Toshiba Strata Dk Admin/ Dk Backup User Guide
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161Index Index A ACD administration ,70 agent programs,72 edit ACD programs,70 edit agent programs,72 view notes on program,71, 75 ACD/DID assignments,114 add-on-module change assigned feature ,64 clear port,64 copy feature,64 edit assignments,63 make assignments to another port,63 administration ACD ,70 administration menu,43 directory number,85 distributed hunt group,92 DNIS,89 download data,74 edit data,74 program,73 station,44 system,44 upload data,74 view all programs,74 after connect string,38, 131–133, 135, 137 assignments add-on-module buttons ,63 attendant console buttons,66 call forward,93 CO line,55 ringing,93 distributed hunt group,92 DNIS network table ,91 number/name/ringing/VM-ID,90 tenant lock,92 DNIS/DID ringing,93 DNIS/DID/ANI line,89 DSS console buttons,65 flexible buttons,54, 61 maintain directory numbers,85 speed dial,55 system messages,56 attendant console assigning features to another console ,67 edit flexible buttons,67 flexible button assignments,66 key default settings,67 reset keys,67 attributes copy a range ,53 definitions,50 program/update,49 B background char,121 backup data ,100 menu,99 backup/restore option,99 check processor type option,100 basic operations,2 baud rate serial port ,124, 128 baud rate (serial port),105 before you start,27 button assignment attendant console ,66 DSS console,65 flexible,61, 88

162DKAdmin/DKBackup C call forward assignments ,93 set/change assignments,93 use system program files to edit,94 calling Strata DK using dialer,129 CAMA trunk programs (see E911/CAMA trunk programs check processor type option ,100, 102, 108 CO line,55 access codes,91 flexible key assignments,88 COM port,124, 127 communication dialing strings ,41 unable to establish,100, 102, 109 update dialing strings,41 communication setup display settings ,125 PC DIU/DIU modem pool to modem,137 remote modem to external modem/TTY port ,132 remote modem to modem pool,135 remote modem/Strata DK IMDU,133 communications setup ,124 connection configurations ,127 direct,130 DIU to DIU,131 external modem to Strata DK TTY port,144 hangup,42 PC DIU/DIU modem pool to Strata DK modem ,137 remote modem to external modem/TTY port ,132 remote modem to modem pool,135 remote modem to Strata DK IMDU (or external modem) ,133 Strata DK telephone system,15, 25 conventions keyboard ,31 customer address ,37 contact name,37 dialer setup,130–133, 135, 137 ID,37 maintain file,108 name,37 on-screen information,40 phone number,37 record create ,36 delete,39 modify,39 select,39 upgrade processor,37 D data backup ,100 download,41, 100 upload,41 data bits serial port ,124, 128 dial DK,131 dialing strings,40 option,40, 100, 102 directory numbers administration ,85 maintain assignments,85 set/change CO line flexible key assignments ,88 set/change information,86 specify ringing options,87 distributed hunt group,92 display/update CO line ringing assignments ,93 display/update DNIS/DID ringing assignments ,93 maintain assignments,92 DIU string,37, 131–133, 135, 137 DK Admin logging off ,33 DKAdmin basic operations ,2 before you start,27 capabilities,1 connection to telephone system,15 first time run,12, 22 install program,10, 20 keyboard conventions,31 logging off,33 logging on,27 on-line help,32 password,12, 22 program list,76 pull-down menus,32

163Index screen conventions,4 security,78 software release,38 system requirements,7 using,27 DKBackup about ,42 backup/restore,99 check system,17 install program,18 software release,38 DNIS address reference numbers ,90 administration,89 network table assignments,91 number/name/ringing/VM-ID assignments ,90 tenant lock assignments,92 DNIS/DID ringing,93 DNIS/DID/ANI line assignments,89 documentation conventions ,viii how to use this manual,ix related,ix download data,41, 100 DSS console assignments to another console/console group ,66 button assignments,65 change assigned feature,65 default key settings,65 resetting all keys,65 E E911/CAMA trunk programs access ,94 edit programs,95 use Strata DK’s program files,96 view notes on program,96 error messages,32 exit system,33 external modem,133, 143–144 TTY port connection,141 F file menu,35, 115, 131, 133 about option,42 dial DK option,40 hangup connection option,42 maintain customer file option,36 select customer option,39 find feature,5 flexible buttons,61 change assigned feature,61 programming,61 set/change CO lines,88 view assignments,54 H hangup connection option,42 hardware key ,18 requirements,127 help (on-line),32 I IMDU,133 individual port program ,46 program/update attributes,49 update,46 install program,18 installation,10, 20 system,117 ISDN programs access ,97 edit programs,97 use Strata DK’s program files,97 view notes on program,98 K keyboard,31 L LCD messages,49 line ringing options ,87 logging off,33 logging on,27 M maintain customer file option,36 menu administration ,43 backup,99 dial DK,132 DK dial,132

164DKAdmin/DKBackup file,35, 115, 131, 133 item selector,119 options,117 password level access,123 pull-down,32 system installation,118 menu options about ,42 ACD administration,70 ACD agent programs,72 ACD programs,70 add-on module button assignments,63 attendant console flexible button assignments ,66 call forward assignments,93 change colors,118 check processor type,100 communications setup,124 company general information,117 dial DK,40 directory number administration,85 distributed hunt group administration,92 DNIS administration,89 DSS console button assignments,65 flexible button programming,61 hangup connection,42 maintain customer file,36 printer type selection,119 program administration,73 program security maintenance,77 reindex files,125 screen/type color installation,118 select customer,39 speed dial programming,68 station speed dial numbers,69 system installation,117 system miscellaneous variables,120 system speed dial numbers,68 system/station administration,44 telephone flexible button assignments,61 user password level setup,121 view/print data,115 message error ,32 system,32, 56 modem connection to Strata DK IMDU ,133 direct modem initialization,125 DIU initialization,125 external maintenance modem installation,142 external modem,144 PC DIU/DIU modem pool connection,137 port,105 string,37, 131–133, 135, 137 modem pool DIU connection ,129 PC DIU/DIU,137 PDIU-DS installation,141 remote modem connection,135 N network telephone numbers,91 O on-line help,32 options menu,117 P [PDN] changing information ,86 parity serial port ,124, 128 password,12, 22 add users,122 administrator level I access,122 administrator level II access,122 assign,122 changing user/password information,124 default levels,77 deleting user password,124 file maintenance program,121 level,122 level 1 and 2,101 level 9,78 level menu access,123 master access,122 set/change station port numbers,92 setup,121 station port numbers,92 tech level I access,122 PIOU/PIOUS/RSSU setup,128 port attributes copy a range ,53 definitions,50 program/update,49 printing,56 port assignments,108

165Index print customer program ,115 port/station information,47 printer selection screen,115 printer type selection,119 select printer,120 processor upgrade ,37 upgrade RCTU processor,107 program *04 ,76, 108, 112, 114, 158 *09,76, 106, 108, 112, 158 *17,158 *29,160 *33,160 *42-1,160 *42-2,160 00,101, 114 01,157 02,157 03,76, 105, 109, 112, 114, 128, 150, 157 04,76, 106, 112, 114, 157 05,158 09,158 10-1,158 10-2,158 10-3,158 10-4,158 13,158 15,158 16,158 17,158 20,159 29,160 30,159 33,159 38/39,76 39,108, 160 59,160 71-0,108 76,76, 105, 112, 128 76-0,76, 150 77-1,102, 106, 128 90,76 91,76 92,76 92-1,107, 113 ACD,70 ACD Agent,72 administration,73 list,76 PRGALL,76 REPALL,76 security maintenance,77 programming flexible button ,61 individual port attributes,49 speed dial,68 pull-down menus,32 Q quick-start procedure new customer installation ,36 R RCTU processor PCB upgrade,107 reindex files,125 remote modem connection to modem pool ,135 external modem/TTY port,132 restore prior to restoring data ,102 restoring data,102 ringing options,87 RMDS,133 running DKAdmin,12, 22 S screen change colors ,118 change your monitor or color setups,118 color installation,118 color/monochrome,118 conventions,4 mode,118 on-screen customer information,40 password file maintenance,124 printout destination selection matrix,120 process complete,106, 112 reset colors,118 security maintenance,77 system program file,101 type,118 variations,viii security change password ,12, 22 default levels,78 program maintenance,77

166DKAdmin/DKBackup select customer option,39, 100, 102 select printer,120 serial communications port,124 serial ports baud rate ,105 shift-function keys,121 software release,38 speed dial numbers assignments ,55 change,48 edit station assignments,69 edit system assignments,68 programming,68 set,48 station assignment,69 system,48 system assignment,68 station attributes copy a range ,53 definitions,50 program/update,49 information,47 speed dial numbers,69 stop bits serial port ,124 serial ports,128 system check requirements ,7, 17 connection,25 connection configurations,127 dial DK,40 error messages,32 exit,33 hardware requirements,127 install program,10, 18, 20 installation menu,118 logging off,33 logging on,27 messages,32, 56 miscellaneous variable,120 on-line help,32 program file,101, 109 program file screen,101 run for first time,12, 22 set/change LCD messages,49 speed dial numbers,48, 68, 108 Strata DK connection,127 system/station administration,44 T telephone flexible buttons assignments ,61 change feature,61 transfer DK program data screen ,42 TTY port,105, 108, 129, 132, 141, 144 U upgrade DK system to DK424 R4 ,149 important things to do after,147 off-site,145 on-site,146 processor,37 RCTU processor,107 release 4 configurations,149 release 4 program example,154 to RCTUE/F,145 upload data,41 uploading programmed data,56 user password,121 V variables background char ,121 bell on,120 change system variables,120 confirm entries,120 proper case conversion,121 shift-function keys,121 view CO line assignments ,55 customer program,115 flexible button assignments,54 notes on ACD program,71, 75 notes on E911/CAMA trunk programs,96 notes on ISDN programs,98 reports screen,115

Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc. Telecommunication Systems Division 9740 Irvine Boulevard, Irvine, CA 92618 Item Number:4016158 Part Number:DKA-UG-ADBKP-VC