Land Rover Defender Workshop Rover Manual
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19FUEL SYSTEM 6 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION TWIN TANK FUELCHANGE -OVER MECHANISM 1. Change-over tap,fueltanks 2. Fuel supply, sidetank 3. Fuel supply, reartank 4. To fuel liftpump 5. Change-over tap,spill return 6. Spill return, sidetank 7. Spill return, reartank 8. Spill return, injection pumptochange-over tap 9. Control rod,operating levertofuel change-over tap 10. Control rod,change-over levertospill return pivot bracket 11. Fuel tankchange-over switch 12. Control lever
FUELSYSTEM 7 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENT LOCATION 1. Fuel filterbleed screw 2. Fuel filter 3. Turbocharger 4. Actuator 5. Air cleaner 6. Fuel injector 7. Heater plug 8. Heater plugcontroller 9. Coolant temperature transmitter 10. Fuel injection pump 11. Fuel liftpump 12. Intercooler
19FUEL SYSTEM 8 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION EGR FUEL SYSTEM COMPONENT LOCATION,(whenfitted) 1. EGR modulator valve 2. Electrical harnessplug 3. Vacuum spillpipe, modulator toair cleaner hose 4. Vacuum pipe,brake servohosetomodulator valve 5. Tpiece connector 6. Vacuum pipe,vacuum pumptobrake servo 7. EGR valve 8. Vacuum pipe,modulator valvetoEGR valve 9. Multi-plug connector, EGRvalve 10. EGR control unit(fixed onbase ofcentre seator cubby box) 11. EGR throttle position sensor
FUELSYSTEM 9 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION OPERATION Diesel engines operatebycompression ignition.The rapid compression ofair inthe cylinder duringthe compression cycleheats theairand when fuelis injected intotheheated air,itignites instantaneously. During coldtarting, automatically controlledheater plugs assist inraising thetemperature ofthe compressed airtoignition point. A cold start advance unitadvances theinjection timing to further assiststarting. Idlequality isimproved by the high idlesetting. The engine issupplied withpre-compressed airbya single stageturbocharger. Exhaust gasespassing overaturbine causeitto rotate, driving acompressor mountedonthe turbine shaft. Airdrawn fromthecold airintake passes, via the aircleaner, tothe turbocharger whereitis compressed. Compression inthe turbocharger warms up the airconsiderably, sothat itexpands. Asaresult the airmass percylinder isreduced, havinga negative effectonpower output. Byfitting acharge-air intercooler, locatedonthe LHside ofthe radiator, the air iscooled beforereaching thecylinders. This increases poweroutput through increased massof oxygen inthe combustion process,aswell as maximising enginedurability, throughmaintaining lower piston andhead temperatures. Fuel isdrawn fromthetank byamechanical liftpump and passes tothe injection pumpviaafilter. In addition toremoving particlecontamination fromthe fuel, thefilter incorporates awater separator, which removes andstores water. The sedimentor/s, whenfitted, islocated adjacent to the fuel tank/s andseparates contamination andwater particles inthe fuel before reaching thefuel liftpump. The injection pumpmeters aprecisely timed,exact quantity offuel tothe injectors inresponse tothrottle variations, injectiontimingvarying withengine speed. Any excess fueldelivered tothe injection pumpis passed backtothe tank viathe spill return line. Fuel isinjected inafinely atomised formintothemain combustion chamber,theburning fuelexpands rapidly, creating extreme turbulence whichmixes the burning fuelthoroughly withthecompressed air, providing completecombustion. Cold Starting isassisted byheater plugs,acold start advance unitand ahigh idlesetting. Heater plugs Heater plugoperation iscontrolled byatimer unit, start relay andresistor. Whentheignition isturned on the timer unitisenergised, theheater plugsstartto operate andawarning lightonthe dashboard illuminates, remainingonuntil theheater plugsare automatically switchedoff. The length oftime theheater plugswilloperate is dependent onunder bonnet temperature, whichis monitored byasensor located inthe timer unit. Starting theengine resultsinthe power supply tothe heater plugspassing throughtheresistor, which reduces theiroperating temperature. Theheater plugs are cutout either bythe temperature sensorinthe timer, orby amicroswitch onthe injection pumpwhich operates whenthethrottle isdepressed. Cold startadvance The cold start advance unitisconnected tothe engine cooling systemviahoses. Itcontains atemperature sensitive elementwhichisretracted whencoldand pulls theadvance lever,viacable, towards therear of the pump against springpressure. Ascoolant temperature rises,thecold start element expands releasing tensiononthe cable andallowing spring pressure tomove theadvance leverforwards. Exhaust gasrecirculation (EGR),whenfitted Operation ofthe EGR system isdependent onthe following: Engine temperature -must bebetween 20°C and 100 °C approx. Engine speed-must bebetween 630and2850 rev/min. Engine load-calculated bythrottle position sensor. EGR valve liftposition.Duration ofengine idling.
19FUEL SYSTEM 10 DESCRIPTION ANDOPERATION Under varying enginespeedandload condition the control unitsends asignal toopen thevacuum modulator whichallows avacuum tobe applied above the EGR diaphragm. Thevacuum supplyistaken from a T connector inthe brake servohose.Thisprocess is controlled byan engine speed/load mapstored in the EGR control unitmemory. Engine speedismeasured bymonitoring the waveform presentonone phase ofthe generator. Throttle position ismeasured viaasensor mounted on the fuel injection pumpthrottle lever.Closed loop control isachieved byallowing thecontrol unit(ECU) to continually monitorEGRvalve liftvia the sensor mounted onthe valve; thisvalve liftiscompared with the actual valveliftrequired onthe control unitmap and adjusted, ifnecessary. With coolant temperature between20°C and 100°C, the engine havingjustreturned toidle, EGR willshut off after 25-30 seconds idling.
FUELSYSTEM 1 ADJUSTMENT THROTTLE CABLE Adjust 1. Slacken throttlecableadjustment ferrule. 2. Hold throttle leverinfully closed position. 3. Adjust outercable, byrotating ferrule,togive 1,57 mm(1/16 in)ofdeflection inthe inner cable. 4. Check thatthrottle opensfullywhen thethrottle is depressed. EGR THROTTLE POSITIONSENSOR Check 1. Run engine untilnormal operating temperature is reached. 2. Switch offengine anddisconnect throttleposition sensor multi-plug. 3. Connect anOhmmeter acrosspins1and 3of multi-plug. Ohmmeter shouldreadbetween 1K and 1.05K ohms. 4. Connect Ohmmeter acrosspins1and 2of multi-plug. Ohmmeter shouldreadbetween 850 and 900ohms. 5. Ifreadings arecorrect, reconnect multi-plug. 6. Ifreadings arenotobtained slacken2torx screws securing sensor. 7. Rotate sensor toobtain correct Ohmmeter reading, thentighten torxscrews. 8. Re-check readingsandfitmultiplug. 9. If,after adjustment, Ohmmeterreadingscannot be achieved, fitnew sensor. SeeRepair, EGR throttle position sensor
19FUEL SYSTEM 2 ADJUSTMENT LOW ANDHIGH IDLESPEED ADJUSTMENT NOTE:Thehigh idlespeed (coldstartidle) is automatically setbythe setting ofthe low idle speed andcannot beadjusted individually. 1. Check andadjust throttle cable. SeeThrottle cable 2. Start engine andrunituntil normal operating temperature isreached. 3. Using asuitable tachometer, checktheengine idle speed, See ENGINE TUNINGDATA, Information, 300Tdi 4.Ifadjustment isnecessary, firstslacken the locknut oninjection pump. 5. Turn adjustment screwclockwise toincrease engine speedoranti-clockwise todecrease the speed. Runengine atan increased speedfora few seconds thencheck idlespeed again. 6. When correct speedhasbeen achieved, hold adjuster screwsteady whiletightening locknut. NOTE:Thelowidle speed control isthe only permitted adjustment inservice. Any additional adjustments requiredmustbe entrusted toauthorised Boschagents. THROTTLE PEDALADJUSTMENT Adjust 1. First ensure thatthrottle cableiscorrectly adjusted See Throttle cable 2.Depress throttlepedal,byhand, tofull extent of injection pumplevertravel. Slacken locknutand adjust throttle pedalstopscrew totake up clearance betweenscrewandbulkhead. Ensure no strain isplaced uponthrottle cableandpump lever. 3. Retighten locknut.
FUELSYSTEM 3 ADJUSTMENT INJECTION PUMPTIMING -CHECK ANDADJUST Service repairno-19.30.01 1. Viewing thevalve mechanism throughoilfiller aperture, turncrankshaft clockwiseuntilinlet valve ofNo.1 cylinder hasjustclosed. No.1 cylinder isnow justbefore TDC. 2.Remove blankingplugfrom flywheel housing and insert timing toolLRT-12-044 ,locating centre pinonflywheel. NOTE: Achassis undertray maybefitted on some vehicle derivatives toconform to legal requirements. Whenunder chassis adjustments orremove andrefit procedures are required, itmay benecessary toremove the undertray and/orintegral accesspanels. See CHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Frontundertray or SeeCHASSIS ANDBODY, Repair, Rearundertray 3.Cearfully rotatecrankshaft clockwiseuntilcentre pin engages timingslotinflywheel. 4. Remove injectionpumpaccess plate,complete with gasket, fromfrontcover plate. 5. Fitlocking pinLRT-12-045/2 toinjection pump gear. Ifdifficulty isexperienced ininserting pin, adjustments willbeneeded tocorrectly set injection pumptiming asfollows: 6. Support injection pumpretaining nuttoprevent strain ontiming belt. 7. Slacken the3keeper plateretaining bolts. 8. Carefully turnfixing nutand keeper plateuntil locking pincan beinserted, withoutrestriction, into injection pumpgear. 9. Tighten keeperplateboltsto 25Nm (18lbf/ft) and remove lockingpin. 10.Refit injection pumpaccess plateplateand gasket. 11. Remove flywheeltimingtooland refitblanking plug. 12. Run engine untilnormal operating temperature is reached andcheck thatidlespeed adjustment, Seelowand high idlespeed adjustmentand throttle cableadjustment SeeThrottle cable arecorrect.
19FUEL SYSTEM 4 ADJUSTMENT TURBOCHARGER BOOSTPRESSURE -CHECK Service repairno-19.42.06 1. Disconnect actuatorhosefromturbocharger and insert asuitable Tpiece connector. 2. Connect ashort length ofsuitable hoseto turbocharger andTpiece. 3. Connect furtherhosetoT piece andpressure gauge LRT-12-011 .The pressure gaugehose must belong enough toreach intothevehicle cab sothat thegauge canbeobserved bydriver or passenger. 4. To check maximum boostpressure, drive vehicle normally, butinsuch amanner thatfull throttle canbemaintained whilstclimbing ahill with engine speedheldsteady between 2,500 and 3,000 rev/min. Underthesecircumstances boost pressure shouldread0,95-1,09 Kgf/cm 2 (13.5 -15.5 lb/in2 ). PRIMING THEFUEL SYSTEM Service repairno-19.50.01 NOTE: Ifthe fuel system hasbeen completely drainedcarryoutthe procedures forpriming boththe sedimentor, iffitted, andfuelfilter andinjection pump. Sedimentor andfuelfilter If the sedimentor orfuel filter have been dismantled and airhas entered thefuel system carryoutthe following procedure: 1. Slacken fuelfilter bleed screw. 2. Operate handpriming leveronfuel liftpump until fuel, freefrom air,emerges fromfilter. NOTE: Ensure thatthefuel pump leveris on the bottom ofoperating camwhen priming, otherwise maximummovement of the lever cannot beachieved. 3. Tighten filterbleed screw whilstfuelisstill emerging.
FUELSYSTEM 5 ADJUSTMENT Fuel injection pump If the fuel injection pumphasbeen removed or renewed carryoutthefollowing: 1. Slacken fuelinlet pipe banjo boltatinjection pump. 2. Operate handpriming leveronfuel liftpump until fuel, freefrom air,emerges frominjection pump. 3.Tighten banjoboltwhilst fuelisstill emerging. 4. Crank engine untilfuelisdrawn through the system andengine starts. 5. Check fuelconnections forleaks.