Communications System
Panasonic Small Digital Business System 308/616 Installation Instructions
Panasonic Small Digital Business System 308/616 Installation Instructions
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DBS SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Initial data set table Issue 1 January 1990 Address Function 7-l-7 ............... 7-l-8 ............... 7-l-9 ............... 7-l-10 .............. 7-l-l 1 .............. 7-l-12 .............. /‘( ? 7-l-13 .............. 7-l-14 .............. t 7-l-15 .............. 7-l-16 .............. 7-2-(3-6) ............ 7-3-(3-6) ............ 74(1-p) ............ 7-S-( l-4) ............ 7-6-(l-SO) .......... 7-7-(l-72)-(1-32) .... 7-7-(l-72)-33 ....... 7-8-(l-72)-(1-32) .... 7-8-( l-72)-33 ....... 7-9-(W) ............ 7-9-(s-8) ............ 7-9-19-l 2) . _ . . _ _ . . _ _ 7-9-(13-16) ......... 511 TRSY/N ................... 611 TRS Y/N ................... 711 TRS Y/N ................... 811 TRSY/N ................... 911 TRSYIN ................... 7 DIGiTTRSY/N ............... 7 DlGlTTRS Y/N ............... 7 DIGITTRS Y/N ............... 7DlGiTTRSYIN ............... 7 DIGITTRSYIN ............... SET AREA CODE ............... SET OFFICE CODE .............. SPEUAL AREA CODE ........... SPECIAL OFFICE CODE .......... SET7DlGlTSTRSNUMBER ...... DAY TRSMPE .............. DAYTRSTYPE ................ NIGHTTRS TYPE .............. NIGHTTRS TYPE .............. AREA CODE lYPE (3-6) ......... OFFICE CODE TYPE (3-6) ........ AREA & OFFICE MPE (3-6) ...... OFFICECODESP-AR(1-4) ...... Initial ............................... Pase’ Impossible ............................ 57 impossible ............................ 57 impossible ............................ 57 Impossible ............................ 57 impossible ............................ 57 Restriction ............................ 58 Restriction ............................ 58 Restriction ............................ 58 Restriction ............................ 58 Restriction ............................ 58 ...................................... 59 ...................................... 59 ...................................... 60 ...................................... 61 ...................................... 62. Type 7(No restriction) .................. 63 ...................................... 63 Type 7(No restriction) .................. 64 ...................................... 64 ...................................... 6.5 ...................................... 65 ...................................... 65 ...................................... 65 B-l-(l-15)-(000-999)-(0 or 1) SETAREA CODE . . . . . . . . . . 8-2-(l-15)-(000-999)-(0 or 1) SET OFFICE CODE . . . . . . . . 8-3-(14) -.. --.- *. -. . 84-(14) . . . . - -. -. -. . 8-5-(1-15)-(1-S) . . . . . . 4 M-(1-8)-( l-8) . . . . . . . i ’ 8-7-l .-............. cf 8-7-2 _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-7-3 . - -. . . - . . - . . - . . 8-74 . . . . . . . . ..f.... 8-7-5 . - * _. -. . . . . . . . . 8-7-6 . _ . . . . . . _ . . . . . . 8-7-7 . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . 8-7-8 - . -. . . . . . . . . * -. 8-8-l - I.. . . . . . . . f . -. 8-8-2 . . *. . . . . . - * -. . . 8-8-3 . . . . . . . ..-...._ a84 * . . . . . -. . * - -. . . 8-8-s ..-.-.- * -...-.. 8-8-6 .--*-.*......-. 8-8-7 . .._........._. 8-8-S . .._..e_....... .

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 DBS FF-1 System mode Chapter 3 Programming Explanation 3 - 1 System (System kvotal prowam) mode c---““““---“-“-“-“-““--““““------”~ : Construction of explanation is as follows. I i : 8 1 Title _.._ Introduce the title of each function. ! Address I : . I I number Describe the order of key press. i I I I : Contents Explanation setting data and I I. I specification. : I : : I : Initial set indicatethe initial setting data with t underline. I I I : I ,--““,,,,““““,,,-“,,,,,,,-----,----””~~”””””-~ 3 - I- 1 Calendar and Time Setting mode FFl-1 g-1 #( Month -Day- Year(Low 2 digits)) Date Setting With this setting the date is stored in the clock within the system. The current day and date are displayed on telephones equipped with LCD& while the date and day are also recorded during SMDR printing, etc. The day is automatically calculated and displayed on the system. MM (01-12) DD (01-31) YY (89-99) (00-20) For aligning the time to February 251995, input as follows 0225958 FF 1-l #-2f(Hour(24l+format) - Minute )# Time Setting With this setting the time is stored in the clock within the system. The current time is displayed on telephones equipped with LCDs, while the time is also recorded during SMDR printing, etc. HH (00-23) MM (00-59) For aligning the time to 3:28pm, input as follows. 1 SZB# fC0~Fl-#:01 :oi 3 - I- 2 System Program Setting mode FFl-2#-I#-I#-(0 or l)# Call duration display The time a telephone conversation with an outside line is taking can be displayed on a telephone with an LCD. Whether or not this display is * required is specified. If it is set 50 that it is not displayed, the conversation time for incoming calls from when they are answered is not displayed either. 0#: Telephone conversation time not displayed l#z Telephone conversation time disolaved FFl-2#-1#-2#-(0- l)# SMDR Timer/ Starting time display for outside call In cases wherethe time taken for a outside call is to be displayed, it is specified whether it will start 16 seconds or 30 seconds after the dialing signal has been sent out. This setting only functions if the outside call duration display in l-2-1 has been specified. This setting notwithstanding, for incoming calls will start immediately, and display 16 seconds after they are answered. O#: Startina from 16 sec. 1#: Starting from 30 sec. FFl-2#-I#-3#-(0 or I)# LCR (Least Cost Routing) call This is set for using the LCR call function. It is specified whether or not LCR is to be used when making an outside call by dial key 9. In either case it is necessary to cut the jumper wire on the CPU card in the main cabinet. See Section 300 the “Installation Manual” about this. it is also necessary to set “FFZ-N+3#” and “Pooled Trunk Access Group 9” of “2. Trunk Mode”. OR: Pooled Trunk Access call when 9 keved in l#: Least Cost Routing call when 9 keyed in -1 l-

DBS SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) FF-1 System mode Issue 1 January 1990 FFI-2C1#-4#(89 - OO)# SSD (System Speed Dial) toil restriction canceling (Override TRS) It can be set so that calls from specified SSD numbers are not restricted even on telephones set fortoll restriction types from 2 to 6. For example, it is set so that calls can be made from telephones subjectto restrictions such as those at distant branches, fire station, etc When a 2 digit Auto-(00 - 89) number is stored for the SSD code, when a call is made, from 89 to the number stored are not restricted. For example, when 80 is specified, calls can be made with the 10 SSD codes comprising Auto-(80 - 89) despite restrictions. (00 - 89)#: Calls can be made by SSD code 00 - 89 despite restrictions jCONFJ-R: Toll restriction twes 2 - 6 also aoolied durinaSSD calls FFI- 2#- l#-S#-(O or l)# Diai display restriction during system speed dial call lt is specified whether the telephone number is to be indicated on the LCD during dialing when making a call by SSD (80 - 89). If set not to display, rediaiing after an SSD call and diaiing with an LCR call are also not displayed. However, the names stored for SSD are displayed at such times. O#: Dialino disolaved durina Autd80 - 89) call 18: Dialing not displayed during Auto-(80 - 89) call Note: Auto (00 - 79) are displayed all the time. FFl-2#-l#-6#-(0 - 1)# Auto -flash redial This setting is for automatically cutting of an outside line by pressing the redial key after one or more digits have been dialed and automatically dialing the same number again. In the case of the system is connected to the PBX, sometimesthe PBX becomes on - hold status by the operation of ‘Automatically cutting of an outside line’ using Redial key. Atthis time, Please set for “NO Auto Flash’ 0#: No auto flash l#: Auto flaih Note I: When setting this function, check that it is aligned with the setting for the outside line ffash time as they are related. Note 2: There is no flash if the dial is not input . - FFl-2#-1#-8#-(0 or l)# On-hook transfer A outside call can be transferred to another extension simply by pressing that extension’s number and placing the handset on hook. The party to which the call is being transferred can talk with the party on the outside line simply by lifting his/her handset when the incoming call tone sounds. If this is not set, see operating instructions to how to transfer. 0#: On-hook transfer disable I#: On-hook transfer enable -12-

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) issue 1 January 1990 DBS FF-1 System mode FFl-2#-l#-9#-(0 or l)# Outside line automatic hold (Key Bank Hold) It is possible to set an extension for putting an outside call on hold temporarily while making a call on another outside line. In this case the initiaicail is automatically put on hold by pressing the FF key for the outside line you intend to use for the other call without the need for pressing the HOLD key. A telephone call put on hold by this method is on sy$tem hold. O#: No automatic hold 1#: Automatic hold FFl-2#-1#- 10#-(0 or I)# Non - appearance outside line hold This setting is for specifying whether a call on an outside line not assigned to an FF key on your extension is to be put on system hold or exclusive hold. This setting notwithstanding, it is not possible to obtain another outside line during non - appearance outside line hold. 0#: Exclusive hold 1 R: Svstem hold Note 1: During non - appearance outside line put on hold, the other outside line cannot to . be held. Note 2: This function apples to Single Line Telephone. FFI-2#-I#-1 l#-(0 - 1)# SLT Flash control During a telephone call by SLTthe outside line can be put on hold by lightly tapping the hook button (hooking operation), and another outside line or extension can then be telephoned. This setting is for specifying whether to wait for the intercom dial tone again orto release hold and resume the initial outside call. 0#: Get new IDT to another TRF 1%: Retrieve held CO line Note: Setting 0% here is related to setting the SLT hooking flash timer. FFI-2#-1#-12#-(0 or l)# Extension number digit setting This is for specifying whether the extension number is to comprise 2 digits (Ext 10 - 69) or 3 digits (Ext 100 - 699). When over 60 extensions are installed, the setting for 3 digits should be done, before carrying out other settings. By effecting this setting, the settings related to extension groups and settings involving other extension numbers all become invalid. In addition, all the extension numbers and functions assigned to the FF keys of each extension are reset to their initial status. At this time it is necessary to cut off the power for the main cabinet once. Warn enough when this setting will be done. O##: 2 digits (Extension numbers 10 - 69) 1 #e 3 diuits (Extension num hers 100 - 699) -13-

DBS FF-1 System mode SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 FFl-2#-l#- 13#-(0 of I)# Alternate attendants mode setting This setting is for when 2 attendants phones have been installed in the system. When setting in the alternate mode, first call the attendant’s phone connected to extension port No. 1. . If this is busy, call the attendant’s connected to extension pon No. 2. OB: No alternate mode 1 R: Alternate mode FFI-t#-I#-14#-(0 or I)# Attendant calling mode This specifies if the attendant’s intercom call is voice or tone. In addition, the attendant can switch this setting on individual calls by dialing [ 1 I after establishing an intercom call O#: Tone call from attnndant 1%: Voice call from attendant FFl-2#-l#-15#-(0 or l)# Extension calling mode This specifies if the extension’s (except attendant’s) intercom call is voice or tone. In addition, the attendant can switch this setting on individual calls by dialing 11) after establishing an intercom call 0%: Tone call .l#: Voice call FFl-2#-1#-16+(0 or l)# Information tone setting for voice calling When extension calling by voice, the information tone (Splash tone “Pu..!‘) can first be sounded for 0.5 seconds from the extension of the party being called. This is specified when the extension calling mode is set to voice call. FFl-2#-1#-17#-(0 or l)# Information tone setting for busy override When the conversation on an extension has been interrupted, the information one is sent out to the extension of the party being overridden to indicate the fact This setting notwithstanding, busy override cannot be implemented for an extension involved in a conference call. It is necessary to have a setting regarding busy override for each extension. OS: No Information tone with in busv override 1#: Information tone sent out for busy override FFl-2#-1#- 18#-(0 or l)# System installation area setting This specifies if necessary or not to the dial 1 before the area code when making calls to places outside the area where the system is installed. If 1 is necessary when making calls to just some of the areas, set 1 + Area. Calls o other areas for which 1 is not necessary are regarded as local calls and so restricted by office codes, etc. O#: No + 1 Area code location I#: Necessarv the 1 + Area code location FFl-2k1#-19#-(0or l)# SSD name display mode This specifiesthe quantity of names displayed on the large display. The option is for 5 names or 10 names. When displaying 10 names the maximum length shown will be 7 characters. 0#: Display 5 names in large display y ” %#?-Displav 10 names in lame disolay 08: No Information tone with in voice call l#: Information tone sounds for voice call -14-

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 DBS FF-1 System mode FFl-2#-1P20#-(0 or l-9)# Application interface card assignment This specifies the extension card slot number for the API card to be used. Assign this only when using the optional software. O#:No API card assianed 1B:Extension card slot 1 is API card 2P: Extension card slot 2 is API card 3#: Extension card slot 3 is API card 48: Extension card slot 4 is API card f#:Extension card slot 5 is API card 6B:Extension card slot 6 isAPI card ir#:Extension card slot 7 is API card 8#:Extension card slot 8 isAPI card 9#: Extension card slot 9 is API card FFl-2#-l#-21#-(0 or l-9)# Voice mail busy tone mode This specifies if the DBS will send busy tone or silence to the voice mail ports after an internal conversation has ended. ##:Silence to voice mail- -*i Wr a#:085 internal busv tone to voice mail FFl-2#-2#-lk(0 or 1)s Parity check This is for aligning the data protocol specifications between the machines when connecting an SlvlDR printer to the system or carrying out remote maintenance through the telephone circuit, for example. Here it is specified whether to check for the occurrence of errors during the communication of data. The method of checking involves adding up the data sent and determining whetherthis constitutes an odd or even value. This is referred to as a parity check FFl-2#-2#-2#-(0 or l)# Even/odd number parity The mode of the parity check for the communication data is set 09: Odd number parity 1 R: Even number oarity FFl-2#- 2#-38-(1- 4)i Data transmission speed (baud rate) The baud rate for data transmission is set between 300 bps and 9600 bps, However, whatever the setting may be usually, it is 300 bps when carrying out remote maintenance through the telephone FFl-2#-2#-4#-(l-3)# Stop bit length The length of the stop bit for transmitted data is set l#: 1 bit 28: 1.5 bits (Less than 90 port system only) 3%: 2 bits FFl-2+2#-5#-(1- 4)# Data length The length of the transmitted data is set between 5 and 8 bi%. 18: 5 bits (Less than 90 port system only) 2%: 6 bits (Lessthan 90 port system only) 3#: 7 bits 4#: 8 bits OR: No oaritv check 1 #: Parity check -15

CBS FF-1 System mode SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 FEI-2#-2#-6#-(0 or l)# SMDR printing mode 1 (Outgoing/ Incoming) This is for specifying whether to have the contents recorded with the SMDR printer when making outside calls only, or to have the contents when answering incoming calls printed in addition to the former. OC: SMDR printing the outgoing calls only 1 f: SMDR orintina incomina and outaoina calls NoterFor the SMDR printer to operate, as we// as specifying printing in the system program it is necessary to set the following from the attendant’s phone. k C, iO~O~-~#~-~9l-~Ol-~On/O~ Bus data print mode .$j lOn/Off7-l#~-[9~-[l~-[OnfO~ Bus data resist mode iOn/O~-~#l-[9~-[2~-[Onf OW Bus data accumuia te ? .Ci’ ,. -+ [OnlOfn-~#~-i9~-~~-~On/O~ SMDR printout FFl-2#-2#-7#-(0 or l)# SMDR printing mode 2 (Long /Local) This is for specifying whetherto have the contents recorded with the SMDR printer when making toll calls only, or to have the contents when making local calls printed in addition to the former. O#: SMDR priming the long distance calls only l#: SMDR orintina all outaoina calls Note 7: me long distance calls is as follows. (N =2-s, P = 0.l.X = O-9) Non + I Area NPX-NNX-XxXx + 1 Area I-NPX-NNX-XxXx NPX is the area number, NNX the o ffke number. and XXXX the phone number. If the dialing starts with I or 0, it is deemed to be a long distance calls. FFl-2#-2#-8#-(0 or 1)# SMDR printing mode 3 (Title) It is specified whether to include titles such as “TIME’, ‘DURAT’ and ‘CO#- on the top line for making the data easy to read off, or to have the data only when using the SMDR printer. If there are titles, they are printed every 60 lines. O#: SMDR orintina of communication data only l#: SMDR printing of data titles in addition to communication data FFl-2#-2#-9#-(0 or l)# Program data dump mode (X on/X off) This is to specify whether or not to control the X on/X off code should the data buffer overflow when connecting the data terminal for carrying out maintenance to the RS-232C interface for connecting the SMDR 0#: X on/X off no control lt: X on/x off controlled FFl-2#-3#-1#-(0 - 999 or O* - 99*)# PBX Dial 1 The access numbers are set for when using the PBX circuit on the premises for as the systems outside lines, or for connecting from a WAIT line, etc. to a line of a telephone central office. This setting is used for determining the dialing when there are call restrictions for TRS, etc. In addition, “*- can be stored as the wild card setting here. When 7 * is set, for example, 70 to 79 are taken as PBX dialing. To clear the stored data, press [CONF] key. (0 - 9.00 - 99,000- 999 or 0’ - 9*, OO* - gg*)#: Access numbers Note : To store wild card(*), use FF7 1 instead of * key. -16

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 DBS FF-1 System mode FFl-2#-3#-2#-(0 - 999,0r 0’ - 99’)# PBX Dial 2 Same as PBX Dial 1. (0 - 9,00 - 99,000 - 999 or 0’ - 9*, OO* - 99*)#: Co access numbers FFl-2#-3#-3#-(0 - 999,0r 0’ - 99*)# PBX Dial 3 Same as PBX Dial 1. (0 - 9,QO - 99,000 - 999 or 0’ - 9’,00’ - 99’)#: Co access numbers FFl-2#-3#-4#-(0 - 999,0r 0’ - 99*)# PBX Dial 4 Same as PBX Dial l_ (0 - 9,00 - 99,000 - 999 or 0’ - 9*, 00” - 99’)#: Co access numbers FFl-2#-3#-5#-(0 - 999,0r 0’ - 99*)# PBX Dial 5 Same as PBX Dial 1. (0 - 9,00 - 99,000 - 999 or O* - 9*, 00’ - 99’)#: Co access numbers FFl-2#-3#-6#-(0 - 999,0r 0’ - 99’)# PBX Dial 6 Same as PBX Dial 1. (0 - 9,00 - 99,000 - 999 or 0’ - 9’. 00’ - W)#: Co access numbers FFl-2#-3#-7#-(0 - 999,0r 0’ - 99*)# PBX Dial 7 Same as PBX Dial 1. FF?-2#-3#-a#-(0 - 999,0r 0’ - 99*)# PBX Dial 8 Same as PBX Dial 1. (0 - 9,00 - 99,000 - 999 or o* - 9’, 00’ - 99’)#: CO access numbers FFl-2#-3#-9#-(1- 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 1 This is the setting for automatically inserting a pause during the dialing. When the PBX, etc. is _ accessed for making a call, several seconds are required from when the PBX receives the access numberto when the connection is made with a telephone central office line. Dialing sent out before this connection is made will be invalid and may result in a wrong connection. With this setting completely trouble free dialing is enabled. Moreover, this setting is also effective for dialing from SSD and PSD. The actual pause time is set separately (pause timer.FFl-3#-7#) It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing I. [CONFl%: No automatic uause after dialino 1 1C: Automatic pause on 1st digit after dialing 1 atfim 2%: Automatic pause on 2nd digit after dialing 1 atfim 3#: Automatic pause on 3rd digit after dialing l at first. Note : Automatic pause can’t activate without setting pause for each trunk(FR-(l-32)+ 13%) (0 - 9.00 - 99,000 - 999 or Of - 9*, 00’ - 99’)#: Co access numbers -17-

DBS FF-1 System mode SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 FFl-2#-3#-lO#-(1 - 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 2 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(1- 3)#). lt is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 2. FFl-t#-3#-13#-(1 - 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 5 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(l- 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 5. ICONFl#: No automatic pause after dialina 2 l#: Automatic pause at 1st digit after dialing 2 2#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit after dialing 2 3#: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 2 jCONFl#: No automatic cause after dialina 5 l#: Automatic pause at 1st digit after dialing 5 2#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit after dialing 5 3#: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 5 - FFl-2#-3#-l l#-( 1 - 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 3 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(1 - 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 3. FFl-2#-3#-14#-(l- 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 6 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(1 - 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 6. ICONFlR: No automatic cause after dialina 3 18: Automatic pause on 1st digit after dialing 3 2#: Automatic pause on 2nd digit after dialing 3 3#: Automatic pause on 3rd digit after dialing 3 ICONFl#: No automatic Pause after dialinq 6 l#: Automatic pause at 1st digit after dialing 6 2#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit after dialing 6 3#: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 6 FFl-2#-3#-12#-(1 - 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 4 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(1- 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 4. FFl-2#-3#-l5#-(l- 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 7 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(l- 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 7. jCONFl#: No automatic oause after dialino 4 1~8: Automatic pause at 1st digit after dialing 4 2#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit after dialing 4 3#: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 4 [CONFI#: No automatic Dause after dialina 7 1#: Automatic pause at 1st digit after dialing 7 2#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit after dialing 7 3#: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 7 -18-

SECTION 400 (Version3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 DBS FF-1 System mode FFl-2#-3#-16#-(1 - 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 8 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(1 - 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 8. [CONFI#: No automatic cause after dialina 8 _ l#: Automatic pause at 1st digit after dialing 8 t#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit afkerdialing 8 3#: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 8 FFl-2#-3#-17#-(l- 3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 9 Same as (FFI-t#-3#-(l- 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an o&de line of the system and then dialing 9. ICONFI#: No automatic oause after diaiino 9 1 B: Automatic pause at 1st digit after dialing 9 2#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit after dialing 9 3%: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 9 FFl-2#-3#-18#-(1 -3)# Automatic pause position for each dial - Dial 0 Same as (FFl-2#-3#-(1- 3)#). It is specified after which digit dialed there should be a pause having made a connection with an outside line of the system and then dialing 0. ICONFl#: No automatic pause afterdialino 0 1 #: Automatic pause a! 1 St digit after dialing 0 2#: Automatic pause at 2nd digit after dialing 0 3#: Automatic pause at 3rd digit after dialing 0 FFl-2#-4#-1 B-(0 or l)# Control ring patterns for UNA control terminals (M, c B) When using UNA (Universal Night Answer), the operating specifications for each of the relay controlled terminals are determined. When utilizing a sound source for the buzzer, etc., ” 1 set on/3 set off’ is selected. When operating with the pattern set, it is connected from terminal C to terminal M or released from terminal C to terminal 8. This setting is only effective when UNA is operating for incoming calls on outside lines. Note : Ext pan 73 is ringing assignment for IJ NA terminal (FF4-l#, FF4-2#) OR: 3 secl 1 set interval l#: Continuously FFl-2#-4#-2#-(0 9r l)# EPI control when paging - #OO It is set whether the EPI (External Page tnterface) is to be used when calling paging group #OO. 0%: No EPI relay ooeration when callina oaainq grouD 00 l#: EPI relay operation when calling paging group 00 FFl-2#-4#-3#-(0 or 1)# EP1 control when paging - #Ol It is set whether the EPI (External Page Interface) is to be used when calling paging group #Ol. O#: No EPI relay operation when callina oaoinq arouo 01 I#: EPI relay operation when calling paging group 01 -19-