Communications System
Toshiba Stratagy 4/6/24 Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Stratagy 4/6/24 Installation And Maintenance Manual
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STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 5 USING THE NOTIFY MENU The Notify Menu enables you to program Stratagy to automatically call a user to notify him of messages. There are ten Notify records available for each User ID. Each record represents one method of notifying the user of new messages. There four types of notification (normal, relay, pickup, and special) are based on the action that activates the notification. Notification methods are programmed using tokens and include message waiting lights, beepers or pagers, other telephones (inside extensions or outside numbers), and office paging systems. Through the use of templates (predefined notification instructions), fields may be defined and then assigned to one or more mailboxes that require the same type of notification (for example, message waiting lights). Stratagy accommodates variable information, such as the User’s extension number when lighting a message light, to streamline notification set up. Notification can occur based on the following: H Days of the week (e.g., Monday through Friday) n Hours of the day (e.g., between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.) n Time interval between notifications (e.g., every 30 minutes) n Number of times to repeat notification process (e.g., 2 times) 5.1 ACCESSING AND EXITING THE NOTIFY MENU 5.1 .I ACCESSING THE NOTIFY MENU Access the Notify Menu through the Users Menu. While viewing a specific User ID mailbox record, select Notify by entering: Alt+N 5.1.2 EXITING THE NOTIFY MENU When you have finished defining the Notify records, press Esc to return to the Users Menu. IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to save your modifications to the current Notify record, be sure to press Al t + S to save before pressing Est. 5.2 THE NOTIFY MENU The Notify Menu (Figure 4-4) consists of four parts: Menu Bar: access and viewing options (select). Mailbox Identification: overlay of information about this User ID mailbox from the Users Menu (display). Notify Record Summary: ten one-line descriptions of i existing notifications (display). Notify Record Options: Notify fields for the record highlighted in the Notify Record Summary (modify). For a description of the Notify Menu, including the definition of each field, see Table 4-3. In addition, when using the menu, press Fl to display detailed help for the current field. 5.3 TEMPLATES Templates are general notification actions which may be used for any number of Notify records for any number of User ID mailboxes. By having User IDS share templates, you can make changes to all notification records for those User IDS by simply changing one template. IMPORTANT NOTE: Modifying the template changes the template for all User IDS using the template. You can create a template when you: n Create a new Notify record n Modify a Notify record that is based on an existing template You can modify a template when you: H Modify a Notify record that is based on an existing template For details, see “Defining a Notify Record” below. 5.4 DEFINING A NOTIFY RECORD Defining a Notify record involves one of the following: H Creating a Notify record without using a template n Creating a Notify record using a template n Modifying an existing Notify record 5.4.1 CREATING A NOTIFY RECORD WITHOUT USING A TEMPLATE 1. In the Notify Record Summary area, use PgDn and PgUp to highlight the first available description line. 2. Press the spacebar to toggle the Notify Record Options Enable field to YES. 3. Define the Notify Record Options fields. Use Enter or the arrow keys (7‘ .L ) to move between fields. , NOTE: To display detailed help for the current field, press F 1. 4-22

STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 4. 5.4.2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5.4.3 1. Press Alt + S to save the record. Stratagy asks: Add New Template [N Y] Y: Yes, add this Notify record to the template database and to the user’s Notify record. N: No, prevent this information from being added to the template database. Stratagy prompts: 2. If appropriate, press the spacebar to toggle the Notify Record Options Enable to YES. 3. Define the Notify Record Options fields. Use Enter or the arrow keys (7‘ & ) to move between fields. NOTE: Overwrite current (default) record [N Yl To display detailed help for the current field, press F 1. Y: Yes, overwrite the default notification template with this information. 4. Press Alt + S to save the record. If this Notify record is a change to an existing template, Stratagy also prompts: N: No, prevent this notification record from Cancel, Replace Template, or Add New overwriting the current (default) record. Template [CRA] Stratagy automatically transfers the data to the first available description line in the Notify Record Summary. C: (cancel) Prevent the Notify record from overwriting the existing template. R: (replace template) Overwrite the old template with this new Notify record. CREATING A NOTIFY RECORD USING A TEMPLATE IMPORTANT NOTE: In the Notify Record Summary area, use PgDn and PgUp to highlight the first available description line. Press the spacebar to toggle the Notify Record Options Enable field to YES. Select the template. Replacing an existing template affects all User ID mailboxes currently using -the template unless the change is confined to the Notify record’s Variable field. A: (add) Add this Notify record to the template database as a new template. a. Press Alt + T to access the existing predefined notification templates. b. Use PgDn and PgUp to highlight the Stratagy automatically transfers the data to the appropriate description line in the Notify Record Summary. template. c. Press Enter to select the template. Stratagy displays the template information in the appropriate Notify Record Options fields. If the Method field contains the characters %V, fill in the Variable field with the appropriate telephone number or information. 5.5 DISABLING A NOTIFY RECORD To disable an existing Notify record: Press Alt + S to save the record. Stratagy automatically transfers the data to the appropriate description line in the Notify Record Summary. MODIFYING AN EXISTING NOTIFY RECORD In the Notify Record Summary area, use PgDn and PgUp to highlight the record you want to define. 1. Use PgDn and PgUp to highlight the appropriate description line in the Notify Record Summary. 2. Press the spacebar to toggle the Enable field of the Notify Record option area to NO. 3. Press Alt + S to save the record. Stratagy automatically disables the appropriate description line in the Notify Record Summary. In addition, Stratagy keeps the original information so you can reactivate the Notify record by changing the Enable field to YES. 4-23

STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 Save Templates Esc/EXIT PgDn/NEXT PgUp/PREV Notify User ID: 203 Comment: Extension: 203 Security Code: Directory Name 1: JOHNSON Directory Name 2: KEN DK 280 LGHT ON SMTWTFS OO:OO-23:59 0 min/2 min/l max DK 280 LGHT OFF SMTWTFS OO:OO-23:59 0 min/2 min/l max Enabled MTWTFSS From To Notify After Continue Every Max Times YES YYYYYYY 0o:oo 23:59 0 min 2 min 1 Title: DK 280 LGHT ON Type: NORMAL Variable: Method: #63vz- Figure 4-4 Notify Menu with Sample Data 4-24

STRATAGY 4/S/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 MENU AREA Menu Bar (select) FIELD DESCRIPTION _ Access Options Save Press Alt + S to save the current new or modified Notify record. If this Notify record is a new entry, Stratagy also asks: Add New Template [N Y] Y: Yes, add this Notify record to the template database and to the user’s Notify record. N: No, prevent this information from being added to the template database. Stratagy prompts: Overwrite current (default) record [N Y] Y: Yes, overwrite the default notification template with this information. N: No, prevent htis notification record from overwriting the current (default) record. If this Notify record is a change to an existing template, Stratagy also prompts: Cancel, Replace Template, or Add New Template [CRA] C: (cancel) Prevent the Notify record from overwriting the existing template. R: (replace template) Overwrite the old template with this new Notify record. IMPQRTANT NOTE: Replacing an existing template affects all user ID mailboxes currently using the template unless the change is confined to the Notify record’s Variable field. Table 4-3 Notify Menu Fields A: (add) Add this Notify record to the template database as a new template. STRGYPROG 101-c 4-25

STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 MENU AREA FIELD DESCRIPTION Menu Bar (continued) (select) Access Options (continued) Templates To select an existing template (pre-set notification instructions): 1. Press Alt + T to access the existing templates. 2. Use PgDn and PgUp to highlight the template you want to use. 3. Press Enter to select the template. 4. Stratagy displays the template information in the appropriate Notify Record Options fields. 5. If the Methodfield contains the characters %V, fill in the Variable field with the appropriate telephone number or other information. Exit Option Viewing Options Esc/EXIT PgDn/NEXT PgUp/PREV Press ESC to return to the Users Menu. Press PgDn to view the next Notify record for this User ID. Press PgUp to view the previous Notify record for this User ID. Menu Identification Notify Menu title. Mailbox Identification (display; defined in the Users Menu) User ID: User ID mailbox number. Comment: Notation or reminder about the function of the mailbox. Security Code: Password that permits the user access to this User ID mailbox. (Does not display.) Extension: Programmed dial actions Stratagy performs to transfer a call that has accessed the User ID (i.e., Do Not Disturb is OFF). Includes transfer to a User ID mailbox, a remote number, or paging. Directory The first of two names Stratagy will search for when a caller Name 1: uses the 411 company directory. Directory The second of two names Stratagy may search for when a Name 2: caller uses the 411 company directory. Notify Record Summary (display; one line descriptions of existing notifications) STRGY.PROG 104-O , Table 4-3 Notify Menu Fields (continued) 4-26

STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 ‘ MENU AREA FIELD DESCRIPTION _ Notify Record Options (modify) Notification Enabled Enabled Enable or disable the current Notify record. YES: Enable the record. Stratagy carries out the instructions defined by the record. ENABLED displays. NO: Disable the current Notify record. NO displays. Possible values: YES, NO Default: NO (disabled) Frequency of Notification MTWTFSS Days of the week to which notification is restricted. Y: Yes, notification occurs on this day of the week. Y: No, notification does not occur on this day of the week: In the following example, notification is scheduled for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only. Restricted To: MTWTFSS YNYNYNN Possible values: Y, N Default: Y From Start notification time (hh:mm). Military format (24-hour clock); e.g., 530 p.m. is represented as 17:30. Always less than To. To specify 24 hours, set From at 0O:OO and To at 23:59. Default: 0O:OO To End notification time (hh:mm). Military format (24-hour clock). Always more than From. To specify 24 hours, set From at 0O:OO and To at 23:59. Default: 2359 Notify After Number of minutes before Stratagy attempts the first notification to a user after someone leaves a new message. Possible values: 0 - 60 Default: 0 (immediately) Continue Every Number of minutes before Stratagy re-attempts notification after the first notification. For example, every 60 minutes means notify this user every hour after the first notification. Table 4-3 Notify Menu Fields (continued) Possible values: 0 - 60 Default: 60 (minutes) ’

STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 MENU AREA FIELD Notify Record Options (continued) (modify) DESCRIPTION Frequency of Notification (continued) Max Times Number of notification attempts when new messages exist in this user’s mailbox. Stratagy counts only successful tries; i.e., successfully performing each action in the A4ethodfield. Possible values: 0 - 999 Default: 0 (Stratagy continues until the user has played every new message.) Notify Features Title Comment or reminder that identifies the type or purpose of this Notify record/template. For example, message light on, digital pager, home. Type Notification type for this record. To select the type: 1. Press F2 when the cursor is in the Type field to display the options. 2. Use the arrow keys (T J.) to highlight the type you want. 3. Press Enter to select the type. NORMAL: Notify user of new messages in his mailbox by lighting the message light or calling a telephone number. Notification begins when a message is left in the User ID mailbox. User notified of new messages in his mailbox by lighting the message light, calling a home phone, calling a cellular phone, or calling any off-premise location. Notification ends when the user picks up messages or when the maximum number of tries (A4ax Times) has been reached. STRGY-PROG tm-OG Table 4-3 Notify Menu Fields (continued) 4-28

STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 MENU AREA FIELD Notify Record Options (continued) (modify) DESCRIPTION _ Notify Features (continued) Type RELAY: Notify user by relaying the caller’s phone number to (continued) the user’s beeper display. Notification begins when a caller uses the relay paging feature to record a telephone number. Stratagy prompts the caller to: 1. Press # while connected to the personal greeting of the user’s mailbox 2. Enter his phone number and press # Stratagy stores the phone number in the Methodfield token %R. User notified when the caller’s phone number is relayed to the user’s beeper display or forwarded to a voice answered phone. Notification ends when the maximum number of tries (Max Times) has been reached. PICKUP: Turn off a message waiting light after a user has retrieved messages from his mailbox. Notification begins after the user picks up all new messages and exits from the “Play Your Messages” selection. Notification ends when the maximum number of tries (Max Times) has been reached. Therefore, be sure to enter 1 when you define Max Times. DISK: Notify user (usually System Administrator) when available disk space is low. Notification begins when the available disk storage space reaches the predefined limit (set during System Configuration). The default is 20%. Notification ends when the maximum number of tries (Max Times) has been reached. ETClOY mm,,/2 tnl~nl~ Table 4-3 Notify Menu Fields (continued) 4-29

STRATAGY 4/6/24 INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL SEPTEMBER 1994 MENU AREA FIELD Notify Record Options (continued) (modify) DESCRIPTION Notify Features (continued) Type (continued) URGENT: Notify user of an urgent message in his mailbox. Notification begins when a User ID mailbox receives a message the caller marked as urgent. Notification ends when the maximum number of tries (Max Times) has been reached. Possible values: NORMAL, RELAY, PICKUP, DISK, URGENT Default: NORMAL Method Programmed dial actions Stratagy performs to notify the user. Valid entries: include User ID mailbox, phone extension, special programming language Default: blank (DND not active) Variable Value Stratagy inserts in place of the %V in the Methodfield. Typically, this is pager or similar value associated with the record rather than the template. The uses include: n Allows notification templates to be used for many users. W Enables field personnel to be notified at different destinations during the day or week. If the first Notify record uses %V, the field can be defined automatically when a user uses the Change Out Dial Numberfeature for performing message notification. Possible values: blank, telephone number, extension, token programming language Default: blank STRGY-PROG 104.1 Table 4-3 Notify Menu Fields (continued) 4-30