ATT System 25 Installation And Maintenance Manual
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APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-W. Standard Call Type Defaults FOR SWITCHED LOOP SYSTEMS ONLY DEFAULT DEFAULT CALL TYPECODE PRIORITY ATTENDANT (Action 91) (Action 92)(Action 93) Dial Attendant (0) Call Following - Logged to SLAC Non logged in FPDC Unassigned DID Attendant DID access code PD. of Attendant Coverage Returning 1 2 3 4 5 6 701-732 8 40 4 NA 40 40 40 4NA 40 40 E-42November 1995
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-X. Message-Center-Like Call-Type Defaults (effect of Action 90) FOR SWITCHED LOOP SYSTEMS ONLY DEFAULT DEFAULT CALL TYPE C0DEPRlORITYATTENDANT (Action 91) (Action 92) (Action 93) non-logged in FPDC Unassigned DID Coverage Returning Dial Attendant (0) Attendant DID Access Code Call following – Logged into SLAC PD. of Attendant 3 4 701-732 8 1 5 2 6 4 4 4 4* 4 4 4 4 (selected with Action 90) * * * (opposite of Action 90 selection) NA NA . Table E-Y. Floating PD. Administration (Menu=5) ACTION DESCRIPTION DATAI 1List active FPDCs2 3 Delete an FPDC[FPDC to be deleted] 4Enter existing FPDC to be named[FPDC] 5Assign/remove Display ID from[11 characters or less,” or FPDC selected with Action 4 **to remove] November 1995E-43
Table E-Z. Direct Group Calling (DGC) Administration (Menu=6) ACTIONDESCRIPTlON DATA 1 2 3 11 12 13 14 20 21 51 52 53 Assign a DGC access code (0 to delete an existing DGC access code) For data DGC groups only; Disable DGC queuing? Designate the VMS Message Waiting indication receiver List members of a DGC group Add a member to a DGC group Delete a member from a DGC group Assign/remove Display ID for the DGC access code specified with Action 1. Assign Delay Announcement machine Enter time interval, in seconds, before DGC calls sent to DA machine or button appearance. Display night service trunks for DGCs Assign night service trunk to DGC Delete night service trunk from DGC [New DGC access code] [1=Y/0=N] [PD. or 0 for none] [PD. to be added} [PD. to be deleted] [“11 characters or less,” ** to remove] [PD of DA machine] [1 -255 seconds] 4-digit trunk #] 4-digit trunk #] Table E-AA. Toll Calls Allowed (TCA) List Administration (Menu=7) ACTIONDESCRIPTION DATA I 1List numbers in a TCA list 2Add a number to the list[AAA, NAA-AAA or 0NAAAA] 3Delete a number from the list[AAA, NAA-AAA or 0NAAAA] E-44November 1995
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-AB.DGC Announcement Administration ACTIONDESCRIPTION DATA 1DGC Announcement255 2PDC[Unique PDC] 3Dial Restricted[1=yes, 0=no (default)] 90Assign Announcement Port Display ID11 characters or less E-45
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-AC.Searches: Action Items (Menu=8) ACTIONDESCRIPTIONDATA 1Search for PDCs of call coverage[1] senders 2Call coverage receiver group[1-32 or 101-132 if DGC coverage group] 1Search for stations covering a specified[2] group 2Call coverage group[1 -32] 1Search for PDC of call coverage[3] (individual) receivers 2PDC of covered station[PDC] 1Search for PDC having an auto-[4] intercom, message waiting, 2PDC of pointed-to station[PDC] 1Search for PDCs that hunt to a[5] specified station 2PDC of hunted-to station[PDC] 1Search for DGC group number for a[6] specified station 2PDC of station whose DGC group is[PDC] desired 1Search for lists of stations that are[7] currently eligible to receive calls in a given DGC group 2DGC group number[1-32] 31=NOT-Made-Busy members;[1/0] 0= Made-Busy members 1Search for PDC having a personal[8] trunk 2Trunk number of personal trunk[trunk number] E-46
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-AC.Searches: Action Items (Menu=8) (Contd) ACTIONDESCRIPTIONDATA 1Search for PDC of pickup group[9] members 2Pickup group number[1-16] 1Search for assigned PDCs[11] 1Search for stations associated with[12] directed night service 2Trunk number for directed night service[trunk number] 1Search for directed night service trunks[13] 2PDC of station whose night service[PDC] assignments are being searched for 1Search for physical board locations[15] 2Port or board type (see Tables E-AD[port or and E-AE)board type] 1Search for physical port locations[16] 2Port or board type (see Tables E-AD[port or and E-AE; O not applicable)board type] 3Limit the search to (1=)untranslated or[1/0] (0=)translated ports 1Search for translated board locations[17] 2Port or board type (see Tables E-AD[port or and E-AE)board type] 1Search for translated port locations[18] 2Port or board type (see Table E-AD and[port or E-AE; O not applicable)board type] 3Limit the search to (1=)untranslated or (0=)translated ports[1/0] 1Search for port location of external alert[19] 2PDC of station with external alert[PDC] E-47
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-AC.Searches: Action Items (Menu=8) (Contd) ACTIONDESCRIPTIONDATA 1Search for button location on a station[20] 2PDC of station with buttons[PDC] 3Button function code (see II Action[1-42] 10111 column of Table E-D) 1Search for Area Codes assigned to[21] specified ARS pattern 2Pattern number or wildcard character[1-8 or .] 1Search for the DDC that can dial for a[22] station or data port. 2Enter PDC/DDC being dialed for:[PDC/DDC] 1Search for bridged appearances[23] 2PDC of the principal[PDC] 3Principal’s SA button number[button #] 1Search for PDCs of all Agent stations[24] pointing to a Monitor station (AGENT STATUS FOR CMS buttons) 2PDC of Monitor station (containing one[PDC] or more Monitor buttons) 3Search for the specific agent pointing[monitor station to a specific button on the monitorbutton #] station. 1Search for DS1 Physical CP location[25] 2Search for DS1 specifying CP767,722 1Search for translated DS1 CP[26] 2Search for translated DS1 type767,722 1Search for permanent system alarms[30] 1Search for transient system alarms[31] 1Search for most recent errors[32]
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-AC. Searches: Action Items (Menu=8) (Contd) ACTIONDESCRIPTIONDATA 1“Given number, get Display ID” search[40] (PDC, DDC, FPDC, or DGC access ,code ONLY) 2Enter existing PDC, DDC, FPDC, or[PDC / DDC / DGC access code:FPDC / DGC] 1“Given number, get Display ID search[41] (trunk LDN ONLY) 2Enter existing trunk LDN:[trunk LDN] 1 Given Display ID, get number search[42] (PDC, DDC, FPDC, or DGC names ONLY) 2Enter existing PDC, DDC, FPDC, or[11 characters DGC Display ID:or less ”,] 1“Given Display ID, get number” search[43] (trunk names ONLY) 2Enter existing trunk name:>[11 characters or less ”,] 1Display list of port board types,[50] vintages, and locations E-49
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-AD.Board Type—Wildcard Representation CATEGORY:BOARD DESCRIPTION:DATA: Empty Empty Slot (Searches 15 & 17 only)0 Station Single-line Voice Terminal or Special Port2. . MERLIN CS Voice Terminal or Attendant3.. MET Voice Terminal4 l . Trunk Ground Start or Paging7. . Loop Start or Paging8l . DID9.. TIE10.. Special Touch Tone Receiver11.. Paging13.. Selector Consoles16.. Pooled Modem19.. Tone Detector21.. Dial Dictation22.. Data Data Ports18.. E-50
APPENDIX E: Administration Codes and Data Table E-AE. Port/Board Type—Specific Representation CATEGORY: DESCRIPTION:DATA: Voice Station SINGLE-LINE VOICE TERMINALS: Without message waiting indicator 201 With message waiting indicator 202 MERLIN CS (ATL) VOICE TERMINALS: 5-Button, Z7302H01 302 10-Button, Z7303H01 304 10-Button Hands-Free Answer 303 on Intercom, Z7309H01 10-Button Built-in-Speakerphone, 303 Z7313H01 A 22-Button Built-in-Speakerphone, 312 Z7314H01A 34-Button, Z7305H01 307* 34-Button Deluxe, Z7305H02,) 307 (NOT attendant) 34-Button Built-in-Speakerphone,305 Z7305H03, (NOT attendant) 34-Button Deluxe Built-in- 305 Speakerphone, Z7316H01 A, (NOT attendant) 34-Button Built-in-Speakerphone with 16-Character Display, Z7305H04C, (NOT attendant) 308 34-Button Deluxe Built-in- Speakerphone with 16-Character Display, Z7317HO1A, (NOT attendant) 308 lAn acceptable alternative is 306 E-51