Key Voice
Communications System
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0014-614.4 Restoring Files on NT-based SystemsTo restore information from a tape backup on the NT-based VP system: 1. From the Start button at the bottom of the Windows NT desktop, select Programs / Administrative Tools / Backup. The Windows NT backup utility program loads. 2. From the Windows NT Backup utility screen, select the Restore button. 3. Follow the prompts to restore files from the tape backup cartridge.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-115. System Prompts Listed below are all the standard system prompts used in the VP system. (The prompts used with each optional module are shown in the section of this manual discussing the module.) Some of the prompts are similar, and notes are provided to explain the differences. Note:Do not confuse the pager notification feature with the P.A. announcing feature. The P.A.announcing feature involves the use of the company’s public address system. Pagernotification involves the use of Tone, Voice, and Digital pocket pagers.PromptFile NameWording-- GT000000800.GRT on NT-based systems or GT000800.GRTIf you know the extension of the party you would like to speak with, enter it now. For a directory, press *. For the operator, press 0.-- GT000000801.GRT on NT-based systems or GT0000801.GRTIf you know the extension of the party you would like to speak with, enter it now. For a directory, press *.-- GT000000821.GRT on NT-based systems or GT000821.GRTIf you know the extension of the party you would like to speak with, enter it now. For a directory, press *.-- GT000000888.GRT on NT-based systems or GT000888.GRTThe operator is not available right now. If you would like to leave a message, press 1. If you would like to try another extension, press 3.-- NM000000800.NAM on NT-based systems or NM000888.NAMThe operator…-- GT000009998.GRT on NT-based systems or GT009998.GRT“Enter the first 3 letters of the last name of the party you would like to speak with. Use the 1 button for Q and Z, or press * for a complete directory listing.”-- GT000009998.OP1 on NT-based systems or GT009998.OP1“Enter the first 3 letters of the last name of the party you would like to speak with. Use the 1 button for Q and Z.”-- GT000009998.OP2 on NT-based systems or GT009998.OP2“Enter the first 3 letters of the first name of the party you would like to speak with. Use the 1 button for Q and Z, or press * for a complete directory listing.”-- GT000009998.OP3 on NT-based systems or GT009998.OP3“Enter the first 3 letters of the first name of the party you would like to speak with. Use the 1 button for Q and Z.”-- ONESILNC.VOI(One second of silence.)1 THATBOX.VOIThat extension2 ISNTAVAL.VOIis not available right now.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-2PromptFile NameWording3 MBOXMENU.VOIIf you would like to leave a message, press 1. If you would like to try another extension, press 3. Or, to speak to an operator, press 0. “To have the call announced over our P.A. system, press 5.” (see also prompt 260)4 RECCONF.VOIYour message has been recorded.5 DONTUNDE.VOI“I’m sorry, that was not a valid entry.” (Prompt played when a mailbox owner dials an invalid digit while in an open mailbox.)6 BAD_ID.VOIIm sorry, that was not a valid entry. (Prompt played when a caller dials an invalid digit.)7 BYE.VOIThank you, good-bye.8 DIGIT0.VOIZero9 DIGIT1.VOIOne10 DIGIT2.VOITwo11 DIGIT3.VOIThree12 DIGIT4.VOIFour13 DIGIT5.VOIFive14 DIGIT6.VOISix15 DIGIT7.VOISeven16 DIGIT8.VOIEight17 DIGIT9.VOINine18 DIGITSTR.VOIStar19 DIGITPND.VOIPound20 MORENINE.VOIMore than fifty21 AM.VOIAM22 PM.VOIPM23 NUM10.VOITen24 NUM11.VOIEleven25 NUM12.VOITwelve26 NUM13.VOIThirteen27 NUM14.VOIFourteen28 NUM15.VOIFifteen29 NUM16.VOISixteen30 NUM17.VOISeventeen31 NUM18.VOIEighteen

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-3PromptFile NameWording32 NUM19.VOINineteen33 NUM20.VOITwenty34 N21.VOITwenty-one35 N22.VOI“Twenty-two”36 N23.VOITwenty-three37 N24.VOITwenty-four38 N25.VOITwenty-five39 N26.VOITwenty-six40 N27.VOITwenty-seven41 N28.VOITwenty-eight42 N29.VOITwenty-nine43 NUM30.VOIThirty44 N31.VOIThirty-one45 NUM40.VOIForty46 NUM50.VOIFifty47 JAN.VOIJanuary48 FEB.VOIFebruary49 MAR.VOIMarch50 APR.VOIApril51 MAY.VOIMay52 JUN.VOIJune53 JUL.VOIJuly54 AUG.VOIAugust55 SEP.VOISeptember56 OCT.VOIOctober57 NOV.VOINovember58 DEC.VOI“December”59 WHICHBOX.VOIPlease enter your mailbox number 60 ENTERPAS.VOIPlease enter your password 61 YOUHAVE.VOIYou have62 NEWMESG1.VOInew message63 NEWMESGS.VOInew messages64 TOWHOM.VOIPlease enter the box number

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-4PromptFile NameWordingPrompts 65, 66, and 67 are similar. Prompt 65 is used for a regular mailbox. Prompt 66 is used for a mailbox that is restricted. Prompt 67 is used for a mailbox that owns at least one Question box.65 MAINMENU.VOIMain menu. To listen to your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To change your options, press 3. Or to exit, press #. “To change languages, press 5. For supervisor functions, press 6. To place an outgoing call, press 0.”66 CMAINMNU.VOIMain menu. To listen to your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. Or to exit, press #. To change languages, press 5.”67 MAINMENX.VOIMain menu. To listen to your messages, press 1. To send a message, press 2. To change your options, press 3. To listen to questionnaire answers, press 4. Or to exit, press #.” To change languages, press 5. For supervisor options, press 6. To place an outgoing call, press 0.68 LSTNMENU.VOIMessage menu. To listen to new messages, press 1. To listen to saved messages, press 2. Or to return to the main menu, press #.69 OPTNMENU.VOIOptions menu. To record your name, press 1. To record your greeting, press 2. To change your password, press 3. To change your call-transfer feature, press 4. To change your message-notification feature, press 5. To change your pager feature, press 6. To review messages scheduled for future delivery, press 7. To change your Personal Distribution Lists, press 8. To retrieve a message that you have already sent to another mailbox, press *. Or, to return to the main menu, press #.70 LOLDSUBM.VOITo replay the message, press 1. To save and hear the next message, press 2. To save the message as new, press 3. To delete the message, press 4. To adjust the volume, press 5. Or, to return to the main menu, press #.71 LNEWSUBM.VOITo replay the message, press 1. To save and hear the next message, press 2. To save the message as new, press 3. To delete the message, press 4. To adjust the volume, press 5. For other options, press 6. Or, to return to the main menu, press #.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-5PromptFile NameWording72 NOMORNEW.VOIYou have no more new messages.73 NONEWMSG.VOIYou have no new messages.74 NOMOROLD.VOIYou have no more saved messages.75 NOOLDMSG.VOIYou have no saved messages.76 SAVASNEW.VOIMessage saved as new.77 BOXALOPN.VOIThat box is currently in use, please try again later.78 NONONONO.VOINo79 SPKAFTRT.VOIPlease speak after the tone. When you are finished recording, you may press pound for further options, or simply hang up.80 NOROOM.VOIThe voice mail system is full, and cannot take messages right now.81 MSGDELTD.VOIMessage deleted.82 LQMENU.VOIFor new questionnaire answers, press 1. For old questionnaire answers, press 2. Or, to return to the main menu, press #. 83 NEWQMSG.VOInew questionnaire answer.84 NEWQMSGS.VOInew questionnaire answers.85 ANDAND.VOI“and”86 NOGTREC.VOIThere is currently no greeting recorded.87 CURGREET.VOIYour current greeting is88 CURRNAME.VOIThe current recording is89 NONAMREC.VOIThere is currently nothing recorded.90 ENTERPSW.VOIPlease enter your new password.91 PSWCHG.VOIYour password has been changed, and will be in effect the next time you call.92 PSNOTCHG.VOIYour password has NOT been changed.93 GRTOPT.VOITo replay the greeting, press 1. To re-record the greeting, press 2. To delete the greeting, press 3. To choose a new greeting, press 5. Or, to exit, press #.94 NAMEOPT.VOITo replay, press 1. To re-record, press 2. To delete, press 3. Or to exit, press #. 95 XWHOCALL.VOIPlease speak your name so I may announce who is calling.96 XPLSHOLD.VOIPlease hold while I transfer your call to97 XCALFRYU.VOII have a call for you.98 XCALLFRM.VOICall from

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-6PromptFile NameWording99 XSTRACCP.VOIPress 1 to take the call. Press 2 if you would like me to take a message. Press 3 to transfer this call to your alternate extension. Press 4 plus the greeting number to play a special greeting. Press 5 plus the extension number to transfer this call to any station. Press 6 to accept the call, and record it.”100 QBOXWRAP.VOIThank-you for answering our questions. We will get back to you as soon as possible.101 ENTRPCBK.VOIPlease dial your own number now 102 PAGECONF.VOIThat party will be paged right away.103 PAGEFAIL.VOII am not able to page that party right now.104 GRTTOCHG.VOIEnter the number of the box whose greeting you wish to change.105 DONTOWN.VOIIm sorry, you do not own that box.106 MSGFOR.VOIMessage for107 YOU.VOIyou108 PRESS1.VOIPress 1 if you would like to hear your messages 109 CONT3WAY.VOIPress 1 if you wish to continue your call.”110 FWD.VOIYour message has been forwarded.111 NOFWD.VOIIm sorry, I am not able to forward your message at this time.112 CONFSEND.VOIIf this is correct, press 1. If not, press pound.113 MSGFROM.VOIfrom114 REENTPSW.VOIPlease enter your new password again.115 WRDPAUSE.VOIPause116 WRDFLASH.VOIFlash117 OFFOFF.VOIOff118 VM.VOIVoice mail119 ENTFEATN.VOIPlease enter the new number.120 NFEATIS.VOIYour message-notification feature is121 PFEATIS.VOIYour pager service is122 XFEATIS.VOIYour calls are currently being transferred to123 FEATOPT.VOI“Press 1 if you would like to change the number, press star to turn this feature on or off, or press pound if you are satisfied.”124 COMMOPT.VOITo add a comment at the beginning of the message, press 1. To add a comment at the end of the message, press 2. To forward the message with no comment, press 3. To return to the main menu without forwarding the message, press #.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-7PromptFile NameWording125 MSGOPTIN.VOITo send this message, press 1. To review the message, press 2. To re-record the message from the beginning, press 3. To cancel the message, press 4. To add to your message press 8. (External caller hears this prompt.)126 RECCANCL.VOIMessage canceled.127 LOCMUSIC.VOIMusic This is a short piece of music (about 15 seconds). It is played to the caller when a Local Transfer is in progress. This is not the music heard during call queuing.128 WORDAT.VOIAt129 WORDFOR.VOIFor130 ENDOFMSG.VOIEnd of message.131 DIRPRES1.VOIIf this is the person you want, press 1, or press 2 for the next name. “If you would like to try a different spelling, press 3, or to exit from the directory, press #.”132 DIRNUMIS.VOIThe number is133 NODIRMAT.VOIThere are no names that match those letters.134 NOMORDIR.VOIThere are no more names that match those letters.135 ASKL.VOIPress 1 for English or 2 for Spanish. Up to nine languages can be supported. This prompt should be repeated in all the offered languages. The Language 1 version of this prompt is the only one that is played when the VP system answers acall.136 ISBUSY.VOIis busy.137 ISTLBUSY.VOIis still busy.138 INLINE.VOIin line.139 HLDOPTN.VOIIf you would prefer to leave a message, press 1, or to try another extension, press 3.” To speak to an operator, press 0. If a caller presses 3, he/she receives the treatment as defined on the MAILBOX screen in the field labeled IF CALLER CHOOSES OTHER OPTIONS. If the caller presses 1 to leave a message, he/she does not receive the mailbox owners personal greeting. If you want callers to hear the personal greeting, substitute one of the optional prompts that omits the press 1 option.140 WILBEDEL.VOIYou have asked for this message to be deleted.141 WASFWDED.VOIThis message was automatically forwarded from

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-8PromptFile NameWording142 SUPVMENU.VOISupervisors menu. For mailbox administration, press 1. For Routing box administration, press 2. For Question box administration, press 3. For port administration, press 4. To change the system broadcast message, press 5. To change the Voice mail day/night service, press 6. To change the system time, press 7. To change the system date, press 8. To modify system parameters, press 9. To perform first time setup, press 0. Or to exit, press #.” The first time setup option is not available on NT-based VP systems.143 SUPFOK.VOIOperation completed successfully.144 SUPFFAIL.VOIIm sorry, I was not able to perform that operation.145 SUPEXIST.VOIIm sorry, that box already exists.146 HOLD0.VOIFirst hold-prompt. (Pre-Recorded music, by default.) This is the first recording callers hear when they are placed on hold for a mailbox. This would typically be a short piece of music or a promotional message.149 QBADDIGI.VOIThat was an incorrect number of digits.150 PAINTRO.VOIPlease hold while I announce your call.151 PAANN1.VOIThere is a call for152 PAANN2.VOIPlease dial the pick-up code for your extension. You may give more specific instructions (for example, tell the called party what to dial to pick up the call).153 PABUSY.VOIIm sorry, the P.A. system is busy right now.154 PANORESP.VOIYour call has been announced, please hold a moment.155 GOXFER.VOIYou may transfer the call now.156 SNDRNOTF.VOIThe sender will be notified that you received this message.157 DLVRCNF1.VOIThis is to notify you that the message you sent to158 DLVRCNF2.VOIwas received by159 TODAY.VOIToday160 YESTERDA.VOIYesterday161 OLDMESG1.VOISaved message162 OLDMESGS.VOISaved messages163 NEXTBOX.VOI“Please enter the number of the next mailbox, or press pound if you are finished.”164 WHICHPRT.VOIPlease enter the line number.

INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0015-9PromptFile NameWording165 MSGOPCNF.VOITo send this message, press 1. To replay the message, press 2. To re-record the message from the beginning, press 3. To cancel the message, press 4. If you would like to be notified when your party has received this message, press 5. To send this message to several mailboxes, press 6. To resume recording from the point where you stopped, press 8. To play back the last few seconds of your message, press 9. To schedule this message to be sent at a future time and date, press *. (Internal callers hear this prompt.)166 INTERANS.VOITone played between each Question box answer.167 BOXSUSP.VOIIm sorry, that box is temporarily out of service.168 NUMBLOCK.VOIIm sorry, that number is not acceptable.169 GTNUMCHG.VOIPlease enter the greeting number, or press * for the current active greeting.170 THATGRET.VOIThat greeting is currently recorded as171 GOODMORN.VOIGood morning” When prompts 171, 172, and 173 are recorded, they are inserted automatically before the main greeting according to the time of day.172 GOODAFTE.VOIGood afternoon When prompts 171, 172, and 173 are recorded, they will be inserted automatically before the main greeting according to the time of day.173 GOODEVEN.VOIGood evening When prompts 171, 172, and 173 are recorded, they will be inserted automatically before the main greeting according to the time of day.174 ASKRPLAY.VOIIf you would like to review your answer, press 1. Or press 2 to move on to the next question.175 ANSWERIS.VOIYour answer is currently recorded as176 ENTEROUT.VOIPlease enter the telephone number to which you wish to be transferred.177 ONEMOMNT.VOIOne moment please.178 LOPTSUBM.VOITo delete the message, press 4. To hear the message time and date, press 5. Or to exit, press #.179 SCHASKHR.VOIPlease enter the hour that you wish for this message to be sent.180 SCHASKMI.VOIPlease enter the minutes.181 SCHASKMO.VOIPlease enter the month.182 SCHASKDA.VOIPlease enter the day.183 SCHASKAM.VOIPress 1 for AM, press 2 for PM.184 SCHASKOK.VOIYou have asked for this message to be delivered.185 SCHMSGOK.VOIYour message will be sent as requested.186 SCHMSGNO.VOIIm sorry, I am unable to schedule your message for future delivery.