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Global Garden Products XK4 165 HD, XK4 180 HD Instructions Manual
Global Garden Products XK4 165 HD, XK4 180 HD Instructions Manual
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51 DEUTSCHDE 5.8.1 Kontrolle Drehen Sie das Rad mit kurzem ruckartigen Zie- hen nach vorn und hinten. Es darf kein mechani- sches Spiel an den Lenkketten vorliegen. 5.8.2 Einstellung Justieren Sie die Lenkketten bei Bedarf wie folgt: 1. Stellen Sie das Gerät auf geradeaus ein. 2. Justieren Sie die Lenkketten mit den zwei Mut-tern, die sich unter dem Knicklenkpunkt befin- den. Siehe Abb. 16. 3. Justieren Sie beide Muttern gleich und so weit, bis kein Spiel mehr vorliegt. 4. Fahren Sie das Gerät zur Probe geradeaus und überprüfen Sie, ob sich das Rad nicht schräg ge- stellt hat. 5. Ist das Rad schräggestellt, lösen Sie die eine Mutter und ziehen Sie die andere Mutter an. Die Lenkketten nicht zu stark spannen. Die Len- kung wird dann schwergängig und der Verschleiß der Ketten nimmt zu. 5.9 BATTERIE Säure, die mit Augen oder Haut in Kon- takt kommt, verursacht schwere Verlet- zungen. Ist ein Körperteil mit Säure in Kontakt geraten, sofort mit reichlich Wasser spülen und einen Arzt aufsu- chen. Bei der Batterie handelt es sich um ein ventilge- steuertes Modell mit 12 V Nennspannung. Eine Kontrolle oder Auffüllung der Batterieflüssigkeit ist weder möglich noch nötig. Die einzige erfor- derliche Wartungsmaßnahme besteht in der Aufla- dung, z.B. nach einer langen Lagerung. Vor ihrer ersten Verwendung muss die Batterie vollständig aufgeladen wer- den. Sie ist darüber hinaus stets in voll- geladenem Zustand zu lagern. Wird die Batterie in entladenem Zustand gela- gert, treten schwerwiegende Schäden auf. 5.9.1 Laden per Motor Die Batterie kann in erster Linie mithilfe des Mo- torgenerators aufgeladen werden. Gehen Sie dabei wie folgt vor: 1. Montieren Sie die Batterie im Gerät gemäß der folgenden Anleitung. 2. Stellen Sie das Gerät im Freien auf oder montie- ren Sie eine Absaugvorrichtung für Abgase. 3. Starten Sie den Motor gemäß der Gebrauchsan- weisung. 4. Betreiben Sie den Motor ohne Unterbrechung für die Dauer von 45 Minuten. 5. Stellen Sie den Motor ab. Die Batterie ist nun- mehr vollständig aufgeladen. 5.9.2 Laden mit Batterieladegerät Beim Aufladen mithilfe eines Batterieladegeräts ist ein Gerät mit Konstantspannung zu verwenden. Hinweise zum Kauf eines Batterieladegeräts mit Konstantspannung erhalten Sie von Ihrem Fach- händler. Bei Verwendung eines Standardladegeräts kann die Batterie beschädigt werden. 5.9.3 Demontage/Montage Die Batterie befindet sich unter der Motorhaube. Bei einer Demontage/Montage gilt Folgendes für den Anschluss der Kabel: Bei der Demontage: Trennen Sie zuerst das schwarze Kabel vom Batterieminuspol (-). Trennen Sie danach das rote Kabel vom Batte- riepluspol (+). Bei der Montage: Verbinden Sie zuerst das rote Kabel mit dem Batteriepluspol (+). Verbinden Sie danach das schwarze Kabel mit dem Batte- rieminuspol (-). Wenn die Kabel in der umgekehrten Reihenfolge angeschlossen bzw. ge- trennt werden, besteht das Risiko für einen Kurzschluss sowie eine Beschädi- gung der Batterie. Durch das Vertauschen der Kabel wer- den Generator und Batterie zerstört. Ziehen Sie die Kabel fest an. Lose Kabel können Brände verursachen. Der Motor darf nie bei getrennter Bat- terie betrieben werden. Dadurch be- steht die Gefahr für Schäden an Generator und elektrischem System. 5.9.4 Reinigung Oxidierte Batteriepole müssen gereinigt werden. Verwenden Sie dazu eine Stahlbürste und schmie- ren Sie die Pole mit Polfett ein. 5.10 LUFTFILTER, MOTOR 5.10.1 Luftfilter (165 HD) Den Luftfilter alle 3 Monate oder alle 50 Betriebs- stunden reinigen, je nachdem, was zuerst eintrifft. Den Papierfilter einmal pro Jahr oder alle 200 Be- triebsstunden austauschen, je nachdem, was zuerst eintrifft. ACHTUNG! Wenn die Maschine unter staubigen Bedingungen eingesetzt wird, beide Filter häufiger reinigen. 1. Den Luftfilterdeckel entfernen. Siehe Abb. 13. 2. Papierfilter und Vorfilter (Schaumstofffilter) demontieren. Vorsichtig arbeiten, damit kein Schmutz in den Vergaser gelangt. Das Luftfil- tergehäuse reinigen. 3. Den Vorfilter mit flüssigem Spülmittel und Wasser auswaschen. Filter ausdrücken. Etwas Öl auf den Filter gießen und einmassieren.

52 DEUTSCHDE 4. Papierfilter folgendermaßen reinigen: Filter leicht gegen eine ebene Fläche klopfen. Wenn der Papierfilter sehr schmutzig ist, sollte er aus- gewechselt werden. 5. Den Luftfilter in umgekehrter Reihenfolge wie- der zusammensetzen. Zur Reinigung des Papierfilters dürfen keine Lösungsmittel wie z. B. Petroleum verwendet werden. Diese Lösungsmittel zerstören den Fil- ter. Zur Reinigung des Papierfilters keine Druckluft benutzen. Der Papierfilter darf nicht eingeölt werden. 5.10.2 Luftfilter (180 HD) Der Vorfilter (Schaumstofffilter) ist alle 25 Be- triebsstunden zu reinigen/auszutauschen. Der Luftfilter (Papierfilter) ist alle 100 Betriebs- stunden zu reinigen/auszutauschen. Hinweis: Wird das Gerät unter staubigen Bedin- gungen eingesetzt, sind die Filter häufiger zu reini- gen/auszutauschen. Demontieren/montieren Sie die Luftfilter wie folgt. 1. Den Luftfilterdeckel entfernen (14:A). 2. Papierfilter (14:B) und Vorfilter (Schaumstoff filter) (14:C) demontieren. Vorsichtig arbeiten, damit kein Schmutz in den Vergaser gelangt. Das Luftfiltergehäuse reinigen. 3. Reinigen Sie den Papierfilter, indem Sie ihn leicht gegen eine ebene Fläche klopfen. Wenn der Papierfilter sehr schmutzig ist, sollte er aus- gewechselt werden. 4. Reinigen Sie den Vorfilter. Wenn der Vorfilter sehr schmutzig ist, sollte er ausgewechselt wer- den. 5. Gehen Sie bei der Montage in umgekehrter Rei- henfolge vor. Zur Reinigung des Papierfilters dürfen keine Druckluft oder Lösungsmittel auf Petroleumbasis bzw. kein Petroleum verwendet werden. Dadurch wird der Filter zerstört. 5.11 ZÜNDKERZEDie Zündkerze(n) ist (sind) alle 200 Betriebsstun- den auszutauschen (d.h. bei jedem zweiten Grund- service). Bevor Sie die Zündkerze lösen, reinigen Sie deren Befestigung. Zündkerze : Champion RC12YC oder gleichwer- tig. Elektrodenabstand : 0,75 mm. 5.12 LUFTEINLASSSiehe 11-12:W. Der Motor ist luftgekühlt. Verstop- fungen im Kühlsystem schaden dem Motor. Der Lufteinlass des Motors ist alle 50 Betriebsstunden zu reinigen. Eine gründlichere Reinigung des Kühlsystems wird bei jedem Grundservice ausge- führt. 5.13 SCHMIERUNGSämtliche Schmierpunkte entsprechend der fol- genden Tabelle sind alle 50 Betriebsstunden sowie nach jedem Waschen zu schmieren. 5.14 SICHERUNGENWenn einer der unten aufgeführten Fehler auftritt, ist die entsprechende Sicherung auszuwechseln. Siehe Abb. 26. 6 PATENT- UND MUSTER- SCHUTZ Dieses Gerät oder Teile von ihm unterliegen fol- gendem Patent- und Musterschutz: SE9901091-0, SE9901730-3, SE9401745-6, US595 7497, FR772384, DE69520215.4, GB772384, SE0301072-5, SE04/000239 (PCT), SE0401554-1, SE0501599-5. GGP behält sich das Recht vor, ohne vorherige An- kündigung Änderungen am Produkt vorzunehmen. Objekt Maßnahme Abb. Knicklenk- punkt 4 Schmiernippel. Fettspritze mit Universalfett verwenden. Solange pumpen, bis Fett austritt. 17 Lenkketten Ketten mit Stahlbürste reinigen. Mit Universalkettenspray schmieren. - Spannarme Lagerpunkte mit Ölkännchen schmieren und gleichzeitig die entsprechenden Bedienele- mente aktivieren. Am besten von 2 Personen aus- zuführen. 18 Seilzüge der Bedienele- mente Seilzugenden mit Ölkännchen schmieren und gleichzeitig die entsprechenden Bedienele- mente aktivieren. Am besten von 2 Personen aus- zuführen. 19 Fehler Sicherung Der Motor startet nicht bzw. startet und stoppt unmittelbar darauf wieder. Die Batterie ist geladen. 10 A Elektrische Schnitthöheneinstellung funktionieren nicht. 20 A Sämtliche elektrische Funktionen funktionieren nicht. Die Batterie ist geladen. 30 A

53 ENGLISHEN 1 GENERAL This symbol indicates WARNING. Seri- ous personal injury and/or damage to property may result if the instructions are not followed carefully. You must read these instructions for use and the accompanying pamphlet “SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS” careful- ly, before starting up the machine. 1.1 SYMBOLSThe following symbols appear on the machine. They are there to remind you of the care and atten- tion required during use and maintenance. This is what the symbols mean:Wa r n i n g ! Read the instruction manual and the safety manual before using the machine. Wa r n i n g ! Watch out for discarded objects. Keep on- lookers away. Wa r n i n g ! Always wear hearing protectors. Wa r n i n g ! This machine is not designed to be driven on public roads. Wa r n i n g ! The machine, equipped with original ac- cessories, must not be driven in any direc- tion on slopes with a gradient greater than 10º. Wa r n i n g ! Risk of crushing injuries. Keep hands and feet well away from the articulated steer- ing joint. Wa r n i n g ! Risk of burn injuries. Do not touch the si- lencer/catalytic converter. 1.2 REFERENCES 1.2.1 Figures The figures in these instructions for use are num- bered 1, 2, 3, etc. Components shown in the figures are marked A, B, C, etc. A reference to component C in figure 2 is written “2:C”. 1.2.2 Headings The headings in these instructions for use are num- bered in accordance with the following example: “1.3.1 General safety check” is a subheading to “1.3 Safety checks” and is included under this heading. When referring to headings, only the number of the heading is normally specified. E.g. “See 1.3.1”. 2 DESCRIPTION 2.1 DRIVEThe machine has 4-wheel drive. The power from the engine to the drive wheels is transferred hy- draulically. The engine drives an oil pump, which pumps oil through the rear and front axle drives. The front axle and rear axle are connected in se- ries, which means that the front wheels and rear wheels are forced to rotate at the same speed. To make turning easier, both axles are equipped with differential. Front-mounted implements are powered via drive belts. 2.2 STEERINGThe machine is articulated. This means that the chassis is divided into a front and a rear section, which can be turned in relation to each other. The articulated steering means that the machine can turn around trees and other obstacles with an extremely small turning radius. 2.3 SAFETY SYSTEMThe machine is equipped with an electric safety system. The safety system stops certain activities that may be hazardous in the event of incorrect op- eration. For example, the engine can only be started if the clutch-parking brake pedal is depressed. The operation of the safety system must always be checked every time before use. 2.4 CONTROLS 2.4.1 Implement lifter, mechanical (3:C) To switch between working position and transport position: 1. Depress the pedal fully. 2. Release the pedal slowly. 2.4.2 Clutch-parking brake (3:B) Never press the pedal while driving. There is a risk of overheating in the power transmission. The pedal (3:B) has the follow- ing three positions: Released . The clutch is not ac- tivated. The parking brake is not activated. Depressed halfway . Forward drive disengaged. The parking brake is not activated. Fully depressed. Forward drive disengaged. The parking brake is fully activated but not locked. This position is also used as emergency brake.

54 ENGLISHEN 2.4.3 Inhibitor, parking brake (3:A) The inhibitor locks the “clutch-brake” pedal in the depressed position. This func- tion is used to lock the machine on slopes, during transport, etc., when the engine is not running. Locking: 1. Depress the pedal (3:B) fully. 2. Move the inhibitor (3:A) to the right. 3. Release the pedal (3:B). 4. Release the inhibitor (3:A). Unlocking: Press and release the pedal (3:B). 2.4.4 Driving-service brake (3:F) If the machine does not brake as expect- ed when the pedal is released, the left pedal (3:B) should be used as an emer- gency brake. The pedal determines the gearing ratio between the engine and the drive wheels (= the speed). When the pedal is released, the service brake is activated. 1. Press the pedal forward – the machine moves forward. 2. No load on the pedal – the machine is stationary. 3. Press the pedal backward – the machine reverses. 4. Reduce the pressure on the pedal – the machine brakes. 2.4.5 Throttle control (4:G) (165 HD) Control for setting the engine’s revs. 1. Full throttle – when the machine is in operation, full throttle should always be used. 2. Idling . 2.4.6 Choke control (4:H) (165 HD) A pull-type control to choke the engine when start- ing from cold. 1. Control fully pulled out – choke valve in carburettor closed. For starting cold en- gine. 2. Control pushed in – choke valve open. For starting warm engine and when oper- ating the machine. Never operate the machine with the choke pulled out when the engine is warm. 2.4.7 Throttle and choke control (5:G) (180 HD) A control for setting the engine speed and to choke the engine when starting from cold. If the engine runs unevenly there is a risk that the control is too far forward so that the choke is activated. This dam- ages the engine, increases fuel con- sumption and is harmful to the environment. 1. Choke – for starting a cold engine. The choke position is located at the front of the groove. Do not operate in this position when the engine is warm. 2. Full throttle – when the machine is in operation, full throttle should always be used. The full throttle position is approximately 2 cm behind the choke position. 3. Idling. 2.4.8 Ignition lock (4, 5:E) Do not leave the machine with the key in position 2 or 3. There is a fire risk, fuel can run into the engine through the carburettor, and there is a risk of the battery being discharged and damaged. Ignition lock used for starting/stopping the engine. Four positions: 1. Stop position – the engine is short- circuited. The key can be removed. 2/3. Operating position. 4. Start position – the electric start motor is activated when the key is turned to the spring-loaded start position. Once the en- gine has started, let the key return to oper- ating position 2/3. 2.4.9 Power take-off (4,5:K) The power take-off must never be en- gaged when the front-mounted imple- ment is in transport position. This will destroy the belt transmission. A lever for engaging and disengaging the power take-off for operating front-mounted accessories. Two positions: 1. Lever in forward position – power take- off disengaged. 2. Lever in backward position - power take-off engaged.

55 ENGLISHEN 2.4.10 Hour meter (2:P) Indicates the number of working hours. Only works when the engine is running. 2.4.11 Cutting height adjustment (4, 5:J) The machine is equipped with a control for using the cutting deck with electrical cutting height ad- justment.The switch is used to adjust the cutting height in continuously variable positions. The cutting deck is connected to the contact (2:Q). 2.4.12 Clutch release lever A lever for disengaging the variable transmission. 4WD is equipped with two levers, connected to the rear axle (6:A) and the front axle (6:B). The disengagement lever must never be between the outer and inner positions. This overheats and damages the trans- mission. The levers enable the machine to be moved by hand without the help of the engine. Two positions: 1. Lever in the inner position – transmission engaged for normal operation. 2. Lever in the outer position – transmission disengaged. The machine can be moved by hand. The machine may not be towed over long distances or at high speeds. The transmission could be dam- aged. The machine must not be operated with the forward most lever in the outer po- sition. Risk of damage and oil leakage in the front axle. 2.4.13 Seat (1:T) The seat can be folded and adjusted front- rear. The seat can be adjusted as follows: 1. Move the control lever (1:S) upwards. 2. Set the seat to the desired position. 3. Release the control lever (1:S) to lock the seat. The seat is equipped with a safety switch that is connected to the machine’s safety system. This means that certain dangerous activities are not pos- sible when there is nobody sitting on the seat. Also see 4.4.2. 2.4.14 Engine casing (7:U) In order to access the fuel cock, battery and engine, the machine has an engine casing that can be opened. The engine cas- ing is locked with a rubber strap. The engine casing is opened as follows: 1. Undo the rubber strap (7:V) at the front edge of the casing. 2. Carefully lift the engine casing back. Close in the reverse order. The machine may not be operated un- less the engine casing is closed and locked. Risk of burns and crushing in- juries. 2.4.15 Quick-relea se mounting (8:H) The quick connections can be separated, which makes it very easy to shift between the different implements. The quick connections allow the deck to be moved easily between the two posi- tions: Normal position with fully tensioned belt. 4 cm behind the normal position with slackened belt so that the deck gets closer to the base ma- chine. As the belt idler is released from the belt, the quick connections simplify belt and deck replacement, and also make shifting to the washing position and service positions easier. Releasing the belt tension: 1. Remove the locking pins (8:G) from both sides. 2. Open the quick connections by depressing their rear sections with your heel. See (8:F). When the quick connections are opened, the deck arms rest loosely in the shaft sections. The deck must never be set to the service position or washing position without relocking the quick connections after unhooking the deck belt. 3. Carry out the necessary corrective action, e.g.: Unhook the belt. Replace the deck by unhooking the deck arms. See fig. 10. Tensioning the belt: First tension one side and then the other according to the instructions below. Do not turn the lever using your hands. Risk of crushing injuries. 1. Place your foot on the lever (9:J) and carefully turn a half turn forwards. 2. Install the locking pin (8:G). 3. Carry out the above on the other side.

56 ENGLISHEN 3 AREAS OF USE The machine may only be used for the following tasks using the genuine GGP accessories stated. The maximum vertical load on the towing hitch must not exceed 100 N. The maximum over-run load on the towing hitch from towed accessories must not exceed 500 N. NOTE! Before using a trailer – contact your insur- ance company. NOTE! This machine is not intended to be driven on public roads. 4 STARTING AND OPERATION The machine may not be operated un- less the engine casing is closed and locked. Risk of burns and crushing in- juries. 4.1 FILLING WITH PETROLAlways use lead-free petrol. You must never use 2- stroke petrol mixed with oil. The tank holds 12 litres. The level can easily be read through the transparent tank. NOTE! Ordinary lead-free petrol is a perishable and must not be stored for more than 30 days. Environmental petrol can be used, i.e. alkylate pet- rol. This type of petrol has a composition that is less harmful for people and nature.Petrol is highly inflammable. Always store fuel in containers that are made especially for this purpose. Only fill or top up with petrol outdoors, and never smoke when filling or top- ping up. Fill up with fuel before starting the engine. Never remove the filler cap or fill with petrol while the engine is running or still warm. Never completely fill the petrol tank. Leave an empty space (= at least the entire filler tube plus 1 - 2 cm at the top of the tank) to allow the petrol to expand when it warms up without overflowing. See fig. 25. 4.2 CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL LEVEL On delivery, the crankcase is filled with SAE 10W- 30 oil. Check the oil level every time before using to ensure it is correct. The machine should be standing on level ground. Wipe around the dipstick. Unscrew and pull it up. Wipe the dipstick. 165 HD: Push the dipstick down completely without screw- ing it into place. Pull it up again and read off the oil level. 180 HD: Push the dipstick down completely and screw into place . Unscrew and pull the dipstick up again. Read off the oil level. Top up with oil to the “FULL” mark if the oil level is below this mark. See fig. 11-12. The oil level must never exceed the “FULL” mark. This results in the engine overheating. If the oil level exceeds the “FULL” mark, the oil must be drained until the correct level is achieved. 4.3 LEVEL CHECK, TRANSMISSION OIL See 5.6.1. 4.4 SAFETY CHECKSCheck that the results of the safety checks below are achieved when testing the machine in question. The safety checks must always be car- ried out every time before use. If any of the results below is not achieved, the machine must not be used! Take the machine to a service workshop for repair. Work Accessories, GGP genuine Mowing Using mowing decks: 95C, 105 C, 105 C El Sweeping Using brush unit or collector brush unit. The use of a dust guard is recommended with the first option. Snow clearance Using snow blade or snow thrower Snow chains and frame weights are recommended. Grass clipping and leaf collection Using towed collector 38. Grass and leaf transport Using dump cart Combi. Weeding on gravel paths Using front-mounted hoe. Lawn edge trim- ming Using edge trimmer.

57 ENGLISHEN 4.4.1 General safety check 4.4.2 Electrical safety checkThe operation of the safety system should always be checked every time before use. 4.5 START1. Open the fuel cock. See 15. 2. Check that the spark plug cable(s) is/are in-stalled on the spark plug(s). 3. Check to make sure that the power take-off is disengaged. 4. Do not keep your foot on the drive pedal. 5. 165 HD: Put the throttle control at full throttle. Starting cold engine – pull the choke control out fully. Starting warm engine – the choke control should be pressed in. 180 HD: Starting cold engine – put the throttle control in the choke position. Starting warm engine – put the throttle control at full throttle (approx. 2 cm behind the choke position). 6. Depress the clutch-brake pedal fully. 7. Turn the ignition key and start the engine. 8165 HD: Once the engine has started, push the choke control in gradually if it has been used. 180 HD: Once the engine has started, move the throttle control gradually to full throttle (approx. 2 cm behind the choke position) if the choke has been used. 9. When starting from cold, do not make the ma- chine work under load immediately, but let the engine run for a few minutes first. This will al- low the oil to warm up. When the machine is in operation, full throttle should always be used. 4.6 OPERATING TIPSAlways check that there is the correct volume of oil in the engine. This is particularly important when operating on slopes. See 4.2. Be careful when driving on slopes. No sudden starting or stopping when driv- ing up or down a slope. Never drive across a slope. Move from the top down or from the bottom to the top. The machine may not be driven on slopes greater than 10º in any direction. Reduce the speed on slopes and when making sharp turns in order to retain control and reduce the risk of tipping over. Do not turn the steering wheel to full lock when driving in top gear and at full throttle. The machine can easily topple over. Keep hands and fingers well away from articulated steering joint and seat bracket. Risk of crushing injuries. Nev- er drive with the engine casing open. 4.7 STOPDisengage the power take-off. Apply the parking brake. Allow the engine to idle 1-2 mins. Stop the engine by turning off the ignition key. Shut off the petrol cock. This is particularly impor- tant if the machine is to be transported on a trailer for example.If the machine is left unattended, re- move the spark plug cable(s) and re- move the ignition key. The engine may be very warm immedi- ately after it is shut off. Do not touch the silencer, cylinder or cooling fins. This can cause burn injuries. Object Result Fuel lines and connec- tions. No leaks. Electrical cables. All insulation intact. No mechanical damage. Exhaust system. No leaks at connections. All screws tightened. Oil lines No leaks. No damage. Drive the machine for- wards/backwards and release the driving-serv- ice brake pedal. The machine will stop. Test driving No abnormal vibrations. No abnormal sound. Status Action Result The clutch-brake pedal is not depressed. The power take-off is not activated. Try to start. The engine will not start. The clutch-brake pedal is depressed. The power take-off is activated. Try to start. The engine will not start. Engine running. The power take-off is activated. The driver gets up from the seat. The engine will stop. Engine running. Remove fuse 10 A. See fig. 26.The engine will stop.

58 ENGLISHEN 4.8 CLEANING To reduce the risk of fire, keep the en- gine, silencer, battery and fuel tank free from grass, leaves and oil. To reduce the risk of fire, regularly check the machine for oil and/or fuel leakage. Never use high-pressure water. This can damage shaft seals, electrical compo- nents or hydraulic valves. Never use high-pressure air against the radiator fins. This will damage the fin structure. Clean the machine after each use. The following instructions apply for cleaning: Do not spray water directly at the engine. Clean the engine with a brush and/or com- pressed air. Clean the engine’s cooling air intake (11- 12:W). After cleaning with water, start the machine and any cutting deck to remove the water that may otherwise penetrate bearings and cause damage . 5 MAINTENANCE 5.1 SERVICE PROGRAMMEIn order to keep the machine in good condition as regards reliability and operational safety as well as from an environmental perspective, GGP’s Service programme should be followed. Servicing carried out at an authorised workshop guarantees professional work using genuine spare parts. At each basic service and intermediate service car- ried out at an authorised workshop, the service log is stamped. A service log presenting these services is a valuable document that improves the ma- chine’s second-hand value. 5.2 PREPARATIONAll service and all maintenance must be carried out on a stationary machine with the engine switched off. Prevent the machine from rolling by al- ways applying the parking brake. Stop the engine. Prevent unintentional starting of the engine by disconnecting the spark plug cable(s) from the spark plug(s) and re- moving the ignition key. 5.3 TYRE PRESSUREAdjust the air pressure in the tyres as follows: Front: 0.6 bar (9 psi). Rear: 0.4 bar (6 psi). 5.4 CHANGING ENGINE OILThis section contains tables covering the different engines that are included in GGP’s range. To facil- itate reading, mark the data that applies to the rel- evant machine/engine. 5.4.1 Change intervals The table below states hours of operation and cal- endar months. Carry out the relevant action at whichever occurs first. Change the oil more frequently if the engine has to operate in demanding conditions or if the ambient temperature is high. 5.4.2 Engine Oil Use oil according to the table below. Use oil without any additives. Do not fill with too much oil. This can cause the engine to overheat. Change oil when the engine is warm.The engine oil may be very hot if it is drained off directly after the engine is shut off. Therefore allow the engine to cool a few minutes before draining the oil. 1. Attach the clamp on the oil drainage hose. Use a polygrip or similar. See fig. 11-12:Y. 2. Move the clamp up 3-4 cm on the oil drainage hose and pull out the plug. 3. Collect the oil in a collection vessel. NOTE! Do not spill any oil on the drive belts. 4. Hand in the oil for disposal in accordance with local provisions. 5. Install the oil drainage plug and move the clamp back so that it clamps above the plug. 6. Remove the dipstick and fill with new oil. Machine 1st time Then at intervals of 180 HD (B&S) Hours of operation/ Calendar months Changing the oil 5 hours 50 hours/ 12 months 165 HD (Honda) Hours of operation/ Calendar months Changing the oil 20 hours/ 1 month 100 hours/ 6 months Oil SAE 10W-30 Service class SJ or higher

59 ENGLISHEN Oil quantity: 7. After filling up the oil, start the engine and idle for 30 seconds. 8. Check to see if there is any oil leakage. 9. Stop the engine. Wait for 30 seconds and then check the oil level in accordance with 4.2. 5.4.3 Oil filter First drain the engine oil and install the oil drain- age plug as described above. Then replace the oil filter as follows: 1. Clean the area around the filter and dismantle the filter. 2. Moisten the new filter’s gasket with oil. 3. Install the filter. First screw in the filter so that the gasket comes into contact with the engine. Then screw in the filter a further 1/2-3/4 turn. 4. Continue with point 7 in accordance with 5.4.2 Engine Oil above. 5.5 FUEL FILTER (11-12:Z)Replace the fuel filter every season. Check for fuel leaks once the new filter has been installed. 5.6 TRANSMISSION, OIL The oil in the hydraulic power transmission must be checked/adjusted and changed at the intervals given in the table below. Type of oil: Synthetic oil 5W-50. Oil quantity when changing: approximately 3.5 li- tres. 5.6.1 Check – adjustment 1. Place the machine on a flat surface. 2. Read off the oil level in the reservoir. See fig. 20:P. The level should be level with the line. 3. If necessary, top up with more oil. 5.6.2 Draining 1. Run the machine at variable speeds for 10-20 minutes to heat up the transmission oil. 2. Position the machine completely horizontally. 3. Pull out both disengagement levers according to fig. 6:A, B. 4. Place one container under the rear axle and one under the front axle. 5. Open the oil reservoir by removing the cover. Only a 3/8” square drive may be used for the oil plug. Other tools will damage the plug. 6. Remove the oil plug from the rear axle. Clean the hole and use a 3/8” square drive. See figure 21. 7. Remove 2 drain plugs from the front axle. Use a 12 mm socket. Allow the oil in the front axle and pipes to run out. See fig. 22. 8. Check that the gaskets on the drain plugs of the front axle are intact. See fig. 22. Reinstall the plugs. Tightening torque: 15-17 Nm. The oil plug will be damaged if it is tightened more to than 5 Nm. 9. Check that the gasket on the oil plug of the rear axle is intact. See fig. 21:V. Reinstall in the rear axle. Tighten the oil plug to 5 Nm. 10.Draw out the oil from the deeper section of the reservoir using an oil extractor. See fig. 23. 11.Dispose of the oil according to local regula- tions. 5.6.3 Filling The engine must never be run when the rear clutch release lever is pushed in and the front clutch release lever is pulled out. This will damage the front axle seals. 1. Fill the oil reservoir with the new oil. If the engine is run indoors, exhaust ex- traction equipment must be connected to the engine’s exhaust pipe. 2. Check that the rear axle’s clutch release lever is pulled out. 3. Start the engine. When the engine is started, the front axle’s clutch release lever slides inwards automatically. 4. Pull out the front axle’s clutch release lever. NOTE! The oil is drawn into the system very quickly. The reservoir must always be topped up. Air must never be drawn in. 5. Set the accelerator pedal to the forward position by blocking it using a wooden wedge. See fig. 24. Fill the oil reservoir by hand using new oil. 6. Run in the forward position for one minute. 7. Move the wooden wedge and set the accelerator pedal to the reverse position. Continue filling with oil. 8. Run in reverse mode for one minute. 9. Change driving direction once every minute as above and continue filling with oil until the bubbling in the reservoir stops. Machine Oil quantity, approximately No filter replacement Filter replace- ment 180 HD 1,4 litres 1,5 litres 165 HD 0,9 litres 1,05 litres Action 1st time Then at intervals of Hours of operation Checking – adjusting level. - 50 Changing the oil. 5 200

60 ENGLISHEN 10.Switch off the engine, install the oil reservoir cover and close the engine cover. 11.Test drive for several minutes and adjust the oil level in the reservoir. 5.7 BELT TRANSMISSIONSAfter 5 hours of operation, check that all the belts are intact and undamaged. 5.8 STEERINGThe steering must be checked/adjusted after 5 hours of operation and thereafter after 100 hours of operation. 5.8.1 Checks Briefly turn the steering wheel back and forth. There must be no mechanical clearance in the steering chains. 5.8.2 Adjustment Adjust the steering chains if required as follows: 1. Put the machine in the straight-ahead position. 2. Adjust the steering chains with the two nuts, lo-cated under the central point. See fig. 16. 3. Adjust both nuts by the same amount until there is no clearance. 4. Test drive the machine straight forwards and check that the steering wheel is not off centre. 5. If the steering wheel is off centre, undo one nut and tighten the other. Do not over-tighten the steering chains. This will cause the steering to become heavy and will in- crease wear on the steering chains. 5.9 BATTERY If acid comes into contact with the eyes or skin, this can cause serious injuries. If any part of the body has come into contact with acid, rinse immediately with copious amounts of water and seek medical assistance as soon as possible. The battery is a valve-regulated battery with 12 V nominal voltage. The battery fluid does not need to and cannot be checked or topped up. The only maintenance that is required is charging, for exam- ple after extended storage. The battery must be fully charged be- fore being used for the first time. The battery must always be stored fully charged. If the battery is stored while discharged, serious damage will occur. 5.9.1 Charging with the engine The battery can be charged using the engine’s gen- erator as follows: 1. Install the battery in the machine as shown be- low. 2. Place the machine outdoors or install an extrac- tion device for the exhaust fumes. 3. Start the engine according to the instructions in the user guide. 4. Allow the engine to run continuously for 45 minutes. 5. Stop the engine. The battery will now be fully charged. 5.9.2 Charging usi ng battery charger When charging using a battery charger, a battery charger with constant voltage must be used. Contact your dealer to purchase a battery charger with constant voltage. The battery can be damaged if a standard type bat- tery charger is used. 5.9.3 Removal/Installation The battery is placed under the engine casing. Dur- ing removal/installation, the following applies re- garding connection of the cables: During removal. First disconnect the black ca- ble from the battery’s negative terminal (-). Then disconnect the red cable from the battery’s positive terminal (-). During installation. First connect the red cable to the battery’s positive terminal (+). Then con- nect the black cable to the battery’s negative ter- minal (-). If the cables are disconnected/connect- ed in the wrong order, there is a risk of a short-circuit and damage to the bat- tery. If the cables are interchanged, the gen- erator and the battery will be damaged. Tighten the cables securely. Loose ca- bles can cause a fire. The engine must never be driven with the battery disconnected. There is a risk of serious damage to the generator and the electrical system. 5.9.4 Cleaning If the battery terminals are coated with oxide, they should be cleaned. Clean the battery terminals with a wire brush and lubricate them with terminal grease. 5.10 AIR FILTER, ENGINE 5.10.1 Air filter (165 HD) Clean the air filter every 3 months or after every 50 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Clean the paper filter insert once a year or after every 200 hours of operation, whichever comes first. Note! Both filters should be cleaned more often if the machine operates on dusty ground. 1. Remove the protective cover of the air filter (fig. 13).