Epson Wf 3520 Manual
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2. Select thetype ofdocument youareprinting asthe Document Typesetting. Thesoftware automatically setstheAdjustments optionsforthat document type. 3. Ifnecessary, customizetheAdjustments settingsasinstructed onthe screen. 4. Print atest copy ofyour double-sided documenttotest theselected settings. 5. Follow anyinstructions displayedonthe screen duringprinting. Double-sided PrintingOptions andAdjustments -Mac OSX Parent topic:Printing withMac OSX Double-sided PrintingOptions andAdjustments -Mac OSX You canselect anyofthe available optionsinthe Two-sided PrintingSettings orOutput Settings pop-up menutoset upyour double-sided printjob. Two-sided PrintingOptions Long-Edge binding Orients double-sided printedpagestobe bound onthe long edge ofthe paper. 91

Short-Edge binding Orients double-sided printedpagestobe bound onthe short edge ofthe paper. Adjustments Print Density Sets thelevel ofink coverage fordouble-sided printing. Increased InkDrying Time Sets theamount oftime required fordrying inkafter printing onone side ofthe paper before printing the other sideindouble-sided printing. Parent topic:Selecting Double-sided PrintingSettings -Mac OSX Managing Color-Mac OSX You canadjust theColor Matching andColor Options settingstofine-tune thecolors inyour printout, or turn offcolor management inyour printer software. 1. Select ColorMatching fromthepop-up menuinthe print window. 2. Select oneofthe available options. 92

3. Select ColorOptions fromthepop-up menuinthe print window. Note: Theavailable settingsonthe Color Options menudepend onthe option youselected onthe Color Matching menu. 4. Select oneofthe available options. Color Matching andColor Options -Mac OSX Parent topic:Printing withMac OSX Color Matching andColor Options -Mac OSX You canselect fromthese settings onthe Color Matching andColor Options menus. Color Matching Settings EPSON ColorControls Lets youmanage colorusing controls inyour printer software, orturn offcolor management. ColorSync Prints usingstandard colorprofiles foryour product andpaper tohelp match image colors. Youcan customize theconversion methodandfilter settings onthe ColorSync pop-upmenuinthe print window. 93

Color Options Settings Manual Settings Lets youselect manual coloradjustments. Clickthearrow nexttoAdvanced Settingsandselect settings forBrightness ,Contrast ,Saturation ,and individual colortones. Youcanalso select acolor Mode setting forprinting photosandgraphics andtheFix Red-Eye settingtoreduce orremove red- eye inphotos. Depending onthe selected colormode, youcanalso adjust themidtone densityusing the Gamma setting. Fix Photo Improves thecolor, contrast, andsharpness offlawed photos. Clickthearrow nexttoAdvanced Settings andselect theFix Red-Eye settingtoreduce orremove red-eye inphotos. Note: FixPhoto usesasophisticated facerecognition technologytooptimize photosthatinclude faces. Forthis towork, botheyes andthenose mustbevisible inthe subjects face.Ifyour photo includes aface withanintentional colorcast,such asastatue, youmay want toturn offFix Photo to retain thespecial coloreffects. Off (No Color Adjustment) Turns offcolor management inyour printer software soyou canmanage colorusing onlyyour application software. Parent topic:Managing Color-Mac OSX Selecting PrintingPreferences -Mac OSX You canselect printing preferences thatapply toall the print jobsyousend toyour product. 1. Inthe Apple menuorthe Dock, select System Preferences . 2. Select Print&Fax orPrint &Scan ,select yourproduct, andselect Options &Supplies . 3. Select Driver. You seethisscreen: 94

4. Select anyofthe available printingpreferences. 5. Click OK. Printing Preferences -Mac OSX Parent topic:Printing withMac OSX Printing Preferences -Mac OSX You canselect fromthese settings onthe Driver tab. Note: Automatic CassetteSwitching isavailable onlyifyour product hastwocassettes. Skip Blank Page Ensures thatyour product doesnotprint pages thatcontain notext orimages. Quiet Mode Lessens noiseduring printing whenyouselect PlainPaper/Bright WhitePaper asthe paper Typeor Media Typesetting. Permit temporary blackprinting Allows youtoprint using blackinkwhen acolor inkcartridge isexpended. Automatic CassetteSwitching Automatically switchestothe other cassette whenoneofthe cassettes runsoutofpaper. 95

High Speed Printing Speeds upprinting, butmay reduce printquality. Remove whiteborders Removes whitemargins thatmay appear whenyouprint borderless photos. Warning Notifications Lets youchoose whether ornot toreceive warning notifications fromtheprinter software wheninkis low. Parent topic:Selecting PrintingPreferences -Mac OSX Printing YourDocument orPhoto -Mac OSX Once youhave selected yourprintsettings, youareready toprint. Click Print atthe bottom ofthe print window. Checking PrintStatus -Mac OSX Parent topic:Printing withMac OSX Checking PrintStatus -Mac OSX During printing, youcanview theprogress ofyour printjob,control printing, andcheck inkcartridge status. 1. Click theprinter iconwhen itappears inthe Dock. You seetheprint status window: 96

2. Select thefollowing optionsasnecessary: • To cancel printing, clicktheprint joband click Delete iconor button tocancel yourprintjob. • To pause aprint job,click theprint joband click Hold .To resume aprint job,click theprint job marked Holdandclick Resume . • To pause printing forallqueued printjobs, clickPause Printer . • To check inkstatus, clickSupply Levels. Parent topic:Printing YourDocument orPhoto -Mac OSX Cancelling PrintingUsingaProduct Button If you need tocancel printing, pressthe Stop/Reset buttononyour product. Parent topic:Printing FromaComputer 97

Scanning You canscan original documents orphotos andsave them asdigital files. Starting aScan Selecting EpsonScanSettings Scanning withMac OSX10.6/10.7/10.8 UsingImage Capture Scanning SpecialProjects Starting aScan After placing youroriginal documents orphotos onyour product forscanning, startscanning usingoneof these methods. Starting aScan Using theProduct ControlPanel Starting aScan Using theEpson ScanIcon Starting aScan fromaScanning Program Parent topic:Scanning Starting aScan Using theProduct ControlPanel You canscan animage toyour computer usingyourproducts touchpanel buttons. Your product automatically selectssuitable defaultscansettings, butyou canview orchange themas necessary. 1. Make sureyouinstalled theproduct software andconnected theproduct toyour computer or network. 2. Press the homebutton, ifnecessary. 3. Press theleftorright arrow buttons toselect Scanandpress theOK button. The scan options aredisplayed: 98

4. Press thearrow buttons toview additional scanoptions, thenselect theone youwant. • Scan toMemory Cardsaves yourscan fileonamemory cardandletsyou select thefileformat, quality, andother settings. • Scan toCloud sendsyourscanned filestoadestination thatyouhave registered withEpson Connect. • Scan toPC saves yourscan filedirectly toyour computer oras an image capture inMac OSX 10.6/10.7/10.8. • Scan toPC (PDF) savesyourscan asaPDF filetoyour computer oras an image capture inMac OS X10.6/10.7/10.8. • Scan toPC (Email) scansyouroriginal andattaches itto amessage inyour e-mail program. You can select thee-mail program youwant touse and resize yourimage, ifnecessary, fromanoption screen onyour computer. Note: Thisworks withMAPI-type emailsuchasMicrosoft Outlook,Windows LiveMail, MacMail, and Entourage, butnotweb-based emailsuchasGmail. • Scan toPC (WSD) letsyou manage wirelessscanning inWindows 8,Windows 7,or Windows Vista (English only). 5. Toscan toyour PC,youfirstneed toselect howyouconnected yourproduct toyour computer: • Ifyour product isconnected directlytoyour computer withaUSB cable, selectUSBConnection . • Ifyour product isconnected toyour computer overanetwork, selectthecomputer namefromthe list. 99

6. Press oneofthe buttons tostart scanning. Scan toMemory CardOptions Changing DefaultScanButton Settings Parent topic:Starting aScan Scan toMemory CardOptions Select theScan toMemory Cardoptions youwant touse. Scan toMemory Card Available options Description setting Format JPEG JPEG forphotos PDF PDF fordocuments 2-Sided Scanning Off Lets youscan 2-sided originals placed inthe ADF On Scan Area Letter Select thepage sizefordocuments Legal A4 Auto Cropping Select forphotos withdark edges Max Area Select formost photos Document Text Select thetype oforiginal youare scanning Photograph Resolution 200dpi Select fordocuments 300dpi Select forphotos 600dpi Select forhighest qualityprinting Contrast – 4 to +4 Adjusts thecontrast forscanned images; negative settingsmake images lighterandpositive settings make images darker. Document Orientation Portrait Control theorientation ofPDF documents Landscape 100