Key Voice
Communications System
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-266309Board Not Configured for This Program The VP system was unable to initialize the voice board. The board will only operate with voice boards supplied by the VP system manufacturer. Contact technical support. 6310WARNING: Cannot Find External Call-Progress File The file containing the structure of the external (telephone network) call-progress tones is missing or corrupt. Replace the file, or run call progress analysis to re-create the file. 6311Error Initializing Call-Progress Parameters On Line The voice board driver reported an error when the VP system attempted to set up the call-progress tone parameters for the specified line. The result is that the VP system uses the default call-progress tone parameters for that line. 6312Error , Reading Tone File: The file containing the structure of the call-progress tones is missing or corrupt. Replace the file or run call progress analysis to re-create the file. See section 13 this procedure. 6313Hardware Failure An error condition was detected from the voice board. Power down the computer and re-seat the board(s), then re-boot the computer. If error persists, replace the voice board(s). 6314Error Opening File in Mode This is an internal error. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6315Error in function on line The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6316Term mask error with event on line The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6317Call-progress error from voice API. Value = The VP system encountered an error while making an outgoing call. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-276318Error event from voice API. Handle = , Dlg event = The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6319Voice API call . Result = , handle = The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6320Invalid event from voice API. Dlg event = , handle = The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6321Invalid event handle from voice API. Handle = The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6322Error opening line . Name = The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6323Error in “” while starting voice driver. The VP system encountered an error while communicating with the voice board during initialization. If the problem persists, contact technical support. 6324No tone detected while dialing out on line The VP system tried to make a call on the specified line. It went off-hook, dialed the number, and then waited for a call-progress tone (for example, ringing or busy tone). No tone was detected. Check the VP system setup. Make sure the ‘Sequence to seize a line on external call’ is set properly. Also, verify extension numbers and message delivery numbers are entered correctly in each mailbox. 6401Software Type Does Not Match Board Type () The VP system software loaded in the computer does not match the make and model of voice board(s) installed. 6402Key Error The VP system has detected an error from the security key. Contact technical support.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-286403System not authorized for Windows NT To run the VP system under Windows NT, you need to use a security key that has been enabled for NT. The VP system has detected a key that is authorized only for DOS-based VP systems. 6404ITT-3100 Driver Not Found The VP system was programmed to work with the ITT-3100 driver, but was unable to find the driver in memory. Make sure the driver is loaded either from the AUTOEXEC.BAT file or from the VERBATIM.BAT file. 6405In-Band Integration Feature Not Authorized The in-band integration feature has not been enabled for this installation. Make sure you have entered the correct authorization code in the PBXLINK.TXT file. 6406System not authorized for this version of software The VP system has detected a key that is authorized to run an older version of software. Contact technical support if you think this is an error. Or contact your sales representative if you need to upgrade to a newer key. 6407Key not authorized The security key connected to the VP system is not authorized. Contact technical support if you think this is an error. 6501Mail Box in Invalid OPEN State () This is an internal error. If error persists, contact technical support. 6601Missing ‘]’ in Line of Language File The LANGUAGE.TXT file is used to translate certain screen text into other languages. Each word subject in this file must be enclosed in brackets [ ]. 6602Missing ’[‘ in Line of Language File See error 6601. 6603Unexpected End-of-File in Language File (Line ) If you have edited the LANGUAGE.TXT file, check the line indicated in the error message for mistakes. If no changes have been made to the file, re-copy the file from the installation disks to the hard drive.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-296701Serial Link Down. Attempting to Reconnect. The serial link connection with the host telephone system went down. The VP system sends re-start messages at regular intervals to try to re-establish communication. Make sure all connections are tight, and check the communications port on the telephone system. Since the VP system uses timing parameters to determine the condition of the link, you may also see this message if you adjust the clock on the PC. 6801Cannot Open File This error is for serial port integrations. The .LNK file is missing or corrupted, or an internal error has occurred. 6802Error on Line of Serial-Link File An entry on line x of the specified .LNK file is not in the proper format (a value is missing or out of range). The file is probably corrupt. Make a backup of the .LNK file, then copy the original from the distribution disks. 6803Missing EQUALS Sign on Line in File See error 6802. 6804Unknown Character in Line of File See error 6802. 6805Error in Message-Type on Line of File See error 6802. 6806Error in Response-Type on Line of File See error 6802. 6807Unknown Message-Type on Line of File (Data = ) See error 6802. 6808Error in Message waiting Declaration on Line of File See error 6802. 6809Error in Call-Progress Result on Line of File See error 6802.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-306810Error in Voice-Mail Port ID on Line of File See error 6802. 6811Error in Call-Type Format on Line of File See error 6802. 6812Unknown Call-Type on Line of File See error 6802. 6813Error in Internal/External Field on Line of File See error 6802. 6814Error in FORWARD FROM Field on Line of File See error 6802. 6816Unknown SEND Command () in Line See error 6802. 6817Unknown Character () on Line of File See error 6802. 6818Unknown Miscellaneous Info on Line of File See error 6802. 6819Not Enough Memory For PBX-LINK Tables There is not enough conventional memory available in the computer to load the VP system with serial port integration. Remove any other TRS programs from the computer, then type MEM and verify that the computer has a total of 640K bytes of conventional memory available. 6901Error Opening Port COM Check for a hardware failure with the associated COM port or a hardware interrupt conflict within the computer. 6902Error Setting Speed on Port COM See error 6901.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-316903Error Setting Parity on Port COM See error 6901. 6904Error Setting Data Bits on Port COM See error 6901. 6905Error Setting Stop Bits on Port COM See error 6901. 6906Error Closing Port COM See error 6901. 6907Error Sending Data to Port COM The system is unable to send data on the specified serial port. Common errors are:ErrorNumberDescription2This is an invalid port number. Valid ports are COM1 through COM4.3The port is not open. This is an internal error. If the problem persists, contact technical support.7The output queue is full. This error occurs if the VP system tries to send data faster than it can be sent across the serial link. Try increasing the link speed. Note that if you change the speed of the link on the VP system, you must change it on the telephone system also.6908Error Reading Data From Port COM (Status = ) An error was encountered while trying to reading data on the specified serial port. Common errors are:Error Description0See status field (in following table).2Invalid port number. Valid ports are COM1 through COM4.3The port is not open. This is an internal error. If the problem persists, contact technical support.7Output queue full. This error occurs if the VP system tries to send data faster than it can be sent across the serial link. Try increasing the link speed. Note that if you change the speed of the link on the VP system, you must change it on the telephone system also.Status Description0001Some information was lost because data was received on the link faster than it could be processed by the VP system.0002This is an internal error.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-32Status Description0010This is a Parity error. Make sure the link settings are set correctly at both ends of the link.0020This is an Overrun error.0040This is a Framing error. Make sure the link settings are set correctly at both ends of the link.7001Unknown Message-Type in PBX-Link Information Unknown or incorrect data has been received in a serial data packet. Check for compatible transmission characteristics (baud rate, data bits, parity, etc.). Verify that you have the correct .LNK file for the telephone system being connected. 7002Bad Format in PBX-Link Information See error 7001. 7101SMDI Send Queue is Full The queue holding outgoing SMDI packets (message waiting on or off packets) is full. Make sure the data link is operational. If this error occurs during a global refresh of message waiting lamps, you may need to increase the speed of the data link. If this is not possible, you may need to discontinue using the global refresh feature. 7201Error in Configuration File (Line ) An error has been detected on line x of the configuration file VM.CFG. Additional error messages may give more detailed information about the error, or see section 12 for the proper format and permitted range of values for the associated parameter. 7202Wrong Format () in Configuration File See error 7201. 7203Value Out of Range in Configuration File, Must Be Between And See error 7201. 7204Unknown Option () On Line of Configuration File See error 7201. 7205Value Must be a Valid DTMF Digit (0-9, *, #, or A - D) See error 7201.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-337206Option Not Available () This option is not provided with the software. See error 7201. 7301Fax Queue is Full The maximum number of documents waiting in queue to be sent has been reached. If this error persists, consider adding additional fax hardware for high traffic considerations. 7302Internal Fax-Queue Error (Data = ) This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7401Internal Fax Error . Data = This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7402 Fax: , line (fax port ) An error has occurred on the associated fax port. If error persists, check for hardware faults on the fax board or hardware interrupt conflicts within the computer. 7403Unable to Fine Fax Document The named document file is missing, corrupted, or not in the proper directory. 7404Unable to Create Fax Information This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7405Unable to Create Serial Number File in Directory This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7406Fax Channel Failed Initialization (Result = ) This is an internal error. Re-boot the PC. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7407Cannot Disable Auto-Answer on Fax Channel (Result = ) This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7408Fax Call Aborted on Line This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-347409No Dial-Tone for Fax on Line While attempting to send a fax, no dial tone was detected. Make sure the fax ports are wired properly. 7410Unable to Reach Fax Number (After Tries) The VP system made a number of attempts to send a fax to the specified number, but was unable to deliver the fax. The number was probably busy or invalid. 7411Fax port waiting too long, line The VP system was attempting to send a fax. The fax hardware reported that it was in a ‘waiting’ state, but remained in that state for more than 90 seconds. 7412Error reported while attempting to start fax module The VP system was unable to initialize the fax module. 7413Invalid fax status () reported on line The VP system was attempting to send a fax. The fax hardware reported that it was in an invalid state. 7501Mail Box in Invalid State (). Call Terminated This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7601Mail Box in Invalid State While Retrieving Faxes This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7702Cannot Schedule Message From Box to Box - Queue is Full The maximum number of messages scheduled for future delivery has been reached. 7703Cannot Create Schedule-Message File This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7704Error Opening Schedule-Message File This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7705Unable to Deliver Scheduled Message From Box To Box This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0018-357706Entry in Schedule-Message File Was Corrupted () This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7707Cannot Create Schedule-Message From Box To Box This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7708Cannot Dequeue Schedule-Message From Box To Box This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7801Error Creating Telemarketing Retry Queue This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7802Read Error Adding Entry To Telemarketing Queue (Data = ) This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7803Telemarketing Retry Queue Header is Corrupted (Data = ) This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7804Telemarketing Retry Queue Corrupted (Data , , ) This is an internal error. If problem persists, contact technical support. 7901Error Opening Port COM See error 6901. 7902Error Setting Speed on Port COM See error 6901. 7903Error Setting Parity on Port COM See error 6901. 7904Error Setting Data Bits on Port COM See error 6901.