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Asus Router WL-330gE User Manual

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    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			17/9/07			4:39:07	PM 
    Enhanced 802.g 
    Portable Wireless Access Point 
    Copyright	©	2007	ASUSTeK	COMPUTER	INC.	 All	Rights	Reserved.
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			17/9/07			4:39:09	PM 
    2ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    Package contents
    Check	the 	following 	items 	in 	your 	ASUS 	WL-330gE 	Portable 	Wireless 	AP 	
    package.	Contact	your	retailer	if	any	item	is	damaged	or	missing.
    		 ASUS	Portable	Wireless	 AP	(WL-330gE)
    		 Universal	power	adapter	and	plug	(5V/1A,	100V	~	240V)
    		 USB	power	cord
    		 RJ-45	cable
    		 Support	CD	(manual,	utilities,	GPL)
    		 Quick	Start	Guide
    Use	 only	 the	power	 adapter	 and	plug	 that	came	 with	the	package.	 Using	other	power	adapter	and	plug	may	damage	the	device!
    System requirements
    Before	installing 	the 	ASUS 	WL-330gE 	Portable 	Wireless 	AP, 	make 	sure 	that 	your	
    computer	meets	the	following	requirements:
    •			 Operating	System:	Windows®	2000,	XP,	or	Vista
    •			 An	Ethernet	RJ-45	port	(10Base-T/100Base-TX)
    •			 At	least	one	IEEE	802.11b/g	device	with	wireless	capability
    •			 An	Internet	browser
    To	 make	 sure	that	you	perform	 certain	tasks	properly,	 take	note	 of	the	 following	
    symbols	used	throughout	this	guide.
    	WARNING:	 Information 	to 	prevent 	injury 	to 	yourself 	when 	trying 	to	
    complete	a	task.	
    	CAUTION:	 Information 	to 	prevent 	damage 	to 	the 	components 	when	
    trying	to	complete	a	task.
    	IMPORTANT:	Information	that	you	MUST 	follow	to	complete	a	task.
    	NOTE:	Tips	and	additional	information	to	aid	in	completing	a	task.
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			27/9/07			4:39:12	PM 
    3ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    Device installation
    1.	 Insert	one	end	of	 the	supplied	RJ-45	cable	to	 the	WL-330gE	Ethernet	 port.
    2.	 Insert	the	other	end	of	the	RJ-45	cable	to	your	computer.
    3.	 Do	either	of	the	following:
    	 Connect	the 	power 	adapter	
    plug	 to	the	 WL-330gE	 DC-
    IN	socket	 and	connect	 the	
    power	adapter 	to 	a 	wall	
    socket	(A).
    	 Connect 	the 	USB 	power	
    cord 	plug 	to 	the 	WL-330gE	
    DC-IN	 socket	 and	connect	
    the	USB 	connector 	into	
    your	 computer’s	 USB	port	
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			37/9/07			4:39:13	PM 
    ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    Wireless computerInternet
    ADSL/Cable modemWL-330gE
    Operation modes
    The	ASUS 	WL-330gE 	is 	designed 	with 	four 	(4) 	selective 	operation 	modes: 	Router/
    Gateway,	Access Point,	Ethernet Adapter,	and	Universal Repeater.
    By	default,	the	 ASUS	WL-330gE	is	set	in	the	Router/Gateway	mode.
    Router/Gateway mode
    In	the	 Router/Gateway	 mode,	the	ASUS	 WL-330gE	 connects	to	the	 Internet	
    via	an	ADSL 	or	 a	cable	 modem,	 and	your	 network	 environment	 has	multi-users	
    using	the	same	IP 	to	ISP.
    In	the	 Quick	 Setup	 Wizard,	 you	can	only	 configure	 WEP	for	 security	 (open	system).	 You	can	complete	 the	share	 key	and	 advanced	 security	setup	in	the	Advanced	Settings	page.
    In	the	Router/Gateway	mode:
    •	 NAT 	is	enabled;
    •	 WAN	is	allowed	using	PPPoE,	DHCP 	client,	or	static	IP;	and
    •	 UPnP	and	DDNS	features,	which	are	useful	for	home	user,	are	supported.
    To	configure	the	 ASUS	WL-330gE	in	Router/Gateway	mode:
    1.	 In	the	Mode	Quick	Setup	page,	click	the	Gateway	tab.	The	Gateway	page	
    is	displayed.	
    To	enter	the	web	configuration	page:
    1.	 Type	92.68..220	into	the	address	box	of	your	web	browser	to	enter	the	
    web	configuration	page.
    2.	 Use 	admin	as 	the 	username 	and 	password. 	The 	Setup 	Wizard 	is 	then	
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			47/9/07			4:39:16	PM 
    ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    2.	 Specify	an 	SSID 	(Service 	Set 	Identifier), 	which 	is 	a 	unique 	identifier 	attached	
    to	packets	sent	over	WLAN.
    3.	 Select	a	security	level	to	enable	encryption	methods:
    	 Low(None):	No	security	level.
    	 Medium	(WEP-64bits)
    	 Medium	(WEP-128	bits)
    	 High	(WPA-PSK/WPA-PSK)
    4.	 Choose	 “Enable”	Hotspot	 Mode	if	you	 would	 like	to	wirelessly	 connect	to	
    the	hot	spot.
    5.	 Click	Finish	to	save	the	configuration.
    You	can	set	up	the	 advanced	 functions.	Click	the	Advance Settings	link	 to		go	to	the	 Advance	Settings	screen.
    Disable	your	PC’s	 proxy	 settings	 when	using	web	configuration.	 Make	sure	the	WL-330gE	 and	your	 PC	are	 under	 the	same	 subnet.	 Check	the	contents	of	the	Internet	protocol	(TCP/IP)	settings	of	your	local	area	connection
    After	 setting	 the	ASUS	 WL-330gE	 in	Router/Gateway	 mode,	you	need	 to	connect 	the 	WL-330gE’s 	LAN 	port 	to 	an 	ADSL 	modem 	through 	an 	RJ45 	cable.	You	 can	only	 set	up	your	 local	 network	 wirelessly	 such	as	through	 Windows®	Zero	Configuration	or	your	wireless	card	utility	on	your	PC.
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			57/9/07			4:39:17	PM 
    6ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    Access Point (AP) mode
    In	the	Access Point (AP) mode,	you	 can	connect	 the	Ethernet	 port	and	your	
    wireless	devices	into	the	same	local	area	network	(LAN).
    Wireless computerWL-330gE
    To	configure	the	 ASUS	WL-330gE	in	 Access	Point/AP	mode:
    1.	 In	the 	Mode 	Quick 	Setup 	page, 	click 	the 	AP	tab. 	The 	Access 	Point 	(AP) 	page	
    is	displayed.	
    2.	 Specify 	an 	SSID 	(Service 	Set 	Identifier), 	which 	is 	a 	unique 	identifier 	attached	
    to	packets	sent	over	WLAN.
    3.	 Select	a	security	level	to	enable	encryption	methods:
    	 Low(None):	No	security	level.
    	 Medium	(WEP-64bits)
    	 Medium	(WEP-128	bits)
    	 High	(WPA-PSK/WPA-PSK)	
    4.	 Click	Finish	to	save	the	configuration.
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			67/9/07			4:39:20	PM 
    ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    Ethernet Adapter mode
    In	the	Ethernet Adapter  mode,	you	 can	enable	 any	Ethernet-capable	 device	
    to	go	wireless.
    To	configure	the	ASUS	WL-330gE	in	Ethernet	 Adapter	mode:
    1.	 In	the	Mode	Quick	Setup	page,	click	the	Adapter	tab.	The	Adapter	page	is	
    2.	 From	 the	available	 list	of	devices	 in	LAN,	 select	 the	device	 you	want	 to	
    connect	to.
    3.	 Click	Connect.
    You	can	set	up	the	 advanced	 functions.	Click	the	Advance Settings	link	 to		go	to	the	 Advance	Settings	screen.
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			77/9/07			4:39:21	PM 
    8ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    Repeater mode
    In	the	Repeater mode,	you	can	use	the	ASUS	WL-330gE	to	connect	with	
    your	root	router	at	home	to	extend	your	wireless	coverage.
    To	configure	the	ASUS	WL-330gE	in	Repeater	mode:
    1.	 In	the	Mode	Quick	Setup	page,	click	the	Repeater	tab.	The	Repeater	
    page	is	displayed.	
    2.	 From	the	available	list	of	devices	in	LAN,	select	the	device	you	want	to 	
    connect	to.
    3.	 Click	Connect.
    You	can	set	up	the	advanced	functions.	Click	the	Advance Settings	link	to		go	to	the	Advance	Settings	screen.
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			87/9/07			4:39:24	PM 
    9ASUS WL-330gE Portable Wireless Access Point
    LED indicators
    The	ASUS	WL-330gE	comes	with	a	Power,	
    Wireless,	and	Ethernet	LED	indicators.	Refer	to	the	
    table	below	for	LED	indications.
    *Modes:	AP:	Access	Point	mode	 	
    	EA:	Ethernet	adapter	mode
    	URE:	Universal	repeater	mode
    Router/AP/EA/UREThe	RJ-45	cable	is	connected	and	the	WL-330gE	is	connected	to	an	Ethernet	network.
    The	WL-330gE	is	off	or	is	not	connected	to	an	Ethernet	network.
    Associated	with	an	 AP.
    Not	associated.
    Not	associated	with	any	 AP.
    The	WL-330gE	is	on	and	ready.
    The	WL-330gE	is	under	“reset	to	default”	mode.
    The	device	is	off.
    WL-330gE_QSG(E).indd			97/9/07			4:39:25	PM 
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