Communications System
Panasonic Small Digital Business System 308/616 Installation Instructions
Panasonic Small Digital Business System 308/616 Installation Instructions
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Section 400 Issue 1 July 1990 ---_. S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 DEFAULT DATA TABLES PSD 4 Key - FF Key Assignment Setting ADDRESS FEATURE ouo2 FFKey-2 0003 FFKey-3 FFKey-4 ooo5 FFKV-5 0006 FFKey-6 Flexible hrnction (FF) Key Assignments DEFAULT PAGE COLine2 47 COIAne3 47 COLine4 47 COLine5 47 COUne6 48 FIUTURES KEY OPElUTION Attendant .............................................................. 0 Call Forwarding .................................................... 72 Call Pickup Directed ............................................ 79 CaII Pickup Group ................................................ 70 cau waiting .......................................................... 3 Data Security ........................................................ AUTO, AUTO, # Dial CO Access ...................................................... 88N Dial Tone Stop/Internal ........................................ #50 Display Contrast .................................................. # Do-Not-Disturb .................................................... 73 Door Box .............................................................. 61.62 Headset ................................................................ #51 Meet-Me Answer .................................................. 77 Message Waiting .................................................. 2 Mode A-B Change ................................................ 69 NW Key .............................................................. #52 PagingZone 1 ...................................................... #Ol PagingZone ...................................................... #02 PagfngZone3 ...................................................... #03 AU-Zone Paging .................................................... #OO Pooled Trunk Access ............... ..i .......................... 9 or 81-83 Repeat ..... .................................................................. AUTO, l Save ...................................................................... AUTO, AUTO, l Sh4DR .................................................................... #93 Station Lockout .................................................... 74 Tone CalIs ............................................................ 1 TI-W& Quelling .................................................... 2 Voice Announce .................................................... 5 Voice Announce Answer ...................................... l 3 NOTE: The FF keys are a system-wide setting. Every telephone is assigned the same code. See page 18 for instructions on how to program individual telephones. . 17

S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 _. __ .-.-- _--._. Section 400 Issue 1 July 1990 HOW TO PROGRAM THE FF KEYS FOR INDIVIDUAL TELEPHONES 1. Press ON/OFF key 2. Press PROG key 3. Press FF Key 4. Enter 4-digit code [maximum) 5. Press HOLD key 18

Section 400 Issue 1 July 1990 S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 DEFAULT DATA TABLES P!3D 5 Key - Toll Restrictions . DEFAULT PAGE ADDRESS FEATURE 0001 0002 ooo3 OQO5 0006 oOo7 0008-0017 .------ff18.. .-- .--.. . 0101-0116 I x~ ._ 0201-0216 (lo-251 01 C 02 c 03-08 C 09-14 c System Installation Area Code PBX Internal CalI Restriction PBX Incoming calls Prohlbited Madmum Number’Of Digits Dialed Dialing Restriction during Incoming Calls #and*KeysDia.I Restriction Station Lockout Types PBXDigits l-9.0 SSD Toll Restrictions Override Cancelling 6-Digit Restriction Types 2 and 3 Cancelling S-Digit Restriction Type 3 Station Lockout Capabil. SSD Toll Restrictions Cancelled Day Restriction Types- Tnmks l-6 Night Restriction Types- Trunks l-6 Area code only 49 PBX intercom calls 49 FJl3xincomtngcalls 49 No restrictions 49 No reh-ictions 50 Restricted 50 Q-w0 No digits dialed 50 50-53 54 54 54 55 55 NOTE: Disabled Restricted Type4 55-56 Type4 57-58 C = Can be copied from port to port. .

S-DBS l?rogra.mm.ing Instructions Section 400 v1.0 Issue 1 July 1990 --_ . ..-.-- - DEFAULT DATA TABLES PSD 6 Key - TTY Setting ADDRESS FEATURE DEFAULT PAGE 0101 0102 0103 0104 0105 0106 0107 SMDR Printing Mode 1 SMDRPrinting Mode 2 ‘ll-ans~sion Speed- Baud Rate Stop Bit Length Data Lmigth Parity Check Even/Odd Parity OwPing 59 Data titles and data 59 1200 bps 59 1 bit 59 8 bits 59 No parity check 60 Even nuqber parity 60 20

Se&n 400 Issue 1 July 1990 S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 ~ROGlU&WIING- SYSTEM FEATURES PSD 1 KEY - SYSTEM SETTING 4ddress#-(data)#> OOOl#--I))# DATE To set the date to February 25. 1995, enter the Year 0, Month (MM) and Day (DD) as follows: a 950225# NOTE: The date is also recorded during Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR). --.- 0002#-(0 or l)# TIME DISPLAY O#: 12-Hour Svstem 1#:24-Hour System TIME HH=Hours; MM=Minutes; SS=Seconds, N=l or 2. To set the time to 3:28 P.M. and display it, enter the hour and minutes followed by 1 for A.M. or 2 for P.M.: 03282# To return to the default value 12:OO”OO A.M enter as follows: 1200001# .

S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 Section 400 Issue 1 July 1990 0004#-(l-7)# DAYS OF THE WEEK The day of the week iS automatically set at the same time the date is set using address 000 l#. l#: Sunday 2#: Mondav 3#: Tuesday 4#: Wednesday 5#: Thursday 6#: Friday 7#: Saturday NOTE: The days of the week are also recorded during SMDR 0005#-(l-7)# SETTING OUTSXDE LINES l#: 1 line 2#:2lines 3#: 3 lines (308 initial) 4#:4lines 5#: 51ines 6#: 6 lines (616 initial) NOTE: Outside lines can only be set using the POWER SETTING. See page 7 in this manual for instructions. 22

Section 400 Issue 1 July 1990 S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 OOOS#-(l-S)# AUTOBBATICPAUSE-DIAL1 Automatically inserts a pause during dialing. When accessing a CO line through a PBX, it can take several seconds from the time the Iine is accessed to when it connects with a CO (outside) line. . . . COIW No automatic na se afte d ahng d pit 1 1 #: .Automatic pause .be&e the ‘1 si digit &er dialing 1 2#: Automatic pause before the 2nd digit after dialing 1 3#: Automatic pause before the 3rd digit after dialing 1 4#: Automatic pause before the 4th digit after dialing 1 5#: Automatic pause before the 5th digit after dialing 1’ 6#: Automatic pause before the 6th digit after dialing 1 7#: Automatic pause before the 7th digit after dialing 1 8#: Automatic pause before the 8th digit after diaIi.ng 1 Numbers dialed before the connection is made result in a wrong number. ‘:This setting also affects dialing SSD and PSD numbers. Pause time is set with the Automatic Pause Timer at: 0016#-(0,1-7)# NOTE: Each trunk must be set for automatic pause in PSD 2 as follows: PSD 2 Key,Address (Ol-06)~04#-(0 or l)# OOO?#-(I-8)# AUTOMATICPAUSE-DIAL2 CONF: No automatic cause after dialing di l#: Automatic pause before the 1st digit a 2#: Automatic pause before the 2nd digit a 3% Automatic pause before the 3rd digit a 4ff; Automatic pause before the 4th digit a 5#: Automatic pause before the 5th digit a 6#: Automatic pause before the 6th digit a 7#: Automatic pause before the 7th digit a 8#: Automatic pause before the 8th digit a gi&& $er d&kg 2 ter dialing 2 hrdialiIlg2 ker dialing 2 z&di.g 2 ker diaIing 2 Iter diaIi.ng 2 ker dialing 2 23

S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 OOOS#-(l-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DIAL 3 ..---.-.-c6NF: ..No-aut~m.atic~ l#: Automatic pause 2#: Automatic pause 3#: Automatic pause 4#: Automatic pause 5#: Automatic pause 6#: Automatic pause 7#: Automatic pause 8#: Automatic pause -Dause-after dialing digit--3-.- E$E : before t before t before t before t before t before t le 1st digit after dialing 3 ne 2nd digit af’ter dialing 3 xe 3rd digit after dialing 3 le 4th digit after dialing 3 le 5th digit after dialing 3 _ .- le 6th digit after dialing 3 L ze 7th digit after dialing 3 xe 8th digit after dialing 3 _ Section 400 Issue 1 July 1990 * ... 0009#-( l-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DIAL 4 CONF: No automatic Dause after dialing digit 4 l#: Automatic pause before the 1st digit after ( 2#: Automatic pause before the 2nd digit after ( . . (ddigit.after .( 4#: Automatic pause before the 4th digit after ( 5#: Automatic pause before the 5th digit after ( 6#: Automatic pause before the 6th digit after ( 7#: Automatic pause before the 7th digit after ( 8#: Automatic pause before the 8th digit after ( OOlO#-( l-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DIAL 5 CONF: No automatic pause a l#: Automatic pause before t 2#: Automatic pause before t 3#: Automatic pause before t 4#: Automatic pause before t 5#: Automatic pause before t 6#: Automatic pause before t . 7#: Automatic pause before t 8% Automatic pause before t ,jaIing4 ding4 ,i~.@.------------- .ialing 4 .ialing 4 .ialing 4 Ming 4 .ialing 4 Rer dialing diu xe 1st digit after dialing 5 le 2nd digit after dialing 5 le 3rd digit after dialing 5 ze 4th digit after dialing 5 3e 5th digit after dialing 5 xe 6th d&t after dial&~ 5 le 7th digit after dialing 5 le 8th digit after dialing 5 . (I ) 24

Section 400 Issue 1 July 1990 OOll#-(l-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DIAL 6 CONF: No automatic Dause a l#: Automatic pause before t 2#: Automatic pause before t 3#: Automatic pause before t 4#: Automatic pause before t 5#: Automatic pause before t 6#: Automatic pause before t 7#: Automatic pause before t 8#: Automatic pause before t S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 0012#-( l-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DIAL 7 Fter diaiing digit 6 le 1st digit after dialing 6 le 2nd digit afkr dialing 6 le 3rd digit after dialing 6 xe 4th digit after diaIi.ng 6 ze 5th digit after dialing 6 ne 6th digit after dialing 6 ne 7ti digit after dialing 6 he 8th digit after dialing 6- CONF: No automatic Dause a l#: Automatic pause before t 2#: Automatic pause before t 3#: Automatic pause before t 4#: Automatic pause before t -5#: Automatic-pause before t 6#: Automatic pause before t 7#: Automatic pause before t 8#: Automatic pause before t fter dialing digit 7 xe 1st digit after dialing 7 3e 2nd digit after dialing 7 xe 3rd digit after dialing 7 ze 4th digit after dialing 7 ze 5th digit-after dialing 7 ze 6th digit after dialing 7 he 7th digit after dialing 7 he 8th digit after dialing 7 00 13#-( 11-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DIAL 8 COW: No automatic Dause after dialinp dirriu l#: Automatic pause before the 1st digit after ( 2#: Automatic pause before the 2nd digit after ( 3#: Automatic pause before the 3rd digit after ( 4#: Automatic pause before the 4th digit after c 5#: Automatic pause before the 5th digit after ( 6#: Automatic pause before the 6th digit after ( 7ti: Automatic pause before the 7th digit after ( --8~~gitafter..t Ming 8 .ialing 8 ialing 8 ialiq8 Ming8 Ming 8 Ming 8 . ialing8___-~-_.-. _

Section 400 . . S-DBS Programming Instructions v1.0 Issue 1 July 1990 :r -. :, i 0014#-( l-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DIAL 9 CONF: No automatic Dause after dialing digit 9 e 1st digit after dialing 9 2ntii~giCifter~~didiTig~ 4#: Automatic 3rd digit after dialing 9 pause before the 4th digit after dialing 9 5#: Automatic pause before the .5th digit after dialing 9 6#: Automatic pause before the 6th digit after dialing 9 7#: Automatic pause before the 7th digit after dialing 9 8#: Automatic pause before the 8th digit after dialing 9 . 0015#-(l-8)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE - DLAL 0 CONF: No automatic Dause after dialine dipit 0 l#: Automatic pause before the 1st digit after dialing 0 2#: Automatic pause before the 2nd digit after dialing 0 3#: Automatic pause before the 3rd digit after dialing 0 4#: Automatic pause before the 4th digit after dialing 0 5#: Automatic pause before the 5th digit after dialing 0 6#: Automatic pause before the 6th digit after dialing 0 7#: Automatic pause before the 7th digit after dialing 0 8#: Automatic pause before the 8th digit after dialing 0 0016#-(OJ-7)# AUTOMATIC PAUSE TIMER The pause timer can be set within a range of 2 to 9 seconds. 0 O#: 2-second pause l#: 3-second Dause 2#: 4-second pause 3#: 5-second pause 4#: 6-second pause 5#: 7-second pause 6#: 8-second pause 7#: g-second pause . / ‘., NOTE: Set the pause timer at the automatic pause position. See PSI) 1 key addresses 0006-001. L : .:. 1 When REDIAL is stored in SSD and PSD a pause is automatically inserted during dialing. I 26