NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Wireless System Manual
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24301 Pag e 1 24 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT 4. PROGRAMMING 1) ASYD (Assignment of System Data) SYS1 SI 78 b5: 1 (Name Display In Service) SI 79 b6: 0 (OAI In Service) SI 241 b1: The number of digits displayed in NAME DISPLAY service 0/1: 8 digits/16 digits 2) ARTD (Assignment of Route Class Data) Assign route class data for the CCIS route. CDN 43 (BT)=1 CDN 50 (DPLY)=1 CDN 98 (CI)=0/1 with ISDN CDN 112 (IND)=1 3) ANDD (Assignment of Name Display Data) Assign user’s information to Physical Station Number. TN : Tenant Number STN : Physical Station Number NAME : User information (Max. 16 digits) END START

NDA-24301 CHAPTER 4 Page 125 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT NUMBER SHARING 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This feature allows the Dterm user to use a PS as a sub station. In this feature, the Dterm and PS are referred as Main Station and Sub Station, respectively. The main functions of this feature are as follows: 1. Call Forwarding-All Calls to PS When the D term (Main Station) user presses the feature key or dials the access code, Call Forwarding-All Calls to PS (Sub Station) is set or canceled. This function can also be set or canceled by dialing the access code from the PS (Sub Station). 2. D term-Station Number Display Even if a call is connected to the PS (Sub Station), the station number of the Dterm (Main Station) is displayed on the other party’s LCD. 3. Billing Information Even if a call is originated from the PS (Sub Station), billing information is recorded as a call origination from the D term (Main Station). 4. Voice Mail Indication Even if a call is transferred from the PS (Sub Station) to the Voice Mail System, the voice mail is recorded on the mail box of the D term (Main Station). The system controls Message Waiting Indication on both the Dterm (Main Station) and PS (Sub Station). 2. OPERATING PROCEDURE To set from the Dterm: 1. While in idle state, press the feature key for this feature. The PS Transfer lamp lights on the D term (Main Station). 2. All the calls to the D term (Main Station) are forwarded to the PS (Sub Station). To cancel from the D term: 3. While the Sub Station Transfer lamp lights, press the feature key for this feature. The PS Transfer lamp goes off on the D term (Main Station). 4. This feature is canceled. To set from the PS: 5. While in idle state, dial the access code for this feature and receive Service Set Tone. The PS Transfer lamp lights on the D term (Main Station). 6. All the call to the Dterm (Main Station) is forwarded to the PS (Sub Station). To cancel from the PS: 7. While this feature is set, dial the cancel code for this feature and receive Service Set Tone. The PS Transfer lamp goes off on the D term (Main Station). 8. This feature is canceled.

CHAPTER 4 NDA-24301 Pag e 1 26 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT 3. SERVICE CONDITIONS 1. This feature is available for Series 7300 or later software. 2. Telephone Number must be assigned to both Main and Sub Stations. 3. The PS cannot be assigned as Main Station. 4. Any combination of Main Station and Sub Station is available in a Fusion network. 5. The access code for an outgoing call cannot be assigned as a Sub Station number. 6. Dialing the access code for this feature is available only for Main Station and Sub Station. Any other station or trunk cannot set this feature. 7. The D term user can set this feature using any line on the Dterm. In other words, even if the Dterm user sets this feature using a sub line, this feature is set to My Line. 8. The “PS Transfer” key is available only when the D term is in idle state. 9. When this feature is set while a call is terminating to Main Station, the call is not transferred to Sub Station. In this case, this feature is available from the next call. 10. When changing the parameter MW of ANSDN/ANSDL command from 0 to 1, each station must not have MW indication. Otherwise the MW indication remains. 11. Message Waiting Lamp control by MESSAGE REMINDER or CMWL command is applied only to the called/designated station. 12. Even if this feature is set, recall to Main Station is not forwarded to Sub Station. 13. Forwarding operation of this feature is not counted in Multiple Call Forwarding features. 14. When a call is originated from Sub Station to OAI or MFC, the Sub Station number is sent. 15. MEM_HDD, HDD_FDD and HDD_MAT commands can be used for saving, loading and verifying Number Sharing data. For detailed information, refer to System Operation and Maintenance Manual. 4. INTERACTIONS 1. This feature takes precedence over the Call Forwarding, Do Not Disturb and Station Hunting features set to Main Station. 2. When this feature is set, all the calls are forwarded to Sub Station even if CALL BLOCK [C-150] is set to Main Station. 3. Off-Hook Line Number Display feature of the PS is independent of this feature. 4. MW indication for Sub Station is available for My Line of the D term-PS II only. 5. When a Main Station is in a Station Hunting group, this feature can be activated only if the Main Station is the pilot station.

NDA-24301 CHAPTER 4 Page 127 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT 5. PROGRAMMING 1) ASYD (System Data) SYS1 INDEX 513 (LDM Memory Usage): Assign data “1” for the corresponding memory block. INDEX 514 (NDM Memory Usage): Assign data “1” for the corresponding memory block. 2) ANSDN/ANSDL (Number Sharing Data) M-UGN: Main User Group Number S-UGN: Sub User Group Number M-TELN: Main Telephone Number (Max. 16 digits) S-TELN: Sub Telephone Number (Max. 16 digits) OD: Output External Equipment Note 1 0: Only Main Telephone Number is used for SMDR, MCI and VPS Mail Box Num- ber. 1: Both Main Telephone Number and Sub Telephone Number are used for SMDR, MCI and VPS Mail Box Number. MW: Message Waiting Control Note 2 0: Message Waiting Control for Main and Sub Telephone Numbers 1: Message Waiting Control for Main Telephone Number Only INDEX: Telephone Equipment Number (1-65535) Note 1:When this parameter is set to “0”, the mail box for the Sub Station must be deleted. Note 2:This parameter is valid when the parameter OD is assigned as “1”. 3) ASPA (Special Access Code) Assign the access code for this feature to the D term and PS. SRV=SSCA, SIDA=108 (Number Sharing; Set) SRV=SSCA, SIDA=109 (Number Sharing; Cancel) 4) AKYD (Key Data for D term) Assign the following key data on the Dterm (Main Station). FKY = 126 (PS key) END START

CHAPTER 4 NDA-24301 Pag e 1 28 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT PCS ROAMING 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION This feature allows a PS to move to another PBX which has a different SYS-ID via Q. 931a or IS-11572 connection. The PBX which PS can roam from/to is assigned Network Number (NWN). Network Number must be assigned as a unique number for each network. 2. OPERATING PROCEDURE 1. PS moves to another PBX which has a different SYS-ID. 2. PS registers its location automatically at Visitor PBX to the Home PBX via Q. 931a or IS-11572 connection. 3. PS can originate a call from Visitor PBX. 4. Termination to the PS is transferred from the Home PBX to the Visitor PBX via Q. 931a or IS-11572 connection. 3. SERVICE CONDITIONS 1. This feature is available for Series 7300 software (Release 5 or later). 2. This feature is available between the PBXs which are connected via Q. 931a or IS-11572. 3. SMDR outputs the PS number instead of the account code when the PS is at Visitor PBX. 4. In Visitor PBX PS cannot use supplementary services which need service access code. But TRANSFER, CALL HOLD and some ANNOUNCEMENT SERVICES are available. 5. If there is TS between the Home PBX and Visitor PBX, TS must also have roaming feature. 6. CF-A/B/Incomplete a. CF-A If PS assigns CF-A at the Home PBX, all terminations are transferred. PS can also originate a call at the Visitor PBX. b. CF -B If PS is busy at the Visitor PBX, terminating call is transferred at the Home PBX. c. CF-Incomplete If a call to PS is incomplete at the Visitor PBX, terminating call is transferred at the Home PBX. 7. In Visitor PBX, a pseudo PS station number (VISITOR PS STATION NUMBER) must be assigned. Visitor PS station number must also be assigned by APSD command. In addition, telephone number for visitor PS station number must be assigned by ALGSL/N command. Note:Visitor PS station number must be a number which is not used in the Visitor PBX for other station number. 8. Maximum PS station amount includes amount of visitor PS station number. 9. Roaming PS cannot use Two-Line Feature. 10. Roaming PS cannot use Voice Mail Indication (VMI) Feature.

NDA-24301 CHAPTER 4 Page 129 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT 11. Roaming PS cannot use OAI features. < Series 7400 (Release 8) software enhancement > From Series 7400 or later software, a PS can move to any node of the Fusion network that has a different SYS- ID, on condition that a Q.931a/IS-11572 Tie Line is established between the different SYS-ID Fusion networks. Figure 4-1 depicts this software enhancement, in comparison with the former software capability. Figure 4-1 PS Roaming in Release 8 Enhancement Before Enhancing [Series 7300 (Release 5 to 7) software] After Enhancing (Series 7400 (Release 8) or later] Node A Node BNode C Node D PS PS Fusion-Roaming Fusion-RoamingRoaming Roaming Roaming Roaming FCCS FCCSQ.931a/IS-11572 Tie Line Fusion Network A (SYS-ID: xxxxxxxxx) Fusion Network B (SYS-ID: zzzzzzzzz) : Possible: Impossible Fusion Network B (SYS-ID: zzzzzzzzz) Node A Node BNode C Node D PS PS Fusion-RoamingRoaming Roaming Fusion-Roaming Roaming Roaming FCCS FCCS Fusion Network A (SYS-ID: xxxxxxxxx) Q.931a/IS-11572 Tie Line

CHAPTER 4 NDA-24301 Pag e 1 30 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT 4. PROGRAMMING Basic Data Assignment ARTD Assignment of Route Class Data Assign Q.931 Route Class D Channel and B Channel. (Refer to Table.) ATRK Assignment of Trunk Data MBTK Make Busy Trunk Data Make Idle the B channels. ANPD Assignment of Numbering Plan Data Assign the first digits of the Visiting PS. Also, include the Numbering Plan of the Self- PBX Office Code and the Office Code of the destination PBX. ASPA Assignment of Special Access Code ACC: Destination Office Code CI: N/H/B SRV: LCR BLF: 0 RT: 31 (Dummy RT) Assign PS Numbering Plan as Stations AFRS Assignment of Flexible Route Selection RT: 31 NPC: Destination Office Code OPR: Choose and OPR AOPR Assignment of Outgoing Pattern Routing Data TDPTN: 0 OPR: XX RA: 0 RA END: 0 RT: B Chn RT SKIP: Number of Digits in DOC PNL: 0 OVFT: 0 AMND Assignment of Maximum Necessary Digits TN: 1 DC: Destination Office Code MND: (DOC + Station Digits) TOLL: 0 AN: 0 RATE: 0 A/D: 1 ARNP Assignment of Reverse Numbering Plan ROUTE: B Chn ACCESS CODE: DOC Note:When not using ARNP-Route 0, assign ARODL Command for “Roaming Self-PBX Office Code. START A

NDA-24301 CHAPTER 4 Page 131 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT CS/ZT Settings - Office DataARSC Asignment Route Restriction Service Class Allow for Icoming and Outgoing Route Restrictions ARRC Assignment of Alternative Route Restrictions ICRT: B Chn/D Chn OGRT: 31 ARI: A/D-RES: 1 OGRT: 31 ICRT: B Chn/D Chn ARI: A/D-RES: 1 ADPC Assignment of Determinate Point Code RT: B Chn PC: Destination Office Code RT: D Chn PC: Destination Office Code ACSC Assignment of CSC Data Assign CSC Data to D Channel LEN (133~255) ACICI Assignment of CIC Code Data 1 PC: DOC CSCG: 130 ~ 255 APCNL Register PCN (Community Number) FUNK: 1 (Fixed) TN: 1 PCN: 1 ACSEL Set Country Number and Network Roaming Number PCN: 1 NWNO: Assigned by NEC America ADERA:0 CTRN: 31A (North America) NPCD: 0 (Fixed) ALVPL Input LVP Code KIND: 1 / 2 CODE: LVP ACSDL Assignment of CS/ZT Data KIND: 4 PCN: 1 ERN: 1 GRN: 1 CSN: 1 TN: 1 END A START END

CHAPTER 4 NDA-24301 Pag e 1 32 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT PS Office Data Setting Note:A closed Numbering Plan shall be used when assigning the Visitor PS. The Logical Number of the Visiting PS must correspond to the Logical Numbering Plan of the Home PBX. Set PS Roaming / Visitor OfficeAPSD Assignment of PS Data TN: 1 PSSTN: PS Physical Station Number KIND: 6 RSC: 1 SFC: 1 PS ID: ID Number Assigned (9 Digits Maximum) TYPE: 2 (Fixed) PSNO: XXXYYYY Note NWN: Same as Set in ACSEL Command CTRN: 794 (Fixed) SUB SYS-ID:Not Used Note:PSNO is assigned as XXX=Self-PBX Office Code + YYYY = Four-digit Station Number. ALGSL Set Country Number and Network Roaming Number TYPE: 2 UGN: 1 TELN: YYYY TN: 1 STN: YYYY (PS Station Number) APDLL Download PS Data UGN: 1 PSTN: YYYY (Number assigned in ALGSL) CODE: LVP APSD Register Visitor PS Operational Data TN: 1 PSTN: Visiting PS Station KIND: 4 RSC: 1 SFC: 1 ALGSL Assign a Logical Number for Visiting PS Station TYPE: 2 UGN: 1 TELN: YYYY (Logical Station Number of Visiting PS) STN: YYYY (Physical Station Number of Visiting PS) START END START END

NDA-24301 CHAPTER 4 Page 133 Revision 1.0 OFFICE DATA ASSIGNMENT Table 4-1 Roaming Class Data List B Channel Route Data CDN DATA CDN DATA CDN DATA 001 OSGS 0 042 TRSC 0 083 CST 4 002 ONSG 2 043 BT 0 084 CSEG 0 003 ISGS 0 044 PRV 0 085 CSEU 0 004 INSG 2 045 A/D 1 086 CSEL 0 005 TF 3 046 CW 1 087 CMP 0 006 TCL 4 047 TPQ 0 088 TALK 0 007 L/T 1 048 BL 0 089 FOT 0 008 RLP 2 049 TRKS 0 090 RST 0 009 TQ 0 050 DPLY 1 091 TOCI 0 010 SMDR 0 051 ACD 0 092 TOCD 0 011 TD 0 052 2W/4W 0 093 ODGD 0 012 DR 0 053 FAAT 0 094 RLS 0 013 AC 0 054 GW 0 095 GWD 0 014 TNT 0 055 TCMA 0 096 H1 0 015 LSG 12 056 SMDR3 0 097 DT 0 016 SMDR2 9 057 HDT 0 098 CI 0 017 H/M 0 058 CD 0 099 OID 0 018 MC 0 059 CCH 0 100 TKS 0 019 ANI 1 060 TC/EC 0 101 PAD2 0 020 D 0 061 IRE 0 102 TRM 0 021 MSB 0 062 SCR 0 103 TRPX 0 022 MSW 0 063 LYER1 0 104 LDR 0 023 TR 0 064 NET 0 105 TSC 0 024 OC 0 065 INT 9 106 SATS 0 025 R/L 0 066 DC 15 107 RVPX 0 026 RVSD 0 067 HKS 0 108 DQ 0 027 TL 0 068 SCF 0 109 SLOV 0 028 ANS 1 069 SMDR4 0 110 SDTO 0 029 TELP 0 070 TCMN 0 111 ADVPR 0 030 PAD 7 071 TCMC 0 112 IND 0 031 OGRL 1 072 MFSP 0 113 UUI 0 032 ICRL 1 073 KPST 0 114 DCH 0 033 HD 0 074 KPPT 0 115 CMRT 0 034 GUARD 1 075 STC 0 116 PREF 0 035 WINK 0 076 MC2 0 117 DFS 0 036 VAD 0 077 MT 0 118 BOB 0 037 CLD 0 078 TONE 0 119 HOLCH 0 038 FA 0 079 PPTM 0 120 IFR 0 039 BC 0 080 MPTM 0 121 CONV 0 040 TCM 0 081 LPTM 0 122 OPRT 0 041 TDMQ 0 082 RSAX 0 123 CNI 0