Land Rover Defender Workshop Rover Manual
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MANIFOLDANDEXHAUST SYSTEM 1 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION MANIFOLDS ANDEXHAUST SYSTEM Description The exhaust systems fittedonallmodels withthe 300Tdi enginecomprise threesections; frontpipe assembly, intermediate silencerassembly, andtail pipe andsilencer assembly. Allsections, including silencers, aremanufactured fromluminised steelto give thesystem adurable working lifeunder all conditions. Specialclampsareprovided toensure leak proof jointing between thevarious sections, which aresupported byflexible rubbermountings. Catalytic convertor When fitted,thecatalytic converter isintegral withthe front pipeassembly, whichalsoincorporates aflexible joint. Thecatalyst formspartofthe engine emission control thatcanalso include anEGR valve system SeeFUEL SYSTEM, Repair,EGRvalve Exhaust system-90 1. Gasket 2. Front pipe 3. Front pipewithcatalytic converter 4. Front mounting bracket 5. Intermediate silencer 6. Intermediate mountingbrackets 7. Tail pipe silencer* 8. Tail pipe silencer mounting 9. Tail pipe mounting * Deleted onlater models
30MANIFOLD ANDEXHAUST SYSTEM 2 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION The catalyst comprises platinumcoatedceramic elements. TheHydrocarbons (HC),Oxides ofnitrogen (NOx) andCarbon monoxide (CO)emitted bythe engine reactwiththecatalytic elementandexhaust temperature toconvert thetoxic gasintoNitrogen (N 2), Carbon dioxide(CO 2) and water vapour. Exhaust system-110/130 1. Gasket 2. Front pipe 3. Front pipewithcatalytic converter 4. Front mounting bracket 5. Intermediate silencer 6. Intermediate mountingbrackets 7. Tail pipe silencer 8. Tail pipe silencer mounting 9. Tail pipe mounting
MANIFOLDANDEXHAUST SYSTEM 1 REPAIR INDUCTION MANIFOLD Service repairno-30.15.02 Remove 1. Disconnect battery. 2. Remove oilfiller capand remove rockercover insulation. 3. Remove hoseintercooler toinduction manifold. If fitted, remove EGRvalve. SeeFUEL SYSTEM, Repair, EGRvalve 4.Remove 2screws andrelease heatshield from induction manifold. 5. Slacken induction manifoldlowersecuring nuts, located belowexhaust manifold. 6.Remove induction manifolduppersecuring bolts. 7. Remove induction manifold. Plugapertures in cylinder headwithclean ragtoprevent anyitems falling intoengine. 8. Check gasket issatisfactory forfurther use. Refit 9. Clean induction manifoldmatingface. 10. Position induction manifoldandsecure with upper andlower fixings. 11. Tighten securing nutsandbolts to 25Nm (18 lbf/ft). 12. Fitmanifold heatshield. 13. Fithose intercooler toinduction manifold. 14. Fitrocker coverinsulation. 15. Reconnect battery. INDUCTION/EXHAUST MANIFOLDGASKET Service repairno-30.15.15 Remove 1. Remove induction manifold SeeInduction manifold . 2. Remove turbocharger outlethose. 3. Raise vehicle andslacken exhaust frontpipeto intermediate silencerflangenuts.Ensure pipeis free toturn. NOTE: Ifremoving exhaustmanifold and turbocharger assemblyfromvehicle, remove manifold toexhaust frontpipe nuts while working undervehicle. 4.Remove exhaustmanifold securing nuts, removing centrelowernutfirst. 5. Move heater railclear ofexhaust manifold. 6. With exhaust manifold andturbocharger still attached toexhaust frontpipe, withdraw from head byturning frontpipeuntilsufficient access is gained toremove gasket. 7. Suitably supportexhaust manifold and turbocharger assemblytoprevent damage. 8. Remove induction manifoldlowernuts. 9. Remove gasket. 10. Clean mating faces.
30MANIFOLD ANDEXHAUST SYSTEM 2 REPAIR Refit 11. Fitnew gasket overmanifold studs. 12. Loosely fitinduction manifoldlowernutsto studs. 13. Fitexhaust manifold andsecure withcentral upper andlower nuts. 14. Locate heaterrailtoits correct position and secure withouter exhaust manifold nuts. 15. Tighten allexhaust manifold nutsto 45Nm (33 lbf/ft). 16. Tighten exhaust frontpipetointermediate silencer nutsto 50Nm (37lbf/ft). 17. Fitturbocharger outletpipe. 18. Fitinduction manifold SeeInduction manifold . EXHAUST MANIFOLD/TURBOCHARGER ASSEMBLY Service repairno-30.15.10 Remove 1. Remove induction manifold SeeInduction manifold . 2. Disconnect turbocharger inlethose. 3. Disconnect boostpressure pipeatturbocharger. 4. Remove intercooler bottomhose. 5. Place suitable container underengine and disconnect turbocharger oilfeed andreturn pipes atcylinder block. 6. Remove 3nuts securing exhaustfrontpipeto manifold flange. 7. Remove 7nuts andliftexhaust manifold and turbocharger assemblyfromcylinder head. 8. Discard manifold gasket. Refit 9. Fitnew manifold gasket. 10. Position exhaustmanifold assembly onto location studsandsecure tocylinder head. Tighten nutsto 45Nm (33lbf/ft). 11. Secure exhaust frontpipetomanifold flange. Tighten fixingsto 50Nm (37lbf/ft). 12. Reconnect turbocharger oilfeed andreturn pipes atcylinder block. 13. Fitintercooler bottomhose. 14. Fitboost pressure pipeatturbocharger. 15. Fitturbocharger inlethose. 16. Fitinduction manifold SeeInduction manifold .
MANIFOLDANDEXHAUST SYSTEM 3 REPAIR EXHAUST FRONTPIPE Service repairno-30.10.09 Remove 1. Disconnect battery. 2. Raise vehicle onramp. 3. Remove 3securing nutsatexhaust manifold flange. 4. Remove throughboltsecuring frontpipe mounting brackettochassis. 5. Remove bracketandrubber mounting from exhaust pipe. NOTE:Achassis undertray maybefitted on some vehicle derivatives toconform to legal requirements. Whenunder chassis remove andrefit procedures arerequired, itmay be necessary toremove theundertray See CHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Frontundertray or See CHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Rearundertray . 6. Remove flangenutssecuring frontpipeto intermediate silencerassembly andseparate flanges. 7. Release frontpipeatmanifold andremove gasket. 8. Move frontpiperearwards, lowerfrontendand at the same timetwist toward propeller shaft. Move pipeforward andwithdraw fromunder vehicle. Refit 9. Manouvre frontpipeintoposition andsecure to intermediate silencerflange.Donot fully tighten fixings atthis stage. 10. Fitnew gasket andsecure frontpipetoexhaust manifold. Tightenfixingsto 50Nm (37lbf/ft). 11. Fitfront pipebracket andmounting rubberto chassis. 12. Fully tighten frontpipetointermediate silencer flange nutsto 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 13. Lower vehicle rampandreconnect battery.
30MANIFOLD ANDEXHAUST SYSTEM 4 REPAIR INTERMEDIATE PIPE-90 Service repairno-30.10.11 Remove 1. Raise vehicle onramp. 2. Release intermediate pipefrom frontmounting rubber, seeJ6243. 3. Remove 2flange nutssecuring intermediate pipe totail pipe. 4. Release intermediate pipefrom rearmounting rubber. 5. Remove 2flange nutssecuring intermediate pipe tofront pipe. 6. Release intermediate pipefrom frontandtail pipe andremove. Refit 7. Fitintermediate pipetofront andtailpipes. 8. Secure intermediate pipetofront andrear mounting rubbers. 9. Secure intermediate pipetofront pipe. Tighten nuts to 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 10. Secure intermediate pipetotail pipe. Tighten nuts to 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 11. Lower vehicle. INTERMEDIATE PIPE-110/130 Service repairno-30.10.11 Remove 1. Raise vehicle onramp. 2. Release intermediate pipefrom mounting rubber, seeJ6244. 3. Remove 2flange nutssecuring intermediate pipe totail pipe. 4. Remove 2flange nutssecuring intermediate pipe tofront pipe. 5. Release intermediate pipefrom frontandtail pipe andremove. Refit 6. Fitintermediate pipetofront andtailpipes. 7. Secure intermediate pipetomounting rubbers. 8. Secure intermediate pipetofront pipe. Tighten nuts to 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 9.Secure intermediate pipetotail pipe. Tighten nuts to 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 10. Lower vehicle.
MANIFOLDANDEXHAUST SYSTEM 5 REPAIR TAILPIPE -90 Service repairno-30.10.22 Remove 1. Raise vehicle onramp. 2. Remove 2flange nutssecuring tailpipe to intermediate pipe,seeJ6243. 3. Release tailpipe from inboard mounting rubber. 4. Release tailpipe from outboard mounting rubber and remove. Refit 5. Fittail pipe tointermediate pipe. 6. Secure tailpipe tomounting rubbers. 7. Secure tailpipe tointermediate pipe.Tighten nuts to 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 8.Lower vehicle. TAILPIPE -110/130 Service repairno-30.10.22 Remove 1. Raise vehicle onramp. 2. Remove 2flange nutssecuring tailpipe to intermediate pipe,seeJ6244. 3. Release tailpipe from frontmounting rubber. 4. Release tailpipe from rearmounting rubber. 5. Release tailpipe from intermediate pipeand feed overrearaxle. 6. Remove tailpipe. Refit 7. Feed tailpipe over rearaxle andconnect to intermediate pipe. 8. Secure tailpipe tomounting rubbers. 9. Secure tailpipe tointermediate pipe.Tighten nuts to 30Nm (22lbf/ft). 10. Lower vehicle.
CLUTCH1 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION DESCRIPTION The clutch unitcomprises asingle dryplate friction disc anddiaphragm springclutchunit,secured tothe engine flywheel. OPERATIONThe unitisoperated hydraulically bythe clutch master cylinder (12)andaslave cylinder (13)attached tothe transmission bellhousing. Clutch components 1. Crankshaft andflywheel 2. Friction plate 3. Clutch cover 4. Diaphragm spring 5. Pressure plate 6. Fulcrum posts(9)fordiaphragm spring 7. Bearing rings(2)fordiaphragm spring 8. Retraction linksandbolts (3)forpressure plate 9. Release bearing 10. Release lever 11. Release leverpivotpost 12. Master cylinder 13. Slave cylinder 14. Master cylinder pedalpushrod 15. Primary shaftandtaper bearing (ingearbox) 16. Gearbox frontcover 17. Primary shaftflywheel bush 18. Pedal pivotandreturn spring
33CLUTCH 2 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION When theclutch pedalisdepressed, hydraulicfluid transmits themovement viathe slave cylinder, release lever (10),bearing (9),tothe inner fingers ofthe diaphragm spring(4). The diaphragm spring(4)pivots onthe bearing rings (7) and fulcrum posts(6)causing thepressure plate (5) torelease theclamping forceonthe friction plate and linings (2). As the theclamping forceisremoved fromthefriction plate (2),theplate slides onthe splines ofthe primary shaft (15)andtakes upaneutral position between the flywheel (1)and thepressure plate(5),thus disconnecting thedrive between theengine andthe gearbox.
CLUTCH1 FAULT DIAGNOSIS CLUTCH ASSEMBLY CONDITIONS For theclutch tooperate correctly itis important the following conditions aresatisfied:- The primary shaft(15)must befree inthe crankshaft spigotbush(17). Thefriction plate(2)must beable toslide easily on the splines onthe primary shaft(15),toaposition where itdoes notcontact eithertheflywheel orthe pressure plate. Thefriction platemustnotbedistorted orthe linings contaminated withoil,which maycause itto stick orcontinue torun incontact withtheflywheel or pressure plate. A number offaults candevelop inthe operation ofthe clutch foravariety ofreasons andmost faults aredue to normal wearathigh mileage. Problems canalso occur ifthe unit has been renewed byan unskilled operator. Recognising anddiagnosing aparticular clutchfaultis therefore ofparamount importance inensuring that the problem isrectified atthe first attempt. Problems whichdevelop inthe clutch areasfollows:- Clutch spin/drag Clutchslip Clutchjudder/fierce CLUTCH SPIN-DRAG SymptomsClutch spinisthat, withengine running andclutch pedal depressed, thegears cannot beimmediately engaged withoutmaking agrinding noise.This indicates theclutch isnot making aclean break. However, ifthe clutch pedalisheld depressed for several seconds thefriction platewilleventually break free from theengine andthegear willengage silently. Clutch spinasitbecomes moresevere develops into clutch drag,making thesilent engagement ofagear impossible, regardlessofhow long thepedal isheld depressed. CLUTCH SLIP Symptoms Clutch slipismost evident climbing ahill orwhen the vehicle ismoving offfrom stationary withaheavy load. Asthe clutch isreleased, slipoccurs between the engine andthetransmission, allowingtheengine speed toincrease withoutacorresponding increasein vehicle speed. Clutch slipcan develop tothe stage where nopower is transmitted throughtheclutch asthe pedal is released. CLUTCH JUDDER-FIERCE Symptoms Clutch judderorfierce engagement, likeslip, ismost likely tooccur whenthevehicle ismoving offfrom stationary. Asthe clutch pedalisreleased thevehicle will move rapidly orinaseries ofjerks, which cannot be controlled evenbycareful operation ofthe clutch by the driver. It should benoted thatavehicle maydisplay allthe symptoms orany combination ofthe symptoms described, depending onthe driving conditions vehicle load andoperating temperatures.