Dolmar Lawn Mower Rm 72 13 H German Version Manual
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grade grinding wheel and check the bal- ance by holding the blade up with a round 18 mm diameter bar inserted in the cen- tral hole. To ensure that it works properly without unusual vibrations any imbalance between the two parts of the blade must be below one gram. This can be easily ascertained by putting a one gram weight on the lightest end of the blade. If it tends to go below the balanced position it means that the balance is correct, while if it stays up then the other end will have to be made lighter. A damaged or bent blade must always be replaced; never try to repair it! ALWAYS USE MANUFACTURERS GENUINE SPARE BLADES ! When re-fitting the blade, always follow the indicated sequence, making sure that the blade’s wings are facing towards the interior of the cutting deck and that the concave part of the cup spring (1) is pressing against the blade. Fully tighten the fixing screw (2). If the shaft hub (3) came off when dis- mantling the blade, make sure that the key (4) is firmly in its right posi- tion. !WARNING! !WARNING! EN 36MAINTENANCE Ø 18 mm 1 g 1 g 1 g WRONG! RIGHT! 1 2 1 2 43

LUBRICATION AND GENERAL MAINTENANCE Follow the diagram which shows the points requiring checks, lubricating and rou- tine maintenance, together with the type of lubricant to be used and the frequency required. EN 37 MAINTENANCE 10 25 50 100 1.101.11 1.91.8 1.11.5 1.21.6 1.3 1.4 1.7 2 1) HOURS GREASE OIL - SAE 30

GUIDE TO SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE This table is to help you maintain your machine’s safety and performance. It shows the main maintenance and lubrication work, indicating the frequency with which it should be carried out. To the right of each one there is a box where you can write the date or after how many hours of operation the work was carried out. WORKHOURSDAT E O RN°OF HOURS 1. MACHINE 1.1Check of tight fixing and sharpness of blade 25 1.2Blade replacement 100 1.3Check of the transmission belt 25 1.4Transmission belt replacement 2)– 1.5Checking the blade drive belt 25 1.6Blade drive belt replacement 2)– 1.7Check and adjustment of brake 10 1.8Check and adjustment of drive 10 1.9Check blade engagement and brake 10 1.10Check of tight fixing of all the elements 25 1.11General lubrication 3)25 2. ENGINE 1) 2.1Engine oil change ..... 2.2Check and cleaning of air filter ..... 2.3Air filter replacement ..... 2.4Check of fuel filter ..... 2.5Fuel filter replacement ..... 2.6Check and cleaning of spark plug points ..... 2.7Replacement of spark plug ..... 1)See the engine booklet for a full list and methods of work. 2)If worn, immediately contact a Licensed Service Centre for the replacement. 3)General lubrication should be carried out whenever the machine is to be left unused for a long period. EN 38MAINTENANCE

LAYING ON ITS SIDE In order to easily reach beneath the machine, it can be turned onto its side after having removed the grass-catcher and completely emptied the fuel tank. Having put the machine onto a firm and flat surface, engage the parking brake, put the cutting deck into position «7», firmly grip the steering wheel and the seat, and turn the machine onto its right hand side so that it rests on the grass-catcher (as shown), taking care not to damage plastic parts. Make sure that the machine is stable before starting any work and do not carry out work that may cause it to fall. !DANGER! EN 39 MAINTENANCE

EN 40TROUBLESHOOTING 7. TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SITUATION LIKELY CAUSE SOLUTIONS 1.Pilot lamp off 2.Starter motor not working 3.Engine does not startKey is in «ON» position, engine stopped Key in «START» posi- tion and pilot lamp on Key in «START» posi- tion and pilot lamp flashing Key in «START» posi- tionElectronic card in safety alert, due to: –badly connected battery –completely flat battery or eroded battery plates –battery terminals crossed –fuse blown –badly earthed –electronic card wet –earthed micro-switches –insufficiently charged battery –badly earthed –you are not ready for starting –no fuel supply –faulty ignitionPut the key in the «OFF» position and look for the cause of the problem: –check connections –recharge battery –connect properly –replace fuse (6.3 A - delayed) –check connections –dry by air –check connections –recharge battery (if the problem continues, consult a Licensed Service Centre) –check connections –Check that the conditions allowing the start are met (see page 26/a) –check fuel level –open fuel stop-cock (where fitted) –check the wiring of the fuel open command (where fit- ted) –check fuel filter –check that spark plugs caps are firmly fitted –check that the electrodes are clean and have the cor- rect gap

EN 41 TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SITUATION LIKELY CAUSE SOLUTIONS 4.Starting is diffi- cult or the engine runs erratically 5.Weak engine performance dur- ing cutting 6.The engine stops but the light flashes 7.The engine stops and the light goes off 8.The engine stops but the light stays on 9.Uneven cut and poor grass collectionKey in «ON», engine running Key in «ON», engine running Key in «ON», engine running Key in «ON», engine running Key in «ON», engine running Key in «ON», engine running–fuel fault –forward speed too high in relation to cutting height –the safety devices cut in Electronic card in safety alert, due to: –earthed micro-switches –flat battery –overload caused by the charge regulator –badly connected battery (poor contact) –engine badly earthed –problems in the engine –cutting deck not parallel to the ground –blade cutting badly –clean or replace the air filter –flush out the float chamber –empty fuel tank and refill with new fuel –check and, if necessary, replace fuel filter –reduce the forward speed and/or raise the cutting deck –check that the conditions allowing starting are met (see page 26/b) Put the key in the «OFF» position and look for the cause of the problem: –check connections –recharge battery –contact a Licensed Service Centre –check battery connections –check engine earth connec- tion –contact a Licensed Service Centre –check tyre pressures –re-align the cutting deck to the ground –check that the blade is fitted properly –sharpen or replace the blade –check the tension of the belt

EN 42TROUBLESHOOTING PROBLEM SITUATION LIKELY CAUSE SOLUTIONS 10.Unusual vibrations while workingKey in «ON», engine running–forward speed too high com- pared to height of grass –collector channel is obstructed –cutting deck full of grass –the blade is imbalanced –blade loose –fixing screws loose –cutting deck is obstructed–reduce forward speed and/or raise the cutting deck –wait for grass to dry –remove the grass-catcher and empty the collector channel –clean the cutting deck –balance or replace the damaged blade –check that the blade is firm- ly fitted –check and tighten all the fixing screws of engine and the machine –remove the grass-catcher, empty the collector channel and clean the inside of the cutting deck If problems continue after having carried out these operations, contact a Licensed Service Centre. Do not take on complicated repair work if you dont have the necessary equipment and the technical knowledge. The guar- antee is automatically revoked and the manufacturer declines all responsibility for any repairs which are badly done. !WARNING!

EN 43 ACCESSORIES ON REQUEST 8. ACCESSORIES ON REQUEST 1. FRONT COUNTERWEIGHTS These improve stability at the front of the machine, particularly when being used on ground which is mostly sloping. 2. STONE-GUARD KIT For use in place of the grass-catcher when the cut- tings are not to be collected. 3. “CB01” MAINTENANCE BATTERY-CHARGER This makes it possible to keep the battery in good working order when the machine is in storage, guaranteeing an optimum level of charge and a longer life to the battery. 4. KIT FOR “MULCHING” It finely chops the grass cuttings and leaves them on the lawn, instead of collecting them in the grass- catcher 2 1 3 4

EN 44SPECIFICATIONS 9. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical system............................ 12 V Battery ......................................... 18 Ah Front tyres ............................... 11 x 4-4 Rear tyres ................................15 x 6-6 Front tyre pressure .....................1.5 bar Rear tyre pressure ..................... 1.0 bar Weight .............................. 159 ÷ 168 kg Inside turning circle (minimum diameter of uncut area.................. 1.4 m Cutting height ......................... 3 ÷ 8 cm Cutting width ............................... 71 cm Grass-catcher capacity .......... 170 litersFor mechanical drive models: Forward speed (approximate) at 3000 min –1: in 1st ............................... 1.5 km/h in 2nd ............................. 2.7 km/h in 3rd ............................... 4.0 km/h in 4th ............................... 4.5 km/h in 5th ............................... 6.8 km/h in Reverse ....................... 2.0 km/h For hydrostatic drive models: Forward speed (at 3000 min –1): in Forward drive ........ 0 ÷ 8.6 km/h in Reverse.................. 0 ÷ 3.2 km/h ➤ ➤ 706 1130750 1546760 1863 860 1100

EINFÜHRUNG Sehr geehrte Kundin, sehr geehrter Kunde, Wir danken Ihnen, dass Sie unseren Produkten den Vorzug gegeben haben und wün- schen Ihnen, dass Ihnen der Gebrauch Ihrer neuen Maschine “Rider”Freude macht und Ihren Erwartungen vollkommen entspricht. Dieses Handbuch wurde herausgegeben, um Sie mit Ihrer Maschine vertraut zu machen und damit sie sicher und wirksam einsetzen können. Es ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der Maschine. Halten Sie das Handbuch stets griffbereit, um es jederzeit einsehen zu kön- nen, und liefern Sie es mit, sollten Sie die Maschine eines Tages an Dritte abtreten. Diese Maschine wurde nach den geltenden Bestimmungen entwickelt und hergestellt. Sie arbeitet sicher und zuverlässig, wenn sie - unter strikter Beachtung der in diesem Hand- buch enthaltenen Anweisungen - für das Mähen und Abräumen von Gras verwendet wird (bestimmungsgemäßer Gebrauch). Jede andere Verwendung oder die Nichtbeachtung der angezeigten Sicherheitsvorschriften beim Gebrauch, der Anweisungen für Wartung und Reparatur werden als “zweckentfremdete Verwendung”der Maschine angesehen und hat den Verfall der Garantie und die Ablehnung jeder Verantwortung seitens des Her- stellers zur Folge. Dem Benutzer selbst dadurch entstandene oder Dritten zugefügte Schä- den oder Verletzungen gehen zu Lasten des Benutzers. Falls Sie kleinere Unterschiede zwischen der Beschreibung im Handbuch und der Maschi- ne feststellen sollten, können Sie davon ausgehen, dass die in diesem Handbuch enthalte- nen Informationen auf Grund fortwährender Verbesserungen des Erzeugnisses Änderun- gen unterliegen, ohne dass der Hersteller die Pflicht zur Bekanntgabe oder zur Aktualisierung hat, unter der Voraussetzung, dass sich die wesentlichen Eigenschaften für Sicherheit und Betriebsweise nicht verändern. Im Zweifelsfall schrecken Sie nicht davor zurück, Ihren Wiederverkäufer oder einen Autorisierten Kundendienst zu kontaktieren. Gute Arbeit! KUNDENDIENST Dieses Handbuch bietet die erforderlichen Anleitungen zum Fahren der Maschine und für eine korrekte Grundwartung seitens des Benutzers. Für in diesem Handbuch nicht beschriebene Eingriffe wenden Sie sich an den Wiederver- käufer des Gebiets oder an einen Autorisierten Kundendienst. Wenn Sie es wünschen, wird Ihnen Ihr Wiederverkäufer gerne ein persönliches Wartungs- programm, das Ihren Ansprüchen gerecht wird, ausarbeiten. Dieses wird es Ihnen ermögli- chen, Ihre Neuerwerbung voll leistungsfähig zu halten und so den Investitionswert zu erhalten. DE 1 EINFÜHRUNG