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    of 913
    SynchronizationTimecode (positional references)
    Master and slave
    Calling one device the “master” and another the “slave” can lead to a great deal of 
    confusion. The timecode relationship and the machine control relationship must be 
    differentiated in this regard.
    In this document, the following terms are used:
    - The “timecode master” is the device generating position information or timecode.
    - The “timecode slave” is any device receiving the timecode and synchronizing or 
    “locking” to it.
    - The “machine control master” is the device that issues transport commands to the 
    - The “machine control slave” is the device receiving those commands and 
    responding to them.
    For example, Cubase could be the machine control master, sending transport 
    commands to an external device which in turn sends timecode and audio clock 
    information back to Cubase. In that case, Cubase would also be the timecode slave at 
    the same time. So calling Cubase simply the master is misleading.
    ÖIn most scenarios, the machine control slave is also the timecode master. Once it 
    receives a play command, that device starts generating timecode for all the timecode 
    slaves to synchronize to.
    Timecode (positional references)
    The position of any device is most often described using timecode. Timecode 
    represents time using hours, minutes, seconds, and frames to provide a location for 
    each device. Each frame represents a visual film or video frame.
    Timecode can be communicated in several ways:
    - LTC (Longitudinal Timecode) is an analog signal that can be recorded on tape. It 
    should be used for positional information primarily. It can also be used for speed 
    and phase information as a last resort if no other clock source is available.
    - VITC (Vertical Interval Timecode) is contained within a composite video signal. It is 
    recorded onto video tape and is physically tied to each video frame.
    - MTC (MIDI Timecode) is identical to LTC except that it is a digital signal 
    transmitted via MIDI.
    Timecode standards
    Timecode has several standards. The subject of the various timecode formats can be 
    very confusing due to the use and misuse of the shorthand names for specific 
    timecode standards and frame rates. The reasons for this confusion are described in 
    detail below. The timecode format can be divided into two variables: frame count and 
    frame rate.
    Frame count (frames per second)
    The frame count of timecode defines the standard with which it is labeled. There are 
    four timecode standards:
    •24 fps Film (F)
    This frame count is the traditional count for film. It is also used for HD video formats 
    and commonly referred to as “24
     p”. However, with HD video, the actual frame rate 
    or speed of the video sync reference is slower, 23.976 frames per second, so 
    timecode does not reflect the actual realtime on the clock for 24p HD video.
    •25 fps PAL (P)
    This is the broadcast video standard frame count for European (and other PAL 
    countries) television broadcast. 
    SynchronizationTimecode (positional references)
    •30 fps non-drop SMPTE (N)
    This is the frame count of NTSC broadcast video. However, the actual frame rate 
    or speed of the video format runs at 29.97
     fps. This timecode clock does not run in 
    realtime. It is slightly slower by 0.1
    •30 fps drop-frame SMPTE (D)
    The 30 fps drop-frame count is an adaptation that allows a timecode display 
    running at 29.97
     fps to actually show the clock-on-the-wall-time of the timeline by 
    “dropping” or skipping specific frame numbers in order to “catch the clock up” to 
    Confused? Just remember to keep the timecode standard (or frame count) and frame 
    rate (or speed) separate.
    Frame rate (speed)
    Regardless of the frame counting system, the actual speed at which frames of video 
    go by in realtime is the true frame rate.
    In Cubase the following frame rates are available:
    •23.9 fps (Cubase only)
    This frame rate is used for film that is being transferred to NTSC video and must be 
    slowed down for a 2-3 pull-down telecine transfer. It is also used for the type of 
    HD video referred to as “24
    •24 fps
    This is the true speed of standard film cameras.
    •24.9 fps (Cubase only)
    This frame rate is commonly used to facilitate transfers between PAL and NTSC 
    video and film sources. It is mostly used to correct for some error.
    •25 fps
    This is the frame rate of PAL video.
    •29.97 fps
    This is the frame rate of NTSC video. The count can be either non-drop or drop-
    •30 fps
    This frame rate is not a video standard anymore but has been commonly used in 
    music recording. Many years ago it was the black and white NTSC broadcast 
    standard. It is equal to NTSC video being pulled up to film speed after a 2-3 
    telecine transfer.
    •59.98 fps (Cubase only)
    This rate is also referred to as “60 p”. Many professional HD cameras record at 
     fps. While 60 fps could theoretically exist as a frame rate, no current HD 
    video camera records at a full 60
     fps as a standard rate. 
    Frame count vs. frame rate
    Part of the confusion in timecode stems from the use of “frames per second” in both 
    the timecode standard and the actual frame rate. When used to describe a timecode 
    standard, frames per second defines how many frames of timecode are counted 
    before one second on the counter increments. When describing frame rates, frames 
    per second define how many frames are played back during the span of one second 
    of realtime. In other words: Regardless of how many frames of video there are per 
    second of timecode (frame count), those frames can be moving at different rates 
    depending on the speed (frame rate) of the video format. For example, NTSC 
    timecode (SMPTE) has a frame count of 30
     fps. However, NTSC video runs at a rate 
    of 29.97
     fps. So the NTSC timecode standard known as SMPTE is a 30 fps standard 
    that runs at 29.97 realtime. 
    SynchronizationClock sources (speed references)
    Clock sources (speed references)
    Once the position is established, the next essential factor for synchronization is the 
    playback speed. Once two devices start playing from the same position, they must run 
    at exactly the same speed in order to remain in sync. Therefore, a single speed 
    reference must be used and all devices in the system must follow that reference. With 
    digital audio, the speed is determined by the audio clock rate. With video, the speed 
    is determined by the video sync signal.
    Audio clock
    Audio clock signals run at the speed of the sample rate used by a digital audio device 
    and are transmitted in several ways:
    Word clock
    Word clock is a dedicated signal running at the current sample rate that is fed over 
    BNC coaxial cables between devices. It is the most reliable form of audio clock and is 
    relatively easy to connect and use.
    AES/SPDIF Digital Audio
    An audio clock source is embedded within AES and SPDIF digital audio signals. This 
    clock source can be used as a speed reference. Preferably, the signal itself does not 
    contain any actual audio (digital black), but any digital audio source can be used if 
    ADAT Lightpipe
    ADAT Lightpipe, the 8-channel digital audio protocol developed by Alesis, also 
    contains audio clock and can be used as a speed reference. It is transmitted via 
    optical cables between devices.
    ÖDo not confuse the audio clock embedded in the Lightpipe protocol with ADAT Sync, 
    which has timecode and machine control running over a proprietary DIN plug 
    MIDI clock
    MIDI clock is a signal that uses position and timing data based on musical bars and 
    beats to determine location and speed (tempo). It can perform the same function as a 
    positional reference and a speed reference for other MIDI devices. Cubase supports 
    sending MIDI clock to external devices but cannot slave to incoming MIDI clock.
    The Project Synchronization Setup dialog
    Cubase’s Project Synchronization Setup dialog provides a central place to configure 
    a complex synchronized system. In addition to settings for timecode sources and 
    machine control settings, project setup parameters are available along with basic 
    transport controls for testing the system. 
    To open the Project Synchronization Setup dialog, proceed as follows:
    •On the Transport menu, select the “Project Synchronization Setup…” option.
    •On the Transport panel, [Ctrl]/[Command]-click the Sync button.
    !MIDI clock cannot be used to synchronize digital audio. It is only used for MIDI 
    devices to play in musical sync with one another. Cubase does not support being a 
    MIDI clock slave. 
    SynchronizationThe Project Synchronization Setup dialog
    The dialog is organized into sections separating related groups of settings. The 
    arrows shown between the various sections of the dialog indicate how settings in one 
    section influence settings in another section. In the following, the available sections 
    are described in detail.
    The Cubase section
    At the center of the Project Synchronization Setup dialog is the Cubase section. It is 
    provided to help you visualize the role that Cubase takes in your setup. It shows which 
    external signals enter or leave the application.
    Timecode Source
    The Timecode Source setting determines whether Cubase is acting as timecode 
    master or slave.
    When set to “Internal Timecode”, Cubase is the timecode master, generating all 
    position references for any other device in the system. The other options are for 
    external timecode sources. Selecting any of these, makes Cubase a timecode slave 
    when the Sync button is activated.
    Internal Timecode
    Cubase generates timecode based on the project timeline and project setup settings. 
    The timecode will follow the format specified in the Project Setup section.
    MIDI Timecode
    Cubase acts as a timecode slave to any incoming MIDI timecode (MTC) on the port(s) 
    selected in the MIDI Timecode section, to the right of the Timecode Source section.
    Selecting “All MIDI Inputs” allows Cubase to sync to MTC from any MIDI connection. 
    You can also select a single MIDI port for receiving MTC.
    ASIO Audio Device
    This option is only available with audio cards that support ASIO Positioning Protocol. 
    These audio cards have an integrated LTC reader or ADAT sync port and can perform 
    a phase alignment of timecode and audio clock.
    VST System Link
    VST System Link can provide all aspects of sample-accurate synchronization 
    between other System Link workstations. For information on configuring VST System 
    Link, see 
    “Working with VST System Link” on page 660. 
    SynchronizationThe Project Synchronization Setup dialog
    Timecode Preferences
    When MIDI Timecode is selected, additional options become available in the Cubase 
    section, providing several options for working with external timecode.
    Lock Frames
    This setting determines how many full frames of timecode it takes for Cubase to try 
    and establish sync or “lock”. If you have an external tape transport with a very short 
    start-up time, try lowering this number to make lock-up even faster. This option can 
    only be set to multiples of two.
    Drop Out Frames
    This setting determines the amount of missed timecode frames it takes for Cubase to 
    stop. Using LTC recorded on an analog tape machine can result in some amount of 
    drop outs. Increasing this number allows Cubase to “free-wheel” over missed frames 
    without stopping. Lowering this number causes Cubase to stop sooner once the tape 
    machine has stopped.
    Inhibit Restart ms
    Some synchronizers still transmit MTC for a short period after an external tape 
    machine has been stopped. These extra frames of timecode sometimes cause 
    Cubase to restart suddenly. The “Inhibit Restart ms” setting allows you to control the 
    amount of time in milliseconds that Cubase will wait to restart (ignoring incoming 
    MTC) once it has stopped.
    Auto-Detect Frame-Rate Changes
    Cubase can notify the user when the frame rate of timecode changes at any point. 
    This is helpful in diagnosing problems with timecode and external devices. This 
    notification will interrupt playback or recording. Deactivating this option will avoid any 
    interruption in playback or recording.
    Machine Control Output Destination
    When the Sync button on the Transport panel is activated, all transport commands 
    (including movements of the cursor in the Project window) are translated into machine 
    control commands and routed according to the settings made in the “Machine 
    Control Output Destination” section.
    !If there is a discrepancy between the project frame rate in Cubase and incoming 
    timecode, Cubase might still be able to lock to the incoming timecode. If the user is 
    unaware of these differences, problems can arise later in postproduction. 
    SynchronizationThe Project Synchronization Setup dialog
    MC Master Active
    When this option is activated, transport commands are routed or sent to any device 
    while sync is enabled. Additional routing options become available, see below. 
    Deactivating this option does not affect the operation of the individual MMC Device 
    panels. They can still function regardless of the machine control destination.
    MMC Input and Output
    The MMC Input and MMC Output settings determine which MIDI port in your system 
    will send and receive MMC commands. Set both the input and output to MIDI ports 
    that are connected to the desired MIDI device.
    MMC Device ID
    The MMC device ID should be set to the same number as the receiving device. You 
    can also set the device ID to “All” if more than one machine is receiving MMC 
    commands or if the device ID is not known.
    ÖSome devices can only listen to their specific IDs. Therefore, using the All option will 
    not work with such devices.
    Number of Audio Tracks (Cubase only)
    The number of audio tracks should be set to match the amount of available audio 
    tracks in the destination device. This setting determines how many record-enable 
    buttons are shown in the MMC Master panel (see below).
    MMC Master panel
    The MMC Master panel can be opened from the Devices menu. In order to use the 
    MMC Master panel, proceed as follows:
    •Open the Preferences dialog, select the MIDI Filter section and make sure SysEx 
    is activated in the Thru section.
    This is necessary since MMC uses two-way communication (the tape recorder 
    “replies” to the MMC messages it receives from Cubase). By filtering out SysEx 
    Thru, you ensure that these MMC System Exclusive replies are not echoed back to 
    the tape recorder.
    •On the MMC Master panel, activate the Online button to use the transport buttons 
    on the panel to control the transport of the device.
    It is not necessary to have this activated in order to synchronize with the MMC 
    device. It only affects operation of the MMC Master panel.
    •You can use the buttons to the left on the MMC Master panel to arm tape tracks 
    for recording.
    •The “A1, A2, TC, VD” items refer to additional tracks usually found on video tape 
    Refer to the manual of your VTR device to see if these tracks are supported. 
    SynchronizationThe Project Synchronization Setup dialog
    Machine Control Input (Cubase only)
    Cubase can respond to machine control commands from external MIDI devices. 
    Cubase can follow incoming transport commands (locate, play, record) and respond 
    to record-enabling commands for audio tracks. This allows Cubase to easily integrate 
    into larger studio systems with centralized machine control and synchronization such 
    as theatrical mixing stages.
    MMC Slave Active
    When this option is activated, several settings become available in the Machine 
    Control Input section: 
    MIDI Timecode Destinations
    Cubase can send MTC to any MIDI port. Use this section to specify the MIDI ports to 
    which MTC is routed. Devices that can lock to MTC will chase Cubase’s timecode 
    ÖSome MIDI interfaces send MTC over all ports by default. If this is the case, only 
    select one port of the interface for MTC.
    MIDI Timecode Follows Project Time
    Activate this option to ensure that the MTC output follows Cubase’s time position at 
    all times including looping, locating, or jumping while playing. If not, MTC will continue 
    on without changing locations at a loop or jump point until playback stops.
    MMC InputSet this to the MIDI input that is connected to the master machine 
    control device.
    MMC OutputSet this to the MIDI output that is connected to the master machine 
    control device.
    MMC Device IDThis determines the MIDI ID number that is used to identify the 
    machine in Cubase.
    !The MMC protocol involves polling devices (requesting information) for their status 
    which requires two way communication. While some functions may work with only one 
    way communication, it is best to connect both MIDI ports (input and output) of MMC 
    devices. Refer to 
    “MMC Master panel” on page 656 to ensure that the MIDI filter is 
    set up correctly. 
    SynchronizationSynchronized operation
    MIDI Clock Destinations
    Some MIDI devices like drum machines can match their tempo and location to 
    incoming MIDI clock. Select any MIDI ports that you wish to output MIDI clock.
    MIDI Clock Follows Project Position
    Activate this option to ensure that the MIDI clock device follows Cubase when looping, 
    locating, or jumping while playing.
    ÖSome older MIDI devices might not respond well to these positioning messages and 
    could take some time synchronizing to the new location.
    Always Send Start Message
    MIDI clock transport commands include Start, Stop, and Continue. However, some 
    MIDI devices do not recognize the Continue command. By activating the “Always 
    Send Start Message” option, you can avoid this problem with specific MIDI devices.
    Send MIDI Clock in Stop Mode
    Activate this option if you are working with a device that needs MIDI clock to run 
    continuously in order to operate arpeggiators and loop generators.
    Synchronized operation
    Once you have connected all the devices that will be synchronized, it is important to 
    understand how Cubase operates in Sync mode. Sync mode is enabled by activating 
    the Sync button on the Transport panel.
    Sync mode
    When you activate the Sync button, the following happens:
    •Cubase only: Transport commands are routed to the machine control destination 
    output as specified in the Project Synchronization Setup dialog.
    Locate, Play, Stop, and Record commands will now be sent to an external device.
    •Cubase awaits incoming timecode from the chosen timecode source defined in 
    the Project Synchronization Setup dialog in order to play.
    Cubase will detect incoming timecode, locate to its current position, and start 
    playback in sync with the incoming timecode.
    Cubase only: In a typical scenario, an external tape machine (e.g. a VTR) has its 
    timecode output connected to Cubase. Cubase is sending machine control 
    commands to the deck. When Sync is activated and you click Play on the Transport 
    panel, a play command is sent to the VTR. The VTR in turn starts playback, sending 
    timecode back to Cubase. Cubase then synchronizes to that incoming timecode. 
    SynchronizationExample scenario (Cubase only)
    Example scenario (Cubase only)
    To better understand how synchronization options can be utilized, an example 
    scenario is provided.
    Personal music studio
    In a personal music studio, the user might have the need of synchronizing with an 
    external recording device such as a portable hard disk recorder used for live remote 
    In this example, MIDI will be used for timecode and machine control while the audio 
    clock will be handled by Lightpipe digital audio connections.
    •When the Sync button is activated, Cubase sends MMC commands to the hard 
    disk recorder.
    Cubase can remotely start playback of the recorder.
    •The hard disk recorder is using audio clock from Cubase’s audio interface as the 
    speed reference.
    It is also possible for Cubase to use the audio clock from the recorder. The audio 
    clock is carried over the Lightpipe digital audio connection that also carries audio 
    •The hard disk recorder sends back MTC to Cubase.
    When the recorder begins playing, MTC is sent back to Cubase which will sync to 
    that timecode.
    Sync settings for a personal music studio
    To synchronize the devices in this example scenario, proceed as follows:
    1.Make the connections as shown in the diagram above.
    In this simple example, any device that uses MTC can be substituted.
    2.Open the Project Synchronization Setup dialog and select “MIDI Timecode” as the 
    timecode source.
    When recording from the hard disk recorder into Cubase, Cubase will be the 
    machine control master and the timecode slave, locking to incoming MTC.
    3.In the “Machine Control Output Destination” section, select the “MIDI Machine 
    Control” option.
    Cubase will now send MMC commands to the hard disk recorder to locate and 
    start playback.
    4.In the “Machine Control Output Settings” section, assign the MIDI input and 
    output ports that are connected to the hard disk recorder.
    Since MMC uses two-way communication, both MIDI ports should be connected. 
    Be sure the MIDI filter does not echo SysEx data.
    5.On the Transport panel, activate the Sync button.
    This routes transport commands to the hard disk recorder via MIDI and sets 
    Cubase as the timecode slave.
    6.On the hard disk recorder, enable MMC and MTC.
    Follow the instructions on how to set up the unit to receive MMC commands and 
    transmit MTC.
    7.In Cubase, click the Play button.
    The hard disk recorder should start playback and send MTC to Cubase. Once 
    Cubase syncs to MTC, the status on the Transport panel should read “Lock” and 
    show the current frame rate of incoming MTC. 
    SynchronizationWorking with VST System Link
    Working with VST System Link
    VST System Link is a network system for digital audio that allows you to have several 
    computers working together in one large system. Unlike conventional networks it does 
    not require Ethernet cards, hubs, or CAT-5 cables; instead it uses the kind of digital 
    audio hardware and cables you probably already possess in your studio.
    VST System Link has been designed to be simple to set up and operate, yet give 
    enormous flexibility and performance gains in use. It is capable of linking computers in 
    a “ring” network (the System Link signal is passed from one machine to the next, and 
    eventually returns to the first machine). VST System Link can send its networking 
    signal over any type of digital audio cable, including S/PDIF, ADAT, TDIF, or AES, as 
    long as each computer in the system is equipped with a suitable ASIO compatible 
    audio interface.
    Linking up two or more computers gives you vast possibilities:
    - Dedicate one computer to running VST instruments while recording audio tracks 
    on another.
    - If you need lots of audio tracks, you may simply add tracks on another computer.
    - You could have one computer serve as a “virtual effect rack”, running CPU-
    intensive send effect plug-ins only.
    - Since you can use VST System Link to connect different VST System Link 
    applications on different platforms, you can take advantage of effect plug-ins and 
    VST instruments that are specific to certain programs or platforms.
    The following equipment is required for VST System Link operation:
    •Two or more computers.
    These can be of the same type or use different operating systems – it does not 
    matter. For example, you can link an Intel-based PC to an Apple Macintosh without 
    •Each computer must have audio hardware with specific ASIO drivers.
    •The audio hardware must have digital inputs and outputs.
    To be able to connect the computers, the digital connections must be compatible 
     e. the same digital formats and connection types must be available).
    •At least one digital audio cable must be available for each computer in the 
    •A VST System Link host application must be installed on each computer.
    Any VST System Link application can connect to another.
    Additionally, use of a KVM switchbox is recommended.
    Using a KVM switchbox
    Whether you want to set up a multi-computer network or a small network in a limited 
    space, it is a good idea to invest in a KVM (Keyboard, Video, Mouse) switchbox. With 
    one of these you can use the same keyboard, monitor, and mouse to control each 
    computer in the system, and you can switch between computers very rapidly. KVM 
    switchboxes are not too expensive, and they are very easy to set up and operate. If you 
    decide not to go this route, the network will function just the same, but you may end 
    up doing a lot of jumping from one machine to the other while setting up! 
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