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Key Voice Voice Processing System Installation And Maintenance Manual

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    of 711
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-32Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupRING RESETThis parameter should only be used if the field RINGS
    TO ANSWER on the LINE INFORMATION screen is
    greater than 1.  When the VP system is counting rings,
    it measures the time separating each ring.  If this time
    exceeds a certain threshold, then the VP system
    assumes that a call has been abandoned and a new
    one has started ringing.  You can use this parameter
    to change the value of the threshold.  The time should
    be entered in milliseconds.  For example, if you want
    the VP system to reset its ring-counter after a 5-
    second gap between rings, enter:
    RING RESET = 50001 to 150008000 (8 seconds).SAME CALL FAX OKThis parameter is used only if the fax option is
    installed. It tells the VP system how to perform same-
    call faxing. If you are using the Puredata Satisfaxion
    driver, or if you are unsure which driver you are using,
    then do not include this option in the VM.CFG file. If
    you are using the Instantcom driver, then you should
    insert this option in the VM.CFG file.This option is not
    included.SAMPLING RATEIndicates to the VP system which sampling rate it
    should use when recording and playing speech files.
    Note that files recorded at a particular sampling rate
    must be played back at the same rate.  This means
    that if you have existing messages and prompts, you
    have to discard them if you change the sampling rate.
    Also note the disk space storage requirements for
    each sampling rate.  As you increase the rate, the
    amount of disk space required to store the voice files
    Refer to the table that following tables:
    Sampling Rate Values for Rhetorex Voice Boards:
    Rate Index             Rate                 Disk Space Req.
    in VM.CFG            (kbit/s)                 (Mbytes/hr)
    0   3215
    1                      3215
    2                    2411
    3                           6430
    4                      12860
    Default: 32 kbit/s (index = 0 in above table).
    Sampling Rate Values for Dialogic Voice Boards
    Sampling Rate Values for Rhetorex Voice Boards:
    Rate Index         Rate        Bits /       Disk Space Req.
    in VM.CFG        (KHz)      Sample        (Mbytes/hr)
    0   6411
    1                      8415
    2                    6822
    3                           8830
    Default: 6 KHz at 4 bits per sample (index=0 in table
    above).See description at
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-33Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupSAVE TRACENT-based VP systems only:  By default, when the
    diagnostic trace utility is running, the TRACE.LOG file
    is kept open, and trace entries are written to it.  The
    trace file is closed only when the diagnostic trace utility
    is turned off.  When the trace file runs continuously, it
    may not close properly if the system locks up or
    experiences power loss unexpectedly, and therefore,
    all trace information may be lost.  The Save Trace
    parameter instructs the VP system to keep the
    TRACE.LOG file closed while running the diagnostic
    trace utility and to open the file only long enough to
    write entries to it.  Running the trace utility this way is
    less efficient and can slow the system slightly, but it is
    a more secure way of logging trace dataNone.SCREEN SAVERDOS-based VP systems only:  After a pre-defined
    period of keyboard inactivity, the VP system
    automatically blanks the monitor screen of the
    computer to prevent image burn-in.  Pressing any key
    on the keyboard causes the display to reappear.  The
    parameter is entered as:
    where n is the number of minutes of inactivity before
    blanking occurs.  Permitted values are:
    0 - Screen saver disabled
    1 - 120 minutes1 to 12010 minutes.SEND DISCONNECTA call to the VP system can be terminated by either
    the calling party (by hanging up), or by the VP system
    (if the caller does not enter any digits and a Routing
    box is set to Say goodbye if no digits are dialed).  In
    the case where the VP system terminates a call,
    supervision is returned to the host telephone system in
    the form of an on-hook condition.  Some telephone
    systems, usually in a service bureau environment,
    require DTMF digits be sent to indicate that the VP
    system is about to terminate a call.  This parameter is
    used to assign these digits.  The command is entered
    where nnnn is from 1 to 32 DTMF digits (0-9, *, #, A-
    D).  The VP system sends the digits just prior to going
    (Enter this as one line
    of text in the VM.CFG
    file.)Include this parameter in the VM.CFG file to define the
    serial disconnect delay.  Enter as:
    Where x is the delay in seconds.
    Some PBXs send a message over the serial link when
    the caller has disconnected, so the VP system can
    free its port. This parameter tells the VP system to wait
    for a specified time after it receives the disconnect
    notification, before disconnecting a call. Do not change
    this parameter unless instructed to do so be Technical
    Support.1 to 101 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-34Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupSERVICE OBSERVE
    (Enter this as one line
    of text in the VM.CFG
    file.)Include this option on VP systems with Comdial
    integrations to activate the record conversation feature
    for a certain port on a Comdial phone system.  Enter
    Where #03X is the code the VP system needs to dial
    to initiate the Service Observing feature on the
    extension who requested that his/her call is to be
    recorded.Digits 0-9
    plus * and
    #.No digitsSHARE FAX PORTSIf a caller requests a fax to be sent during the current
    call, but there is no fax attached to the line being used,
    the VP system can automatically transfer the call over
    to a line that is connected to a fax.  To enable this
    feature, you must enter the following line in the
    VM.CFG file:
    This tells the VP system to use the call-transfer feature
    on the telephone system to transfer the call to a port
    that has a fax board connected.  The VP system
    supervises the transfer, to make sure the fax-enabled
    port answers.
    If the phone system does not allow supervised
    transfers from one voice mail port to another, you can
    use the option:
    Note:  If possible, always use the SUPERVISED
    option.  Use the BLIND option only if the
    SUPERVISED option does not work on the telephone
    system.None.SMDI ANSWER FIRSTThis option is used in conjunction with the serial link
    integration feature.  If the host telephone system
    requires that the VP system answers before it sends
    the data packet (typically older software on Ericsson
    switches), include this option in the VM.CFG file.
    Note:  If you include this option, it must come after the
    HOST option (see the HOST parameter).The VP system
    does not answer
    until it has
    received a packet
    from the host
    telephone system.SPECIAL ANS DIGITWhile the VP system is monitoring for call progress
    tones, this option identifies additional digits that the
    PBX may send and that the VP system should
    interpret as an answer.  For example, to specify digit 2
    as a special answer digit, include this option in the
    VM.CFG file:
    SPECIAL ANS DIGIT = 20 to 9, *, #,
    A, B, C, DNone.T1 PORTThis option is for use with Rhetorex boards only.  It
    tells the VP system that the specified port is connected
    via a T1 interface.  For example, if the system has 12
    ports, all connected to Rhetorex T1 hardware, you
    enter the following lines in the VM.CFG file:
    T1 PORT = 1
    T1 PORT = 2
    T1 PORT = 3
    T1 PORT = 12The VP system
    assumes that all
    ports are not T1
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-35Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupTCNAMEThis parameter requires the optional Talking
    Classifieds software.  Enter this parameter to request
    the name of a caller to the Talking Classifieds
    Gateway box.0 to 1Caller’s name is
    not requested.TDD AUTOThis option tells the VP system that it needs to provide
    TDD support.  It assigns the value 8 to the TDD DIGIT
    (see below) and causes a TDD prompt to be played
    immediately after the initial greeting.No TDD support.TDD DIGITThis digit causes the VP system to switch to another
    language in the middle of a call.  It is typically used to
    allow the caller to switch from voice prompts to TDD
    tone prompts.  If a caller presses this digit while the VP
    system is playing a Routing box greeting, the VP
    system switches to the next language and begins
    playing the greeting again.  You may use any DTMF
    digit.  Enter as:
    You do not need to use this option if you use TDD
    AUTO (see above).No TDD digit
    assigned.TONEYou can configure the VP system to automatically
    transfer incoming data calls to an extension connected
    to a fax machine or modem, provided that the calling
    device is capable of initiating the modem tone first.
    TONE = X, Y
    Where x is the PCPM code of the tone and y is the box
    number of the receiving device.16 to 31None.TRANS BYPASSThe default digit used with the transfer-bypass feature
    is star (*).  If you need to use a different digit, enter:
    Where n is any digit 0 - 9, star (*) or pound (#).  Note
    that changing this from the default may cause conflicts
    in the system dialing plan.The * key.TRANSFER RINGWhen listening to the ring back tone during a call
    transfer, Dialogic boards us a timer rather than
    counting the rings.  By default, the boards interpret 1
    ring cycle as 4 seconds. Modify this default using the
    TRANSFER RING option. For example, to set the
    system so 1 ring cycle is interpreted as 3 seconds, add
    the following line to the VM.CFG file:
    TRANSFER RING = 31 to 9By default, the VP
    system interprets
    1 ring cycle as 4
    seconds.TTS BUFFER SIZEOn NT-based VP systems only:  This option alters the
    number of characters read by the e-mail reader when
    voicing a message.  Enter as
    Where n is any digit 512 to 4096.
    Note:  Adjust this parameter only under the direction
    of Technical Support.512 to 40961024 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-36Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupTUTORIAL REPSBy default, the first time a user logs in to a mailbox, the
    VP system plays a tutorial. The VP system plays the
    tutorial every subsequent time the subscriber logs into
    the mailbox, until he/she cancels the tutorial by
    pressing the * key or until the maximum specified by
    this parameter is reached.
    This option identifies the number of times the VP
    system plays the tutorial upon login.  For example, to
    indicate the VP system is to play the tutorial upon the
    first 3 mailbox logins, add the following line to the
    VM.CFG file:
    TUTORIAL REPS=30 to 255255 (meaning the
    VP system will
    always play the
    tutorial, until the
    user cancels it).UM NAME=TCP,
    (Enter this as one line
    of text in the VM.CFG
    file.)On NT-based systems only:  This parameter enables
    the unified messaging feature.  Do not modify this
    parameter unless instructed to do so by technical
    support.UNITIZEDInclude this parameter in the VM.CFG file on VP
    systems that do not include computer video memory.
    (Also see NO VIDEO MEMORY.)
    Note: This parameter affects DOS systems only.Not unitized.USE L&H TTSMust be included on net new VP systems version 10.2
    and higher and on upgrades of VP systems that did
    not previously have TTS capabilities. Should not be
    specified on upgrades for VP systems that already
    have TTS capabilities.USE LCD MENUSInclude this option on VP systems with Comdial
    integrations to allow serial integration to send
    messages to Comdial telephone LCD displays.Disabled (the VP
    system does not
    display menu
    options on LCD of
    telephone).USE PRINTEROn NT-based systems only:  This option tells NT-
    based VP systems to print data collected by Question
    boxes to a printer according to the current printer
    driver configuration set up on the VP system PC.
    When this option is used in conjunction with FAST
    NOTIFICATION, the VP system writes message
    delivery notification information to the printer.Printer not used.USE WAVEOn NT-based systems only:  This option instructs the
    VP system to use the WAVE file format when
    recording and playing voice files.  The VP system
    supports 8kHz and 11kHz sampling rates, at 8 bits per
    sample.The system uses
    WAVE file format
    when recording
    and playing voice
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-37Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupVCM ANSWER
    (Enter this as one line
    of text in the VM.CFG
    file.)On NT-based systems only:  This option is used in
    conjunction with the VCM feature.  If the VP system
    needs to use a line to play messages to a VCM user, it
    calls the VCM user’s extension number and waits for it
    to answer.  Once the VP system detects the VCM user
    has answered, it begins playing the message.  If you
    do not want the VP system to monitor for an answer,
    you can tell it to dial the extension number, then
    assume that it has been answered after a short delay.
    For example, if you enter the following line in the
    VM.CFG file:
    The VP system dials the extension number, waits 3
    seconds, then begins playing the message, as if the
    telephone had been answered.1 to 10Monitor the line to
    determine when
    the extension has
    answered.VCM CHANNEL
    (Enter this as one line
    of text in the VM.CFG
    file.)On NT-based systems only:  This option is used in
    conjunction with the VCM feature.  If the VP system is
    using a line to play messages to a VCM user, it
    continually monitors the line.  If there has been no
    activity on the line for n minutes, the VP system
    releases the line.  Use this option to specify how long
    the VP system should wait before releasing the line.
    For example, to tell the VP system to release the line
    after 3 minutes, you would enter:
    VCM CHANNEL TIMEOUT = 30 to 99995 minutes.VCM LINE GROUPOn NT-based systems only:  This option is used in
    conjunction with the VCM feature.  If the VP system
    needs to use a line to play messages to a VCM user, it
    hunts for any free line.  If you want to restrict the VP
    system to using only certain lines, place these lines in
    a line group and use this option to specify the line
    group.  For example, to tell the VP system to only use
    lines in line group C, you enter:
    VCM LINE GROUP = CThe VP system
    chooses any free
    The VP system
    does not attempt
    to connect itself to
    the Local Area
    Network.VCMName=TCPIPOn NT-based systems only:  This parameter enables
    the VCM feature.  Do not modify this parameter unless
    instructed to do so by technical support.
    Note:  This parameter must be present for the unified
    messaging feature to function.WAKEUP RINGSWhen the VP system makes a wake-up call, it lets the
    telephone ring 10 times before disconnecting. You can
    use this option to tell the system to disconnect after
    fewer or more rings.
    For example, if you want the VP system to disconnect
    after 6 rings, add the following line to the VM.CFG file:
    WAKEUP RINGS = 61 to 20The VP system
    gives up after 10
    rings.VOLUMEThis parameter controls the volume used by the VP
    system to voice prompts through the telephone
    handset.  The higher the number specified, the louder
    the volume.   For example, specify a volume of –2 as
    VOLUME = -2-4 to 8-1 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0012-38Configuration FileEntryDescriptionMinimumValue toMaximumValueDefault SetupXFER NAME TIMEIf you have configured the VP system to ask the caller
    for his/her name before performing a transfer, the VP
    system says, “Please speak your name so I may
    announce who is calling” and allows the caller 4
    seconds to record his/her name.  Use the XFER
    NAME TIME statement if you want to change the
    amount of time allowed to record the name.1 to 9994 seconds. 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-113. Detecting Call-progress Tones
    When the VP system is performing a call transfer or placing an outgoing call, it must listen to the line to
    determine whether the line is busy, is ringing, or has been answered.  There are also times when the VP
    system must detect tones that indicate a caller has disconnected.  On many occasions the default tone
    detection files provided with the VP system sufficiently allow the system to detect these call-progress
    tones, especially if the telephone system uses industry standard (Bell) tones.  If the key system or PBX
    uses non-standard tones, however, you must train the VP system to recognize the tones provided by the
    telephone system.
    You train the VP system to recognize the tones by running a call analysis program.  The program you run
    depends on whether the VP system is using Dialogic or Rhetorex voice boards.
    13.1 Using Accucall for Rhetorex Boards in DOS-based VP
    SystemsThe Accucall program teaches the Rhetorex voice board the unique ringing and busy tones of the
    telephone system.  Before running the Accucall program verify:
    · Rhetorex voice boards are connected to standard, 2500-type telephone lines, and they “hear” only
    what you hear when monitoring the line or performing the same function manually.  Make a list
    of all of the call-progress tones generated by the telephone system and note under what
    circumstances each tone is received.
    · The cadence of the actual ringing of a telephone set is not to be the same cadence as the ring-back
    tone that is heard by the calling party (in this case the Rhetorex board).
    · You understand any unique tones provided by the telephone system.  The three most used tones
    are ring-back, busy, and re-order (fast busy), but the system may have other unique tones such as
    do-not-disturb tones.  It is important to know the available tones, since you do not want to set up
    the system so, for example, a caller is queued for an extension set to the do-not-disturb state.
    13.1.1 Running the Accucall Utility
    To use Accucall you must complete the following phases:
    · Starting Accucall.
    · Completing the SETUP screen.
    · Completing the AUTO RUN screen.
    · Completing Accucall tests.
    · Completing the EDIT TONES screen.
    · Completing the FILTERS screen.
    · Completing the RUN screen.
    · Saving the Accucall tones to a file.
    · Adjusting the Rhetorex Configure file. 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-213.1.2 Starting Accucall
    1. If the VP system has not been loaded or is not currently running, from the \VM directory, type
    RHETDRV then press .  This command loads the software into the Rhetorex voice board driver.
    If the driver software has previously been installed, you get the message:
    If the VP system is currently running, exit to DOS by pressing  from the LINE STATUS screen
    (you do not need to load RHETDRV).
    2. Type Accucall then press .  The Accucall program loads and the MAIN MENU screen
    3. From the MAIN MENU screen, press  to go to the SETUP screen.
    13.1.3 Completing the Setup Screen
    Most of the default settings on the SETUP screen are sufficient for a majority of VP system installations.
    Do not make any changes to the screen unless you are instructed to by technical support.  If you are to
    change a parameter, use the up arrow and down arrow keys to highlight the parameter, then make the
    necessary change.  Use the spacebar to toggle entries that do not require keyboard input.
    Information provided below identifies the fields listed in the RUN / AUTO RUN PARAMETERS area, which is
    the area in which you are most likely to make changes.  To save any changes you make and exit this
    screen, press , then press  to move to the AUTO RUN screen.
    Setup Screen Field Descriptions
    Hardware Interrupt
    This field indicates the path through which the voice board and the computer communicate.  Normally,
    VP system voice boards are installed at IRQ 5.  If another interrupt is being used for the boards, you must
    indicate the change in the VM.CFG file using the parameter HARDWARE INT.  When the Rhetorex board
    driver loads, the IRQ is read from the VM.CFG file and the interrupt appears in this field (see section 12
    for information on the VM.CFG file).
    Outdial Channel Number
    This field indicates the port number that is to be used to place test calls.  The default is port 1.  You
    should have a 2500-type line from the telephone system connected to this port.
    Auto Run Verification Count
    The most common approach used to sample the telephone system’s call-progress tones is the AUTO RUN
    sequence, which is explained below.  This field indicates the number of test runs Accucall is to execute
    during AUTO RUN.  You may leave the default of 1 on this screen.  If necessary, you can modify it on the
    AUTO RUN screen. 
    							INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL 4/0013-3Auto Run Minimum Cycles
    This field indicates the minimum number of cycles of the tone being sampled that should be detected
    during the test run.  This parameter works in conjunction with the AUTO RUN VERIFICATION COUNT field
    explained above.  For example, if you choose the default 10 for this parameter and you choose 2 for the
    Auto Run Verification Count, the compete test sample of a tone will consist of two test runs with ten
    cycles of the tone in each run.
    You may leave this parameter at the default of 10 If necessary, you can modify it  on the AUTO RUN
    Auto Run Align Frequencies
    By retaining the default setting of this field, YES, frequencies detected during the AUTO RUN test are
    automatically placed in the UNDEFINED TONE FREQUENCIES fields in the FILTERS screen.  This screen is
    discussed later in this section.
    Auto Run Quick Frequency Scan
    In most cases, leave this field at the default, NO.  Some telephone systems, however, do not allow you to
    sample 10 complete cycles of a particular tone before the tone stops or changes to another tone.  If this is
    the case with the system with which you are working, manually count the number of cycles of the tone
    you hear and adjust the MINIMUM CYCLES count in the AUTO RUN screen before adjusting this field.  If
    you are still unable to capture a sufficient sample of the tone, set this field to YES.
    Log Results To Disk
    To save Accucall test data to a log file on the hard disk drive for future reference, set this field to YES.
    Use Internal Speaker
    A YES entry in this field causes the computer’s speaker to “beep” in time with the cadence of the tone
    being tested.  The default is YES.
    Phone Number
    This field indicates the telephone number to be dialed for test calls.  Do not enter the number in this field,
    as you will enter it on the AUTO RUN screen.  Leave this field blank.
    13.1.4 Completing the Auto Run Screen
    Once you set up the AUTO RUN screen, you use it to make test calls that sample each call-progress tone
    issued by the phone system.
    On the AUTO RUN screen, the only fields you may need to adjust are those in the PARAMETERS area.
    Information in the CADENCE DETECTED and the FREQUENCIES DETECTED areas is automatically entered as
    a result of the test run(s). 
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