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Nortel Compact Ics 6.0 Installer Guide

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P0992669 03Compact ICS 6.0 Installer Guide
3. Press ‘ until the display shows CLID match: 8.
4. Press 
CHANGE to select the a number from 3 to 8, or select None, if you 
do not require any number matching.
5. Press 
¨ to exit or ‘ to continue programming.
Direct-dial allows you to dial a designated telephone with a single digit. 
The direct-dial telephone can be inside the Norstar system or it can be 
outside the system in the public network. The direct-dial telephone is...

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212 / System prgming
Compact ICS 6.0 Installer GuideP0992669 03
Use ‘, CHANGE, and the dialpad to select the line for the external 
CAP assignmentInstaller password required
This setting designates a telephone as a central answering position (CAP). 
The CAP must be an M7324 telephone with a CAP module attached. The 
default CAP assignment is None.
The CAP may be used to:
monitor the busy/not busy and Do Not Disturb status of Norstar 
answer external calls and extend calls to other...

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P0992669 03Compact ICS 6.0 Installer Guide
Access codes
Access codes are used by the system to direct calls to the correct lines and 
destinations. If the codes conflict, some of the features on the system will 
not work. The table of default settings can help you plan your access codes 
so there are no conflicts. It assumes you are using a fully expanded 
Compact ICS. See the wiring information in the Installation chapter for DN 
numbering for smaller configurations.
Digits assigned...

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Compact ICS 6.0 Installer GuideP0992669 03
Line pool codesInstaller password required
This setting allows you to assign a line pool access code for each of the 
three line pools (A to C). These codes are used to specify the line pool you 
wish to use for making an outgoing external call. Use 
the dialpad, and
 OK to program the access code. The default access code is 
Tip - The code can be one to four digits in length. Line 
pool access codes starting with the...

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P0992669 03Compact ICS 6.0 Installer Guide
Park prefixInstaller password required
The Park prefix is the first digit of the call park retrieval code that must be 
entered to retrieve a parked call. If the Park prefix is set to None, calls 
cannot be parked. Press 
CHANGE to select the setting: 1 to 9, None, or 0.
External codeInstaller password required
External code allows you to assign the external line access code. This code 
is used to allow M7100 and T7100 telephones and Analog...

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Compact ICS 6.0 Installer GuideP0992669 03
Direct-dial #Installer password required
Direct-dial digit allows you to dial a single, system-wide digit that can be 
used to call a specific telephone, called a direct-dial telephone. Press 
CHANGE to select the setting: 1 to 9, None, or 0.
Tip - The external line access code cannot conflict with
the Park prefix
the direct-dial digit
the first digit of a line pool access code
the first digit of a DN
the first digit of a destination...

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P0992669 03Compact ICS 6.0 Installer Guide
Auto DNInstaller password required
For calls answered without DISA, no password is required to access the 
Norstar system. The Class of Service (COS) that applies to the call is 
determined by the COS for the trunk on which the user is calling. Use
 and the dialpad to enter the digits to be received from the 
auto-answer trunk. 
CLR to set the Auto DN back to None.
DISA DNInstaller password required
For calls answered with...

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Compact ICS 6.0 Installer GuideP0992669 03
Use CHANGE and the dialpad to enter the digits to be received from the 
auto-answer trunk. Press 
CLR to set the DISA DN to None.
Auto Attendant
Two of the settings for Auto Attendant, Auto Attend and CCR lines, are 
programmed using an Installer or System Coordinator Plus password. 
Auto Attend
This setting makes the Auto Attendant features (System Answer and 
Custom Call Routing) available to the system. System Answer 

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P0992669 03Compact ICS 6.0 Installer Guide
1. At System prgrming, press ≠ until Hunt groups displays.
2. Press 
‘ until Fax DN:None displays.
3. Press  
CHANGE and enter the Fax DN.
4. Make the required changes for the Fax switch in the Auto-attendant 
documentation. Auto-attendant programming is covered in the 
documentation that came with the CallPilot system attached to your 
The Fax switch identifies one DN and does not support the unique 
definition of a number of Fax...

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Compact ICS 6.0 Installer GuideP0992669 03
Note: The Compact ICS 6.0 standard software, I-RAD enabled, 
AutoAttendant with programmable prompts configuration gives you the 
capability to replace default Auto Attendant prompts with customized 
prompts. See the Compact ICS 6.0 System Coordinator Guide for complete 
information on programming Auto Attendant features.
Remote access
Remote access packages allow you to control the remote use of Norstar line 
pools and the paging feature....
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