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Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual

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    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/003-13. Running the PBX Setup Utility
    Even if the VP system software is pre-installed on the system before it is shipped to you, you must run the
    PBX Setup utility (also referred to as the First Time Setup utility) so you can configure certain installation
    parameters for each specific customer’s site. Use the following procedures to run the PBX Setup utility
    using the VP system screen interface.
    (If you installed a kit VP system using procedures in section 21, you ran the PBX Setup utility during the
    kit system installation. Therefore, you can skip this section.)
    The procedure you use to run the Setup utility depends on whether you are working with a DOS-based
    VP system or an NT-based VP system.
    Note:For procedures on running the PBX Setup utility through the teleparameter feature, seesection 11.To run the PBX Setup utility on DOS-based VP systems:
    1. If the VP system has pre-loaded and is running on-screen, exit to a DOS prompt by pressing -
     then .
    2. To switch to the VM directory, type CD\VM then press .
    3. To invoke the Install program, type INSTALL then press .
    4. When the main Install menu displays, use the ¯ key to highlight FIRST TIME SETUP then press .
    5. When prompted, type C:\VM then press  to indicate the directory in which the VP system is
    6. The system warns that it may overwrite some changes to the database.  To continue, press .
    7. At the system prompt for the number of digits in the extension numbers, enter the appropriate number
    then press .  At the system prompt to confirm your entry, press .
    8. A list of telephone systems displays.  Note that you can use the  and  keys to scroll
    through all available selections.  Enter the number corresponding to the telephone system with which
    you are working, then press .  If the phone system is not on the list, select option
    0  DON’T KNOW (OR UNLISTED) then press .
    9. The system prompts you to confirm your selection.  To continue, press .
    10. At the system prompt regarding message waiting lights, press .
    11. The system prompts you to indicate the number of telephone lines connected to the VP system.  Enter
    the appropriate number, then press .
    12. The system prompts you for the number of digits you want to use in mailbox passwords.  Indicate the
    number of digits subscribers are to use, then press .  (You may want to consult the system
    supervisor, in case he/she has a digit-length preference.) 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/003-213. The system prompts you to confirm your selection.  To continue, press .
    14. The system prompts you to automatically create mailboxes at this point.  Though you may elect to
    create mailboxes now, we strongly recommend that you select No, so you can first make anynecessary modifications to the prototype mailbox, which serves as a template for creating mailboxes.
    By properly setting up the prototype mailbox, you simplify the number of adjustments you must make
    to refine the mailboxes for each user.  To continue without setting up mailboxes at this time, press
    15. Depending on the phone system you selected, you may be prompted for additional information.  Enter
    the appropriate responses.
    16. The system prompts you to use U.S. Daylight-Savings Time.  To have the system automatically adjust
    the clock so it accommodates Daylight-Savings Time for the next 10 years, press .  If you do not
    want the system to automatically adjust for U.S. Daylight-Savings Time, press .
    17. The main Install program screen displays.  To continue, select Exit then press .
    18. The Install program must re-boot the VP system to make the changes indicated.  Press  when the
    system displays the re-boot prompt.  After the system reboots, the Line Status screen displays.
    To run the PBX Setup utility for NT-based VP systems running version 10.x and higher:
    1. Shut down the VP system if it is running by stopping the KVT Voice Mail Manager service. For
    procedures, see section 2.5.  Do not shut down the KVT Database Server or KVT FTP Server
    service, however, as the procedure in section 2.5 instructs.  (The KVT Database Server service must
    run for the PBX Setup utility to function.)
    2. From the Windows NT desktop, double-click on the PBX SETUP icon.
    3. From the WELCOME screen that displays, click on the Next button.
    4. On the SELECT PBX TYPE screen, highlight the phone system with which this VP system is being
    installed.  Use the scroll bar to view all available options.  Once you highlight a system, click on the
    Next button to continue.
    5. On the EXTENSION LENGTH screen, indicate the maximum number of digits to be used in phone
    system extensions.  To continue, click on the Next button.
    6. On the PASSWORD LENGTH screen, indicate the maximum number of digits subscribers are to use in
    mailbox passwords.  To continue, click on the Next button.
    7. On the UNIFIED MESSAGING AND VCM screen, check the Use Unified Messaging box if at least one
    subscriber will be using Unified Messaging.  If you check this box, enter in the IP ADDRESS field the IP
    address of the VP system PC on the network.  (Note that the VP system must be assigned a static IP
    address.  You can check the IP address by selecting Control Panel from the Start button at the bottom
    left of the VP system PC screen, then selecting Network tab / Protocol / TCPIP/ Properties.)  Also,
    select the PLAY E-MAIL HEADERS checkbox if you want the system to voice the e-mail header
    information when e-mails are voiced to subscribers over the telephone.  Header information includes
    that listed in the FROM, TO, and DATE e-mail form fields. 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/003-3Note that when you check the Use Unified Messaging box, the Use VCM box is automatically
    selected and cannot be de-selected.  (The Use VCM box permits functionality also used by the unified
    messaging feature.)
    If you are not setting up the system with the unified messaging feature, but at least one subscriber will
    be using the VCM feature, check the Use VCM box.
    To continue, click on the Next button.
    8. If you did not select a Comdial phone system, skip this step and the next.  If you selected a Comdial
    phone system, at the prompt, indicate whether you want to use LCD and Record Call features as
    discussed on the screen.  Also indicate whether all mailboxes will use a serial link to control message
    waiting lamps and whether the site is using PCIU devices with the VCM feature by checking or un-
    checking the boxes provided.  To continue, click on the Yes button.
    9. If you selected a Comdial phone system, indicate the extension number associated with each voice
    mail port on the system.  Once you specify an extension number for every port, click on the OK
    button to continue.
    10. On the CONFIRM SETUP INFORMATION screen, review the selections you made.  To change a
    selection, click on the Change button and follow the prompts.  Once all selections are acceptable, click
    on the Finish button.
    11. On the PBX SETUP COMPLETE screen, select the OK button to continue.
    12. You must re-start the VP system PC to invoke the changes you made.  Select the option YES, I WANT
    TO RESTART MY COMPUTER NOW, then click on the Finish button.  The PC reboots, and the VP
    system is started. 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/004-14. Setting up System Information
    System Information screens contain setup information that applies system-wide, to all boxes set up on the
    system.  VP systems include the following System Information screens:
    · BUSINESS HOURS screen
    · TECHNICAL INFORMATION screen (DOS-based VP systems only)
    · CLASS OF SERVICE screens
    · OTHER CUSTOMIZATIONS screen (DOS-based VP systems only)
    · Diagnostic menu screens (NT-based VP systems only)
    Two important sets of fields found on the OTHER CUSTOMIZATIONS screen in DOS-based VP systems are
    housed on a separate pull-down menu in NT-based VP systems.  These fields are the TRACE and
    CUSTOM/DEBUG fields.  In NT-based VP systems, these fields are found on the Diagnostics pull-down
    menu under the options TRACE SETUP and CUSTOM FLAGS.  Information on these options is provided at
    the end of this section.
    Before you set up Routing boxes, mailboxes, or any other boxes on the system, it is best to ensure all
    System Information screens are properly completed.
    Note:You can access online help on any screen at any time by pressing .4.1 Integration Defaults Set by the Setup UtilityWhen you run the Setup utility (see section 3), you are prompted to indicate the type of telephone system
    the customer is using.  If you are installing the VP system on one of the phone systems listed, the Setup
    utility automatically sets fields on several System Information screens to the phone system’s default
    settings.  Unless you customize the phone system defaults, you probably do not need to modify these
    If you are using a telephone system that is not listed in the Setup utility, the utility sets fields on System
    Information screens to commonly used defaults.  You may need to adjust these settings.
    4.2 Using Technical Bulletin InformationFor almost every telephone system supported by the VP system, there is a technical bulletin that details
    telephone-specific installation considerations and telephone-specific default values that are pre-set on
    System Information screens when you run the PBX Setup utility.  This information is particularly useful
    if you are working with a phone system that is not specifically listed when you run the PBX Setup
    utility—primarily because it is more likely you will need to adjust settings on System Information
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/004-2You can obtain technical bulletins off the web or via fax distribution.  For details, contact your sales or
    technical support representative.
    4.3 Accessing System Information ScreensNote:Refer to section 29 for graphical illustrations of all VP system screens.To access System Information screens through the DOS-based VP system screen interface:
    1. From the LINE STATUS screen, press .  The Main menu displays, and you are prompted to enter
    a password.
    2. Type 1234 then press  to log on using the default Technician level password.  You can
    change both the Technician and Customer level passwords on the GENERAL INFORMATION screen.
    3. From the Main menu, select SYSTEM INFORMATION.  The System Information menu displays.
    4. Select the screen you want to review or modify from the System Information menu.  When you have
    made any necessary modifications to the screen, press  to save the changes.  You return to the
    System Information menu.
    To access System Information screens through the NT-based VP system screen interface:
    1. From the Windows NT desktop, double-click the DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR icon.  You are
    prompted to enter a password.
    2. Type 1234 then press  to log on using the default Technician level password.  You can
    change both the Technician and Administrator level passwords on the GENERAL INFORMATION
    3. Access the System pull-down menu.
    4. Select the screen you want to review or modify from the System menu.  When you have made any
    necessary modifications to the screen, click on the Save icon on the screen.  You return to the main
    Note:Field names and screen descriptions for both DOS-based and NT-based VP systemsscreens are presented in this section.  Each field description identifies the field name usedin both types of products.  Be advised that due to differences in the screen designbetween DOS-based and NT-based VP systems, the placement of fields on severalscreens vary slightly.  All fields on all screens are discussed in this section.Note:To locate the information on a particular field most easily, consult the Index to findthe page number of this document that contains the field description. 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/004-34.4 Setting Up the General Information ScreenBe advised that due to differences in the screen design between DOS-based and NT-based VP systems,
    the placement of fields on several system screens vary slightly.  To locate the information on a particular
    field most easily, consult the Index to find the page number of this document that contains the field
    Fields used in DOS-based VP systems are prefaced below with VP, and fields used in NT-based VP
    systems are prefaced with NTVP.  If the NTVP field resides on a certain tab on the screen or if the VP
    field resides on a certain screen page, the tab or page is identified next to the field name.
    Several field descriptions discuss setting fields to YES or NO settings.  In NT-based VP systems, this
    equates to checking or un-checking the field’s checkbox, which you do by clicking on it.
    General Information Screens (DOS-based VP Systems)General Information Screens (NT-based VP Systems) 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/004-54.4.1 General Information Screen Field Descriptions
         VP:Company Name
    NTVP:Company Name
    This field identifies the name of the company using the VP system.  The company name appears on
    database listings and outgoing fax documents.
         VP:Database Access Password (Customer)
     Database Access Password (Technician)
    NTVP:Administrator Password (Security tab)
     Technician Password (Security tab)
    To prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing the VP system database, choose database passwords,
    and enter them here.  Each password can consist of up to 10 letters or digits.
    There are two levels of password security, the Customer level (referred to as the Administrator level on
    NT-based systems) and the Technician level.  If you enter the Customer / Administrator password, you
    are provided access to everything on the VP system except the technical setup fields on several system
    setup screens.  Though you are able to view the technical information, you cannot modify it.  If you enter
    the Technician password, you are provided access to everything on the VP system.  The default Customer
    / Administrator password is blank, and the default Technician password is 1234
    When you access the GENERAL INFORMATION screen, the passwords are not displayed.  Instead, the fields
    are filled with stars.  You can still access the fields and change the passwords, but you cannot see the
    current password.  If you accessed the VP system using the Technician password, you can access and
    change both password fields.  If you accessed the VP system using the Customer / Administrator
    password, you can access and change only that password field. 
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