Key Voice
Communications System
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-82. Create the following directories on the NT machine: \VMDOS, \VMDOS\M, \VMDOS\P. Back up and restore or copy files from the \VM, \VM\M, and \VM\P directories on the DOS-based machine into their associated \VMDOS directories on the NT machine. 3. From the Start button at the bottom of the Windows NT desktop, select Run. 4. In the Open field of the Run dialog box, type C:\VM\DCONVERT (where C: is the drive on which the VP system is installed) then select the OK button. 5. On the screen that displays, indicate in the appropriate fields the complete paths to the DOS-based VP system database (.DVM) files, message files, greeting files, and prompt files as they are stored on the NT-based PC. Refer to section 16 for information on the default VP system file organization structure. Also indicate in the appropriate fields the complete paths to the database files, message files, greeting files, and prompt files as they are to be stored on the NT-based VP system. The default directory structure is indicated. You must modify the drive designation letters as necessary to accommodate the file transfer technique you are using. 6. Indicate in the appropriate fields the type of conversion you need to perform: In the top half of the screen, select the Dialogic or Rhetorex option to identify whether the DOS-based VP system used Dialogic or Rhetorex boards. In the bottom half of the screen, it is recommended you retain the .WAV file format set as the default. 7. To initiate the conversion, select the Convert Now button. Files are copied and converted as necessary to the destinations you indicated. If you receive a Dr. Watson – KVDBServer.exe error, click on the OK button. This error does not affect the conversion process. When you see a message indicating the conversion completed successfully, click on the OK button. 8. From the Windows NT desktop, select the Start button then select Run. In the field, type C:\VM\DB2UM.EXE (where C: is the drive on which the VP system is installed) then select the OK button. 9. From the Windows NT desktop, select the Start button then select Run. In the field type C:\VM\LINECONVERTER.EXE (where C: is the drive on which the VP system is installed) select the OK button. 10. Reboot the PC as instructed to restart the VP system. Note:Be advised that fax documents stored in Fax boxes on DOS-based VP systems are in a.PCX file format. On NT-based systems, however, these documents must be stored in a.TIF file format. Therefore, you must re-enter fax documents into the NT-based system.See section 24.3 for details.2.4 Adding Features and Ports2.4.1 Understanding Special Activation Codes to Add Features and Ports All VP system software actually includes all program functionality, including capabilities available only in optional add-on modules and the ability to process calls on the maximum ports available, typically 32 on DOS-based systems and 64 on NT-based systems. Your access to some of this functionality is

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-9controlled by activation codes and by the key that is attached to the parallel port on the back of the VP system PC. These activation codes and the key control the VP system software on the PC, so the software will provide users access to only the optional features or number of ports that were purchased with the system. To upgrade a VP system so additional ports are available or so access to certain features is allowed, you must obtain a code from your sales or technical support person and input that code on the VP system. The type of code you use depends on the type of VP system you have and the capabilities you are trying to ad. Once you obtain your code, enter it by following the appropriate procedure below. 2.4.2 Entering a Renew Code You enter a Renew code by running Renew utility. Use one of the procedures detailed below. To run Renew on DOS-based VP Systems: Note:If you are entering a Renew code to eliminate the 5-only limitation on Routing, Question,ACD, Group, and Account boxes, the system must be running VP system software version8.2 revision 5B or higher. If it is not, the limitation will not be removed, even after youenter the Renew code.1. Before you can obtain a Renew Code and run the Renew program, you must supply a VP system technical or sales person with 1) the serial number of your key and 2) a Renew Use number. To obtain these numbers, shut down the VP system if it is running. Change to the \VM directory on the VP system, type RENEW then press . The screen displays the serial number of the key attached to the PC, a Use number, and the current system date. Note these numbers and relay them to the technical or sales person with whom you are working. You can exit this screen by pressing until you return to a DOS prompt. 2. To enter the 15-digit Renew code you are provided (with no spaces or hypens), shut down the VP system if it is running. Change to the \VM directory on the VP system, type renew then press . From the screen that displays the serial number of the key attached to the PC, the Use number, and the current system date, press again. Type the code you were provided when prompted. Press when you finish. Note:If you have a certain type of key, it may be necessary for you to initiate the Renew codeprogram by typing RENEWOLD at the \VM prompt (instead of typing RENEW). If it isnecessary for you to type RENEWOLD to initiate the program, you will be instructed to doby the technical/sales person from whom you obtained the Renew code.To run Renew on NT-based VP Systems: 1. Before you can obtain a Renew Code and run the Renew program, you must supply a VP system technical or sales person with the serial number of your key. To obtain this number, open Windows Explorer or some other type of file manager program and access the \VM directory. Double-click on the file NTRENEW.EXE. A dialog box similar to that shown below displays. The serial number is shown near the top of the screen and the current system’s statistics and optional module capabilities are identified. Note the serial number and relay it to the technical or sales person with whom you are working. You can exit this screen by selecting the Done button.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-102. Shut down the KVT VOICE MAIL MANAGER SERVICE. If the site is also running the unified messaging feature, first also shut down the PROXY E-MAIL CLIENT SERVICE. To stop one or both services, from the Windows NT desktop, click on the Start button, then choose Settings / Control Panel / Services. From the SERVICES screen that displays, highlight KVT VOICE MAIL MANAGER and click on the Stop button. To exit the SERVICES screen, click on the Close button. To exit the Control Panel window, click on the X icon in the upper-right corner of the window. 3. Access the NTRENEW screen using the procedure detailed in step 1. Type the 21-digit code you are provided (with or without the hyphens) in the NT RENEW CODE field. 4. Select the Apply button. The screen updates to identify the new system’s statistics and access to optional modules. Exit the screen by selecting the Done button. Note: On NT-based VP systems, if the original system ordered is less than 16 ports, theauthorization key shipped with the system is programmed to authorize a maximum of 16voice mail ports. If the original system ordered is 16 or more ports, the key isprogrammed to authorize a maximum of 32 voice mail ports. Also, all keys areprogrammed to authorize a maximum of 50 VCM users, unless more user licenses arepurchased at the time of the original order. A key cannot be re-programmed using the procedure discussed above for authorizationsbeyond the maximums originally programmed. To add ports or VCM users beyond themaximums originally programmed on the key, you must replace the original key with anew key. Contact the VP system sales representative for additional information.2.4.3 Entering SWITCHES.TXT, LOGINS.TXT, PBXLINK.TXT, and NUMLINES.TXT Activation Codes On some VP systems, the codes listed below are used to activate the capabilities indicated next to them. If you purchase a kit VP system, and you need to enter one or more of these codes after installing the

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-11software (to activate a certain capability), you can find the code(s) printed on the invoice shipped with the system. · SWITCHES.TXT: Fax Distribution, Fax Mail, Talking Classifieds, IVR, Outbound Telemarketing · LOGINS.TXT: VCM (DOS-based VP systems only) · PBXLINK.TXT: Serial-port integration · NUMLINES.TXT: Port additions when additional boards are added You enter codes for NUMLINES.TXT, SWITCHES.TXT, LOGINS.TXT, and PBXLINK.TXT using teleparameters 4001, 4002, 4003, and 4004 respectively. See section 11.2 for instructions on using the teleparameter feature. On DOS-based VP systems you can also use the VMCODES program to enter codes for NUMLINES.TXT, SWITCHES.TXT, LOGINS.TXT, and PBXLINK.TXT. Use the following procedure: 1. Shut down the VP system if it is running. 2. Change to the directory in which the VP system is installed (by default, the \VM directory). 3. Type VMCODES then press . 4. From the list that displays, type a number to select the code you need to input. 5. Enter the authorization number, then press . A message displays, indicating the authorization number has been written to the appropriate file. 6. Repeat the above steps for each code you must input. 2.5 Starting the VP System, Logging in, and Shutting It DownBy default, all VP systems are configured to start running the voice processing system automatically upon boot-up. Should you exit the system to perform maintenance or make configuration file changes, simply restart the VP system PC. The VP system loads after the restart. To manually start the VP system: · On DOS-based VP systems, you change to the \VM directory and type GOVM then press . · On NT-based VP systems, you select the Start button at the bottom of the Windows NT desktop, then choose Settings / Control Panel / Services. From the SERVICES screen that displays, you highlight one of the VP system services shown below then select the Startup button. On the screen that displays, you then select the AUTOMATIC option then click on the OK button. When completing this procedure, start each VP system service in the order shown: 1. DIALOGIC 2. GAMMAFAX 3. KVT FTP SERVER 4. KVT DATABASE MANAGER 5. KVT VOICE MAIL MANAGER 6. PROXY E-MAIL CLIENT

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-12Before you can access the VP system database, you must log in by entering a password. On DOS-based VP systems, you access the password entry field by pressing from the LINE STATUS screen (the screen displayed when the VP system starts). On NT-based VP systems, you access the password entry field by clicking on the DATABASE ADMINISTRATOR icon on the Windows NT desktop. There are two levels of password security, the Customer level (referred to as the Administrator level on NT-based systems) and the Technician level. If you enter the Customer / Administrator password, you are provided access to everything on the VP system except the technical setup fields on several system setup screens. Though you are able to view the technical information, you cannot modify it. If you enter the Technician password, you are provided access to everything on the VP system. The default Customer / Administrator password is blank, and the default Technician password is 1234. To shut down the VP system: · To shut down a DOS-based VP system, press . At the prompt to enter a password, enter either the Customer or Technician password. The system stops processing new calls and waits while calls in progress are completed. Once all ports are clear, the system shuts down the VP system software program. If absolutely necessary, you can force a DOS-based VP system to shut down immediately by pressing when prompted. Use caution when forcing the system to immediately shut- down, as all calls in progress are immediately disconnected. · To shut down an NT-based VP system, you must stop the VP system services in a specific order. To stop VP system services, from the Windows NT desktop, click on the Start button, then choose Settings / Control Panel / Services. From the SERVICES screen that displays, highlight each of the following services, in the order presented, and click on the Stop button after each time you highlight a service: 1. PROXY E-MAIL CLIENT 2. KVT VOICE MAIL MANAGER 3. KVT DATABASE MANAGER 4. KVT FTP SERVER Be advised that when you stop the KVT VOICE MAIL MANAGER service, all calls currently being handled by the VP system are immediately terminated. To exit the SERVICES screen, click on the Close button. Note:A utility program named STOPVM.BAT is available in the \VM directory. When you runthis utility, the VP system services are stopped in the necessary order. You can run thisutility by double-clicking on the file STOPVM.BAT through Windows Explorer or anothertype of file management program.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-132.6 Upgrading VP Systems to the Latest Software VersionsUpgrading DOS-based VP Systems Sites running DOS-based VP system versions prior to the latest available revision can obtain system software version upgrades by contacting VP system sales or technical support representatives. Use the procedure below to upgrade older versions to the latest available version once you receive an upgrade package. To upgrade DOS-based VP System software to the version supplied in the upgrade package: 1. Follow the procedure in section 2.5 to shut down the VP system if it is running. 2. Follow the procedure in section 14.1 to make a complete back up of the existing VP system. It may be necessary for you to restore files from this backup in the unlikely event you experience problems during the upgrade process. 3. Insert Disk 1 from the set of VP system installation disks shipped with the VP system software you are attempting to upgrade into the diskette drive of the VP system PC. 4. From the DOS prompt, type CD\VM then press to change to the \VM directory. 5. Type A:INSTALL then press to start the installation program. 6. From the list of options that display, highlight UPGRADE OLD VERSION then press . 7. Follow the prompts to complete the upgrade. As prompted, insert the diskettes provided in the upgrade package. 8. When the upgrade completes, reboot the VP system PC as prompted. Once the PC reboots, the VP system starts automatically. If you experience problems after you upgrade the system, you can restore the previous system software backup that you created in the procedure above. For information on restoring system backups, refer to section 14.2. Upgrading NT-based VP Systems Sites running NT-based VP system versions prior to the latest available revision can obtain system software version upgrades by contacting VP system sales or technical support representatives. Because the upgrade procedures for NT-based systems differ depending on the version currently installed at the site, the instructions you should use when performing the upgrade will be enclosed with the shipment containing the upgrade CD. As with any software upgrade, it is imperative you create a comprehensive system backup before beginning the upgrade procedure. Depending on the upgrade you are performing, you may be prompted to allow the upgrade routine create this system backup for you. Consult the upgrade instructions for details on whether the system backup is automated during the upgrade routine, or whether you must perform a separate backup yourself, prior to running the upgrade.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-142.7 Collecting Information Needed for New VP System Setups2.7.1 Application and User Setup Information While setting up the VP system, you may need to adjust default settings for the customer’s regular business open hours and business closed hours. You also need to set up Routing boxes to handle incoming calls and set up mailboxes for subscribers who will be using the system. The following worksheets are provided to help the installing technician collect this information from the system supervisor. Hint:Additional worksheets for these and other system setup functions are provided in theImplementation Handbook.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-15Business Hours/Holiday Worksheet (System Supervisor Completes)Below, indicate each holiday on which the business is closed by writing the month and day. Do not complete the INITIAL BOX field.On the lines corresponding to each day of the week, write in 24-hourformat (for example 8:00 PM is 20:00) the normal hours the company opens and closes for business. If the business is open 24 hours on a particular day, enter 0:00 as the DAY SERVICE BEGINS time and 24:00 as the DAY SERVICE ENDS time. If the business is closed the entire day on a particular day, enter 0:00 on both lines.Indicate, ifappropriate, any hour(s) during which the business closes during the day, for lunch or any other reason.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/002-17Subscriber Mailbox Information Worksheet (System Supervisor Completes) xPhotocopy this page, then complete the form for each subscriber who is to have a mailbox. Subscriber DataFirst name:Last name:Extension number:Should the system announce the caller’s name to the subscriber upon transfer?Should all conversations be recorded?Paging Data(complete only if subscriber is to use the feature)Pager numberPager type (circle one)TONE DIGITALPaging schedule (circle one)Always During office open hours During closed hours Schedule*: A B C DAuto Message Forward and Message Delivery Data(complete only if subscriber is to use these features)Auto forward new messages:To box:________ After ______hoursAuto forward new messages schedule (circle one):Always During office open hours During closed hours Schedule*: A B C DMessage delivery schedule 1:Number to call:___________________________________When should delivery be active? (circle one):Always During office open hours During closed hours Schedule*: A B C DMessage delivery schedule 2:Number to call:___________________________________When should delivery be active? (circle one):Always During office open hours During closed hours Schedule*: A B C DMessage delivery schedule 3:Number to call:___________________________________When should delivery be active? (circle one):Always During office open hours During closed hours Schedule*: A B C DMessage delivery schedule 4:Number to call:___________________________________When should delivery be active? (circle one):Always During office open hours During closed hours Schedule*: A B C DMessage delivery schedule 5:Number to call:___________________________________When should delivery be active? (circle one):Always During office open hours During closed hours Schedule*: A B C D*If specifying a particular schedule, complete a subscriber schedule worksheet for the individual.