Communications System
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
Panasonic Cpc+AII/B Digital Business System Release Notes Manual
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Chapter 1. System Programming (FFi)Section 400-Programming Red Alarm Detection Software Version:CPC-6 Version 4.0 or higherAddress: Master Cabinet: FFl 8# 4# 4# 2# 1# (015)# Slave Cabinet:FFI 8# 4## 5# 2# 1# (015)# DescriptionThe default value for this parameter is determined by network specifications. It should not be changed. If a red alarm occurs, the “CFA” LED on the Tl card lights. Also, if the Red Alarm Relay (FFl 8# 4# 4/5# 4# 2#) is enabled, the alarm relay on the Tl MDF card closes....
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Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Prcgramming tFF1)Yellow Alarm Detection Software Version: CPC-B Version 4.0 or higher Address:Master Cabinet: FFl 8# 4# 4## 2# 2# (0-15)# Slave Cabinet:FFl 8## 4# 5# 2# 2# (0-15)# DescriptionDetermines how long a yellow alarm signal must be on before the system detects a yellow alarm. When a yellow alarm occurs, the “YEL” LED on the Tl card lights. Also, if the Yellow Alarm Relay (FFl 8i: 4# 4/5n” 1# l#) isenabled, the alarm relay on the TI MDF card closes....
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Chapter 1. System Programming (FFl)Section 400-Programming Related ProgrammingYellow Alarm Send: FFl 8# 4#/ (4 or 5)# l# 7# (0 or l)# Yellow Alarm Recovery:FFl 8# 4# (4 or 5)# 2# 3# (0-15)#Yellow Alarm Counter: FFl 8# 4## (4 or 5)# 3# 6# (0-9000)#Yellow Alarm Relay: FFl 8# 4# (4 or 5)# # l# (0 or l)# NotesPower-Cycling Requirement.For changes to this parameter to take effect, the system must be turned off, then back on. Page 1-168 DBS Manual - Issued 8/l/95DBS-70-400
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Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFI) Yellow Alarm Recovery Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: Master Cabinet: FFl 8# 4## 4## 2# 3# (0115)# Slave Cabinet:FFl 8# 4#I 5# 2# 3# (0115)# Description ProgrammingDetermines how long the DBS tries to recover from a yellow alarm before it re-syncs the Tl trunk. FFl 8# 4# (4 or 5)# 2# 3# (0115)# 7f 4=Master CabinetYellow Alarm Recovery timer setting 5=Slave CabinetDefault: 1 (10 rns) (see table below)I Table l-50.Yellow...
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Chapter 1. System Programming (FFi)Section 400-Programming Related ProgrammingYellow Alarm Send: FFl 8# 4## (4 or 5)# l# 7# (0 or l)#Yellow Alarm Detection: FF1 8# # (4 or 5)# 2# 2# (0-15)##Yellow Alarm Counter: FFl 8# 4# (4 or 5)# 3# 6# (0-9000)#Yellow Alarm Relay: FFl 8# 4# (4 or 5)# 4## l# (0 or l)# NotesPower-Cycling Requirement.For changes to this parameter to take effect, the system must be turned off, then back on.Page l-l 70 DBS Manual - Issued 8/i/95DBS-70-400 _
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Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Other Alarms Detection Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: Master Cabinet: FFl 8# 4## 4# 2# 4# (0-15)# Slave Cabinet:FFl 8# 4# 5# 2# 4# (0015)# DescriptionDetermines how long an out-of-frame (OOF), loss of signal, sync loss, or AIS signal must be on before the system generates an alarm. If an OOF, Sync Loss, or AIS alarm occurs, a corresponding LED on the Tl card lights. (Sync Loss alarms light the “SLIP” LED.) The alarm relay...
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ChapterRelated Programming Other Alarms Recovery:FFl 8# 4## (4 or 5)# 2# 5# (0-15)# NotesPower-Cycling Requirement.For changes to this parameter to take effect, the system must be turned off, then back on. Page 1-l 72DBS Manual - issued 8/l/95.DBS-70-400
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Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Other Alarms Recovery Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: Master Cabinet: FFl 8# 4#I 4# 2# 5# (O-15)# Slave Cabinet:FFl 8## 4# 5# 2# 5# (O-15)# DescriptionDetermines how long the DBS tries to recover from an Out-Of-Frame (OOF), Loss of Signal, Sync Loss, or AIS alarm before it re-syncs the Tl trunk. Programming I FFI 8# 4## (4 or 5)# 2# 5# (0115)# 7 4=Master CabinetOther Alarms Recovery timer setting 5=Slave Cabinet Default: 1...
Page 459
bikiprer I. 3ysrerr1 rrogrammwg r I)3ection 4uwrrogrammlngFrame Loss Counter Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: Master Cabinet: FFl 8# 4# 4## 3# 1# (019000)# Slave Cabinet:FFl 8# 4# 5# 3# 1# (O-9000)# DescriptionDetermines how many frame losses occur before a Frame Loss Alarm FF key is lit. The FF key lights when the counter exceeds the specified number within a 24-hour period. For instructions on programming Tl alarm keys, see the TI Reference Manual (Section 500). Programming FFl...
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Section 400-ProgrammingChapter 1. System Programming (FFl) Slip Counter Software Version:CPC-B Version 4.0 or higherAddress: Master Cabinet: FFl 8# 4# 4# 3# 2# (0-9000)# Slave Cabinet: FFl 8# 4#I 5# 3# 2# (0-9000)# DescriptionDetermines how many slips occur before a Slip Alarm FF key is lit. (“Slips” are losses of data bits due to framing errors.) The FF key lights when the counter exceeds the specified number within a 24-hour period. This parameter also determines the number of slips that can occur...