NEC Neax 2000 Ivs2 Wcs System Manual
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ND-70920 (E) ISSUE 1 STOCK # 151989 WCS System Manual (PCS) ® APRIL, 2000 NEC America, Inc.

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ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISSUE 3 ISSUE 4 DATE APRIL, 2000 DATE DATE DATE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISSUE 7 ISSUE 8 DAT E DATE DATE DAT E NEAX2000 IVS2 WCS System Manual (PCS)Revision Sheet 1/2 ND-70920 (E) PA G E N o .ISSUE No.12345678 i1 ii1 iii1 iv 1 11 21 31 4 1 51 61 71 8 1 91 101 111 12 1 131 141 151 16 1 171 181 191 20 1 211 221 231 24 1 251 261 271 28 1 291 301 311 32 1 331 341 351 36 1 371 381 391 40 1 411 421 431 44 1 451 461 471 48 1 491 501 511 52 1 531 541 551 56 1 571 581 591 60 1 611 621 631 64 1 651 661 671 68 1 691 701 711 72 1 PA G E N o .ISSUE No. 12345678

ISSUE 1 ISSUE 2 ISSUE 3 ISSUE 4 DATE APRIL, 2000 DATE DATE DATE ISSUE 5 ISSUE 6 ISSUE 7 ISSUE 8 DAT E DATE DATE DAT E NEAX2000 IVS2 WCS System Manual (PCS)Revision Sheet 2/2 ND-70920 (E) 731 741 751 76 1 771 781 791 80 1 811 821 831 84 1 851 861 871 88 1 891 901 911 92 1 931 941 951 96 1 971 981 991 100 1 1011 1021 1031 104 1 1051 1061 1071 108 1 1091 1101 PA G E N o .ISSUE No.12345678 1111 112 1 1131 1141 1151 116 1 1171 1181 1191 120 1 1211 1221 1231 124 1 1251 1261 1271 128 1 1291 1301 1311 132 1 1331 1341 1351 136 1 1371 1381 PA G E N o .ISSUE No.12345678

NEAX2000 IVS2WCSSystemManual(PCS) ND-70920 (E), Issue 1.0Page i NEAX2000 IVS2 WCS System Manual (PCS) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page L IS T OF FIG UR ES ........................................................ iii L IS T OF TAB LE S ...... .............. .............. .............. ......... iv INTRODUCTION . . ....................................................... 1 PURPOSE .......................................................... ...... .. 1 OUTLINEOFTHISMANUAL.................................................... 1 REFERENCEMANUALS....................................................... 2 CHAPTER1 GENERALINFORMATION ..................................... 3 SYSTEMOUTLINE ........................................................... 4 CARDNAMEANDFUNCTION .................................................. 6 SYSTEMSPECIFICATIONS .................................................... 8 SYSTEMCAPACITY .......................................................... 9 TIMESLOTALLOCATION...................................................... 10 CSH ............................................................ .... .... 10 CSI ................................................................ ..... 10 OUTLINEOFMULTI-SITEROAMING............................................. 11 SystemConfiguration ...................................................... 12 WordDefinition ........................................................... 13 SystemOperationSummary ................................................. 14 ServiceConditions ......................................................... 17 CHAPTER2 INSTALLATION .............................................. 19 PRECAUTIONS .............................................................. 20 StaticElectricityGuard ..................................................... 20 TurningPowerON ......................................................... 23 TurningPowerOFF ........................................................ 24 REQUIREDEQUIPMENT ...................................................... 25 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE . ................................................. 27 MOUNTINGPW122CARD ..................................................... 29 MOUNTINGEXPMEMCARD ................................................... 31 MOUNTING CSH CARD . . . . ................................................... 32 MOUNTINGCSICARD ........................................................ 33 CONNECTIONOFZT ......................................................... 34 INSTALLATIONFORMULTI-SITEROAMING ...................................... 37 CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING ................................ 41 HOWTOREADTHISCHAPTER................................................. 42 PROGAMMINGSUMMARY..................................................... 43 InitialSetupofSystem ...................................................... 43 ChangingZTDatainService ................................................. 44

NEAX2000 IVS2WCS System Manual (PCS)Page iiND-70920 (E), Issue 1.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ChangingPSData ......................................................... 45 ReplacingPS ............................................................. 45 ZTDATAPROGRAMMING ..................................................... 46 InitialSetup .............................................................. 46 ChangingZTDatainService ................................................. 49 ZTAUTHORIZATION.......................................................... 51 InitialSetupofZT .......................................................... 51 SettingUpofAdditionalZT .................................................. 52 PSDATAPROGRAMMING..................................................... 53 VIRTUAL LINE/TRUNK DATA PROGRAMMING (FOR INTEGRATED/ADJUNCT CCIS) . . . ......................................... 56 TRUNK DATA PROGRAMMING (FOR ADJUNCT ANALOG) . . . . . . . . ................... 59 WCSFEATUREPROGRAMMING................................................ 64 Announcement-PSNoAnswer/Announcement-PSOutofCell ....................... 64 OperatingProcedureforAnnouncementService ................................. 68 CallForwarding-NotAvailable ................................................ 70 CallingNameDisplay-PS ................................................... 71 Group Call-Automatic Conference (6/10-Party) . . . . . .............................. 72 Group Call-2 Way Calling . . . . . . . . . . ......................................... 74 Multi-LineOperation-PS .................................................... 75 NumberSharing ........................................................... 77 VoiceMailIndication ....................................................... 79 MULTI-SITEROAMINGPROGRAMMING.......................................... 80 ConfirmingNetworkNumberingPlan .......................................... 81 NetworkNumberingPlanProgramming ........................................ 82 Q931a Digital Trunk Data Programming . . . . . . . . . . .............................. 85 HomePSDataProgramming ................................................ 91 VisitorPSDataProgramming ................................................ 93 MAINTENANCEDATAPROGRAMMING .......................................... 101 CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION................................. 103 HOWTOREADTHISCHAPTER................................................. 104 MOUNTING LOCATION OF CIRCUIT CARDS . . . . . . . . .............................. 105 LIST OF REQUIRED CIRCUIT CARDS . . . ......................................... 106 PN-CP14(MP) ............................................................ 107 PZ-PW122(DC/DCPWR) ................................................... 112 PZ-M537(EXPMEM) ....................................................... 114 PN-SC03-A(CSH) ......................................................... 116 PN-2CSIA(CSI) ........................................................... 118 PN-AP00-A(DBM) ......................................................... 121 PN-24DTA-C(DTI) ........................................................ 124 PN-30DTC-A(DTI) ........................................................ 130 PN-SC01 (DCH) . . . . . . .................................................... 136

LIST OF FIGURES Figure TitlePage NEAX2000 IVS2WCS System Manual Manual ND-70920 (E), Issue 1.0Page iii Figure1-1 WCSSystemOutline .................................................. 5 Figure1-2 AccommodationofCSHintoTDSW ...................................... 10 Figure1-3 SystemOutlineofMulti-SiteRoaming ..................................... 11 Figure1-4 SystemConfigurationofMulti-SiteRoaming ................................ 12 Figure1-5 LocationRegistration .................................................. 15 Figure1-6 CallTermination ...................................................... 16 Figure2-1 StaticElectricityGuard(1of2) .......................................... 20 Figure2-1 StaticElectricityGuard(2of2) .......................................... 21 Figure2-2 InstallationProcedure ................................................. 27 Figure2-3 InstallationProcedureforMulti-SiteRoaming ............................... 28 Figure2-4 MountingPZ-PW122intoPIM ........................................... 29 Figure 2-5 Cable Connection between PZ-PW121/PZ-PW122 and BWB . . . . . . . . . . ........ 30 Figure2-1 LocationofLTSlotsandLTCConnectorsforZT ............................ 34 Figure2-2 MDFCrossConnectionforZT ........................................... 35 Figure2-3 MDFCrossConnectionviaMDFforZT ................................... 36 Figure2-4 DTICableConnectionviaMDF .......................................... 37 Figure2-5 LocationofAPSlotsandLTCConnectorsforDTI ........................... 38 Figure2-6 ExampleofMDFCrossConnectionforDTI ................................ 39 Figure4-1 MountingLocationofCircuitCard ........................................ 105

NEAX2000 IVS2WCS System Manual ManualPage ivND-70920 (E), Issue 1.0 LIST OF TABLES Table TitlePage Table1-1 WCSCardNameandFunction .......................................... 6 Table1-2 SystemSpecifications ................................................. 8 Table1-3 WCSSystemCapacity ................................................ 9 Table2-1 WCSRequiredEquipment .............................................. 25 Table4-1 ListofRequiredCircuitCard ............................................ 106

INTRODUCTION Purpose NEAX2000 IVS2WCSSystemManual(PCS) ND-70920 (E), Issue 1.0Page 1 INTRODUCTION PURPOSE This manual explains the system description, the hardware installation, and programming procedure for the Wireless Communication System (WCS) on the NEAX2000 IVS 2. OUTLINE OF THIS MANUAL This manual contains the following chapters. CHAPTER 1 GENERAL INFORMATION This chapter explains the WCS system outline, the equipment name and function, system specifications, system capacity and conditions. CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION This chapter explains the hardware installation procedure to provide WCS interface with the PBX. CHAPTER 3 SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING This chapter explains the programming procedure to provide the WCS feature to the PBX. CHAPTER 4 CIRCUIT CARD INFORMATION This chapter explains the mounting location, the meaning of lamp indications, and the method of switch settings of each circuit card for the WCS.

NEAX2000 IVS2WCS System Manual (PCS)Page 2ND-70920 (E), Issue 1.0 INTRODUCTION Reference Manuals REFERENCE MANUALS Refer to the following manuals during installation: Command Manual Describes Customer Administration Terminal (CAT) operation, command function and setting data required for programming the system, and Resident System Program Office Data Programming Manual Contains the Customer Specification Sheets and Office Data Programming Sheets Maintenance Manual Describes the maintenance service features and the recommended troubleshooting procedure Installation Procedure Manual Describes the installation procedure for the PBX system CCIS System Manual Describes the system description, the hardware installation, and programming procedure for the CCIS system WCS Features And Specifications Contains the WCS Features and Specifications, which explains the general description, operating procedure, and service conditions for each WCS feature