Communications System
Comdial Dxp Plus Digital Communications System Instructions Manual
Comdial Dxp Plus Digital Communications System Instructions Manual
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1.4ReLoading Or Up-Grading The System Software The DXP Plus includes system software when it ships from the factory. At initial system installation,you do not need to load the system software to make the system operational. Should you need to later reload the system software (for software up-grade purposes for example), you can do so using the supplied system software disk. Use Windows File Manager or MS-DOS commands to save the disk’s information from your computer’s floppy drive to its hard drive. Having the software on your computer’s hard drive allows the data to load into the DXP Plus memory much quicker than it would from the computer’s floppy disk drive. To load the system software information, your PC must be connected to the DXP Plus (see Section 1.1). 1.Turn on your PC and load the Windows software. 2.Select the VMMI program from the Windows menu screen.7 ‘: ifi, l&yqyJ 3.From the VMMI window, select the DXP pull-down menu.1 I 4.If you have not previously archived the system data base, do so now. a.From the DXP pull-down menu, select Archive Database. [ 9 ‘&CTli? b.Choose a memory storage location for the archive operation to use and OK your choice. Since the data base can be quite large, you should chose a location on your computer’s hard drive to ensure that you have enough memory to store the data base. c.The system automatically archives its data base and prompts you to OK the action. d.OK the archive and return to the DXP pull-down menu. 5.From the DXP pull-down menu, select the System Software Upgrade. 6.Note the on-screen prompt information, and OK to continue. 7.The system automatically takes itself out of service and makes a backup of its data base. 8.Note the on-screen prompt information, and OK to continue. 9.Choose the location where the new software data resides (select disk drive, directory, and file), and OK your choice. 10. The DXP Plus loads the software data, reloads its data base that it previously backed up (see step 7), resets itself, places itself back in service, and logs out of the software upgrade feature. General Programming Information 1-5

ItW66- 123DXP Plus Programming Instructions 1.5Using VMMI Software To Translate A DXP DatabaseYou can use the VMMI software to translate the database residing in a DXP to a format that is compatible with the DXP Plus, and load that database into the DXP Plus system. While translating data, your PC need not be connected to the DXP Plus.Before you translate a DXP database, determine the revision level of the DXP system software. If the DXP system software revision is 8.A or later, you can translate the database without first taking any other action. However, if the DXP software revision is e t use an 8.A or later revision of the PCMMI program to upgrade that da it. If you do not have this version of the PCMMI program, you can downial bulletin board service.The telephone number for the bulletin board service ineedadata ’communications software program and a data modem 1.5. IUpgrading The DXP Data Base.*’ =---I ’When a DXP contains system software that is at a revision level earlier than 8.A, you must upgrade that DXP’s database before you can translate it into a DXP Plus database. To do this, employ an XMODEM data communications program to store the database on a magnetic diskette or on your computer’s hard drive. Then employ a revision 8.A or later PCMMI program (obtainable from Comdial’s bulletin board service) to restore the database and save it to a new file. Restoring the database with this revision 8.A or later PCMMI program upgrades the database so that it will translate into a DXP Plus database.Remember, the saved database includes the following data: system information, station parameters, line parameters, toll restriction and automatic route selection parameters, and system speed dial numbers but does not include the SMDA/SMDR records. If you need these SMDA/SMDR records, you must make a printout of them before you perform the database storage. This is necessary because this procedure does not record the stored records and they will be lost.1-6 General Programming Information

Saving the DXP Dafabase NOTE: This programming procedure details steps that one follows when using the communications software program known as PROCOMM (produced by Datastorm Technologies). If you are using a different communications software, your steps may be different. 1.Connect your PC to the DXP, and take the necessary steps to establish communications between the PC and the DXP. 2At the banner screen, type the password (default password is: 1%746+K). 3.Press CONTROL T for the main menu. 4.From the main menu, select system and press ENTER. 5.From the system menu, select save/restore database menu and press ENTER. 6.Type the item number for save database and press ENTER. 7.Press the page-down button. 8.Type the prompted number to choose XMODEM protocol. 9.Install a formatted diskette in the PC’s floppy disk drive or determine a directory location on the PC’s hard drive. Use this diskette or hard drive directory space as the original DXP database storage area.10. Type a DOS file name of your choice for the database storage file, and press ENTER. Database save is automatic; however, depending upon the baud rate, the down load may take 5-25 minutes. Restoring The DXP Database 1.Load the revision 8.A or later PCMMI program (that you obtained from the Comdial bulletin board service) into your PC, and start the program. 2.If the saved DXP database is on a diskette, install the diskette in your PC floppy disk drive. 3.Press CONTROL T for the main menu. 4.From the main menu, select system and press ENTER. 5.From the system menu, select save/restore database menu and press ENTER. 6.Type the item number for restore database and press ENTER, 7.Type the path location and the DOS file name for the saved database and press ENTER. Database restore is automatic. When finished, the system displays the message: transfer complete, no errors. 8.Press ESCAPE and repeat steps 4 and 5. 9.Type the item number for restore database and press ENTER, 10. Type a path location and DOS file name of your choice for the restored database and press ENTER. Database restore is automatic. (If you choose the same file name as the saved database, the system will ask you to comfirm the overwrite of the current file.) This restored database is the upgrade version that you translate into a DXP Plus database. General Programming Information 1-7

/M/66-123DXP Plus Programming Instructions 1.5.2Translating The DXP Data Base 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.Turn on your PC and load the Windows software. Select the VMMI program from the Windows menu screen. From the VMMI window, select the FILE pull-down menu. From the File pull-down menu, select Open. System default conditions cause the VMMI program to search for all *.DXP files in the VMMI directory; however, you may need to type the path location and DOS file name of the DXP database that you wish to translate. From the Open Data Base File window, select the database for translation, and OK your choice. Select a file location for the translated database and OK your selection The Select Board Type window opens. 7.Use the Select Board Type window to describe the board configuration of the DXP database that you are translating. (a) Make a record of the DXP’s physical board configuration. You can use the configuration record that you recorded using IMI40-089, Configuring The DXP Hardware. Or you can create a reference chart by entering product codes in the following table. (b) Using your charted information, answer the prompts on the Select Board Type window. The prompts first asks for all installed station boards beginning with the DXP’s left-most universal slot in the main cabinet. The prompts then ask for all installed line boards beginning with the DXP’s right-most slot in the main cabinet. When a slot in the original DXP contains an auxiliary board, select the No Board response. When the prompt asks for a station board but a line board occupies that slot in the original DXP, select the No Board response. When the prompt asks for a line board but a station board occupies that slot in the original DXP, select the No Board response.When you finish listing the board configuration, OK your selections. l-8 General Programming information

DXP Plus Programming instructions/M/66-123(c) The VMMI program presents a screen graphic that depicts the boards installed in a default arrangement in the main and expansion cabinets of a DXP Plus system. The default arrangement places station boards in ascending slot order beginning with slot 1 in the main cabinet; it places line boards in descending slot order beginning with slot 30 in the lower expansion cabinet. TheVMMI program leaves a blank slot for any place that you answered a station or line board prompt with a no board response (d) Since your system may not include one or both expansion cabinets or you do not care for the software arranged board layout, use your mouse to move the board images to the slots that you would rather that they occupy. Make a record of these board locations so that you or your installer can physically install the boards to match your plan. DXP Plus Upper Expansion Cabinet Universal Slot Designation lO(132)/AUXl 11(132)/AUX2 Enter Product Code Of Installed Board 15(1-32) 16(132) 17(132)7 19(132) 20(132) DXP Plus Main Cabinet Universal Slot DesignationEnter Product Code Of Installed Board l( 132)/AUX 2(132) 3(132) 4(132) 6(132) 7(132) 8(1-32) DXP Plus Lower Expansion Cabinet Universal Slot Designation 21(132)/AUXl 22(1-32)IAUX2 Enter Product Code Of Installed Board 25(1-32) 26(132) 27(132) 29(1-32) 30( l-32) 8.From the File drop-down menu, select SAVE. The computer saves the translated DXP database to the file that you named in step 6. General Programming Information l-9

1.6UsinVMMI Software To Archive Andiiestore The Data BaseYou can use the VMMI software to archive and restore the DXP Plus database. To archive and restore data, your PC must be connected to the DXP Plus (see Smtion 1.1).To archive a data base, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.Turn on your PC and load the Windows software. Select the VMMI program from the Windows menu screen. From the VMMI window, select the DXP pull-down menu. From the DXP pull-down menu, select Login.From the Login window, perform all login requirements, and OK your choices to return to the DXP pull-down menu. From the DXP pull-down menu, select Archive Database. Choose a memory storage location for the archive operation to use and OK your choice. Since the data base can be quite large, you should chose a location on your computer’s hard drive to ensure that you have enough memory to store the data base. The system automatically archives its data base and prompts you to OK the action. To retrieve a data base, 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.Turn on your PC and load the Windows software. Select the VMMI program from the Windows menu screen. From the VMMI window, select the DXP pull-down menu. From the DXP pull-down menu, select Login.From the Login window, perform all login requirements, and OK your choices to return to the DXP pull-down menu.. From the DXP pull-down menu, select Restore Database. Choose the memory storage location that contains an archived data base and OK your choice. Since the data base can be quite large, you should chose a location on your compu’ier’s hard drive to ensure that you have enough memory to store the data base. The system automatically restores its data base and prompts you to OK the action l-10 General Programming Information

DXP Plus Programming InstructionslMl66-123 1.7UsinVMMI Software To Perform Theiioard Configuration You can use the VMMI software to program the DXP Plus board configuration feature. To perform the board configuration feature, your PC must be connected to the DXP Plus (see Section 1.1). 1.Turn on your PC and load the Windows software. 2.Select the VMMI program from the Windows menu screen. 3.From the VMMI window, select the FILE pull-down menu. 4.From the File pull-down menu, select Open. 5.From the Open Data Base File window, select the DXP Plus database, and OK your choice. The VMMI program presents a screen graphic that depicts the the DXP Plus boards installed in theircurrent configuration. If you do not care for the board layout, use your mouse to move the board images to the slots that you would rather that they occupy. Make a record of these board locations so that you or your installer can physically install the boards to match your plan. 6.From the File drop-down menu, select SAVE. The computer saves the rearranged board configuration. NOTE: If you need to add or delete circuit boards, use the programming procedure detailed in Section 15.General Programming Information 1-l 1

lM166-123DXP PIUS Programming hstructions 1.6Configuring The Windows Terminal Emulation When configuring the terminal emulation program so that it can communicate with the DXP Plus, youmust arrange it to emulate either an ANSI standard, ANSI color, or WYSE 50 terminal Such emulations provide full screen editing of database information You must match the data configurations of the terminal emulation with those of the DXP Phs. The CPUboard provides a DIP switch that changes the DXP Plus data configuration to a fixed set of parameters. You can match the terminal emulation to this fixed set of parameters and eliminate any configuration guess work. When you set DIP switch 1 to its ON position, you fix the DXP Plus serial data ports to thefollowing parameters: ParameterMaintenance PortModem Port Baud Rate In 96002400Baud Rate Out 96002400 Data Bits88 Stop Bits12Parity Bits NoneNoneFlow ControlNoneNone When you set the DIP switch to OFF, you can program the DXP PEus data port configuration todifferent parameters. Prepare the terminal emulation for communications by following the procedure detailed below. 1.From the Windows Program Manager, select the Accessories window. 2.From the accessories window, select Terminal. 3.From the Terminals window, select the Settings drop-down menu. 4.From the Settings menu, select Terminal Emulation. 5.From the Terminal Emulation window, select DEC VT-100 (ANSI) and OK your selection. 6.From the Settings menu, select Communications. 7.From the Communications window, select the COM port that you are using between the PC and the DXP Plus,and select serial data parameters that match the DXP Plus settings. When finished, OKyour selections. 8.Press ENTER. The PC automatically communicates with the DXP Plus 0 The DXP Pkus responds tothe PC communications by returning the programming banner screen. 9.Refer to Sections 5-15 in this manual for the terminal emulation programming procedures. l-12 General Programming Information

DXP Plus Programming InstructionslMi66-123 Reviewing General Programming Considerations Since the programming procedure is menu driven, you should consider all \ of the following points. lThe menu presents a list of selections for your consideration. Each sele\ ction differs in content and requires a different response. lWhen you respond to each selection, it either causes the system to prese\ nt a further breakdown of selections or causes a particular programming action to take place. lMenu lines prompt you for the required response and, where appropriate, \ will repeat prompts to allow programming of more than one device without you having to make ano\ ther menu selection. lAll of the menus operate in a similar manner. They differ in only the re\ quired response that you must make. lSome menus contain more than one page. On these menus, you can press and\ hold the CONTROL key while you type the N key to display the next page (or type P to display the previous page). lEach prompt requires a response followed by a Carriage Return (RETURN)\ . A more common label for this control on most PC keyboards is ENTER. lMost menu responses usually consists of a one-, two-, or three-digit num\ ber or a string of numbers (or alpha-numeric characters when programming names and messages). Suc\ cessive entries are separated by a space or a comma (n n n or n,nn,nnn) while blocks of nu\ mbers are indicated by hyphen (n-nnn). lShould programmers introduce a numbering conflict while renumbering a fe\ ature dialing code, thesystem will prompt them to remove the conflict. They may have to renumbe\ r several features to completely clear any conflicting numbers. General Programming Considerations 2-1

3 Understanding Keyboard And Terminal Definrtions 3.1Reviewing The Keyboard Definitions The following list describes the functional keys on the keyboard. l Number keys:Use keys O-9 for selecting menu items, lines of data to edit, orfor editing numeric prompts. l Alphabetic keys: Use keys A-Z and a-z for entering string information such as names and messages. Always begin names of stations, lines, and so forth with a letter or a space. l ESCAPE key: This key will return you to the previous command prompt and cancel whatever input was in progress. This action may or may not cause the previous screen to be redrawn depending on the current mode. When you enter a change at most of the programming menus, you must press the ESCAPE key and type a y followed by the ENTER key to save the change. lPunctuation and Symbol keys:Except for comma (which is a field delimiter), use the punctuation and symbols on the keyboard just as you use the alphabetic keys. lRETURN or ENTER key:Use this key to terminate the response to a command prompt or to end the editing of a data field.The system ignores a RETURNwithout any preceding input except when you are editing database information. During this operation, the RETURN keymoves the cursor to the next vertical editing position l SPACE BAR: l Tab Key: l Question mark (?): The space bar steps through the choices for program selections that provide multiple choices. Use this key during table editing to position the cursor to thenext horizontal editing position. This key will display any help available concerning the currently displayed screen. Keyboard And Terminal Definitions 3-1