ATT System 25 Installation And Maintenance Manual
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Figure 4-8. Figure 4-9. Figure 4-10. Figure 4-11. Figure 4-11.a. Figure 4-12. Figure 4-13. Figure C-1. Figure C-2. Figure C-3. Table 2-A. Table 2-B. Table 2-C. Table 2-D. Table 2-E. Table 2-F. Table 4-A. Table 4-B. Table 4-C. Table 4-D. Table 4-E. Table 4-F. Table A-A. Table A-B. Table A-A. Table A-B. Table C-A. Table C-B. Table E-A. Table E-B.AC Power Schematic 4-68 System Cabinet Backplane Wiring Side (Sheet 1 of 2)4-73 TDM Signal Destinations on Cabinet Backplane 4-75 Power Designations on Cabinet Backplane 4-76 853 Adapter 4-79a Clearing Virtual Facilities Troubles (Sheet 1 of 3) 4-86 Clearing Switched Loop Attendant Console Troubles (Sheet 1 of 5)4-94 Typical System 25 Port Circuit PackC-4 Tie Trunk (TN760B) Circuit Pack Option Switches C-5 DS1 Network Interface ConnectionsC-12 Tables Tools and Test Equipment Required for Installation2-2 Circuit Packs, Their Functions, and Protectors 2-24 Displayed SAT Messages During Cold or Warm Restart 2-37 Circuit Pack LED Status Indications 2-40 Circuit Pack Versus Terminal Type 2-66 Feature Button Abbreviations and Lables 2-88 Displayed SAT Messages During Cold or Warm Start 4-25 Power Supply Test Points4-65 Circuit Pack Voltages—Symptoms 4-66 25-Pair Connector to Backplane Designations 4-78 Station/Trunk/Special Port Circuit Pack Options 4-99 Applicable Actions for Circuit Pack Options 4- 100 25-Pair Connector Pin AssignmentsA-2 Building Wiring A-4 25-Pair Connector Pin Assignments A-2 Building WiringA-4 Unit Loads C-2 TN760B Option Switch Settings and AdministrationC-6 Default Dial Codes E-1 PORT/PD. Administration, Voice Terminals (Menu=1/2) E-2 November 1995 -xi-
Table E-C. Table E-D. Table E-E. Table E-F. Table E-G. . . Table E-H. Table E-1. Table E-J. Table E-K. Table E-L. Table E-M. Table E-N. Table E-0. Table E-P. Table E-Q. Table E-R. Table E-S. Table E-T. Table E-U. Table E-V. Table E-W. Table E-X. Table E-Y. Table E-Z. Table E-AA. Table E-AB. Table E-AC. Table E-AD. Table E-AE. Table E-AF. Table E-AG. Table E-AH.Voice Terminal Type Codes Feature Button Translation (Menu=1/2) Multiline Voice Terminal Button Defaults Switched Loop Attendant Console Button Defaults (Type 310) Switched Loop Attendant Console Button Defaults (Type 311) Direct Trunk Attendant Console Button Defaults (Cold-Start Defaults) Direct Trunk Attendant Console Defaults (Administration-lnstalled Defaults) MET Set Button Defaults PORT/PDC Administration, Data Terminals (Menu=1/2) Data Port Type Codes Port Administration, Trunks (Menu=1) Trunk Type Codes Trunk Class-of-Service (for all trunks except DID) Port Administration, Auxiliary Equipment (Menu=1) Special Feature Port Type Codes Port Options Applicable Options PDC Administration (Menu=2) High Density Circuit (Menu=3) System Administration (Menu=4) Standard Call Type Defaults Message-Center-Like Call-Type Defaults (effect of Action 90) Floating PDC Administration (Menu=5) Direct Group Calling (DGC) Administration (Menu= 6) Toll Calls Allowed (TCA) List Administration (Menu= 7) DGC Announcement Administration Searches: Action Items (Menu=8) Board Type—Wildcard Representation Port/Board Type—Specific Representation Save/Restore and System Restarts (Menu=9) RS232 Port Administration (Menu=10) Automatic Route Selection Administration (Menu=11) E-13 E-14 E-17 E-18 E-19 E-20 E-21 E-22 E-23 E-25 E-26 E-28 E-29 E-30 E-32 E-33 E-34 E-35 E-35 E-36 E-42 E-43 E-43 E-44 E-44 E-45 E-46 E-50 E-51 E-54 E-55 E-56 -xii-November 1995
INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION This manual provides procedures and information for installing, and testing the AT&T System 25 Release 3 and associated equipment. The maintenance information contained in Section 4 pertains to the AT&T System 25 Release 1, Versions 1 and 2 (RI VI and R1V2), Release 2, Version 1 (R2V1 ), as well as to AT&T System 25 Release 3, Version 1,2 and 3 (R3V1, R3V2 and R3V3). Installation and maintenance procedures for the AT&T System 25 Call Management System and Integrated Solution are provided in a separate set of documents for each system. This manual is intended for use by an installation and/or maintenance technician dispatched to a System 25 site for an installation or in response to an alarm or a user trouble report. This technician must have completed the Tier 1 training course (T-335). Each installed System 25 has a customer-designated System Administrator.The technicianshould work closely with this System Administrator. The System 25 Administration (555-540-500) and Implementation (555-540-650) Manuals describe the administrator’s functions. In the S25 documentation, the terms “voice terminal”, “voice stations”, and “telephone” are used to describe the same piece of hardware. The S25 documentation also uses the terms ‘Personal Dial Code (PD.)”, and ‘extension number’ interchangeably. The remainder of this manual is divided into Sections 2 through 6 and six appendices: lSection 2. Installation-Describes the installation of the cabinet(s) wiring, and other components. Certain preinstallation requirements must be met; therefore, read “PREINSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS” before installing any part of System 25. lSection 3. System Test—Describes all the tests necessary to verify that the system is operating correctly. lSection 4. Maintenance —Provides information necessary for monitoring, testing, and maintaining all releases of AT&T System 25. November 19951-1
INTRODUCTION l l l l l l l lSection 5 References-Lists anddescribes other related documentation Section 6 Abbreviations and Acronyms-Lists and describes abbreviations and acronyms frequently encountered in System 25 documentation Appendix A. System Wiring Table–Lists pinouts and wiring used with System 25 Appendix B. Parts Listing—Lists all related parts of System 25 Appendix C. System Additions and Changes-Describes how to make additions to an existing system Appendix D. System Upgrade–Describes how to upgrade an R1V1 R1V2 or R2V1 release of System 25 to an R3 release Appendix E. System Codes and Data Entries–Lists all default codes and data entries for administering the system Appendix F. Administration Tables–Lists all error messages that can occur when the system is being administered FCC PRECAUTIONS Electromagnetic fields radiating from the system cabinets may generate noise in other communications equipment The technician must be sure that all cabinet panels and covers are securely in place after performing maintenance Caution: Electrostatic discharge can destroy or severely damage integrated circuits or CPs. The maintenance technician MUST ALWAYS WEAR A WRIST GROUNDING STRAP when handling CPs The cord must be attached to the grounding block at the back of the cabinet or to a front-cover retainer screw Damage to integrated circuits caused by electrostatic discharge may not be immediately apparent Caution:The wrist grounding strap must not be clipped to any cabinet location other than the grounding block. 1-2November 1995
INSTALLATION INSTALLATION Installation of a System 25 requires the completion of a number of basic steps, similar to those required to install any customer switching system. Assuming that the building (station) wiring is already in place, the recommended sequence of steps for installation of the system is as follows: 1.Preinstallation Requirements 2. Install System Cabinets 3. Power Up and Initialize System 4.Install Cross-Connect Equipment (See Note below.) 5. Install Modular Bulk Power Supply (Optional) 6. Connect Cabinets to 7. Connect Cabinets to 8. Install 9. Install 10.InstallTrunk Access Equipment Station Interconnect Panel (SIP) Customer’s Peripheral Equipment Terminals Auxiliary Equipment 11.Test System Note:Step 4 can be done before Steps 2 and 3 if the cross- connect equipment is delivered before the cabinets. 2-1
INSTALLATION TOOLS AND TEST EQUIPMENT Table 2-A lists tools and test equipment required for installing a System 25. Table 2-A. Tools and Test Equipment Required for Installation TasksTools Required Recommended Type InstallPush Drill Cross-ConnectScrewdriver8-inch Flat Blade Field Carpenter’s Level30-inch Rule30-inch Chalk Line 11 O-type Punch-down ToolAT-8762 D-Impact Tool AdapterBR866 JC (403608235) UnpackTin Snips CabinetUtility Knife Adjustable Wrench6- or 8-inch InstallRule 30-inch CabinetsAdjustable Wrench 6- or 8-inch or AddScrewdriver8-inch Flat Blade CarriersAllen Wrench1/8-inch Add Voice TerminalsDiagonal Pliers or InstallScrewdriver8-inch Flat Blade Auxiliary11 O-type Punch-down ToolAT-8762 D-impact Tool Equipment Add Screwdriver8-inch Flat Blade Circuit Packs (CPs) Initialize System Administration TerminalRS-232C SystemDigital Tape Unit (not RS-232C) — Test System* Test SetDracon TS21 * Used in Section 3 of this manual 2-2
INSTALLATION CROSS-CONNECT EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION This section provides a brief description of some of connect/interconnect equipment. More details on the can be found in the Reference Manual (555-540-200). the following: lTrunk Access Equipment 700A Jacks Emergency Transfer Unit l Station Interconnect Panel — 617A Panel Adapters Fanning Strip l Cables — Splitter Cables — Octopus Cables — Cable Labels.the System 25 cross- System 25 equipment This section describes 2-3
INSTALLATION Trunk Access Equipment The trunk access equipment (TAE) consists of 700A-I 10-61-25 or 700A-66- B1 -25 (157BF) cut-down jacks, or equivalent, and up to four 10B Emergency Transfer Units (ETUs). The 10B ETU is shown in Figure 2-1. 700A- 110-M-25 or 700A-66-B1-25 (157BF) Cut-Down Jack Trunk circuits that appear on the network interfaces are grouped by trunk type (Direct Inward Dialing [DID], Central Office [CO], or Tie) and punched down on the 700A jack. One 700A jack is required for each RJ21 X or RJ2GX network interface. The 700A-1 10-B1-25 jack has a 110-type cut-down field, and the 700A-66-B1-25 (157BF) has a 66-type cut-down field. It is important to note that most secondary wiring protectors (sneak current fuses) are compatible only with the 66-type jack. 10B Emergency Transfer Unit (ETU) During a power failure or system outage, each 10B ETU provides contact closures for bypassing the switch and connecting up to five predesignated FCC registered single-line voice terminals to telephone company trunks. Connectorized cables (25-pair) connect the ETU to the 700A jacks, the system cabinets, and the Station Interconnect Panel. A modular plug-ended cord (part of octopus cable) connects control power (–48 V dc) from the system cabinet. Screw terminals that connect to relay contacts which may be used for an external alerting device are also provided. The relay contacts close when a failure occurs. (Any alerting device and associated power unit with a dc current requirement less than or equal to 0.5 ampere may be used.) The ETU also controls a DID make-busy contact that connects to the last pair on the 700A jack. For a more detailed drawing of the 10B ETU, see Install Emergency Transfer Units (ETUs) in this part. 2-4
INSTALLATION Station Interconnect Panel (SIP) The SIP is the station cross-connect field and consists of the following equipment: l 617A Panels l Adapters l 50A Fanning Strips. 617A Panel The 617A Panel is a metal plate with keyslot holes on each side for mounting on a backboard. (See Figure 2-2.) Each 617A Panel can hold eight 2210A2 or 858A Adapters, each of which can accommodate six connections to the port circuits in the cabinets.As many as five 617A Panels may be required for a maximum size system.The adapters snap into prepunched holes on the 617A Panels. (Reattached spacer buttons keep adapters from touching the metal panels.) The cable rings located at the top of the 617A Panel route the building wiring cables to the adapters.Purse lock clips hold the building wiring cables in place. The white posts at the bottom of the 617A Panel guide the wiring from the 50A Fanning Strip to each column of adapters. Preprinted boxes and numbers on the panel identify modular jacks for record-keeping purposes. Letters are marked in the boxes at the top of each column by the installer.The letter (A through J) and the corresponding preprinted row number (1 through 24) identify the port jacks. For example, Al identifies the modular jack located in column A row 1. 2-6