Epson Wf 3520 Manual
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Parent topic:UsingMemory CardsWithYour Product Setting UpFile Sharing forPhoto Transfers FromYourComputer Before youtransfer photosfromacomputer toamemory cardinserted intoyour products memorycard slot, youmay need toset upyour products filesharing settings. Caution: Removethememory cardbefore youchange thissetting oryou may losedata from the memory card.Donot remove amemory cardorturn offyour product whilethememory cardaccess light is flashing oryou may losedata from thememory card. 1. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 2. Select Setup,then press OK. 3. Select FileSharing Setup,then press OK. 4. Select yourconnection type. Parent topic:Transferring PhotosonaMemory Card Transferring PhotosfromaMemory CardtoYour Computer You cantransfer photostoand from amemory cardinserted intoamemory cardslotonyour product and acomputer connected toyour product. Note: Donot transfer photostoand from amemory cardwhile youareprinting fromthememory card. 211

1. Make sureyourproduct isconnected toacomputer. 2. Insert amemory cardintoamemory cardslotonyour product. 3. Doone ofthe following toaccess yourmemory cardfilesfrom yourcomputer: • Windows :Select theComputer orMy Computer utility,thenselect theremovable diskicon. • Mac OSXwith aUSB connection :Look forthe removable diskicon onyour desktop, thenselect it. • Mac OSXwith anetwork connection :Select thehard drive icononyour desktop orselect Computer fromtheGomenu, selectyourproduct inthe SHARED sectionofthe sidebar (youmay need towiden thesidebar tosee thename), thenselect theMEMORYCARD icon. 4. Select thefolder thatcontains yourphotos. 5. Drag thephotos youwant totransfer tothe desired folderonyour computer oron your memory card. Note: Yourproducts LCDscreen doesnotupdate todisplay newphotos transferred tothe memory card. Waituntilthememory cardaccess lightstops flashing, thenremove andinsert thememory cardto update thephotos displayed. Parent topic:Transferring PhotosonaMemory Card 212

Using anExternal DevicewithYour Product Follow theinstructions inthese sections touse your product withanexternal device,suchasacamera, USB flash drive, orother device. Printing fromaCamera Connected toYour Product Viewing orPrinting fromaUSB Flash DriveorExternal Device Charging aUSB Device UsingYourProduct Printing fromaCamera Connected toYour Product If you have adigital camera thatsupports PictBridge printing,youcanconnect itto the product andprint your photos directly fromthecamera. Checkyourcamera manualtosee ifitis compatible. Note: Yourphotos mustbeinJPG format andsized from80×80 to9200 ×9200 pixels. Epson cannot guarantee thecompatibility ofyour camera. Somecombinations ofpaper type,size,andlayout maynot be supported, dependingonyour camera andtheproduct settings. Selecting PrintSettings forPrinting FromaCamera Connecting andPrinting FromaCamera Parent topic:UsinganExternal DevicewithYour Product Selecting PrintSettings forPrinting FromaCamera Before printing fromyourcamera, youcanselect theprint settings youwilluse forprinting yourphotos. 1. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 2. Select Setup,then press OK. 3. Select External DeviceSetup,then press OK. You seethisscreen: 213

4. Select PrintSettings ,then press OK. 5. Select theprint settings youwant touse, then press thebackbutton. 6. Select Photo Adjustments ,then press OK. 7. Select thephoto adjustments youwant touse, then press the homebutton toexit. After youselect settings, youareready toconnect yourcamera andprint your photos. Print Settings -Camera Photo Adjustments -Camera Parent topic:Printing fromaCamera Connected toYour Product Print Settings -Camera Select thePrint Settings optionsyouwant touse when printing photosfromyourcamera. Print settings Available options Description Paper Size Various papersizes Indicates thesize ofpaper youhave loaded Paper Type Various papertypes Indicates thetype ofpaper youhave loaded; seethelistof paper typesforcopying (available optionsdepend onthe selected PaperSizesetting) 214

Print settings Available options Description Layout Borderless Expands theimage tothe edge ofthe paper (slight cropping may occur) With Border Leaves asmall margin around theimage 2-up, 4-up,8-up,20- Print 2,4,8,20, or80 photos onone sheet up, or80 up Upper ½or Lower ½ Print onephoto inthe upper orlower halfofthe sheet Picture Package Prints onephoto invarious sizesonone sheet Quality Standard Quality Provides goodquality formost prints Best Provides thehighest qualityforspecial prints Expansion Standard Expands imagescorrectly formost borderless prints Medium Expands imagesslightlylessforborderless prints Minimum Expands imagestheleast forborderless prints(youmay see some whiteborder) Date On/Off Prints thedate thephoto wastaken onthe photo Fit Frame On Automatically cropsthephoto tofitinto theselected photo layout Off Turns offautomatic cropping Bidirectional On Prints atnormal speed Off Slows downprinting toimprove printquality Parent topic:Selecting PrintSettings forPrinting FromaCamera Photo Adjustments -Camera Select thePhoto Adjustments optionsyouwant touse when printing photosfromyourcamera. 215

Photo Available options Description adjustment settings Fix Photo Fix Photo On Automatically adjuststhebrightness, contrast,and saturation ofthe photo based onthe Scene Detection setting thatisselected Fix Photo Off Turns offautomatic adjustments; seeNote below P.I.M Uses yourcameras PRINTImageMatching orExif Print adjustments Scene Detection Automatic Optimizes theFix Photo adjustments forspecific typesof photos; selecttheoption thatbest matches yourphoto People content Landscape Night Scene Fix Red-Eye On/Off Automatically fixesthered-eye effectinphotos Filter Sepia Applies asepia tonefiltertothe viewed orprinted photo (does notalter thephoto data) B &W Applies ablack-and-white filtertothe viewed orprinted photo (doesnotalter thephoto data) Brightness Various settings Adjust individual qualitiesinyour photo Contrast Sharpness Saturation Note: FixPhoto usesasophisticated facerecognition technologytooptimize photosthatinclude faces. For this towork, botheyes andthenose mustbevisible inthe subjects face.Ifyour photo includes a face withanintentional colorcast,such asastatue, youmay want toturn offFix Photo toretain the special coloreffects. Parent topic:Selecting PrintSettings forPrinting FromaCamera Connecting andPrinting FromaCamera Before youconnect yourcamera, makesuretheproduct isturned onbut notprinting. 216

1. Remove anymemory cardsfromtheproduct. 2. Load thepaper youwant touse forprinting. 3. Connect theUSB cable thatcame withyour camera tothe USBportonthe front ofyour product. Note: Youcannot usetheUSB porttotransfer imagesfromyourcamera toyour computer. 4. Turn onyour camera. You seethisscreen: 5. Follow theinstructions thatcame withyour camera toselect andprint your photos. When youfinish printing, turnoffyour camera anddisconnect itfrom theproduct. 217

Parent topic:Printing fromaCamera Connected toYour Product Related topics Loading Paper Viewing orPrinting fromaUSB Flash DriveorExternal Device You canview andprint photos fromaUSB thumb driveorother external storagedevice,suchasan external harddrive orCD/DVD burner. Note: Makesurethefiles onyour device arecompatible withtheproduct. USB Device FileSpecifications Connecting andUsing aUSB Flash DriveorExternal Device Parent topic:UsinganExternal DevicewithYour Product USB Device FileSpecifications You canprint external devicefilesthatmeet these specifications. File format JPEG withtheExif version 2.3standard Image size 80 ×80 pixels to9200 ×9200 pixels Number offiles Up to9990 Parent topic:Viewing orPrinting fromaUSB Flash DriveorExternal Device Connecting andUsing aUSB Flash DriveorExternal Device Before youconnect yourthumb driveordevice, makesuretheproduct isturned onbut notprinting. Note: Epson cannot guarantee thecompatibility ofyour drive. 1. Remove anymemory cardsfromtheproduct. 2. Load thepaper youwant touse forprinting. 3. Insert yourUSB thumb driveorthe USB cable thatcame withyour device intothe USBporton the front ofyour product. 218

4. Insert storage media(suchasaCD) intoyour drive, ifnecessary. 5. Ifthere arefolders onyour storage media,selectthefolder youwant andpress theOK button. You canview andprint your photos fromtheLCD screen. When youfinish printing, makesuretheaccess lightonthe drive isnot flashing, thenremove or disconnect itfrom theproduct. Caution: Donot remove theUSB drive orturn offthe product whentheaccess lightisflashing, oryou may losephotos onthe drive. Parent topic:Viewing orPrinting fromaUSB Flash DriveorExternal Device Related topics Loading Paper Viewing andPrinting Photos Charging aUSB Device UsingYourProduct You cancharge yourcellphone, musicplayer, orother portable devicebyconnecting itto the product. All you need isauser-supplied USBcable thatisdesigned towork withyour device. Caution: Makesureyourportable devicecomplies withUSB 2.0standards. Devicesthatdraw more than 500mAmay damage yourEpson product. Epsoncannot guarantee thecompatibility ofyour device. Contact thedevice manufacturer formore information. 1. Turn onyour product. 2. Connect yourportable devicetothe USBportonthe front ofthe product. 219

3. Leave yourproduct onwhile charging (itwill continue tocharge evenaftergoing intosleep mode). Note: Youcannot usetheUSB porttotransfer imagesfromyourdevice toyour computer. Ifyou want to transfer images, usethememory cardslots instead. Disconnect yourportable devicebeforeinserting a memory card. Parent topic:UsinganExternal DevicewithYour Product 220