒ 3.11 or higher (Windows 95, 98 or Windows NT Ò 4.0 recommended). ©A laser printer is recommended ©For network users, a minimum of 2MB of disk space is required for each person using DKAdmin on the network. ©DKAdmin hardware key (red) DKAdmin is a MS-DOS program that can be installed and run under Microsoft Windows 3.11, 95, 98 and NT or MS-DOS (6.22 or higher) . The installation and run instructions in this chapter include both Windows and DOS installation information. Important! lIf your PC has Windows 3.11 installed, setting your Windows SYSTEM.INI and DOS CONFIG.SYS files with the commands below may help DKAdmin run on your PC. SYSTEM.INI [NonWindowsApp] COMMANDENVSIZE=1024 DOS CONFIG.SYS SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /e:1024 /p lIf DKAdmin displays a “Run time error” message during installation or operation, erase all “ntx” files under the customer directory (XXX.DK) and the “data” directory.

Step 2: Power Up DKAdmin PC––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 8DKAdmin/DKBackup lFrom C:\280ADMIN\Data, type del *.ntx and press Enter. lFrom C:\280ADMIN\XXX.DK, type del *.ntx and press Enter. lRun ReIndex Files under Options/System Utilities Menu each time before you start to use DKAdmin. lAlways exit DKAdmin before you turn your computer off. Step 2: Power Up DKAdmin PC NoteThe DKAdmin Hardware Key must be installed on the PC LPT1 port, to enable the DKAdmin program to be used after it is installed. If you install DKAdmin without the key, it will not run. 1. Install the DKAdmin hardware key (red) on the LPT1 parallel printer port as shown in Figure 2. Notes lIf you wish, you can install a printer on the end of the LPT1 Admin Hardware Key. lThe printer can be installed and used on the LPT1/Admin Hardware Key. But, it is not necessary to install a printer to enable DKAdmin to be installed or used. 2. Turn on your computer. KEY LABEL DKAdmin IBM Compatible Personal ComputerPrinter 4ELVCH-B LPT1 Parallel Printer Connector on BackRed DKAdmin Hardware Key (required for DKAdmin) Parallel Printer CableScrews Parallel Printer Port 1994 Figure 2 DKAdmin Hardware Connections

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Step 3: (Optional) Make Installation Floppy Disks 9Installing DKAdmin Step 3: (Optional) Make Installation Floppy Disks From Windows If you wish to install DKAdmin on a PC that does not have a CD-ROM, you will need to make installation floppies from a PC that has a CD-ROM. You can make installation disks that install the program using a Windows application (this works on all PCs with Windows 3.x, 95, 98 or Windows NT) or you can make DOS only installation disks. CAUTION!Do not use the DOS installation program on a Windows PC. NoteBe sure to exit all programs running in Windows before starting. 1. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The Main Menu appears. ...or if the Main Menu does not appear after you insert the CD-ROM, click Start, Run, then Browse. Select your CD-ROM drive from the Look in: pull down list. Locate and double- click mainmenu.exe. The Main Menu opens. 2.From the Main Menu, select “Make Floppy Installation Disks” then select “DKAdmin Windows Installation Disks” or “DKAdmin DOS Installation Disks” (depending which target PC will get the installation). Follow the prompts. From DOS Only PC If you wish to install DKAdmin on a PC that does not have a CD-ROM, we recommend that you use a Windows PC and the preceding instructions to make installation floppy disks. However, in the rare case you are using a DOS only PC that has a CD-ROM, follow these steps: 1. Place a blank floppy in floppy drive A: (or B:). Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. Change the DOS prompt to the CD-ROM drive letter and type: cd\dkados\disk1 and press Enter. 2. Type: copy *.* A: (or B:) and press Enter. 3. Place a another floppy in floppy drive A: (or B:) and type: cd\dkados\disk2 and press Enter. 4. Type: copy *.* A: (or B:) and press Enter.

Step 4: Install DKAdmin––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 10DKAdmin/DKBackup Step 4: Install DKAdmin DKAdmin is a DOS application program that can be installed and run in either DOS or as a Windows DOS session. CAUTION!If any earlier DKAdmin (280Admin) release is already installed on the PC, do not delete it; install DKAdmin Release 4.XX over the existing DKAdmin (280Admin) version as described below. DKAdmin is always installed in the 280Admin directory, overwriting the old DKAdmin (280Admin) operating software but not customer database directories. Existing 280Admin customer data can be used with DKAdmin Release 4.XX. NoteDKAdmin software is also available from the Toshiba FYI Internet site. Windows PC from CD-ROM Notes lWhen installing DKAdmin to run as a DOS session in Windows NT, the install program assumes that the default directory name (WINNT) and the default system drive (Drive C) contain the system files. The installation procedure looks for this directory (C:\WINNT) and, if found, copies the necessary drivers for Windows NT onto the hard disk. lBe sure to exit all programs running in Windows before starting. 1. Insert the CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive. The Main Menu appears. ...or if the Main Menu does not appear after you insert the CD-ROM, click Start, Run, then Browse. Select your CD-ROM drive from the Look in: pull down list. Locate and double- click mainmenu.exe. The Main Menu opens. 2.From the Main Menu, select “Install DKAdmin” and follow the prompts. Important!Remember that the “Install DKAdmin” selection in the Main Menu is a Windows application, but the actual DKAdmin application is a DOS/Windows DOS session application. Windows PC from Floppy Disks NoteBe sure to exit all programs before running the Setup program. 1. Insert Floppy Disk #1 into the floppy drive and click Start, then Run. Type a:\setup (or b:\setup). Click OK. Follow the prompts to install DKAdmin. CAUTION!During installation, selecting “New Installation” overwrites the existing DKAdmin customer list if you already have DKAdmin or 280Admin installed on your PC. Although the customer list is overwritten, you can still retrieve the existing customer data associated to that name by adding that customer’s name using the “Maintain Customer” selection on the newly installed DKAdmin. Do this for each customer name that is overwritten on the list. 2. Reboot your PC when prompted at the end of installation.