Key Voice
Communications System
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-4Auto Run Screen Field Descriptions Phone Number This field indicates the telephone number to be dialed to receive the tone being tested (for example, the number of a telephone known to be in the “busy” state). Enter the phone number, run the test as discussed below, then adjust either the phone number in this field or the state of the phone, before conducting the next tone test. Verification Count This field indicates the number of times the test is to be run. Usually 1 is sufficient. Minimum Cycles This field indicates the minimum number of cycles of tone being sampled that should be detected during the test run. This parameter works in conjunction with the AUTO RUN VERIFICATION COUNT field explained above. For example, if you choose the default of 10 for this parameter and you choose 2 for the Auto Run Verification Count, the compete test sample of a tone consists of 2 test runs with 10 cycles of the tone in each run. Normally, you leave this field at the default of 10, unless the telephone system does not allow a particular tone to repeat 10 cycles before changing or stopping. It is best to manually check all of the tones you will be sampling with Accucall and note any that repeat less than 10 cycles. If required, reduce the number of cycles in this field or set the AUTO RUN QUICK FREQUENCY SCAN field to YES on the SETUP screen. Frequency Range This field’s default value FULL detects frequencies within a range of 300 Hz to 1700 Hz. If a tone has an extremely short cycle, you need to change this entry to HIGH, which limits the frequencies detected to a higher range (800 to 1700 Hz), and therefore requires less time to capture. 13.1.5 Conducting Accucall Tests To start the Accucall test, press from the AUTO RUN screen. The order in which you test the various tones (ringing, busy etc.) does not matter. For explanation purposes, assume you are testing busy tone and you have entered a phone number that the Rhetorex board can dial to receive this tone. When the Rhetorex board dials the number and the busy tone begins, you see a vertical bar chart generated from the bottom of the CADENCE DETECTED area of the AUTO RUN screen. The light and dark areas of the chart represent the ON and OFF portions of the cycles. Note that the time elements of the cycles are being measured in milliseconds (1/1000th of a second), so it is normal to have slight variations between cycles. Best performance characteristics are achieved when these variations are small (± 50 ms). Accucall automatically calculates an average time period for the ON and OFF portions of the cycle, but if the variations between cycles are too large, this average may not function in practical application. Make notes of the ON and OFF times that appear in the CADENCE DETECTED section of the screen at the end of

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-5the test (usually the last 5 or 6 cycles remain in view) to compare the values with the average that Accucall calculates. These averages appear on the next screen. If you note wide variations in the test sampling of a particular tone and unreliable VP system operation when the tone is involved in call progress, you may need to replace the tone generating circuit board in the telephone system. You may repeat each test as many times as you like until you are satisfied with the results. Each time you repeat the test, the results overwrite any previous results. When you are satisfied with the results of the test sampling of the current tone, press the to add the tone to the tone table and proceed to the next screen, EDIT TONES. 13.1.6 Completing the Edit Tones Screen The EDIT TONES screen allows you to name the tone you have just sampled in the previous step, plus customize components of the tone. Fields on the screen is discussed below. When you have completed the EDIT TONES screen for the tone being tested, press . If this is the first time you have edited this tone, the message TONE DOES NOT EXIST. PRESS TO ADD. displays. Press again, and the tone is saved. If you have previously edited this same tone, the message TONE EXISTS - PRESS F7 TO REPLACE displays. Press to overwrite the previous entry with the new data. Repeat the AUTO RUN and EDIT TONES sequence for each tone in the system that you are testing. When you finish, press the then to return to the MAIN MENU screen. Edit Tones Screen Field Descriptions Name This field indicates a name for this tone. Enter a name that is descriptive, and include the name of the telephone equipment (for example ACME busy tone). You may use up to 27 characters, including spaces. Type These fields indicate the category of the tone under test. The choices are: RING1 RING2 BUSY1 BUSY2 OTHER These are only categories, not names as explained above. Accucall can learn up to 12 tones, but you can have multiple tones that fall into the above categories (for example, you can have 3 tones that are all Ring1 types).

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-6The Ring1 and Busy1 tones are typical North American-type tones with a single ON and OFF period per cycle as shown below:Ring 1 or Busy 1offon1 cycle The Ring2 and Busy2 tones are European-type tones, which have two ON times per cycle with 1 short and 1 long OFF time per cycle, as shown below:Ring 2 or Busy 2offonon1 cycleAccucall usually chooses the correct TYPE, but you should verify its choice and make a change if necessary. Highlight the TYPE field and use the spacebar to toggle the choices. Terminating When you describe a tone as TERMINATING (by entering YES in this field), each time this tone is detected by the Rhetorex board during a record or play cycle, an event code (31) is sent to the VP system, which then terminates the call. However, this code is not sent during call transfers or when the system is originating an outgoing call. For instance, if a busy tone is detected during call transfer, the VP system takes whatever action you selected for the call transfer process for the particular mailbox (for example, cancel the transfer and offer the caller the opportunity to hold, etc.). Even though you designate busy tone as TERMINATING, the VP system does not disconnect either party, it simply cancels the transfer.There are occasions when the VP system acts upon terminating information and disconnects the line. This occurs when the VP system is playing a system prompt or recording a message in a mailbox. If any tone you have marked as TERMINATING is detected during this part of a call, the line is disconnected immediately.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-7Note:In most cases, you should mark all tones that might be heard when a caller hasdisconnected as TERMINATING. This is usually busy and fast busy tones from thetelephone system and sometimes re-order tone from the public telephone network.The frequency of TERMINATING tones and the placement of their associated filters in the FILTERS screen table is important. Call-progress tones have two components: CADENCE and FREQUENCY. Cadence is the timing component of a tone, and is usually expressed as Impulses Per Minute (IPM). For example, on the public network (Bell-standard) tones are 60 IPM for busy tone and 120 IPM for re-order tone. The FREQUENCY component(s) of a tone is the number of cycles per second of sound produced by the tone during any ON period. Most call-progress tones have one or two frequency components, expressed as Hertz (Hz). Public network busy tones have frequency components 480 Hz and 620 Hz. Cadence When this field is set to the default value of NO, the Rhetorex board examines both the FREQUENCY and CADENCE of the tone to identify the tone. By changing the value in this field to YES, the Rhetorex board examines the tone only for cadence and ignores the frequency component of the tone. As explained in more detail below, the Rhetorex board has some limitations in detecting frequencies that are separated by less than 40 Hz. There may be occasions when you need to use YES for the CADENCE parameter to ignore the frequency. However, for any tone that you have designated as TERMINATING, you must set this parameter to NO. Frequency During the AUTO RUN sequence, the Rhetorex board examines the tone being sampled for its frequency component(s), and it displays the frequency or frequencies detected in the EDIT TONES screen. If the Rhetorex board is unable to determine a tone’s frequency components, the word NONE appears in this field and you must select YES for CADENCE as explained in the above step. Below you are prompted to enter all of the frequencies detected during all of the test sequences in a FILTER TABLE. You can enter a maximum of 12 frequencies in the table, and there must be at least a 40 Hz difference between entries. To accommodate these limitations, it will probably be necessary to do some “rounding off “ of the frequency values detected during AUTO RUN. In the following example, the tones of the public network (Bell Standard) as shown:ToneFrequenciesCadenceStation Busy480 Hz and 620 Hz500 ms ON / 500 ms OFF (60 IPM)Trunk Busy (re-order)480 Hz and 620 Hz250 ms ON / 250 ms OFF (120 IPM)Ring-back (ringing)440 Hz and 480 Hz2 sec ON / 4 sec OFF (30 IPM)Note:The same frequencies are used in more than one tone type. It is not necessary to enter afrequency more than once in the Filters table. Therefore, even though 480 Hz is used ineach of the above three tones, it is entered only once in the Filters table.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-8Assume you have performed the AUTO RUN sequence for each of these 3 tones, and you have discovered that the actual measurements of the frequencies vary slightly from the standard: BUSY TONE FREQUENCY 1476 Hz FREQUENCY 2621 Hz RE-ORDER TONE FREQUENCY 1482 Hz FREQUENCY 2624 Hz RINGING TONE FREQUENCY 1443 Hz FREQUENCY 2479 Hz Before these tones can be entered into the FILTERS table, you must edit them in the EDIT TONES screen. The purpose of the editing is two-fold: Round off values so frequencies that should be the same are the same, and insure that all frequencies are at least 40 Hz apart. In the example shown above, you would need to change the values 476 Hz, 482 Hz and 479 Hz to all be 480 Hz, and change 621 Hz and 624 Hz to both be 620 Hz, etc. In this example, the standard values were known, which makes the necessary adjustments easier to determine. If you do not know the standard values of frequencies you are editing, adjust each component one-half of the difference rather than changing the value of just one component frequency. For example, assume that AUTO RUN detected the following frequencies in the system’s busy signal: BUSY TONE FREQUENCY 1502 Hz FREQUENCY 2534 Hz The difference between these two frequencies is only 32 Hz, so you must edit them to be 40 Hz apart. This is an 8 Hz difference, so modify 502 Hz to 498 Hz, and 534 Hz to 538 Hz (538 - 498 = 40). PCPM Code This field identifies the numeric identifier for the tone (the Programmed Call Progress Monitor). The Rhetorex board is the system component that is “listening” to call-progress tones, and only these numeric identifier codes are sent to the VP system software (along with event code 31 for tones marked as TERMINATING). The codes generally used by the VP system include: Code 1Dial tone Code 7Busy Code 8Ringing Code 9No tone Code 10Voice (call is answered) Code 11Re-order (fast busy) tone Code 250Disconnect immediately Code 252Do not disturb Code 253PA busy Code 254Initial ring tone Code 255Intermediate ring tone All ringing tones should be assigned a PCPM code of 8.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-9The PCPM code assigned to busy tones depends on in the circumstances the tone is heard. Normally, only the busy tone heard when calling a station that is in a busy state (someone is talking on the station)should be assigned a PCPM code of 7. Note:Any other types of busy tones (fast busy, re-order, do-not-disturb tone, etc.) should beassigned a PCPM code of 11.This is especially important if the system is using the Call Queuing feature. For example, if the telephone system returns a fast busy when a called station is in the do-not-disturb state and you have assigned this tone a PCPM code of 7, the VP system offers the caller the option to queue. Quick count Not used. On Time This field identifies the average length of the ON times that Accucall detected during AUTO RUN. You should verify that this is truly an average. For example, with some telephone systems the first ON time of a busy signal is twice as long as the rest of the ON times. In these instances, discard this value and re- calculate the average based upon the remaining ON times in the test sample. On Max Variance This field identifies the longest ON time detected during the AUTO RUN sequence, and it is expressed both as time (in milliseconds) and as a percentage above the average calculated for ON TIME. There is usually only a 12% to 15% variance, and if this is the case, you probably do not need to re-calculate the average arrived at by Accucall in the ON TIME field. If the percentage is between 20% and 40%, repeat the AUTO RUN test several times to see if the performance improves. If it does not, you need to do a manual average calculation as explained above. Accucall can still work well with variances in this range as long as tones in the system have a wide enough difference in cadences (for example, re-order tone is twice the IPM of busy tone). On Min Variance This field identifies the shortest ON time detected during the AUTO RUN sequence. The values should be treated as discussed above. On 2 Time This field only appears for Ring2 or Busy2 type tones, and it represents the average length of the second ON period of the tone as calculated by Accucall. This parameter should be given the same consideration as ON TIME, which represents the first ON time of a double-type tone. Off Time, Off Max Variance, Off Min Variance, Off 2 Time These fields are the similar to those described above, only they identify the OFF period(s) of a tone cycle.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-1013.1.7 Completing the Filters Screen From the MAIN MENU screen, press to go to the FILTERS screen. The FILTER CHARACTERISTICS area values should be left at their default. All of the frequencies detected during the AUTO RUN sequences performed are now shown in the UNDEFINED TONE FREQUENCIES area of the screen. If you have not already rounded off the values of the various frequencies on the EDIT TONES screen, or you can do it now. To edit any of the values, press to return to the MAIN MENU screen. Note that all of the tones you defined previously now appear on the left side of the screen. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the tone to be edited, then press to access the EDIT TONES screen. Be certain you save the edited tones before exiting the screen. When you finish editing tones, return to the FILTERS screen. All of the frequencies in the UNDEFINED TONE FREQUENCIES area should now adhere to the guidelines discussed earlier in this section. You must now enter the frequencies listed in the UNDEFINED TONE FREQUENCIES area into this FILTERS table. Note:Tone defined as TERMINATING must be placed within the first 4 table entries.When you have completed the FILTERS table, press to access the RUN screen. 13.1.8 Completing the Run Screen Using the RUN screen, you can test the tones defined in Accucall. The screen is described in detail below. When you finish working with the RUN screen, press to return to the MAIN MENU screen. In the PCPM ANALYSIS area, make any necessary adjustments to the fields discussed below for the tone being tested. Run Screen Field Descriptions Phone No. This field identifies the number to be dialed that produces the tone to be tested (for example, a busy station). Verification Count This field identifies the number of times the test is to repeat. Usually 1 or 2 times is sufficient.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-11Adjust Filter Characteristics When starting the test for a particular tone, leave this field set to NO, the default. If the test result is not GOOD (see FILTER DETECTION later in this section), change this parameter to YES (highlight and press the spacebar to toggle), then repeat the RUN test until the results are satisfactory. Recording File Name You can make an actual recording of the tone being tested by entering a DOS file name in this field (or by using the default filename ACCUCALL.LIN), then pressing to start the test. Normally, the test is started by pressing , and no recording is made. Function This field displays the action currently being taken for the test call (on-hook, off-hook, dialing, etc.). Status As each of the above functions run, this field displays the current status (on-hook completed, etc.). PCPM Code This field indicates the PCPM code you assigned to this tone on the EDIT TONES screen. If no code is assigned, you must repeat the previous steps since this test has shown the Rhetorex board cannot successfully identify the tone. (You can also answer one of the test calls and speak into the handset. A PCPM code of 10 appears showing that the Rhetorex board has identified voice on the line.) Last Tone This field identifies the NAME you entered in the EDIT TONES screen when the test was completed. Filter Detection In the FILTER DETECTION area of the screen, a graphical display of the relative success of the test displays. If the results are anything other than GOOD (graph bar is all white), highlight ADJUST FILTER CHARACTERISTICS and use the spacebar to change this field to YES. Press to start the test again. With each succeeding cycle, the filter detection quality improves. When the AUTO ADJUST cycle is completed, the ADJUST FILTER CHARACTERISTICS field automatically changes back to NO. Press to run the test once again. The resulting graph bar should now indicate only GOOD. If the test results are still not satisfactory, repeat the Accucall procedures for this tone. 13.1.9 Saving Accucall Tones to a File The final step is to write all of the test results (PCPM Codes, Filters, etc.) to a DOS file.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-12Note:If you fail to save this file, all of your work is lost when you exit Accucall.On the MAIN MENU screen, all of the tones tested appear on the left side of the screen. These are the tones that will be saved to the file. Press . A pop-up window appears prompting you to enter a filename. Enter a name in DOS file format (up to 8 characters followed by a 3 character extension) that is descriptive of the phone system. For example PANASON.TON. Once you type the filename, press then press to save the file. You can copy this file to a diskette for future use. If you install another VP system on the same type of telephone system, you can (usually) copy this file to the \VM directory on the VP system PC, instead of re- running Accucall. 13.1.10 Modifying a Previously Saved File If you need to add new tones or modify existing tones in a file saved from a prior Accucall session, you must first load the file into the program. From the MAIN MENU screen, press . A pop-up window appears with the prompt ENTER FILE NAME. Enter the name of the file you want to change, press , then again to load the file into memory. You can now perform all of the Accucall functions previously described. Save modifications using the technique described above. 13.1.11 Adjusting the Rhetorex Configure File Once you run Accucall or you copy files from a previous installation onto the VP system hard drive, you must enter the name of the Accucall file you created into the Rhetorex configuration file. To adjust the Rhetorex Configure file: 1. To access the Rhetorex configuration file, from the \VM prompt, type CONFIGUR then press . The MAIN MENU screen displays. 2. Press . A pop-up window PCPM FILE NAME SPECIFICATION displays with the prompt: THE DEFAULT PCPM TONE AND FILTER TABLES WILL BE REPLACED BY: 3. Enter the DOS filename that was saved in the Accucall program, then press . The file name appears in both fields of the FILE box. 4. Press again to exit the CONFIGURE program. Press when prompted to save the changes just made to file. 5. Re-boot the PC to run the VP system.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-1313.2 Using Train for Dialogic Boards in DOS-based VP SystemsThe Train utility teaches the Dialogic voice board the unique ringing and busy tones of the telephone system. Before running the Train utility verify: · Dialogic voice boards are connected to standard, 2500-type telephone lines, and they “hear” only what you hear when monitoring the line or performing the same function manually. · The cadence of the actual ringing of a telephone set is not to be the same cadence as the ring-back tone that is heard by the calling party (in this case the Dialogic board). · You understand any unique tones provided by the telephone system. The three most used tones are ring-back, busy, and re-order (fast busy), but the system may have other unique. 13.2.1 Connecting Lines for Training to the Board The Train program requires that two telephone lines are connected to the Dialogic board: one for making calls, and one for receiving calls. Connect telephone lines as shown below.Analog extension ports Inbound line Outbound linePBX Port 1Port 3(rear view) Dialogic boardFigure 13-1 Connecting Telephone Lines for Training 13.2.2 Running the Train Utility Train uses the Dialogic program PBXpert to perform the actual “training.” The training process consists of the following phases: · Starting the PBXpert program with the proper settings. · Configuring the PBXpert program. · Creating a new tone definitions file (.TSF file).