ATT System 25 Installation And Maintenance Manual
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APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTlONPOSSIBLE SOLUTION 1017:inappropriate request Cap already installed system already has Direct CAPACTION = 1 (Cap) Go to MENU 8 (Searches) ACTION = 1 DATA = 18 ACTION = 2 DATA = 309 or 310 ACTION = 3 DATA = 0 1018:inappropriate requestMust remove secondary CAP before must remove secondary attempting to remove the first CAP. CAP first 1019:incorrect action number Check if the ACTION value taken is does not exist or used legal. improperly 1020:inappropriate requestTrying to administer features to a primary or secondary secondary CAP that does not exist. CAP does not exist 1021:at installed max At the maximum number of stations -200 stations allowed by the system. 1022: at installed maxAt the maximum number of trunks -104 trunkallowed by the system. 1023: button function code Button station out of range for out of rangeterminal type code. Check station does not exist or used for button range. (invalid button improperlyfunction code) 1024:at installed maxAt system maximum of 300 FPDCs. -300 FPDCs 1025: at installed max -199At system maximum of 199 EMT EMT setssets. 1026: at installation max Maximum of 111 ATL sets, 2 of -96 ATL setwhich have to be CAPS 1027: at installed maxAt system maximum of 104 -104 trunkground-start trunks. 1028: at installed max At system maximum of 104 loop- -104 trunk start trunks. 1029:at installed max At system maximum of 104 DID -104 trunk trunks. 1030: at installed max At system maximum of 32 TIE -32 Tie trunk trunks. F-3
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTIONPOSSIBLE SOLUTlON 1031: at installed maxAt system maximum of 12 touch- -12 Touch-Tonetone receivers. Receivers 1032: at installed maxAt system maximum of 8 external -8 external alertalerts 1033:at installed maxAt system maximum of 3 paging -3 paging zoneszones. 1034:at installed maxAt system maximum of 2 Direct 2 announcement machineNight Service Delay Announcements or limit of 1 delay announcement for DGC groups. 1035: at installed maxAt system maximum of 1 music on 1 music on holdhold port. 1036: at installed maxAt system maximum of 2 selector -2 selector console consoles 1037: at installed maxAt system maximum of 2 Night -2 night serviceService Delay Announcements. announcement machine 1038: at installed maxAt system maximum of 256 ports. -256 port 1039: at Installed maxAt system maximum of 6 Pooled -Pooled ModemsModem Circuit Packs/System 2 PM CP/Cabinet. (12 conversion resources) 1040: at installed maxAt system maximum for 34-button no more 34-button sets sets. available53 ATLs max (55 34B or 22B sets) 1041: at installed maxAt system maximum for 10-button no more 10-button setssets. available109 5-button or 10-button sets 1042:incorrect entry CAP MW button already installed or not CAP/Msg Waiting station not a CAP port. already installed 1043:incorrect button Cannot administer CAP Alarm function code button. button 8 (CAP alarm) not allowed F-4
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTION POSSIBLE SOLUTION 1044: inappropriate request Neither primary nor secondary CAP primary or secondary CAP universal port number agrees with the unavailableone stored by admin. on the stack. 1045: at installed max At system maximum of 104 data -104 data port ports. 1046:incorrect button Duplicate button function code found. function code button facility already exists 1047:incorrect button number Button number out of range for voice out of range or reserved terminal type or certain button types for system use are not assignable. 1048: inappropriate request Certain feature buttons are not CAP buttons fixed - can’tadministrable on the CAP. assign 1049:inappropriate request A DID trunk cannot be part of an DID trunk can’t be pooloutgoing trunk pool facility member 1050: incorrect facility type Must be an ATL or MET set before must be ATL set or MET you can administer a button feature setor facility type. Facility type cannot be used in conjunction with this button function code. 1051:inappropriate request At system maximum for sets allowed group station max reached in a particular group. 1052: at installed max Can only install 1 Service Circuit per -Service Circuit system. 1054: incorrect button External button code entered by function code customer is invalid. does not exist or used improperly 1055:entry out of range Allow a 0-1 only, any other input is must be 0-1 withinvalid. station/ring enable F-5
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTIONPOSSIBLE SOLUTION 1056:inappropriate requestTrying to administer something other must be virtual facilitythan a Virtual digit. [0-9, *, #] Must be a Virtual Facility. 1057:at installed maxGroup or button maximum reached. System btn or stationStation is sender in group. group max reached 1058:incorrect entryCan only enter numerical values for illegal character withintrunk number. Unexpected ASCII datacharacter received. 1059:Inappropriate request, System has SLAC, cannot add DTAC. system already has QIC- CAP. 1060:inappropriate request Trying to administer a station that station already existsexists. Go to MENU 8-Search ACTION = 1 DATA = 11 Hit c to continue to search for assigned PDCs to verify that the station exists. 1061:incorrect action number Cannot exceed 2 digits. can’t exceed 2 digits 1062:inappropriate requestTrying to administer selector console selector console notfeatures without the selector console installedinstalled. 1063:incorrect facility type Trying to administer selector console must be selector consolefeatures on something other than the selector console. 1064:incorrect action numberItem number is out of range. out of range for selector console 1065:A system error has A PLI error has been generated. occurred, sorry please consult user documentation 1066:incorrect entry Inserted dialed digits cannot exceed 7 can’t exceed 7 digitsdigits. 1067:incorrect action number Enter VF Access Code before you must be virtual facilityenter VF number. F-6
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTION 1069:incorrect facility type incompatible with board type 1070:facility type out of range must be 3-4 digits POSSIBLE SOLUTION Board and features do not mix. Check slot location for correct board or not compatible with the already entered types on the board. Must be 3 or 4 digits. 1071: inappropriate request name does not existName does not exists. Go to MENU 8 (Search) ACTION = 1 DATA = 40 ACTION = 2 DATA = PDC Hit c to continue to search for name associated with PDC, DDC, FPDC, or DGC. 1072: PDC out of range System 25 dial codes may have can’t exceed 4 digits1,2,3 or 4 digits only. 1073:incorrect entryYou are administering a character must begin with quotestring and must begin with quotes. 1074:incorrect action number I Cannot update under action zero. can’t update with 0 1075: entry out of range data must be 28 digits or lessSystem Speed Dialing numbers must be 28 digits or less. 1077:incorrect entry5 zeros are never a legal entry. 5 zeroes always incorrect 1078:incorrect entry leading zeroes not allowedLeading zeros are not allowed for Toll Call Allowed Lists. 1079:incorrect action number Item not installed, cannot enter can’t exceed 2 withitems greater then 2. unequipped facility 1080:incorrect entry I Item must be 0 for removal. must be 0 for removal 1081: at installation maxSystem maximum of 109 MET sets. 109 MET sets 1082:inappropriate request TT generator already installedTT generator already exists at this location F-7
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTIONPOSSIBLE SOLUTION 1083:inappropriate requestRecheck translations to see if TT TT generator not installedgenerator was installed. 1084:inappropriate requestTrying to administer a third CAP system already has twowhen you are only allowed two. CAPS 1085:incorrect entryData parity setting must be between must be 0-3 if parity, else0-3. Delay break for STARLAN is 0-10-1. 1086:inappropriate request Cannot assign a DID trunk port an DID trunk can’t have(ID) name. Go to MENU 1 (Port) Trunk IDACTION = 90 DATA = “name-not-allowed for DID trunk. 1088: entry out of rangeSMDR billing must be between data must be 10-25510-255 seconds MENU = 4 (System) ACTION = 53 DATA = 10-255 1089:entry out of rangePort number cannot exceed 5 digits. port can’t exceed 5 digits 1090: at installed maxCan only associate 1 data button -1 data button with a PDC. 1091:incorrect entrySwitched Loop Console call type data must be 0-7priority must be between 0-7. See: MENU = 4 (System) ACTION = 92 for more information. 1092:incorrect entryYou are exceeding the amount of Trunk ID must be 9characters that a trunk name (ID) characters or lesscan be. F-8
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTIONPOSSIBLE SOLUTION 1094: inappropriate requestDisplay attendant position only DISPLAY of SLC-DTAC/SLAC. See: CAP status allowedMENU = 1 (Port) ACTION = 60 for more information. 1095: action numberCheck MENU 4 (System out of sequenceAdministration) for administering must enter 90 &/or 91correct sequence. first 1096: entry out of rangeCall type priority must be between data must be 1-71-7. Check MENU 4 Action item 92. 1097: entry out of rangeCall type code must be between 1- data must be 1-8 8. Check MENU 4 Action item 91 1098: entry out of rangeDenotes att. that should receive data must be 0-2calls from this trunk. NOTE: Data range must be between 0-2 not 1-3. See: MENU = 1 (Port) UNDER TRUNKS ACTION = 12 for more information. 1099:incorrect entryMust be
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTIONPOSSIBLE SOLUTION 2003:incorrect button numberCheck button range for station type. out of range for ATL set 2004:inappropriate requestCannot administer button features EMT can’t have button on an EMT station or not allowed for particular type of service. 2007:incorrect facility typeEMT station is required. must be EMT 2009:inappropriate requestMust enter PDC before you must enter PDC first continue. 2011:incorrect entryData value must be 0-1. must be 0-1 2012:incorrect entry Call coverage group number out of number out of rangerange. 2014:incorrect facility type Not touch-tone EMT for Off Prem. must be Touch-tone EMTextension. 2015:incorrect entryPickup group number out of range. group number out of range 2016:incorrect PDCOnly Single Line stations and data not allowed in hunt groupstations hunt. 2017:inappropriate requestFloating PDCs cannot be in a hunt FPDC not allowed in huntgroup. group 2018:inappropriate requestCannot remove backup station until SLAC has Position BusyPOS-BUSY button is removed Button SLAC. Removing POS-BUSY button from SLAC removes backup station. 2019:inappropriate requestOnly single line stations and data facility not allowed in huntstations hunt. group 2020:incorrect entry Toll restriction class number out of number out of rangerange. 2024:inappropriate requestCannot make changes to the Alarm can’t update buttonbutton. F-10l
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTIONPOSSIBLE SOLUTION 2026:incorrect entryCheck to see if trunk is trunk does not existadministered. No such trunk ID. 2027:inappropriate requestCannot assign night service to a not optioned for night DID trunk. Trunk not optioned for servicenight service. 2029: inappropriate requestStation already assigned to this trunk already assignedtrunk. station 2030: out of spaceThe maximum allowable night trunk station maxservice trunks per station was reachedreached (A trunk can be directed to 4 voice terminals.) 2031: inappropriate requestDID trunks are not assignable to incorrect night serviceNight Service.Dial-in TIE trunks trunkwill not receive Night Service treatment. The data specified is not a 4-digit trunk number associated with night service for the station port given. 2032:inappropriate request Cannot add one button transfer to nondata number can’t data for a nondata number. receive data 2034: inappropriate requestCannot update. The station is being can’t update - huntedhunted to. 2035: inappropriate requestNo change or remove allowed, the can’t update -DGC station or data port belongs to a DGC. 2036: inappropriate requestNo station change or remove can’t update -autoallowed due to auto intercom. intercom 2037: inappropriate requestNo station change or remove can’t update -manualallowed due to manual signal. signal I 2038: inappropriate requestNo station change or remove can’t update -msg waitingallowed due to message waiting. F-11
APPENDIX F: Administration Error Messages ERROR MESSAGE AND DESCRIPTIONPOSSIBLE SOLUTION 2039:inappropriate request Cannot assign buttons that are buttons fixed- can’talready fixed on the CAP. assign 2040:incorrect PDC Has to be an ATL station to assign must be station for prime prime line preference. line pref 2041:inappropriate request Has to be an ATL station to assign must be ATL set for prime line preference. prime line pref 2043:out of spaceSystem maximum reached for ATL no more button sets stations. No button structure left availablefor adding a new station or a new data port. 2044:incorrect entry Has to be TN742 CP for OPX. incorrect board type for Off Premises (OPX) 2045:incorrect facility typeError occurs when administering incompatible with button button features. Usually relates to PDC you are trying to specify. Check validity of PDC/DDC you are trying to administer. 2046:incorrect button functionIncompatible button feature for codestation type. incompatible with facility 2049:incorrect entry Data value must be 0-1. data must be 0-1 2050:inappropriate requestStation can’t be busy if you are busy station can’t begoing to move it. move destination 2051:incorrect entryEntered data for night service data can’t be 0contains leading zero. 2052:inappropriate requestCannot change Toll Calls Allowed improper procedureport number here. F-12