Land Rover Defender Workshop Rover Manual
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51REAR AXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 6 OVERHAUL 70. Press innerbearing coneontodrive pinion using, LRT-51-502 details1and 2and press LRT-99-002 . 71. Position pinionandbearing incasing; omit collapsable spaceratthis stage. 72. Fitouter bearing coneontopinion. 73. Fitcoupling flangeandplain washer andloosely fit flange nut. 74. Tighten coupling flangelocknut toremove end-float frompinion. 75. Rotate piniontosettle bearings andslowly tighten flangelocknut. Useaspring balance to obtain atorque resistance of11 Kgf/cm (18 lbf/in) torotate pinion. Drive pinion markings 76. Check thatserial number markedonpinion end face matches thatmarked oncrown wheel. 77. The markings onend face adjacent toserial number areofno significance duringservicing. 78. The figure marked onend face opposite toserial number indicates, inthousandths ofan inch, deviation fromnominal required tocorrectly set pinion. Apinion marked plus(+)must beset below nominal, aminus (-)pinion mustbeset above nominal. Anunmarked pinionmustbeset at nominal. 79. The nominal settingdimension isrepresented by setting gaugeblock18G191P orLRT-54-503 , which isreferenced frompinion endface to bottom radiusofdifferential bearingbore.The latter gauge isillustrated followinginstruction 85. Drivepinion adjustment 80. Ensure thatpinion endface isfree ofraised burrs around etchedmarkings. 81. Remove keepdiscfrom magnetized baseofdial gauge tool18G191 . 82. Place dialgauge andsetting gauge18G191P or LRT-54-503 onaflat surface andzero dial gauge stylusontosetting gauge.
REARAXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 7 OVERHAUL 83. Position dialgauge centrally onpinion endface with stylus registering onlowest pointonone differential bearingbore.Notedialgauge deviation fromzeroed setting. 84. Repeat onother bearing bore.Addtogether readings, thenhalve sumtoobtain mean reading. Notewhether stylushasmoved upor down fromzeroed setting. Example 1 Reading obtained LHside.............. +0.1524mm Reading obtained RHside............. -0.0762mm Add +0.1524mm -0.0762mm =+0.0762mm Divide by2(0.0762 dividedby2)= 0.0381mm Therefore subtract0.0381mm fromshim thickness behind pinioninnerbearing track. Example 2 Reading obtained LHside............. +0.1524mm Reading obtained RHside............ -0.2032mm Add +0.1524mm -0.2032mm =+0.0508mm Divide by2(0.0508 dividedby2)= 0.0254mm Therefore add0.0254mm fromshim thickness behind pinion innerbearing track. 85.Where stylushasmoved down(85a), amount is equivalent tothickness ofshims thatmust be removed fromunder pinion innercuptobring pinion downtonominal position. Wherestylus has moved up(85b), amount isequivalent to additional thicknessofshims required tobring pinion uptonominal position. Illustration A.Using setting gauge18G191P . Illustration B.Using universal settingblock LRT-54-503 .This setting blockhas3setting heights. Ensure thatheight marked 30.93mmisused forthis differential.
51REAR AXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 8 OVERHAUL 86. Before adjusting shimthickness, checkpinion face marking andifithas aplus (+)figure, subtract thatfrom shim thickness figureobtained in previous instruction. Alternatively ifpinion has a minus (-)figure, addamount toshim thickness figure. 87. Adjust shimthickness underpinion innercupas necessary, byamount determined ininstructions 85 and 86. 88. Recheck pinionheight setting instructions 82to 84. Ifsetting iscorrect, meanreading ondial gauge willagree withfigure marked onpinion end face. Forexample, withanend face marking of +3, dial gauge reading shouldindicate that pinion is0.003 in(0.0762 mm)below nominal. 89. When pinion setting issatisfactory, temporarily remove pinionouterbearing. 90. Fitanew collapsable bearingspacer,flaredend outward, todrive pinion andrefitouter bearing. 91. Fitpinion oilslinger. 92. Fitoilseal gasket. 93. Fitpinion oilseal, lipped sidefirst, using general purpose greaseor,where available, a molybdenum disulphidebasedgrease onseal lip, using LRT-51-002 todrift inseal. 94. Fitcoupling flangeandplain washer andloosely fit anew flange nut.Secure LRT-51-003 to coupling flange,usingslavefixings. 95.Alternately tightenflangenutand check drive pinion resistance torotation untilfollowing figures areachieved, asapplicable: A. Assemblies re-usingoriginalpinionbearings: 17,3 to34,5 kgfcm. B. Assemblies withnew pinion bearings: 34,5to 46,0 kgfcm. NOTE: Oncethebearing spacerhas started tocollapse thetorque resistance build-up israpid, therefore check frequently, usingaspring balance, toensure the correct figuresarenot exceeded, otherwiseanew collapsable bearingspacerwillberequired.
REARAXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 9 OVERHAUL Differential backlashchecks 96. Pick updifferential unitasleft after instruction 52. 97. Fitdifferential unitand lever unitaway fromdrive pinion untilopposite bearingcupisseated against housing. Donot tiltunit. 98. Install adial gauge oncasing withitsstylus resting onback faceofcrown wheel. Zerothe gauge. 99. Lever differential unittoengage crownwheel teeth infull mesh withdrive pinion teeth.Donot tilt unit. 100. Notetotalreading obtained ondial gauge. 101. From thisfigure subtract 0,25mmtoobtain correct crownwheelbacklash whenfitted. The result indicates valueofshimming tobe fitted between differential caseandbearing coneat crown wheelsideofdifferential. 102. Fitshim value determined ininstruction 101, taking shimsfrompack previously determined during Differential bearingadjustment checks, instructions 57to62 LRT-51-500 details1and 2, press LRT-99-002 ,and LRT-51-504 . 103. Fitremaining shimsfrominstruction 101to opposite sideofdifferential. LRT-51-501 details 1 and 2,press LRT-99-002 ,and LRT-51-504 . 104. Fitdifferential unitwith shims andbearings to axle casing, usingaxlespreader LRT-51-503 with pegs 18G131F . 105. Remove axlespreader. 106. Fitbearing capsintheir correct position, referring torelationship markingsoncaps andon axle casing. 107. Tighten bearingcapsfixings to 135Nm(100 lbf/ft). 108. Mount adial gauge onaxle casing withstylus resting onacrown wheeltooth. 109. Prevent drivepinion fromrotating andcheck crown wheelbacklash whichmustbe0,15 to 0,27 mm.Ifbacklash isnot within specified limits, repeat differential backlashchecks, instructions 96to102 looking forpossible errors. 110. Fitdifferential coverandnew gasket, coating both sides ofgasket withHylomar PL32M oran equivalent non-setting sealant.Torqueloadfor fixings is 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 111. Reverse instructions 3to 5 and coat threads of hub driving member boltswithLoctite Studlock grade CVXandfitand tighten boltsevenly to correct torque. 112. Fitrear axle assembly tovehicle See Repair, Rear axle . 113. Replenish differential withrecommended lubricant See LUBRICANTS, FLUIDSAND CAPACITIES, Information,Recommended lubricants andfluids .After initial axlerun, check oillevel andreplenish asnecessary to filler/level plughole. 114. Where majorrunning partshavebeen replaced during servicing, itis arecommended practiceto allow axleassembly torun inby avoiding, where possible, heavyloadsandhigh speeds during initialrunning.
51REAR AXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 10 OVERHAUL REAR HUBASSEMBLY -90 Service repairno-64.15.13. 1. Remove rearhub See Repair, Rearhub assembly . 2. Remove outerbearing. 3. Mark, forreassembly, positionofhub tobrake disc. 4. Remove 5bolts andseparate hubfrom brake disc. WARNING: Amaximum oftwo road wheel retaining studscanberenewed. Should more studs beunserviceable fitnew hub with studs. 5. Remove greasesealandinner bearing from hub. 6. Remove innerandouter bearing tracks. REARHUBCOMPONENTS -90 1. Axle shaft. 2. Axle shaft jointwasher. 3. Axle shaft retaining bolt. 4. Lock nut. 5. Lock washer. 6. Hub adjusting nut. 7. Spacing washer. 8. Outer bearing. 9. Hub. 10. Inner bearing. 11. Grease seal. 12. Brake disc. 13. Disc retaining bolt.
REARAXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 11 OVERHAUL Refit 7. Clean hubandfitinner andouter bearing tracks. 8. Pack hubinner bearing withgrease andfitto hub. 9. With lipside leading, fitanew sealflush with rear face ofhub. Using service toolLRT-54-003 (LST137) sealreplacer anddrift. Apply grease between seallips. 10. Assemble brakedisctohub, lineupreassembly marks. Applying Loctite270,fitand tighten retaining boltsto 73Nm (54lbf/ft). 11. Pack hubouter bearing withgrease andfitto hub. 12. Fitrear hubassembly See Repair, Rearhub assembly .
51REAR AXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 12 OVERHAUL REAR STUBAXLE-90 Service repairno-64.15.22. STUB AXLECOMPONENTS 1. Stub axletoaxle casing bolt. 2. Mudshield. 3. Stub axle. 4. Stub axlejointwasher. 5. Axle case. Overhaul 1. Remove hubassembly See Repair, Rearhub assembly . 2. Remove 6bolts fromstubaxletoaxle casing. 3. Remove mudshield. 4. Remove stubaxleandjoint washer. Renew rearstub axleoilseal 5.Remove anddiscard oilseal. Lubricate sealand lip with EP90 oil.Using special toolLRT-51-004 (LST 138)fitnew oilseal lipside trailing sothat seal isflush withrearface ofstub axle. Refit 6. Fitnew jointwasher, stubaxleandmudshield bolts. Tighten boltsto 65Nm (48lbf/ft). 7.Refit hubassemblySee Repair, RearHub Assembly .
REARAXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 13 OVERHAUL REAR HUB-110/130 Service repairno-64.15.14. Overhaul 1. Remove rearhubassembly See Repair, Rear hub assembly. 2.Remove outerbearing. 3. Mark, forreassembly, relationshipbetweenhub and brake disc,iforiginal hubisto be refitted. 4. Remove 5bolts andseparate hubfrom brake disc. 5. Drift outgrease sealandinner bearing fromhub and discard seal. HUBCOMPONENTS 1. Dust cap. 2. Drive shaftcirclip. 3. Drive member. 4. Drive member jointwasher. 5. Drive member retaining bolt. 6. Lock nut. 7. Lock washer. 8. Hub adjusting nut. 9. Spacing washer. 10. Outer bearing. 11. Hub. 12. Inner bearing. 13. Grease seal. 14. Brake disc. 15. Disc retaining bolt.
51REAR AXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 14 OVERHAUL 6. Drift outinner andouter bearing tracks. 7. Clean hubanddriftininner andouter bearing tracks. 8. Pack hubinner bearing withrecommended grease andfitto hub. 9. With lipside leading, fitnew sealtohub using special toolLRT-54-003 (LST137)sealreplacer and drift18G 134.Drive inseal flush withrear face ofhub. Apply grease between seallips. 10. Fitbrake disctohub, lining uptomarks made during dismantling. apllyingLoctite270,fit retaining bolts.Tighten to 73Nm (54lbf/ft). 11. Grease andfitouter bearing tohub. 12. Fithub assembly See Repair, Rearhub assembly .
REARAXLEANDFINAL DRIVE 15 OVERHAUL REAR STUBAXLE-110/130 Service repairno-64.15.22 STUB AXLECOMPONENTS 1. Rear axleshaft 2. Stub axletoaxle casing bolt 3. Mudshield 4. Stub axle 5. Stub axlejointwasher 6. Axle case Overhaul 1. Remove hubassembly See Repair, Rearhub assembly . 2. Remove 6bolts fromstubaxletoaxle casing. 3. Remove mudshield. 4. Remove stubaxleandjoint washer. 5. Remove rearaxle shaft fromaxlecasing. Renew rearstub axleoilseal 6.Remove anddiscard oilseal. Lubricate sealand lip EP90 oil.Using special toolLRT-51-004 (LST138) fitnew seallipside trailing sothat seal is flush withrearface ofstub axle. Refit 7. Fitnew jointwasher, stubaxleandmudshield. Tighten boltsto 65Nm (48lbf/ft). 8.Fitrear axle shaft, avoiddamaging stubaxle seal. 9. Refit hubassembly See Repair, Rearhub assembly .