Toshiba Strata Dk Admin/ Dk Backup User Guide
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–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Upgrade 111Backup Menu (DKBackup) 14. Press Enter and the following screen displays: 15. Press Enter (twice) after completing the Steps above. The Baud Rate Selection screen displays (shown below). This screen enables you to set the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC COM port baud rate which must match the baud rate of the TTY port set by the programming telephone in Program 76 (if upgrading TTY port to RSIU). NoteThis Step enables you to switch the TTY port from a PIOU (1200 bps) to an RSIU (9600 bps) TTY port to complete the upgrade process faster. Processor Conversion Step A: After changing the processor, you should initialize the new processor by running Program 91-9 manually from the Programming Telephone. Then you must reset the PIOU, PIOUS, RSSU, or RSIU/ RSIS/RMDS TTY port that is connected to DKAdmin PC by performing Step B and/or C. Step B: From the Programming Telephone, use Program 03 to set code 41 for the cabinet slot that contains the new TTY/Maintenance PIOU, PIOUS, or RSSU PCB and proceed to Step D. If you added an RSIU/ RSIS/RMDS PCB, set code 49 for cabinet slot 11 and proceed to Step C. Step C: From the Programming Telephone, use Program 76-1 and 76-2 to set the RSIU/RSIS/RMDS ports for their appropriate functions and baud rates. DKAdmin will pull Program 76 and adjust the DKAdmin customer database accordingly. Make sure the TTY/Maintenance port settings are correct to insure a successful Upgrade process. Proceed to Step D. Step D: Turn DK off (5 sec) then on. From the Programming Telephone, test the RCTU (R3) RAM by running Program 00-(51,52/61, 62) Press any key to Continue Baud Rate Selection Please adjust the baud rate of DKBackup PC COM port to match the new PIOU, PIOUS, RSSU or RSIU/RSIS you may have installed. Baud Rate ............. 9600 300 1200 2400 4800 9600 14400 19200 38400 57600

Upgrade–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 112DKAdmin/DKBackup 16. Select the DKAdmin/DKBackup PC COM port baud rate and press Enter. The information screen below instructs you to pull Program 03 if you changed any PCBs during the upgrade process. DKAdmin/DKBackup can be used to pull Program 03 automatically. 17. After reading the screen above, press Enter. The program displays: Pull Program 03 from DK to Update Customer Database? NoteIf upgrading onsite and the new RCTU is in the customer’s DK, it is recommended that you answer Yes. This will cause DKAdmin/DKBackup to pull Program 03 to ensure that the upgrade process is successful. If the RCTU you are upgrading is installed in a test system (offsite), answer No. Program 03 will not be pulled and Program 03 data in the customer database (in DKAdmin) is sent to the new processor. 18. Highlight Yes or No and press Enter. You are prompted to enter the DK code. 19. Enter the default DK Code 0000. DKAdmin/DKBackup initializes the processor with Program 91-1, and downloads Programs 03 (if Yes in Step 18) and 76. The program displays the message: You will send data to the DK. Are you sure? 20. Highlight Yes and press Enter. You are prompted to re-enter the DK Code. 21. Enter the default DK code 0000. DKAdmin/DKBackup begins the upgrade process. NoteBefore restoring/upgrading data, DKAdmin/DKBackup pulls some programs (04, *04 and *09) in order to arrange the data and prevent numbering conflicts. The DK then sends the upgraded database to the new processor. 22. After sending the upgraded data to the new processor, the screen below displays. Read the screen and press Enter. Processor Conversion If you added or changed any PCBs other than the RCTU PCB in the DK system, the customer database will need to be updated to reflect these changes. You can pull Program 03 from the DK to accomplish this. If you pull Program 03 from the DK, you will override the existing customer database with the DK data. If you do not pull Program 03 from the DK, the existing customer database will remain intact. IMPORTANT: If you have upgraded the customer database offline, DO NOT pull Program 03 as it will override your changes. IMPORTANT: Any time DK14/DK16e/DK40 is upgraded, Program 03 must be pulled so DKAdmin can update the new system’s cabinet drawing. NOTE: If you pull Program 03 from the DK, the DK will be initialized with Program 91-1 automatically. This initialization program identifies the PCBs to the DK. Press any key to Continue You have uploaded program(s) to the DK which require the DK to be powered off for 5 seconds and then on again for the modifications to take effect. DK280 Release 3 and 4 allows you to perform this task automatically without physically turning the system off. If desired, the system can be shut down manually.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––Upgrade 11 3Backup Menu (DKBackup) NoteFor Release 2, only the following message displays: Turn the system OFF (5 sec). 23. Turn the system off (five seconds) and then on. ...or When the screen displays the message Perform Automatic Power OFF/ON Simulation?, highlight Yes (Release 3 or Release 4 upgrades only). 24. Press Enter and DKAdmin/DKBackup runs Program 91-2 and displays the screen below (Release 3 or Release 4 upgrades only). 25. Press any key. The upload part of the upgrade process has been completed. 26. Press the spacebar; the following message displays: To complete the upgrade process, you will receive data? 27. Highlight Yes and press Enter and you are prompted for the DK Code. It is necessary to download the upgraded processor database to complete the upgrade process. 28. Type the default DK Code 0000. DKAdmin/DKBackup downloads the upgraded database and saves it under the customer directory. When complete, the Processor Conversion screen displays (shown below). 29. Perform the steps displayed on the screen as required, using the programming telephone, and backup any data that you change, using DKAdmin/DKBackup. 30. Press Esc twice to return to the Main Menu. Program 91-2 has been completed. The system has performed a power off/on simulation. Processor Conversion Conversion Completed Successfully. Program 03 may have been updated by the conversion process. This process only updates the installed PCBs but not the piggyback options. You must edit and upload Program 03 if such changes are required. Program 76 may have been reset to ensure that the communication link between DKBackup PC and the Strata DK RSIU/RSIS/RMDS TTY port remains at the same baud rate. Check and adjust each RSIU/RSIS/RMDS port as required. If you upgraded a Release 2 System with ACD to Release 3 system with ACD, you must perform the steps below for proper ACD operation: 1. Remove all ACD CO line and Pooled line buttons from Agent phones (PRG39). 2. Add a single appearing PhDN (ACD Call Button) to all Agent phones (PRG39). 3. Program each Agent ACD Call Button PhDN to ring at the Agent phone (PRG *71). 4. Program each Agent phone as the owner of its ACD call button PhDN (PRG *33).

Upgrade–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 114DKAdmin/DKBackup Important! When using DKAdmin/DKBackup, the following list provides important information regarding specific programs: lProgram 00: DKAdmin/DKBackup does not upgrade the DK security codes in Program 00-1 and 00-2. If required, change the code using the DKAdmin Program Administration Section option or manually from the programming telephone. lProgram 03: On new or upgraded installations, Program 03 should always be checked and updated using DKAdmin Program Administration Section option or manually from the programming telephone to make sure all PCB slots have the correct codes for PCBs and PCB options. Strata DK power must be turned off (five seconds) and then on after uploading (restoring) Program 03 to enable its data to take effect. lPrograms 04, *04 and *09: When uploading these programs, DKAdmin/DKBackup downloads them from the processor, compares and arranges data in an acceptable order and uploads the data to the Strata DK. lWhen upgrading processors, [DNs] that are not programmed or do not exist on the original processor in Programs 04, *04, *09, and 71-0, are blanked out on the new processor. For example, when upgrading from Release 2 to Release 3, all [PhDNs] are blank on the new Release 3 processor. This is necessary to prevent numbering conflicts. CAUTION!ACD/DID assignments in Program *09 cannot be restored (uploaded) with early ROM versions of Strata DK Release 2 ROMs; they must be restored using the programming telephone. ROM, RCA-6K(RCTUC/D2) and RBA-6H(RCTUB2) and later, and Flash Memory versions provide the ACD/ DID assignments (Program *09) restore function. Strata DK Release 3 Added Features: Strata DK Release 3 enables you to backup and restore Station Call Forward and Message Waiting status. However, when you upgrade from Strata DK Release 1 or 2 to Release 3, Call Forward and Message Waiting data are lost. When upgrading from Strata DK, Release 3 to Release 3.10 or higher, station Call Forward, Message Waiting, and Lost ANI/Caller ID data are saved and restored from the original processor to the new processor. CLID: To restore lost call number data, stations must have memory allocated in Program *51. Important!When backing up or upgrading Strata DK Release 1 Processors: The original release of Strata DK software version RCA-3U, 3X or 3Z; RBA-X3F (Release 1, June 1, 1993) stores station memory files (REPALL, MSGALL, VIDALL, MIDALL, ADMEMOAL, and NAMEALL) in a list format which uses a large amount of the PC’s memory and takes a long time to back up and restore. Toshiba recommends using an MS-DOS edit program to edit out all lines of backed-up data (in each file) that do not contain actual speed dial numbers, user names, etc. This should be done before restoring the customer database. This editing process will not be necessary when backup/restore is used with Strata DK software versions following the original June 1, 1993 release. Release 1 ROM, RCA-4A (Released September 1, 1993) and later, and Flash Memory versions store data in a compressed format and do not require the file editing. Release 1 processors (shipped between June 1993 and August 1993) may fail during the download process. It may be necessary to download individual files

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––View/Print Data 11 5Backup Menu (DKBackup) one at a time (for example: PRGALL), instead of tagging all files to download. If a Release 1 processor fails during the downloading process, retry the process or change the original Release 1 processor ROMs to NANP Release 1 upgrade ROMs and then download. View/Print Data äTo access the option 1. From the File Menu, select a customer. 2. From the Administration Menu, type v. The View/ Print Reports screen displays (shown right). NoteIf you attempt to choose this option before you select a customer, a message Please select a customer first displays. äTo view and print a customer program 1. Highlight the program/files you wish to view and press the spacebar to select them. To select all the programs/files, press F2. 2. Press Enter to view the program. The program data is displayed in the ASCII format required for uploading/downloading the Strata DK. This data can be useful to personnel that have knowledge of Strata DK program records. 3. Press F4 to print selected data (remember to press the spacebar to select the file to print). 4. Press Esc to return to the Report screen. äTo print a customer program 1. Highlight the program/files you wish to print and press the spacebar to select them. To select all the programs/files, press F2. 2. Press F4 to print the program(s). The Printer Selection screen displays (with the default printer highlighted). 3. Change the printer destination (by pressing F2 to select the printer, then F2 again to display the list of printers to select from) or press Enter to accept the default printer and print the report. 4. The program data is printed out in the Strata DK ASCII format required to upload/ download the Strata DK. This data may be useful to personnel that have knowledge of Strata DK program records.

View/Print Data–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 116DKAdmin/DKBackup

11 7Options Menu Options Menu8 This chapter gives you step-by-step instructions on using the options available on the Options Menu. They are: ©System Installation ©Company General Information (DKAdmin only) ©Screen Type/Color Installation ©Printer Type Selection ©System Miscellaneous Variables ©User Password Level Setup ©Communications Setup ©System Utilities ©ReIndex Files System Installation These features enable you to change system parameters such as screen colors, printer, miscellaneous system variables, user password setup and communications setups. Company General Information This option appears only on the DKAdmin — Option Menu and is not applicable to these programs.

System Installation––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 118DKAdmin/DKBackup Screen Type/Color Installation äTo change your monitor or color setups (not available to password level 2) 1. From the Main Menu, type o. The System Installation Submenu displays (shown right). Press Enter. 2. Type s and a pop-up screen displays (shown right), enabling you to set monitor and screen specifications. NotePress the spacebar to toggle between available options. Screen Mode This option enables you to increase or decrease the screen display text size. Select 25, 43 or 50 lines. After making a selection, press Enter. Color/Monochrome Select the appropriate option (Color or Monochrome) for the type of monitor you are using and press Enter. Reset Colors Select Yes or No and press Enter. If you select Yes, any custom colors you have chosen in the Change Colors option revert to the default colors. Change ColorsIf you do not want to change the display screen colors, toggle the Change Colors option to No and press Enter. The pop-up closes and the System Installation Submenu displays. If you would like to customize your screen display, follow the instructions in “To change the color of an item”.

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––System Installation 11 9Options Menu äTo change the color of an item 1. From the pop-up dialog box, highlight the Yes for the Change Colors option and press Enter. The Color Selection screen displays. The Color Selection screen (shown right) consists of an item selection menu, a set of item color bars, and a sample screen display showing the result of your color selection. All three components work together to show an example of your screen selection. As you select an item and change its color, the sample screen changes to reflect your new color selection. You can change the color of the following screen items: 2. Use the Enter key to choose the item you want to change from the Item Selector Menu at the left side of the screen. As you move the highlighter down the Item Selector Menu, the appropriate color bar is selected. 3. Use the up/down arrow keys to change the color on the color bar. Notice that as you move along the color bar, the sample screen changes to reflect the color selected. 4. When you have completed all of your color selections, press the Esc key. A Save Changes pop-up window displays. 5. To save your color selections, press Enter. The system returns to the System Installation Submenu and is displayed in the colors that you have specified. Printer Type Selection The Printer Type Selection option enables you to specify the printer you will be using to print. ©Menu Screen©Data Title ©Menu Background©Data Special (Special Text) ©Menu Items©Browse Background ©Data Border©Browse Item ©Data Screen (Text)©Attention Background (error messages) ©Data Select (Selected Text)©Attention Select (error message item selected) ©Data Unselect (Unselected Text)

System Installation––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 120DKAdmin/DKBackup äTo select printer 1. Type p. The Printout Destination Selection Matrix screen displays (shown right). 2. Highlight the appropriate printer destination and press the spacebar. The highlighter moves to the Printer field. 3. Press F2. The Available Printer Drivers dialog box displays. 4. Scroll the printer list using the up/down arrow keys, or type the first letter of your printer to “jump” to the printer selections which begin with that letter. For example, if you have a Hewlett-Packard Laserjet printer, type h and the screen scrolls to the beginning of the Hewlett-Packard printers. 5. Highlight your selection and press Enter. The Printout Destination Selection Matrix screen displays again. 6. Press Enter and the System Installation Submenu displays. System Miscellaneous Variables The System Miscellaneous Variables option (available to password levels 8 and 9) enables you to control various system functions and conventions by changing the default entry. äTo change system variables 1. Type m. The System Miscellaneous Variables pop-up displays (shown right). 2. Use the Enter or up/ down arrow keys to move from field to field. Press the spacebar to toggle between Yes and No. Confirm EntriesWhen set to No, as you complete an input field (using all the available field characters), the cursor automatically moves to the next field. When set to Yes, you must press the Enter key after field input to move to the next field. Bell OnWhen set to Yes, as you complete all the available characters of an input field, a beep sounds.