Music Production System
Steinberg Cubase Studio 4 Operation Manual Studio Manual
Steinberg Cubase Studio 4 Operation Manual Studio Manual
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637 Tips and Tricks Useful editing techniques Moving a note without transposing it If you hold down [Ctrl]/[Command] while moving a note (or a number of notes) sideways, moving is restricted to horizontally only, i.e. you don’t have to worry about the notes being transposed. You can also set up a key com- mand for this. This is done in the Key Commands dialog (Nudge category). Moving and spacing several staves If you have a number of staves that you want displayed with an equal distance (for example, all strings of a grand staff in a full orchestra score), this can be done using the Position Info window: 1.Open the Preferences–Scores dialog and deactivate the option “Global staff Spacing with [Alt Gr]/[Option]- [Command]”. 2.In the score, select the staves you want to set to an equal distance. 3.Open the Position Info window by clicking on the ruler. 4.Use the To Previous Staff or To Next Staff settings to specify the desired distance between the staves. All selected staves are spaced according to your settings. If you do this with the “Global staff Spacing with [Alt Gr]/[Option]-[Command]” option activated, all staves in the score are affected. Polyphonic voicing If you are working on a full score with more than one in- strument in one staff (2 flutes, 2 trumpets etc.), you should use polyphonic voices. And even if both instruments play the same notes, you should insert notes for both instru- ments (you can mute the notes of the second voice, if playback is an issue). If you do this, it will be much easier to extract single parts later by using the “Extract Voices” command. Using the bar handles Double-clicking a bar handle opens the Bar Copy dialog. This function is great for copying accents, but you can also use it for copying drum phrases, etc. For more infor- mation, see “Moving and duplicating with the bar handles” on page 576. If you hold down [Shift] and double-click on a bar han- dle, this and the next bar are selected. This is handy when copying phrases of two or more bars in one go. Copying a section with “invisibles” If you want to copy and paste a section which contains hidden elements, adjusted beams and stems etc., there are two ways to proceed: Use the filter bar to make indicators appear in the score. Then select these indicators together with the notes be- fore you copy. This ensures the notes are copied with their formatting etc. Double-click the bar handle of one of the bars, and make sure all relevant event types are activated in the dia- log. Then select the bars you want to copy by clicking their bar handles, and copy them by [Alt]/[Option]-dragging the bar handles. For more information, see “Moving and duplicating with the bar handles” on page 576. Using “Scores Notes To MIDI” This function converts the score data, as displayed, into MIDI data. Let’s say for example that you have set up the score so that it is displayed to 99% the way you want it to be. Yet, that last 1% forces you to deactivate some of the Staff Settings (like Clean Lengths, No Overlap or Auto Quantize), which makes other parts of the score illegible. In this case, try using the function “Scores Notes To MIDI”. Note that you should work on a copy of the track! For more information, see “Using “Scores Notes To MIDI”” on page 516. Optimizing rests If you have a number of consecutive empty bars, you can replace them with one multiple rest. See “Multiple rests” on page 611.

638 Tips and Tricks Zero system lines Having no system lines at all might seem like a stupid idea to start with. But this option allows you to create chord sheets really quickly, see “Using Make Chord Symbol” on page 587. A lead sheet created by specifying “0” system lines. Examples and scales If you are creating scale examples and similar, you can use the Real Book option and manually hide all symbols at the beginning of the first staff to make the score appear like separate unconnected “lines”. Remember you can also hide the bar lines. An example scale without bar lines. Controlling the order and appearance of grace notes Normally, grace notes are beamed. Their order under the beam is controlled by their order in the track. It is enough to put a grace note one tick before the next grace note to make them appear in the desired order under the beam. Initially the grace notes are put in with a 32nd note beam. By double-clicking the note and changing the “flag” type in the Set Note Info dialog, you can change this. Complex grace notes. Speeding up inserting key changes If you have a grand staff with many instruments, inserting key changes one by one can take an awful lot of time. In this case, activate “Key changes for the entire Project” on the Key context menu or on the Score Settings– Project page (Notation Style subpage, Keys category). This way, all changes made to the key will always affect the entire project. Speeding up inserting staccato and accents Symbols linked to notes can also be put in for a number of notes at the same time, even on different staves. See “Adding a symbol to several notes using the Pencil tool” on page 568. Setting the distance between staves in a piano score Drag the first bass staff on the first page. This will copy the spacing to all staves. Please note that this can only be done in Page Mode. If you wish you had a faster computer Here are some tips for those who find some operations slower than they would like: Work on a smaller section of the score at a time. Break the project up into parts and work on those parts individually until the final layout stage. Switch on multi-rests as late as possible. When working in Edit Mode, set Default Bars Across The Staff to a small value, for example 2. In Edit Mode, resize the window so that only one grand staff at a time is visible. Consider upgrading your computer hardware.

635 Index A Accelerando 548 Accents above Staves 563 Accents above Stems 563 Accidentals About 544 Distance From Note 545 ACID® loops 250 Activate Next/Previous Part 338 Activate project button 450 Active ASIO Ports for Data only 436 Active Part 338 Active Staff 493 Add Bus 16 Child Bus 16 Add Space 530 Add Track 40 Adding Notes 515 Adjust Fades to Range 89 Advanced Quantize 329 Aftertouch Deleting 354 Editing 352 Recording 82 AIFF files 415 Align Dynamics 575 Symbols 573 Text 586 Alt/Option key 12 Alternative Key Sets 480 Always Send Start Message 425 Angle Mode 200 Any (MIDI channel settings) 80 Apogee UV22 HR 168 APP Introduction to 427 Setting up 426 Appearance 469 General 469 Meters 470 Apply closes Property Windows 496 Applying effects 226 Archiving 282 Arranger mode 624Arranger track Adding 96 Creating a chain 97 Flattening 99 Renaming events 96 ASIO 2.0 73 ASIO Direct Monitoring 73 ASIO Positioning Protocol Introduction to 427 Setting up 426 Attenuate (Surround Panner) 202 Audio channels Copying settings 137 Linking 140 Making settings for 133 Mixing down to file 414 Saving settings 141 Audio clips About 217 Creating new versions 274 Definition 27 Deleting 275 Locating events 275 Managing in Pool 274 Opening in the Sample Editor 279 Audio effects About 163 Applying 226 Automating 211 Editing 176 External 175 For output busses (Master inserts) 167 Freezing 168 In surround configurations 202 Inserts 164 Organizing in subfolders 180 Post-fader inserts 164 Pre/Post-fader sends 171 Recording with 77 Saving 177 Selecting Presets 176, 191 Sends 171 Tempo sync 164 Using VST System Link 438Audio events Blue handles 88 Definition 27 Editing in Browser 409 Editing in Sample Editor 234 Fade handles 88 Making selections in 242 Slicing 257 Volume handles 89 Audio files Converting 282 Deleting permanently 275 Exporting 414 Format for recording 68 Formats 279 Import options 44 Importing into Pool 279 Importing into Project window 43 Locating missing 277 Reconstructing missing 278 Removing missing 278 Audio loops Tempo matching 247, 252 Audio parts About 26 Creating by gluing events 48 Creating from events 44 Drawing 44 Editing in Audio Part Editor 265 Editing in Project Browser 409 Sliding contents 50 Audio pre-record 68 Audio Warp Realtime pitch-shifting 262 Unstretch Audio 261 Audition icon Sample Editor 240 Auditioning 519 Audio Part Editor 267 MIDI editors 343 Project window 44 Sample Editor 240 Auto Clef 499 Auto Fades 93 Auto Group Notes 549

636 Index Auto Layout About 612 Hide Empty Staves 612 Move Bars 612 Move Bars and Staves 612 Move Staves 612 Optimize All 613 Spread Page 612 Auto Monitoring modes 72 Auto Quantize 81, 505 Auto Save 452 Auto Select Events under Cursor MIDI editors 345 Project window 46 Automatic MIDI Record Quantize 81 Automation About 204 Editing in Project Browser 411 Opening automation subtracks 206 Reduction Preference 215 Showing and hiding 206 Trimming/offsetting curves 210 Write/Read buttons 209 Automation events About 212 Drawing 212 Editing 212 Editing in the Project Browser 214 Removing 214 Selecting 213 Automation follows Events (Option) 209 Automation modes Autolatch 210 Overwrite 210 Touch Fader 210 Trim 210 X-Over 210 Automation Reduction Level 215 Automation Return Time 210 Automation subtracks Assigning parameters to 207 Hiding and showing 208 Muting 208 Autoscroll 58, 342, 492B Backup (.bak) files 452 Bar Handles 571, 632 Bar Lines Breaking 614 Indent 609 Moving 609 Selecting Type 606 Bar Numbers Offsetting 593 Settings 592 Spacing 592 Bars Moving to Next/Prev. Staff 608 Number Across Page 608 Resetting Spacing 609 Bars+Beats Linear MIDI editors 340 Tempo Track Editor 396 Basic Appearance Scheme 469 Bass To Lowest Voice Explode Function 510, 536 Beam Subgroups 507 Beams 547 Appearance 550 Group Settings 550 Grouping 547 Manual Adjustment 550 On/Off 547 Slant 550 Stem Direction 542 Beat Calculator 401 Bezier slurs 564 Block Text 589 Bounce (Export Audio) 414 Bounce Selection Pool 280 Project window 52 Sample Editor 243 Bow Up/Down 545 Box symbol 576 Braces 611 Bracket Head 546 Brackets 611 Brightness 469, 470 Brillenbass 548Broadcast Wave files Exporting 417 Recording 68 Browser 408 Build N-Tuplet 555 Build Trill 565 Busses About 14 Adding 16 Mixing down to file 414 Routing to and from 17 Viewing in the mixer 18 Bypass Effect sends 172 Inserts 165 C Calculate (Hitpoints) 254 Center Note-Linked Symbols on Stems 563 Channel (MIDI) 79 Channel Overview EQ 136 Insert effects 166 Channel setting MIDI 80 Channel Settings Audio tracks 133 Copying 137 MIDI tracks 140 Channel Settings windows Customizing 466 Channel view sets 125 Chase 64 Child Bus 16 Chord Recognition 340 Chord Symbols Global Settings 583 Inserting Automatically 582 Inserting Manually 581 Clean Lengths 506 Cleanup 454, 461 Clefs Editing 524 Inserting 524 Moving 525 Setting Initial 496

637 Index Click 85 Clips, see “Audio clips” Close Gaps 258 Close project 450 Color pop-up menu 546, 605 MIDI editors 343 Project window 41 Color tool 41 Coloring notes 546, 605 Colorize Event Background 39 Common Time 497 Configuring Studio Sends 158 Configuring the Control Room Mixer 151 Conform Files 283 Consolidate Rests 506 Constrain Delay Compensation 193 Context menus 496 Control Room About 147 Channels 148 Configuring 148 Creating a Channel 149 Features 147 Mixer 151 Operations 153 Overview 151 Preferences 157 Settings 157 Controller display About 341 Adding and removing lanes 350 Controller lane presets 350 Editing events 352 Editing velocity 351 Selecting event type 350 Controllers Deleting 354 Editing 352 Lane Editing 351, 353 Recording 82 Convert Files 282 Convert to Real Copy 47 Converting MIDI to CC track automation 335 Copy 520, 573 Count-in 85Cpr files 450 Create Audio Images During Record 74 Create events 258 Create events (Cycle Rec Mode) 75 Create Groove Quantize 258 Create MIDI track when loading VSTi 183 Create new controller lane 350 Create Regions (Cycle Rec Mode) 76 Create slices 257 Crescendo Affecting MIDI playback 625 Drawing 575 Flipping 575 Keeping Horizontal 575 Crop 56 Cross Staff Beaming 549 Crossed Voicings 538 Crossfades Creating 91 Editing in dialog 92 Presets 93 Removing 92 Csh files 282 Ctrl/Command key 12 Cue Notes 553 Cursor, see “Project cursor” Custom Palette 561 Cut 520 Cut Notes Tool 551 Cut Time 55, 497 Cutflag Events 551 Cycle About 62 About recording 67 Record modes 81 Recording audio 75 Recording MIDI 81 Cycle markers About 107 Adding in Marker window 107 Drawing 109 Editing 109 Making selections with 110 Navigating to 109 On Marker track 108 D D.C. (Da Capo) 577 D.S. (Dal Segno) 577 Damper Pedal Symbols 576 DC Offset 223 Deactivate Inserts 165 Deactivate plug-in when silence is detected (VST 3) 163, 189 Deactivate Punch In on Stop 84 Default MIDI editor 337 Default Number of Bars per Staff 608 Default Output Bus 17 Default template 451 Default Track Time Type 42 Delay compensation About 164 Constraining 193 Delete Audio files from disk 275 Events in Project window 52 MIDI controllers 333, 354 MIDI drum notes 358 MIDI notes 348 Notes 525 Symbols 573 Delete Continuous Controllers 333 Delete Controllers function 333 Delete Doubles function 333 Delete Notes function 334 Delete Overlaps Audio 53, 77 Mono (MIDI) 334 Poly (MIDI) 334 Delete Time 55 Detect Silence 229 Device Panels 31, 132 Device Ports Selecting for busses 16 Setting up 15 Dialogs 496 Diminuendo Affecting MIDI playback 625 Drawing 575 Keeping Horizontal 575 Disable Display transpose 501 Disable Hitpoints 255

638 Index Disable sends 172 Disable Track 63 Display Arrow after Inserting Symbol 562 Display filter bar 494, 495 Display format 34 Display Length 522, 545 Display Markers 597 Display Quantize About 487 Auto 505 In Polyphonic Voices 537 Inserting changes 509 Rest 488 Setting 505 Tool 488, 509 Value 514 Display Transpose 500, 507 Display transpose 529 Dissolve Part Audio 44 MIDI 332 Dithering 167 Dividing the Track list 42 Don’t Center Hyphens 588 Don’t Sync Lyrics 588 Double Click Symbol to get Pencil Tool 562 Drag Delay 46 Drag&drop Inserts Sidechain 175 Draw Hitpoints 256 In Sample Editor 245 Markers 109 MIDI controllers 352 MIDI notes 343 Parts 44 Drop Out Frames 431 Drum Editor Creating and editing notes 357 Muting drum sounds 358 Selecting drum maps 361Drum maps About 359 Making settings 359 MIDI channel and output 361 Selecting 361 Setup dialog 361 Drum name lists 362 Drum Notes About 616 Adding and Editing 618 Head Pairs 617 Setting Up The Staff 618 Single Line 618 Drum Sound Solo 358 Drumstick tool 357 Duplicate Events and parts 47 MIDI notes 346 Notes 520 Symbols 569 Using Bar Handles 571 Duplicate tracks 41 Dynamics symbols Adding 574 Affecting MIDI playback 624 E Edit Active Part Only 338 Edit as Drums when Drum Map is assigned 337 Edit button Audio channel strips 133 Audio track Inspector 30 MIDI channel strips 140 MIDI track Inspector 317 Edit Drum Map in Scores 617 Edit In-Place 354 Edit Mode 492 Edit warp 259 Editing via MIDI 348 Edits folder 217 Effect Return channels 173 Elements (Sample Editor) 235 Enable Record on Selected Track 66 Enable Solo on Selected Track 52 Enable Track 63 Ending Symbols 577Enharmonic Shift Manual 544 Enlarge Selected Track 37 Envelope Process 218 Real-time 94 EQ Bypassing 135 Presets 136 Setting 134 Equal Pitch (Selection) 345 Erase Tool 525, 614 Eraser tool 52 Event as Region 56 Event Envelopes 94 Event Lock Layers 568 Events Audio 27 Color 41 Duplicating 47 Grouping 50 Locking 51 Moving 46 Muting 52 Overlapping in audio part 266 Overlapping in Project window 47 Removing 52 Renaming 48 Renaming all on track 40 Resizing 49 Resizing with time stretch 50 Selecting 45 Sliding contents 50 Splitting 48 Events (Snap mode) 57 Events from Regions 56 Events to Part 44 Exclusive Solo 130 Explode 510, 536 Export OMF 457 Export Audio Mixdown 414 Export MIDI files 458 Export Options (MIDI files) 459 Export selected tracks 460 Export Tempo track 399

639 Index Exporting the Score as Image Files 627 External Effects 175 External effects About 20 Favorites 23 Freezing 24 Missing plug-ins 24 Setting up 21 External Inputs (Control Room Channel) 148, 149, 152 External instruments About 20 Favorites 23 Freezing 24 Missing plug-ins 24 Setting up 22 Extract Audio from Video 456 Extract MIDI Automation 335 Extract Voices 540 F Fade handles 88 Fade In/Out functions 89 Faders 128 Fades Auto Fades 93 Creating 88 Editing in dialog 90 Presets 91 Processing 89 Removing 89 Fill Loop 48 Filter (MIDI) 84 Filter (Project Browser) 411 Filter bar 365, 494, 495 Find and Replace 591 Find missing files 277 Find Selected in Pool 275 FireWire 444 Fit Page/Width 493 Fixed Lengths 333 Fixed Stem Length 530 Fixed tempo 395 Fixed Velocity 335 Flat Beams 507 Flat Ties 552Flip Crescendo 575 Slurs and Ties 572 Stems 542 Folder parts 104 Folder tracks About 103 Moving tracks into 103 Muting and soloing 104 Fonts 586, 593 For Grouping Only 497, 547 Force Update 501 Frame rates 424 Free Warp 259 Freeze Edits 228 Freeze Quantize 329 Freeze Tracks 168 Freeze VST Instruments 188 FX channel tracks About 169 Adding effects for 170 Mixing down to file 414 Routing sends to 171 Setting up 170 Soloing 174 G Gain 219 Get Form 596 Global (Input Transformer) 377 Global Staff Spacing 632 Global Text 589 Glue Tool 522, 608 Glue Tube tool MIDI editors 347 Project window 48 Grace Notes Converting to Normal 554 Creating Manually 553 Order of 633 Settings 554 Graphic Note Type 546 Grid (Snap mode) 57 Grid Relative (Snap mode) 57 Groove Quantize From audio 258 Group 50Group channel tracks About 26 Routing audio to 138 Using effects 168 Group Notes Icon 547 Grouping Automatic 549 Removing 549 Repeats 548 Grouping notes 547 Accelerando 548 Beam 547 Brillenbass 548 Repeats 548 Ritardando 548 Guitar Chord Symbols 566 Guitar Library 567 H Hide Empty Staves About 612 All Pages 612 Hide First Barline in Parts 607 Hide Notes beyond Limits 508, 530 Hide Pedal Markers 576 Hiding Objects 604 Hitpoints Auditioning 254 Background 252 Calculating 254 Disabling 255 Editing manually 256 Locking 256 Sensitivity 255 Horizontal Zooming Only 36

640 Index I Import Audio CD 280 Audio files 43 Audio from Video file 456 Medium in Pool 279 MIDI files 458 MPEG files 457 Ogg Vorbis files 457 OMF 457 REX 456 Tempo track 399 Track Archive 460 Video files 43 WMA files 457 Indent 609 Independent track loop Audio Part Editor 267 MIDI editors 342 Indicate Transpositions 115 Info Line 494, 521 Info line Customizing 466 Drum Editor 356 Key Editor 339 Pool 272 Project window 33 Inhibit Restart 431 Initialize Channel 137 I-Note 360 Input (MIDI) 79 Input busses About 14 Adding 16 Routing to channels 17 Viewing in the mixer 18 Input channels 128 Input Gain About 129 Setting record level 71 Input levels 70 Input Phase switch 129 Input Transformer 377 Input/Output routing panel (Mixer) 122 Inputs (Audio) 15 Insert buttons 535Insert effect combinations Saving 178 Insert effects (Audio) 164 Insert into Project 276 Insert pop-up menu 364 Insert Silence Project window 56 Sample Editor 243 Insert Slur 564 Insert Velocity (MIDI Editors) 344 Insert velocity (MIDI Editors) 344 Inserts Bypassing vs. deactivating 165 Inserts drag&drop Sidechain 175 Inspector Audio tracks 31 Customizing 466 Folder tracks 32 General controls 30 Handling 29 MIDI tracks 316 sub-panels 318 Transpose track 32 Instrument Freeze 188 Intensity (Appearance) 469, 470 Interpolate Audio Images 240 Interpretation options 505, 529 Iterative Quantize 328 J Jog wheel 63 Jump tempo curve mode 397 K Keep Crescendi Horizontal 575 Keep Last Audio cycle recording 75 MIDI cycle recording 81 Keep Moved Notes within Key 518 Key Editing 524 Inserting Changes 524 Setting Initial 496Key commands About 476 Alternative Key Sets 480 Conventions 12 Default 479 Importing 479 List of default commands 480 Loading 479 Modifying 476 Removing 478 Resetting to default 479 Searching for 477 Keyboard Input button 515 Keyboard Symbol 565 L L Button 519 Lanes Audio Part Editor 266 Stacked Audio Recording 77 Stacked MIDI Recording 82 Latency Monitoring 72 VST System Link 433 Layout Export 596 Layout Layer 557 Layout Layer Symbols 557 Layout Page (Score Settings dialog) 603 Layout Settings About 603 Equal Spacing 603 Modern Time Signature 604 Multi-Rests 603 Real Book 603 Size 603 Staff Separators 604 Layout tool 525, 552, 564 Layouts About 595 Creating 595 Opening 595 Opening Tracks In 596 Operations 596 Selecting 596 Ledger lines 545