GE S5 Owners Manual
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Patient Side Module, E-PSM, E-PSMP (Rev. 01) 15 Document no. M1215098-002 2.2.3 ECG board in 12-lead measurement The 12-lead ECG measurement consists of the functions shown in Figure 7 on page 15. All functions are located in the ECG board except the ECG input unit. Figure 7 12-lead ECG measurement block diagram ECG input unit The ECG input unit consists of the front panel connector and the ECG input connector board with the high voltage protection resistors. Th e connector for the 12-lead ECG cable is a green 11-pin rectangle shaped connector. Input protection and filtering The input protection is implemented with high voltage protection resistors in the ECG input unit and with protection diodes in the ECG board. The input filtering for ECG measurement is done with passive RC filtering. PATIENT AND ECG ELECTRODES ECG CABLE - ECG LEAD SET - ECG TRUNK CABLE ECG INPUT UNIT- ECG CONNECTOR - INPUT PROTECTION RESISTORS INPUT PROTECTION DIODES FOR ECG & RESPIRATION MEASUREMENT INPUT FILTERING FOR ECG & RESPIRATION MEASUREMENTS RESPIRATION MEASUREMENT AMPLIFIERS BASELINE RESTORATION ECG CPU RESPIRATION MEASUREMENT CURRENT SUPPLYECG PREAMPLIFIERS & RLD CIRCUITLEADS OFF &PACER & DEFIBRILLATION DETECTION RS 485 COMMUNICATIONPOWER SUPPLYNV MEMORY ISOLATION ISOLATION MODULE BUS CONNECTORECG BLOCK DIAGRAM12_lead_ECG_meas_blck_dgrm.vsd

E-modules 16 Document no. M1215098-002 ECG preamplifiers The buffer amplifiers are used for each lead. The “Leads off” detection is implemented by measuring the output level of the input buffer amplifiers with the A/D converter of the CPU. The ECG signals are measured using differential amplifiers. ECG amplifiers and baseline restoration The function of the ECG amplifiers and baseline restoration is to amplify the signal and to restore the baseline of the signal in the middle of the display after the change of the signal level, e.g. after the change of the DC offset voltage. Pacer detection Pacer detection has been made by using four slew rate detector circuits. The pacer detection amplifiers have been realized at the front of th e slew rate detectors independently of the ECG measuring channels. Respiration impedance supply The 31.25 kHz sine wave generator is used as the respiration measurement signal supply. Analog switches are used for connecting the sine wave to the ECG leads to be measured. Respiration impedance amplifiers Buffer amplifiers are used in respiration measurement. Analog switches are used for selecting the measurement leads. There are also additional amplifiers for increasing the respiration signal gain. When ECG measurement is 5/12-lead, the respiration measurement is always done between R and F, independently on the ECG lead selection. When ECG measurement is 3-lead, then the respiration measurement happens at the same lead as the ECG measurement (I, II or III). ECG CPU The CPU is a 16 bit H8/3052 single-chip microcompu ter. It contains 128 kbytes of flash memory and 4 kbytes of RAM. The clock frequency is 16 MHz. RS485 communication The communication to the CPU board of the mo nitor uses RS485 protocol. The RS485 driver circuits are optically isolated from the processor of the module. Power supply The ECG board has a driver-controlled half-bridge switching power supply with 5 kV isolation. The supply voltages have been regulated with linear regulators. 2.2.4 ECG filtering Datex-Ohmeda S/5 monitors have three ECG filtering modes: MONITORING 0.5 to 30 Hz (with 50 Hz reject filter) 0.5 to 40 Hz (with 60 Hz reject filter) DIAGNOSTIC 12-lead ECG 0.05 to 150 Hz ST FILTER 0.05 to 30 Hz (with 50 Hz reject filter) 0.05 to 40 Hz (with 60 Hz reject filter) The purpose of filtering is to reduce high frequency noise and low frequency (e.g. respiratory) movement artifacts. The monitor filter is used in normal monitoring. The diagnostic filter is used if more accurate diagnostic information is needed. The ST filter gives more accurate information of ST segment, but reduces high frequency noise.

Patient Side Module, E-PSM, E-PSMP (Rev. 01) 17 Document no. M1215098-002 The high-pass filters 0.5 Hz and 0.05 Hz are done with software. The monitor sends a command to the hemodynamic module determining which of the corner frequencies 0.5 Hz or 0.05 Hz is to be used. The 50 Hz and 60 Hz reject filters are both lo w-pass filters with zero at 50 Hz or 60 Hz correspondingly. They are software based filters used for the mains supply filtering. With these filters the 3 dB value for low-pass filter is 30 Hz or 40 Hz. In diagnostic mode the upper frequency is 150 Hz and it is limited by software. 2.2.5 STP board Figure 8 STP board block diagram Microprocessor unit The CPU is a 16 bit H8/3052 single-chip microcompu ter. It contains 128 kbytes of flash memory and 4 kbytes of RAM. The clock frequency is 16 MHz. High speed I/O is used to obtain a pulse control sequence necessary for pulse oximetry measurement. Timing for the clock is from the oscillator. STP_brd_blck_dgrm.vsd PATIENT AND SpO2 PROBE SpO2 TRUNK CABLE SpO2 CONNECTOR A/D CONVERSION STP CPU STP BLOCK DIAGRAM PATIENT AND TEMPERATURE SENSOR TEMPERATURE CONNECTOR PATIENT AND INVASIVE CANNULA OR CATHETER FLUSHING KIT & INVASIVE PRESSURE SENSOR WITH DOME INV.PRESSURE CONNECTORINPUT PROTECTION CIRCUITRY SpO2 PROBE RECOGNITION & LEDDRIVE SELECTION MATRIX TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT AMPLIFIER SpO2 AMPLIFIERSpO2 LED DRIVE SENSOR SIGNAL CURRENT SOURCESENSOR SIGNAL VOLTAGE SOURCEINV: PRESSURE MEASURE MENT AMPLIFIER RS 485 COMMUNICATIONPOWER SUPPLYNV MEMORY ISOLATION ISOLATION MODULE BUS CONNECTOR

E-modules 18 Document no. M1215098-002 Temperature measurement unit The NTC-resistor value in the probe depends on the patient’s temperature. It is measured with the following principle described below. The constant current source is supplied about 38 μA current through the temperature sensor (YSI 400-series NTC resistor). The constant current is caused a voltage over the temperature sensor (NTC resistor). The voltage over the temperature sensor is amplified in a differential amplifier stage. The amplified voltage is transfe rred to a controller of the STP board through an A/D converter. Figure 9 Temperature measurement principle Invasive blood pressure measurement unit An isolated +5 V voltage is supplied to the pressure transducer. The differential voltage, which depends on the pressure and the supplied voltage, is calculated from the bridge connection (see the formula below). U out = Uin × pressure × 5 μV, where Uin is 5 V ⇒ U out = 25 μV × pressure [mmHg] d/dt 0 0 0 0 R R R R Temperature sensors T1, T2 constant currentsource Differential amplifier Defibrillation/ESD protection resistors and diodes To A/D converter 0C:7k36 15C:3k54 25C:2k53 38C:1k30 45C: 984 PSM_temp_meas_principle.vsd Ref2 Ref1 T2T1 RR

Patient Side Module, E-PSM, E-PSMP (Rev. 01) 19 Document no. M1215098-002 Pressure amplification is realized in the instrumentation amplifier. The gain of the amplifier is set to keep the level of the signal transferred to the A/D converter within the measurement range even when there are circumstantial offsets or offsets caused by the transducer. There is a filter before the amplifier to attenuate high frequency disturbances. Figure 10 Pressure measurement principle Pulse oximetry measurement section LED control signals The D/A converters of the microcontroller on the STP board set the LED intensity adjustment values for the infrared and red LEDs of the SpO 2 probe. The microcontroller on the STP board switches ON (to the adjusted intensity) and OFF the SpO 2 probe LEDs according to the predetermined sequence. LED driving circuit Differential amplifiers measure the LED currents (LED current indication) of the SpO2 probe over the shunt resistors placed in the LED current paths. The LED driving voltages (LED voltage indication) are measured from the driver circuitr y. The LED driving circuits also have MOSFET transistor matrix to enable the use of different probe configurations. Measured signal preamplification The preamplifier is a bipolar/single-ended current-to-voltage converter with adjustable gain. A higher gain is used for measuring thin tissue. The preamplification stage has also ambient light reduction and a second amplifier stage. Input filter Instrum entation amplifier to AD converter Vout G PSM_pressure_meas_principle.vsd Current measurementG to AD converter Vin Pressure transducer

E-modules 20 Document no. M1215098-002 Figure 11 Pulse oximetry measurement block diagram Red and infrared channel separation It is possible to multiplex the detector signal to four different channels depending on the content of the signal. The detector signal must at least multiplex into infrared and red signals. Other channels are e.g. for diagnostic purposes. Serial communication An RS485 type bus driver makes the serial communication between the module and the frame. The data transmission rate is 500kbps. LED Intensity adjustment 1 LED Intensity adjustment 2 LED ON/OFF control 1 LED ON/OFF control 2 LED Driving circuit 1 LED Driving circuit 2 LED voltage indication 1 LED current indication 1 LED voltage indication 2 LED current indication 2 Preamplifier: Current-to-voltage type Bipolar/single-ended modes Adjustable gain Ambient reduction Amplifier: Gain = 2 DE-MUX LP LP LP LP Gain=7.5 Gain=7.5 Gain=7.5 Amplifiers DC- suppression DC- suppression DC- suppression Oximeter channel 1 Oximeter channel 2 Oximeter channel 3 Oximeter channel 4 SpO2 Probe AnalogDigitalSpo2_measurement_blck_diagr.vsd

Patient Side Module, E-PSM, E-PSMP (Rev. 01) 21 Document no. M1215098-002 Figure 12 Serial communication of E-PSM(P) module Signals and isolation barrier The communication signals transfer over the isol ation barrier by using high isolation voltage (6kV) opto isolators. Power supply section The power for the electronics on the floating pa rt of the STP and the ECG boards is made on each board with the switching power supplie s connected to a high voltage isolated transformer. The switching power supplies on the STP and ECG boards are synchronized to the frequency, about 340kHz of the switching power supply on the NIBP board. The NIBP board supplies non-isolated 5 V to the ECG and STP boards. The module uses only Vmod 13.8 - 16 V voltage of the frame. The other voltages of th e measuring boards are made by the switching power supplies and regulators or the linear regulators. Each measuring board is protected against overloading with PTC type automatic fuses. RS 485 DRIVER NIBP BOARD CONNECTOR DATA NDATARECEIVE DATA SEND DATA SEND/RECEIVE NIBP BOARD CONTROLLERS NIBP BOARD RS 485 DRIVER STP BOARD CONNECTOR RECEIVE DATA SEND DATA SEND/RECEIVE STP BOARD CONTROLLER STP BOARD PATIENT ISOLATION RS 485 DRIVER ECG BOARD CONNECTOR DATA NDATA ECG BOARD CONTROLLER ECG BOARD PATIENT ISOLATION DIRECT ECG (PW M) PSM_serial_communication.vsd Module bus connector DATA NDATA synchronization signal +5 V +5 V +5 V RECEIVE DATA SEND DATA SEND/RECEIVE

E-modules 22 Document no. M1215098-002 2.3 Connectors and signals 2.3.1 Module bus connector Table 8 Module bus connector description 2.3.2 Front panel connectors Table 9 ECG connector 5 pin connectorPin No.Signal 1 2 3 4 5 GND Vmod 13.8 - 16 V Data + Data - Shield ECG Connector Pin No. Signal Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 R/RA; Right arm electrode C2/V2; Chest electrode C3/V3; Chest electrode L/LA; Left arm electrode N/RL; Neutral/Right Leg Drive electrode C1/V1; Chest electrode C4/V4; Chest electrode F/LL; Left Leg electrode C6/V6; Chest electrode C5/V5; Chest electrode Cable Shield

Patient Side Module, E-PSM, E-PSMP (Rev. 01) 23 Document no. M1215098-002 Table 10 SpO2 connector Table 11 Invasive blood pressure connectors (P1, P2) SpO2 connector Pin No. Signal Description 1 DET_A Photodiode anode 2 DET_C Photodiode cathode 3DATA- 4Wire 1/3LED connection 5 IR_C IR LED cathode 6OUTER SHIELD 7 DET_SHIELD 8 PRB_ID Bin/ID Resistor+ 9 Wire 3/5 LED Connection 10 RED_C RED LED cathode 11 DATA+ Invasive blood pressure connectors (Dual BP) Pin No.Signal Description 1BP_+V REFBP transducer excitation voltage, channel 1 2 BP SIG+ BP transducer signal positive (+), channel 1 3BP_+V REFBP transducer excitation voltage, channel 2 4 AGND Analog ground 5 BP SIG+ BP transducer signal positive (+), channel 2 6 SHIELD BP cable shield 7 AGND Analog ground 8 BP SIG1 BP transducer signal negative (-), channel 1 9 BP SIG2 BP transducer signal negative (-), channel 2 10 BP1_ID BP1 probe identification 11 NC Not connected

E-modules 24 Document no. M1215098-002 Table 12 Temp connector (T1, T2) Temp connector Pin No Signal 1 Sensor drive current 2 Input from temperature sensor, channel 1 3Not connected 4Not connected 5 Thermistor ID (LOW= Temperature error, HIGH=YSI 400 series) 6 Cable shield 7 Analog ground 8 Input from temperature sensor, channel 2 9Not connected 10 Not connected 11 Digital ground