Communications System
Panasonic Small Digital Business System 308/616 Installation Instructions
Panasonic Small Digital Business System 308/616 Installation Instructions
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_. DBS FF-2 Trunk mode FF2-(1 32)# lO#k:$? - - - Connected phone line type setting Asthe dialing decision for TRS and the like is affected if the system is connected to a PBX, either a PBX line or a CO. line is set for each trunk l#: CO. line 2%: PBX line (Need to access numberto CO line) FF2-(l- 32)Pl l#-(0 or l)# DISA Ijne setting (Automatic DISA answer) This setting is each trunk port to receive incoming calls using the DISA functionHowever you may need to set DISA start and end times to each trunk. OR: Does not answer DISA incomino calls l#: Answers DISA incoming calls and also accommodates outgoing calls from DISA FF2-(1 - 32)#-12#-(01 - 72)# Private line setting (Private outside line) Each extension can have an exclusive private line which can be set when programming. An incoming call from a trunk line set for private use rings on the extension to which that line’ belongs only. While there can be a number of private lines belonging to one telephone, a single private line cannot belong in common to a number of telephones. Once set, other extensions can not make calls to or receive calls from that trunk port number, and even if the private trunk line setting is canceled it is not make calls or receive calls automatically. In this case set TRS and RING separately. SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 FF2-(1- 32)#-13#-(0 - I)# Auto pause function setting.for PBX line It is set whether or not a auto pause for each dialing done with the system setting is necessary or not 0#: Auto pause for each dialing not necessary 1 R: Auto cause function for each dialina FF2-(1- 32)#-14#- (0 or 1)s Dialing tone detection setting It is set whether or not the dialing tone is to be detected when making an outside call. If it is set, the number dialed is not transmitted to the out- side line until the dialing tone has been detected. If it is not set, the number dialing is out in accordance with the setting for the system timer. O#:Need the dialina tone for the dial out 1 #:No dial tone detection (Free dial) FF2-(1- 32)#- 15#-( 1 - 3)# DTMF dial signal sending time The length of time for sending the signal is changed in cases where a DTMF dialing signal is sent to an outside line, and where the sending time for the DTMF signal is short and it does not operate when receiving the MCl or SPRINT line or various services. l#: 75ms ON / 50ms OFF 2#: 125ms ON I 125mr OFF 3#t: 250ms ON / 250ms OFF lCONF]#: No orivate line (01 - 72)#: Private line for set extension port -3o-

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 DBS FF-2 Trunk mode FF2-(l- 32)#-16#-(0 or l)# Call Diversion (Trunk to trunk connection trunk setting) tt is set whether or not an outside line can make a trunk to trunk connection. This function can be used at an extension where trunk to trunk connection has been set in the extension mode. In addition, if the time set with the call monitoring timer is exceeded, the call is automatically cut off. O#: Trunk to trunk connection not possible l#: Trunk to trunk connection possible FFZ-(1 - 32)#-17#-(0 - 9)# Incoming ring signal pattern setting The ring tone pattern for incoming calls can be changed for each trunk port If outside lines are assigned for use to each individual, they will know who the call is for by the ring tone pattern and this will facilitate answering. O#: lncominq rinq tone svnchronized 1#:3secON/l secOFF 2%:2secON/Zsec OFF 38: 1 set ON I1 set OFF 4#: 1 set ON / 2 set OFF 59: 1 set ON / 3 set OFF 6#: 0.5 set ON / 0.5 set OFF b 7#: 0.5 set ON IO.5 set OFF and O.Ssec ON 12.5 set OFF 8#:0.5secON/3.5sec OFF 9t: 1 set ON / 7 set OFF FF2-(1-32)#-18#- (I- 15)# - Outside line disconnectsignal detection timer If the signal indicating that an outside line has been disconnected during a outside call or while it is on hold is received, or if the outside line has been cut off, the system automatically cancels the outside line call. However, as the call ends automatically when the outside line is instantly cut due to the conditions for the connected PBX, it is accommodated by this setting. The time from when it is determined that the call has been disconnected orthat it has been disabled to when the outside line call status is automatically canceled can be set within the range of 50 - 750ms. (%&No detection (Keep the connection) 19:Dixonnection bythe morethan 50msrignal 2#:Dixonnection by the more than lOOms signal 3#:Disconnection by the more than 150ms signal 4b:Dixonnection by the more than 2OOms signal S#:Disconnection bythe more than 250ms signal 6#: Disconnection by the more than 300ms signal 7#:Disconnection bv the more than 350ms siqnal 8#:Dixonnection by the more than 400ms signal 9#:Dixonnection by the more than 450ms signal 1 O#:Dixonnection by the more than 500mr signal 1 1 #: Disconnection by the more than 550ms signal 128:Disconnection by the more than 600ms signal 13#:Dixonnection bythe more than 650ms signal 14Y:Dixonnection by the more than 700ms signal 158:Disconnection bythe more than 750ms signal -31- x 41 3

DBS FF-2 Trunk mode FF2-(l- 32)#-19#-(Hour - Minute)# DISA start time setting A CO line can be assigned as a DISA (direct inward system access) line for a specific period of time. When the outside line is not activated by this timer as a DISA line it can be used as a normal outside line. This timer specifies the stating time for D&4. The time entered is in 24 hour format with no spaces between hour and minute. JCONFl#: No startina time (DATA reset) HHMM#:(OO-23,00-59) Enterthe time FF2-(l- 32)C20#-(0 or l)# DISA end time setting This timer specifies the ending time for DlSk A normal CO line can be assigned as a DISA (direct inward system access) line for a specific period of time. When the outside line is not activated as a DISA line it can be used as a normal outside line. The time entered is in 24 hour format with no spaces between hour and minute. JCONFj#: No end timi(DATA reset) HHMM#:(OO-23,00-59) Enterthe time SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 -32-

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) DBS Issue 1 January 1990 FF-3 Extension mode 3 - 3 Extension mode General operating specifications are set for the extensions, and these specifications are set for each port number in the main cabinet with regard to each extension. FF3-(l -72)#-l#-(loo-699)# . Extension number Extension numbers are stored for the extension portJ. The extensi-on numbers set in the system program are stored separately according to the number of digits (2 or 3 digits). If there are more than 60 extension units connected to the system, it is necessary to have extension numbers with 3 digits. But if EM/24 and DSS units are included among those connected, it is not necessary to store extension numbers for them. If alternate attendant mode is set, the extension ,9 numbers 100 (or 10) is attendant phone 1 and 101 u (or 11) is attendant phone 2. If they have not been specially stored, the system automatically stores extensions 100,101 and 102from extension port number 1. [CONF]: DATA reset I1 00 - 699)#: 100 to 699 (if 2 digits: 10 to 69) FF3-(1- 72)#:2#-(1- 141% Terminal’ type The types of terminal (telephones, etc.) connected to the extension ports are stored. When the power source for the system is turned on after installation, except for OPX and DSS/72 terminals connected to the system are already automatically set and OPX and DSS/72 terminals connected to the system need initial setting. DSSl, DSW for 1 st attendant and DSS3, DSS4 for 2nd attendant 1 #:Analog tone telephone (2500type) Auto set 2#:6 FF key digital keytelephone Auto set 3#: 12 FF key digital key telephone Auto set 4#:24 FF key digital key telephone Auto set 5#: Reserved 6#: Reserved 7#: EM/24 VB-43310 Auto set 8#:OPX (Pulse dial detection) Manual set 9R:OPX (Tone dial detection) Manual set klO#: Voice mail (with AEC) Manual set 11#:DSSlforexL#lO0or10 Manual set 12#:DSS2forexL#lOOorlO Manual set 13#: DSS3 for eti # 101 or 11 Manuai set 14#: D554for ext # 101 or 11 Manual set 1 S#:Voice mail (with OPX) Manual set (16 to 20 is Reserved) 2l#:ACD/ PC (21 to28isACD/PC) ,’ 288:ACDIPC 29#: Reserved . 3OP: Reserved . 31#:kklPC (16to2OisAA./PC) 28P: AA. I PC Note : As regards DSSi72 and EMJ24, after they have been stored, it is necessary either to turn the system power off and then turn it on again, or to disconnect the module jacks for DSS,EM24 and then insert them once more. -33-

DBS FF-3 Extension mode SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 FF3-(1- 72)#-3#-(01- 72)# EM/24 user-port number Extension ports are stored for operating extensions connected to them and for the connected EM/24 console and stored. ICONFIR: EM/24 not connected (01 - 72)#: Operates as EM/24 for stored extension Note : As regards EM124, after they have been stored, it is necessary either to tom the system power off and then turn it on again, or to disconnect the module jacks for EM124 and then insert them once more. FF3-(l - 72)#4#-(0 or 1)# Forced Least Cost Routing restriction This setting is for specifying that outside calls made from extensions must be through LCR The sening is such that, while managers and the like can use another line when the LCR line is busy, other staff members must use LCR for making calls at all times. When LCR calls are made from set extensions by dialing 9, it is possible to restrict them. OB: Outside calls need not be made bv LCR 1#: Outside calls must be made by LCR ’ FF3+ - 72)#-S#-(O or I)# Account code TRS setting This setting is so that outside calls cannot be made from the extensions programmed for this if the account code is not entered. O#:No account code TRS function l#:Orderto ID code for making outside line call FF3-(1- 72)#-6#- (0001 - 9999)# Station lockout key code storing If you do not want other people to make,outside calls from your extension when you leave at your extension, this functions can be prevented. A key code is stored for each extension, and this key code is input to cancel the station lockout function upon returning to ones desk. Key codes can be stored within the range of 0000 - 9999 and deleted by inputting [CONF]. . ICONFIB: No station lockout function (0000 - 9999)f: Storing station lockout key code FF3-(1- 72)#-7#-(0 or l)# Off-book signal setting It is stored for each extension whether a signal indicating an incoming call on an outside line is to be sent while the extension is-busy. Even if set for this, however, this signal will not be sent during a conference call, while the extension is on hold, or during a call on a outside line for which there is no tine key on the telephone. Extension Port 1,2 (Attendant tel) ,O#: No incoming ring when phone is busy 18: Have the incomino rino when phone is busy Another pon O#:No incomina rino when phone is busy l#:Have the incoming ring when phone is busy Note 1.: For the incoming w/i signal, the off- hooksignal volume and off-hook signaiing pattern are set separately. When off-hook signal setting is done, hunting function is not available. -34-

SECTION 400 D/ersion 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 FF3-( 1 - 72)#-8#-(0 or l)# Call waiting accept setting When a call is received‘from another extension while the extension is busy, the busy tone is sent to the former. However, this sets whether call waiting is to be accepted or not when the 131 key has been input again and call waiting effected. If set for accepting, the incoming call signal is sent from the . extension. But call waiting cannot be accepted by an extension which is set for absence, on hold, receiving a call or involved in a conference call. 0#: Not accepting call waiting 1R: Acceotina call waitinq FF3-(l- 72)#-9#-(0 or l)# Busy override call possibility setting This sets for each extension whether busy override is possible while it is in use. Note that busy override is not possible when an extension is set for rejecting it or by an extension involved in a conference call. 0#: Busy override call imoossible l#: Busy override call possible FF3-( 1 - 72)#-1 OR- (0 or l)# Busy override rejection setting (Busy overridden) This sets to accept busy override from another extension or to reject it 0#: Busy override call rejected l#: Busv override call accepted Note : It is possible to have the setting so that the signal will sound during busy override to indicate another busy override call. DBS FF-3 Extension mode FF3-(1- 72)#-1 l#-(O or 1)s Prime line pick-up setting It is possible to have a setting for when making an outside call to automatically pick up an outside line stored in the FFl key simply by lifting the handset However, this function will not operate if the outside line has not been stored in the FFl key. If Polled trunk access function has been set in the FFl key, an available line is automatically accessed by moving down in order from the extension port with the largest number. As intercom calls cannot be made with this setting however, ” #8” [intercom call key] should be stored in another FF key beforehand. O#: No prime line function I#: To pick up prime line FF3-(1- 72)#-12k(0 or l)# Automatic incoming ring trunk pickup By simply lifting the handset, the first of a number of incoming trunk calls made is selected and answered. The setting can also be such that hold recall and transferred calls can also be answered simply by lifting the handset O#: No automatic selection to ringing trunk 1%: Automaticallv select the rinaino trunk FF3-U - 72)#-13#-(0 or I)# Trunk to trunk connection 4 (Make no attended conference) \&+ “/ This specifies whether to allow for a trunk to trunk connection between the two parties on outside lines during a three - party conference call by pressing the line key for either of the outside lines. O#: Trunk to trunk connection not oossible l#: Trunk to trunk connection possible Note: This function should be set to enable trunk to trunk connection on outside lines beforehand. -35-

DBS IT-3 Extension mode FF3-(l - 72)#-74#-(0 or l)# SMDR printout setting This sets whether information from outside calls is to be printed out by the SMDR (Station Message Dial Recorder) printer. cNrEold~ 0#: E&nipll is not printed out l#: lncomlns call is printed out Note: For SMDR printing it is necessary to set the protocol between the system and SMDR and the control data beforehand. FF3-(1- 72)#-1 S#-(0 or 4)# Off-hook signal volume ’ The off-hook signal can be set at 4types. 1#: Off-hook signal volume minimum 2#: Off-hook signal-volume lower medium 3#: Off-hook signal volume higher medium 48: Off-hook signal volume maximum FF3-(1 - 72)#-16#-(0 or 1)# W-hook signal pattern The off-hook signal pattern is set O#: Continuitv 1#: incoming call signal is sent out once only FF3-(1- 72)#-li#-(0 or l)# Personal speed dial display mode This specifies the quantity of names displayed on the Large display phone. The option is for 5 names or 10 names the maximum length displayed will be 7 characters. OR: Disolav 5 names (1 line have 1 names) 18: Display 10 names (f line have 2 names) FF3-(1 -72)#-18#-(0 or t)# Paging group 00 affiliation This sets to paging group 00 or not FF3-U - 72)#-19#-(0 or I)# Paging group 01 affiiiation This setj to paging group 01 or not O#: Does not belonu to oaoino orouo 01 If: Belongsto paging group 01 FF3-(1- 72)#-20#-(0 or l)# Paging’group 02 affiliation This sets t0 paging group 02 or not 0#: Does not belona to oaoina qrouo 02 1 #: Belongs to paging group 02 FF3-(1- 72)#-21 #t-(0 or l)# Pagiag group 03 affiliation This sets to paging group 03 or not O#: Does not belonq to oasino ctrouo 03 1#: Belongs to paging group 03 FF3-(1- 72)P22#-(0 or l)# Paging group 04 affiiiation This sets to paging group 04 or not O#: Does not belono to oaoino arouo 04 1#: Belongs to paging group 04 FF3-(1- 72)#-23#-(0 or I)# Paging group 05 affiliation This sets to paging group OS or not O#: Does not belonq to oaaina qroun OS 1%: Belongs fo paging group 05 FF3-(l- 72)#-24#-(0 or 1)# Paging group 06 affiliation This sets to paging group 06 or not 08: Does not belono to oaainq arouo 06 18: Belongs to paging group 06 FF3-(1- 72)#-25#-(0 or I)# Paging group 07 affiliation This sets to paging group 07 or not OR: Does not belonq to oaqina urouo 07 l#: Belongs to paging group 07 O#: Does not Selona to oaaina arouo 00 1 t: Belongs to paging group 00 -36-

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) DES Issue 1 January 1990 FF-3 Extension mode FF3-(l - 72)#-26#-(0 - 13)# Large LCD information condition on the idle status (Idol) . The contents are set for display on a large LCD when the extension is in the idle (On hook) status. O#: No chancre l#: Change to menu information 28: Change to personal speed dial index 3#: Change to system speed dial index 48: Change to extension index 5#: Change to guidance menu 1 (ABSES, AC-CODE,LKOUT,REMDR,FF-Key) 6#: Change to guidance menu 2 (KD,CFWD/AII call/No ans/On busy/Out side) 7#: Change to guidance menu 3 (PGM,PKHLD,DND,SVDI,SGM) 88: Change to guidance menu 4 (Attendant only) (Timer set,Timer adjust, Attendant cancel,Day/ Night) 9isc: Change to guidance menu S (Attendant only) (SSD name number,EXT name number Maintenance code,Key code,DISA code) 10#: Change to guidance menu 6 (Attendant only) (Program mode.Outgoing amount Incoming amount,Use SSD amount) 1 l#: Change to function 1 (BGM,DND, REMDR,ABSES,CFWD,MUTE, LKOUT,MAIL,BROD,ABS-CSL) 12#:Changetofunction 2 (DT,HS, MSGE-CSLMSGE-CSL, CONF) 13#: Change to function 3 (PGANS,Page-Ul/2/3/4/5/6i7, All Zone) 14#: Change to function 4 (CONF,TONE,Set MSG.fRFR,RLSE) 15#: Change to function 5 (SADl/REDl/DTMFCV/RLSE,AC-CODE,MUTE) 16#: Change to function 6 (C-WATNG,MSGE,CO-QNG,OVRDE,RLSE) 17#: Change to function 7 (AC-CODE,LCR.TRK-G/81/82/83/84/85186) 18#: Change to function 8 (UNA-PUPfGroup/DirecUPage) 19f: Change to function 9 (MCO, LCR. KD,SSD, EXT,MUTE,PAGE,TONE) 20#: Change to function 10 (MSGE,TRFR,RLSE,CONF,MUTE,DND,TONE, PKHLD) 21#: Change to function 11 (REDLDTMFCV, AC-CODE,SSD,KD,RLSE,MUTE.EXT) 22%: Change to function 12 (SADI,KD,SSD,CONF, AC-CODE,MUTE,RLSE,TRFR,REMDR) 23#: Change to function 13 (PGANS,HS,~ONE,MUTE,~NA,EXT,PSD,SSD) 24#: Change to function 14 (TAKBK.RLSE,CONF,TRFR,DND,PKHLD) -37-

DBS FF-3 Extension mode SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 FF3-(1- 72)#-27#- (0 - 13)# Large LCD information on the intercom dial tone status (IDT) The contents are set for display on a large LCD when the extension is involved in an intercom dial tone (off hook) status. 08: No chanoe l#: Change to menu information 2%: Change to personal speed dial index 38: Change to system speed dial index 4%: Change to extension index 5#: Change to guidance menu 1 (ABSES, AC-CODE,LKOUT,REMDR,FF-Key) 6#: Change to guidance menu 2 (PSD,CFWD/AII call/No ans/On busy/Out side) 78: Change to guidance menu 3 (PGM,PKHLD,DND,SVDI,BGM) 8%: Change to guidance menu 4 (Attendant only) (Timer set,Timer adjust Attendant cancel,Day/ Night) 9#: Change to guidance menu 5 (Attendant only) (SSD name number,EXT name number Maintenance code,Key code,DISA code) 108: Change to guidance menu 6 (Attendant only) (Program mode,Outgoing amount incoming amount,Use SSD amount) 1 l#: Change to function 1 (BGM,DND, REMDRmSES,CFWD,MUTE, LKOUT,MAIL,BROD,ABS-CSL) lt#: Change to function 2 (DT,HS, MSGE-CSL,MSGE-CSL, CONF) 13#: Change to function 3 (PGANS,Page-Z/1/2/3/4/5/6/7, All Zone) 14W: Change to function 4 (CONF,TONE,Set MSC,TRFR.RLSE) 15%: Change to function 5 (SADI/REDUDTMFCV/RLSE,AC-CODE,MUTE) 16#: Change to function 6 (C-WATNG,MSGE,CO-QNG,OVRDE,RLSE) 17%: Change to function 7 (AC-CODE,LCR,TRK-C/81/82/83/84/85/86) 18#: Change to function 8 (UNA-PUPIGroup/DirecWF+age) 19#: Change to function 9 (MCO, LCR, PSD,SSD, EXT,MUTE,PAGE,TONE) 2O#c: Change to function 10 (MSGE,TRFR,RLSE,CONF,MUTE,DND,TONE, PKHLD) 21+: Change to function 11 (REDI,DTMFCV. AC-CODE,SSD,PSD,RUE,MUTE,EXT) 228: Change to function 12 (SADI.PSD,SSD,CONF, AC-CODE,MUTE,RLSE.TRFR.REMDR) 23#: Change to function 13 (PGANS,HS,TONE,MUTE,UNA,EXT,PSD,SSD) 24#: Change to function 14 (TAKBK,RLSE,CONF,TRFR,DND,PKHLD) -38-

SECTION 400 (Version 3.0) Issue 1 January 1990 DBS FF-3 Extension mode FF3-( 1 - 72)#-28#-(0 - 13)# Large LCD information on the intercom call status (lNT Talk) The contents are set for display on a large LCD when the extension is involved in an intercom call (Caliing,Receiving call,On the conversation,Making the call waiting) status. 08: No chanae l#: Ulange to menu information 2#: Change to personal speed dial index 3#: Change to system speed dial index 4#: Change to extension index 5#: Change to guidance menu 1 (ABSES, AC-CODE,LKOUT,REMDR,FF-Key) 6#: Change to guidance menu 2 (PSD,CFWD/AII call/No ans/On busy/Out side) 7#: Change to guidance menu 3 (PCM,PKHLD,DND,SVDI,BCM) 8#: Change to guidance menu 4 (Attendant only) (Timer set,Timer adjust, Attendant cancel,Day/ Night) 9#: Change to guidance menu 5 (Attendant only) (SSD name number,EXT name number Maintenance code,Key code,DISA code) 10#: Change to guidance menu 6 (Attendant only) (Program mode,Outgoing amount incoming amount,Use SSD amount) 1 l+: Change to function 1 (BGM,DND, REMDR,ABSE5,CFWD,MUTE, LKOUT,MAIL,BROD,ABS-C5L) 12#: Change to function 2 (DT,HS, MSGE-CSL,MSGE-CSL, CONF) 13#: Change to function 3 (PGANS,Page-Z/l/2/3/4/5/6/7, All Zone) 14#: Change to function 4 (CONF,TONE,Set MSG,TRFR,RLSE,MUTE) 158: Change to function 5 (SADl/REDl/DTMFCV/RLSE,AC-CODE,MUTE) 16#: Change to function 6 (C-WATNG,MSGE,CO-QNG,OVRDE,RLSE) 17#: Change to function 7 (AC-CODE,LCR,TRK-G/81/82/83/84/85/86) 18#: Change to function 8 (UNA-PUPIGroup/Direct/Page) 19#: Change to function 9 (MCO, LCR, PSD, SSD, EXT,MUTE,PAGE,TONE) 20#: Change to function 10 (MSGE,TRFR,RLSE,CONF,MUTE,DND,TONE, PKHLD) 21#: Change to function 11 (REDLDTMFCV, AC-CODE,SSD,PSD,RLSE,MUTE,EXT) 22#: Change to function 12 (SADI,PSD,SSD,CONF, AC-CODE,MUTE,RKE,TRFR,REMDR) 23#: Change to function 13 (PGANS,HS,TONE,MUTE,UNA,EXT,PSD,SSD) 24#: Change to function 14 (TAKBK.RLSE,CONF,TRFR,DND,PKHLD) -39-