Comdial Digital Telephone System Instructions Manual
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System ProgrammingIMl66-107 Integrated Call Costing Configuration - continued Call Costing Examples - continued Example B: Dialing Sequence 1.201.201.nnnn This Sequence is a long distance call (more than 10 digits) with 201 as both the area code and the office code. To cost, program call rate table 25 to cost calls of this sequence. Also program the zone call band table adding office code 201 to area code 201 in band 1. Add any other office codes (for example 478) to area code 201 in band 1 as required. ZONE CALL BAND TABLES 1 A RATF TAB1 F, 25coo-m*BFR YNO continued on next page. . .4-62

IMl66-107System Programming Integrated Call Costing Configuration - continued Call Costing Examples - continued Example C: Dialing Sequence l-20%nnn-nnnn This sequence is a long distance call (more than 10 digits) with 201 as the area code. To cost, program call rate table 11 to cost calls in this sequence. Also, program the area code band table adding area code 201 to band 1. l-201 -nnn-nnnnt II ICALL IAN 10NO (MORE THAN I201-201I 1 I 10 1 2 3ZONE CALL BAND TABLES AREA CODE BAND TABLES NO SURCHARGE0 cents1 continued on next page , . .4-63

IMl66-107System Programming Integrated Call Costing Configuration - continued Call Costing Examples - continued Typical SMDR Call Report For The Call Costing Example10 1 12/28/90 16:050.92014567 10 112/28/90 16:061.812017894567 10112/28/9016:081.512014785693$ 1.12 (see note 3) 10112/28/9016:ll1.52012014563$ 2.50 (see note 2) 10212/28/9016:120.55551212$ 1.00 (aee note 4) 10112/28/9016:131.12012013$ 0.50 (mea note 1) Note1:Costedbyratetable18 Note2:Costed byratetable25 Note3:Costedbyratetable11 Note4:Costedbyratetable1 _- rpical SMDA Call Report For The Call Costing ExampleStation Report for Extension - 10 Date: 12/28/90Time : 16:15DATE TIMESTATIONACCOUNT LNGTH COSTI/ORINGLINENDMBER 12/28 16:05 100.9$ 0.50012014567 12/28 16:06 101.8$ 1.350112017894567 12/28 16:08 101.5$ 1.120112014785693 12/28 16:ll 101.5$ 2.50012012014563 12/28 16:12 100.5$ 1.00025551212 12/28 16:13 101.1$ 0.50012012013 TOTALS :5.8$ 6.97 AVERAGES :0.9$ 1.16INCOMING 0OUTGOING 6TOTAL CALLS 6$ 0.50 (see note 1) $ 1.35 (EOO note 3)4-65

IMl66-107System ProgrammingIntegrated Call Costing Configuration - continued Call Costing Programming Procedures 0 To make a record of the programming configuration, mark the desired requirements in the integrated call costing records chart found at the end of Chapter 4. There are companies in business that formulate custom call costing tables for use with this digital telephone system. Contact Comdial’s Inside Sales Department at 1-800-347-l 432 for complete details. 0 To make the programming selections, dial the feature code and then dial the configuration code ( the programming button where appropriate). NOTE: A lighted LED next to the programming button for the selection indicates the current configuration. When a single button provides a togg/e (on/off) action, the lighted LED indicates the active feature. 0 The first step in any programming sequence is to enter the base level. Once in this mode, you can dial the feature code for any desired configuration. Enter the base level with the following procedure: press ITCM then dial +K# 7 4 6 +I+. The last step is to press the SPKR button to end the programming procedure and return the system to normal operation. :irst Priority Costing - Exception Tables1. Dial 78.“EXCEPTION TBL ” The system first compares calls to your2. Dial 1 - 4 for entry 1 - 4.“ENTRYX ” sntries in the call cost exception tables to3. Dial 1 to assign the call rate table. jetermine if it can make a match.“CALL COST TBL XX” 4. Dial 01 - 33 for call rate table number. 5. Dial +K. 6. Dial 2 to assign matching digits.“X~XXXUXXXXXXW” 7. Dial #to clear current entry. 8. Dial matching digits (16 max. # = match anything). ‘xxm~mmx)ooo(x 9. Dial +N +R for next entry, and repeat steps 2 - 9 until all entries are made. 10. Dial +N +R +# for configuration mode. To change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection. Second Priority Costing For Local Calls1. Dial 75.3MDA PROGRAMMING” . Office Code Band Tables2. Dial 01 to program costing bands. “COSTING BANDS u The system measures calls that do not3. Dial 1 to program match exception tables for the number of off ice code bands.“OFFCE CODE BANDS” the digits the caller dialed. It then 4. Dial 0 if no band is to be as’gned. “NO BAND u compares calls with numbers that are have-OR- less than 10 digits (local calls) to your Dial 1 - 7 for bands 1 - 7.“BAND X ” entries in seven different off ice code band 5. Dial 200 - 999 to as’gn office code. tables.Program the cost values for these office code band tables in call rate tables6. Dial # and repeat step 5 for additional code.18-24. 7. Dial t and repeat steps 4-6 to program next band. 8. Dial +K +K for next SMDA feature. -OR- Dial * * +R for configuration mode. To change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection. 4-67

System ProgrammingIM166-107Integrated Call Costing Configuration - continued Call Costing Programming Procedures Press ITCM +k#746+. Second Priority Costing For Long “SMDA PROGRAMMING” Distance Calls - Zone Call Band Tables2. Dial 01 to program costing bands. “COSTING BANDS ’ The system measures calls that do not3. Dial 3 to program zone call bands. “ZONE BqNDS” matchexceptiontables for the number of4. Dial 0 if no zone is to be as’gned. “NOZONE” calls with numbers that have 10 digits or Dial 1 - 4 for zones 1 - 4.“ZONEX ” more (long distance calls) to your entries in5. Dial 200 - 999 to assign an area code. four different zone call band tables. tables incallrate tables 25 - 28. code to same zone or to program next zone. 10. Dial +# C# for next SMDA feature. Dial + +R +R for configuration mode. To change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection. to program costing bands. The system matches long distance calls3. Dial 2 to program that do not match entries in zone call bandarea code bands. “AREA CODE BANDS” tables with your entries in seven different4. Dial 0 if no band is to be as’gned. ‘NO BANDn area code band tables. Program the cost values for area code band tables in call rateDial 1 - 7 for bands 1 - 7.“BAND X ” tables 11 - 17. 6. Dial 200 - 999 to as’gn area code. 5. Dial # and repeat step 6 for additional code. 6. Dial +R and repeat steps 3-6 to program next band. 7. Dial +# +++ for next SMDA feature. Dial +Ic +R +# for configuration mode.1 PressSPKRt0end.I. 4-68

IMl66-107System ProgrammingIntegrated Call Costing Configuration - continued Call Costing Programming Procedures -1 Third Priority Costing For Local Calls1. Dial 76.“CALL COST TBL ” And Forth Priority Costing For Long2. Dial table number (01 - 33).“CALL COST TBL XX” Distance Calls - Call Costing Tables3. Dial 1 to enter matching digits.‘XxXxXxX)( ” when the system can not match local callsNOTE: Call Cost Table 7 will not accept matching digits. snd long distance calls with the entries you4. Dial # to clear previous digits. nave made in any exception table, office zode band table, zone call band table or5. Dial matching digits for costed number (32 max. area code band table, it compares them# = match anything digit).‘xxxxxxxx ” with youi entries in call rate tables 2 - 106. Dial +% to end matching digits. snd 29 - 33 and costs them accordingly.7. Dial 2 then dial 01 - 99 for Tier 1 time in Use these call rate tables to cost calls thattenths of minutes.“TIER 1 TIME XX ’ require special or extraordinary rates.8. Dial +I+. 9. Dial 3 then dial 001 - 999 for Tier 1 rate in cents. The system costs any calls for which it can“TIER 1 RATEXXX” find no match with your entries in call rate 1 o Dial ~ ’’ table 1 (the table of last resort for costing all11. Dial 4 then dial 001 - 999 for Tier 2 rate in cents. calls). “TIER2 RATEXXX’ 12. Dial +K Dffice code band tables = call rate tables 18 - 2413. Dial 6 then dial 001 - 999 for surcharge rate in cents. Zone call band tables = call rate tables 25 - 28“SURCHARGE XXX ” 9reacodebandtable=ll -1714. Dial % % to program next call cost table and repeat steps 2-14 until all tables are entered. NOTE : Dialing a 00 or a 000 as an entry in15. Dial + f +# for configuration mode. steps 7, 9, 11, and 13 will clear the currentTo change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection. entry for those steps. Example Call Rate Table prog. step 2Call Rate Table 33 prog. step 5Number19009762525 prog. step 7Tier 1 Time30 (30 mimutes) prog. step 9Tier 1 Rate120 ($1.20) prog. step 11Tier 2 Rate75 ($0.75) prog. step 13Surcharge50 ($0.50) Discard Digits1. Dial 75.“SMDA PROGRAMMING” When the digital telephone system is2. Dial 01 to program costing bands. “COSTING BANDS u installed behind a host system such as a3. Dial 4 to program discard digits.“ASSGN DSCRD DIGITS ” PBX or CENTREX, users must dial access4. Dial 1 - 6 to select entry 1 - 6.“ENTRYX ” codes before obtaining an outside line dial tone. To ensure that the system costs a5. Dial # for no discard digits. -OR-call on just the actual telephone number that the user dials, you should arrange forDial up to 8 discard digits the system to ignore these access codes.then dial #. “xxxxxxxx I8 You can program up to six different access6. Repeat steps 4-5 to program next discard digit entry. codes entries with up to eight digits per7. Dial % for next costing band feature. entry. -OR- . Dial +++ +R for next SMDA feature. -OR- Dial 8 f * for configuration mode. To change setting, repeat procedure and make different selection. 4-69