Epson Wf 3520 Manual
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LCD screen message Condition/solution No dial tone detected. Make surethephone cableisconnected correctlyandthephone lineworks. Try theCheck Fax If you connected theproduct toaPBX (Private BranchExchange) phoneline Connection. or Terminal Adapter,turnoffthe Dial Tone Detection setting. Combination ofIP There isaproblem withthenetwork connection toyour product. address andsubnet mask isinvalid. See your documentation. Recovery mode An error hasoccurred duringfirmware updating. Connectyourproduct using a USB cable andtrydownloading theFirmware UpdatefromEpsons support website. Ifyou stillneed help,contact Epsonforsupport. Note: Theinkpads inthe printer collect, distribute, andcontain theinkthat isnot used onprinted pages. During thelifeofyour product itmay reach acondition whereeithersatisfactory printquality cannot be maintained orthe inkpads havereached theend oftheir usable life.The Epson StatusMonitor, your LCD, orlights onthe control panelwilladvise youwhen these partsneed replacing. Ifthis happens during thestandard warrantyofthe product, theexchange ofthe product orreplacement ofthe pads is covered underthestandard warranty. Ifthe product isout ofwarranty, thepads canbereplaced byany Epson authorized serviceprovider. Thewaste inkpads arenotauser-serviceable part. Parent topic:Solving Problems Related tasks Checking forSoftware Updates Related topics Replacing InkCartridges andMaintenance Boxes Loading Paper Running aProduct Check Running aproduct checkhelpsyoudetermine ifyour product isoperating properly. 1. Disconnect anyinterface cablesconnected toyour product. 2. Load plainpaper inthe product. 3. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 4. Press theleftorright arrow button, selectSetup,then press OK. 261
5. Select Maintenance ,then press OK. 6. Select Nozzle Check,then press OK. 7. Press oneofthe buttons. The nozzle checkpattern isprinted. 8. Doone ofthe following, depending onthe results ofthe product check: • Ifthe page prints andthenozzle checkpattern iscomplete, theproduct isoperating properly.Any operation problemyoumay have could becaused byyour computer, cable,software, orselected 262
settings. Checktheother solutions inthis book ortry uninstalling andreinstalling yourprinter software. • Ifthe page prints butthenozzle checkpattern hasgaps, cleanoralign theprint head. • Ifthe page doesnotprint, theproduct mayhave aproblem. Checktheother solutions inthis manual. Ifthey donot work, contact Epson. Parent topic:Solving Problems Related concepts Print Head Alignment Print Head Cleaning When toUninstall YourProduct Software Related references Where toGet Help Resetting ControlPanelDefaults If you have aproblem withsettings onthe product controlpanel,youcanreset themtotheir factory defaults. Youcanchoose whichsettings toreset orreset themall. 1. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 2. Press theleftorright arrow button, selectSetup,then press OK. 3. Select Restore DefaultSettings ,then press OK. 263
4. Select oneofthese options: • Reset FaxSend/Receive Settings:Resets allsettings onthe Send Settings, ReceiveSettings, and Communication screens. • Reset FaxData Settings :Erases thespeed diallist,group diallist,header, andfaxlog. • Wi-Fi/Network Settings:Resets allnetwork settings. • Reset Allexcept Network &Fax Settings :Resets allcontrol panelsettings, exceptfornetwork and faxsettings. • All Settings :Resets allcontrol panelsettings. You seeaconfirmation screen. 5. Select Yestoreset theselected settings,thenpress OK.(Select No,then press OKifyou want to cancel theoperation.) Parent topic:Solving Problems Solving SetupProblems Check thesesections ifyou have problems whilesetting upyour product. Noise AfterInkInstallation Software Installation Problems Parent topic:Solving Problems Noise AfterInkInstallation If you hear noises fromyourproduct afterinstalling ink,trythese solutions: • The firsttime youinstall inkcartridges, theproduct mustprime itsprint head. Waituntilpriming finishes beforeyouturn offthe product, oritmay prime improperly anduseexcess inkthe next time you turn iton. Your product isfinished primingtheprint head when the power lightstops flashing. • Ifthe products printhead stops moving ormaking noise,andthecharging processhasnotfinished after 6minutes, turnoffyour product. Turnitback onand check tosee ifcharging isstill inprogress. If it is still inprogress, contactEpsonforhelp. Parent topic:Solving SetupProblems 264
Software Installation Problems If you have problems whileinstalling yourproduct software, trythese solutions: • Make sureyourproduct isturned onand anynecessary cablesaresecurely connected atboth ends. If you stillhave problems installingsoftware, disconnect thecable andcarefully followtheinstructions on the Start Here sheet. Alsomake sureyoursystem meetstherequirements foryour operating system. • Close anyother programs, includingscreensaversandvirus protection software,andinstall your product software again. • In Windows, makesureyourproduct isselected asthe default printerandthecorrect portisshown in the printer properties. • Ifyou seeanyerror message oryour software doesnotinstall correctly inWindows, youmay nothave software installation privileges.ContactyourSystem Administrator. Parent topic:Solving SetupProblems Solving Network Problems Check thesesolutions ifyou have problems settinguporusing yourproduct onanetwork. Note: Breakdown orrepair ofthis product maycause lossoffax and network dataandsettings. Epsonis not responsible forbacking uporrecovering dataandsettings duringorafter thewarranty period.We recommend thatyoumake yourownbackup orprint outyour faxand network dataandsettings. Product CannotConnect toaWireless RouterorAccess Point Network Software CannotFindProduct onaNetwork Product DoesNotAppear inMac OSXPrinter Window Cannot PrintOver aNetwork Cannot ScanOveraNetwork Printing aNetwork StatusSheet Parent topic:Solving Problems Product CannotConnect toaWireless RouterorAccess Point If your product hastrouble findingorconnecting toawireless routeroraccess point,trythese solutions: • Make suretoplace yourproduct withincontact rangeofyour router oraccess point. Note: Avoidplacing yourproduct nearamicrowave oven,2.4GHz cordless phone,orlarge metal object, suchasafiling cabinet. 265
• Verify thatyour router oraccess pointisoperating correctlybyconnecting toitfrom yourcomputer or another device. • You may need todisable thefirewall andanyanti-virus softwareonyour wireless routeroraccess point. • Check tosee ifaccess restrictions, suchasMAC address filtering,aresetonthe router oraccess point. Ifaccess restrictions areset, add your products MACaddress toyour routers address list.To obtain yourproducts MACaddress, printanetwork statussheet. Thenfollow theinstructions inyour router oraccess pointdocumentation toadd theaddress tothe list. • Ifyour router oraccess pointdoes notbroadcast itsnetwork name(SSID), followtheinstructions that came withyour product toenter yourwireless networknamemanually. • Ifyour router oraccess pointhassecurity enabled, determine thekind ofsecurity itis using andany required password orpassphrase forconnection. Thenmake suretoenter theexact WEPkeyorWPA passphrase correctly. Parent topic:Solving Network Problems Network Software CannotFindProduct onaNetwork If EpsonNet Setupcannot findyour product onanetwork, trythese solutions: • Make sureyourproduct isturned onand connected toyour network. Verifyconnection usingyour product controlpanel. • Ifnecessary, reinstallyourproduct software andtryrunning EpsonNet Setupagain. Parent topic:Solving Network Problems Related concepts When toUninstall YourProduct Software Product DoesNotAppear inMac OSXPrinter Window If your product doesnotappear inthe Mac OSXprinter window, trythese solutions: • Turn yourproduct off,wait 30seconds, thenturnitback onagain. • Ifyou areconnecting theproduct wirelessly viaEpsonNet SetupandtheWiFi lightonyour product is not solid green, makesureyourproduct software wasinstalled correctly. Ifnecessary, reinstallyour software. Parent topic:Solving Network Problems Related concepts When toUninstall YourProduct Software 266
Cannot PrintOver aNetwork If you cannot printover anetwork, trythese solutions: • Make surethatyour product isturned on. • Make sureyouinstall yourproducts networksoftware asdescribed inyour product documentation. • Print anetwork statussheetandverify thatthenetwork settingsarecorrect. Ifthe network statusis Disconnected ,check anycable connections andturn your product offand then onagain. • Ifyou areusing TCP/IP, makesuretheproducts IPaddress isset correctly foryour network. Ifyour network doesnotassign IPaddresses usingDHCP, setthe IPaddress manually. • Make sureyourcomputer andproduct areboth using thesame wireless network. • Ifnetwork printingisslow, printanetwork statussheetandcheck thesignal strength. Ifitis poor, place your product closertoyour router oraccess point. Note: Avoidplacing yourproduct nearamicrowave oven,2.4GHz cordless phone,orlarge metal object, suchasafiling cabinet. • Check yourwired LANrouter oraccess pointtosee ifthe LED forthe port towhich yourproduct is connected ison orflashing .If the link LED isoff, trythe following: • Make suretheEthernet cableissecurely connected toyour product andtoyour router, access point, switch, orhub. • Try connecting yourproduct toadifferent portoradifferent router,access point,switch, orhub. • Try connecting withadifferent Ethernet cable. • Try printing toyour product fromanother computer onthe network. • Ifyou areconnecting theproduct viaEpsonNet SetupandtheWiFi lightonyour product isnot solid green ,make sureyourproduct software wasinstalled correctly. Ifnecessary, reinstallyoursoftware. Parent topic:Solving Network Problems Related concepts When toUninstall YourProduct Software Related tasks Printing aNetwork StatusSheet 267
Cannot ScanOveraNetwork If you cannot startEpson Scanforscanning overanetwork, trythese solutions: • Ifyou arescanning alarge original atahigh resolution, anetwork communication errormayoccur. Try scanning againatalower resolution. • Ifnetwork communication wasinterrupted whilestarting EpsonScan,exitEpson Scan,waitafew seconds, andrestart it.IfEpson Scancannot restart, turnoffyour product, turnitback on,and try restarting EpsonScanagain. • Check theconnection settingandtesttheconnection usingEpson ScanSettings: Windows 8:Navigate tothe Start screen andselect EPSON ScanSettings .Make surethe Connection settingisset toNetwork ,then clicktheTest button. Windows (otherversions) :Click orStart >All Programs orPrograms >EPSON >EPSON Scan >EPSON ScanSettings .Make suretheConnection settingisset toNetwork ,then clickthe Test button. Mac OSX:Open theApplications folder,clickEpson Software ,and click EPSON ScanSettings . Make suretheConnection settingisset toNetwork ,then clicktheTest button. • Make suretheoption selected asthe Timeout Settinginthe Epson ScanSettings program islong enough tocomplete scanningoveranetwork. • You may need todisable thefirewall andanyanti-virus softwareonyour wireless routeroraccess point. Note: WithMacOSX10.6, 10.7,or10.8, inaddition toscanning withImage Capture, youcandownload and install Epson Scanscanning software. EpsonScanprovides additional imageadjustment andphoto correction featuresforenhancing scannedimages,andprovides aninterface forTWAIN-compliant OCR scanning software, suchasABBYY FineReader. Todownload EpsonScan,visitEpsons driver download site(U.S. downloads orCanadian downloads ). Parent topic:Solving Network Problems Related topics Scanning Printing aNetwork StatusSheet You canprint anetwork statussheettohelp youdetermine thecauses ofany problems youmay have using yourproduct onanetwork. 1. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 268
2. Press theleftorright arrow button, selectWi-FiSetup ,then press OK. 3. Select Wi-Fi/Network Status. 4. Press oneofthe buttons toprint thenetwork statussheet. (Press theStop/Reset buttonifyou want tocancel theoperation.) Examine thesettings shownonthe network statussheettodiagnose anyproblems youhave. Parent topic:Solving Network Problems Solving Copying Problems Check thesesolutions ifyou have problems copyingwithyour product. Product MakesNoise,ButNothing Copies Product MakesNoiseWhen ItSits foraWhile Parent topic:Solving Problems Product MakesNoise,ButNothing Copies If your product makesanoise, butnothing copies,trythese solutions: • Run anozzle checktosee ifany ofthe print head nozzles areclogged. Thenclean theprint head, if necessary. • Ifthe nozzle checkpagedoesnotprint, buttheproducts powerison, make sureyourproduct software isinstalled correctly. 269
• Make sureyourproduct islevel (nottilted). Parent topic:Solving Copying Problems Related concepts Print Head Alignment Print Head Cleaning Product MakesNoiseWhenItSits foraWhile Your product isperforming routinemaintenance. Thisisnormal. Parent topic:Solving Copying Problems Solving PaperProblems Check thesesections ifyou have problems usingpaper withyour product. Paper Feeding Problems Paper JamProblems InsidetheProduct Paper JamProblems inthe Paper Cassette Paper JamProblems inthe Duplexer (RearCover) Document Jamsinthe Automatic Document Feeder Paper Ejection Problems Parent topic:Solving Problems Paper Feeding Problems If you have problems feedingpaper,trythese solutions: • Ifpaper doesnotfeed forprinting, removeitfrom therear feed slotorcassette. Reloaditagainst the right side, thenadjust theedge guides. Makesurethepaper stackisnot above thetabonthe edge guides insidethecassette. • Ifmultiple pagesfeedatonce, remove thepaper, fantheedges toseparate thesheets, andreload it. • Do not load more thantherecommended numberofsheets. • Ifpaper jamswhen youprint onboth sides ofthe paper, tryloading fewersheets. • For best results, followtheseguidelines: • Use new, smooth, high-quality paperthatisnot curled, creased, old,toothin, ortoo thick. • Load paper inthe cassette printable sidedown. 270