GE F650 Manual
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CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARE GEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 3-19 System setup menu (*) indicates online only, (**) indicates offline only Breaker menu Protection elements menu This option shows all protection elements available in the relay as shown in the following two tables (exact menu depends on firmware version). For firmware versions below 7.50, each gr oup of protection elements includes the specific protection units of the same type. For example phase currents group includ es TOC, IOC, directional units, etc. There are three groups available, so there are three protection units of each function that can work in grouped mode or ungrouped (altogether). Table 3-4: Protection elements menu, f irmware version below 7.50 (*) indicates online only, (**) indicates offline only SYSTEM SETUP General Settings This screen describes and enables the settings of the power system where the relay op erates. Some of these settings are used only for metering values presentation purposes; however, some of them apply directly to the sampling and analog-digital conversion process (rated frequency setting). Therefore, these settings need to be adjusted to f it the system settings. Flex Curves Flex Curves – Programmable user curves: The relay incorporates 4 user curves called Flex C urve A, B, C and D. The points for these curves are def ined by the user in Setpoint > System Setup > Flex Curves > Edit Curve menu in EnerVista 650 Setup. User def ined flex curves can be selected as an operation curve in all the time overcurrent functions in the relay. Breaker Breaker Conf iguration Switchgear: Conf iguration of snapshot events for each switchgear (enable or disable) Miscellaneous Settings This screen contains settings related with relay working mode. Out of service setting, Loc al/Remote mode and Active language mode are options listed below. Breaker settingsBreaker settings, maintenance and switchgear selection of the device conf igured as breaker in the F650. The selected switchgear is used in recloser, breaker failure and synchronism functions. The settings are Number of Switchgear, Maximum KI2t , KI2t Integ. T ime, Maximum Openings, Max.Openings 1 hour and Snapshot Events. Breaker maintenance These settings correspond to the initialization of (KI)2t counters, and the counting of number of openings and closings of the switchgear conf igured as breaker. These Counters allow the breaker Maintenance. They are used to cumulate the breaker ageing produced by a trip or a breaker opening. In order to incorporate the breaker historic, in case of existing breakers, the system allows assigning an initial value to accumulated amperes, and to the number of opening and closing operations. Protection Elements Phase Current All overcurrent functions for phase current . Neutral CurrentAll overcurrent functions for neutral current . (Calculated from phases, not measured) Ground CurrentAll overcurrent functions for ground current . (Measured from 4th current input) Sensitive Ground CurrentAll overcurrent functions for sensitive ground current . (Measured from 5th current input) Negative Sequence CurrentAll Negative sequence overcurrent functions. Voltage Elements All voltage functions for phases, neutral, ground and auxiliary voltage PowerForward power, directional power and wattmetric ground fault (High and Low) protection f unctions.

3-20F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARECHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES For firmware version 7.50 and above, there are six setting g roups of protection elements. Protection element groups are within each setting group. Table 3-5: Protection elements menu, f irmware version 7.50 or above (*) indicates online only, (**) indicates offline only For firmware version 7.5 and above, the specific protection element menus shown are available under each setting group. For firmware versions below 7.5, thes e menus are located directly under the Protection Element menu. Table 3-6: Protection elements in each setting group Protection Elements Setting Group 1All protection functions available when setting group 1 is the active group Setting Group 2All protection functions available when setting group 2 is the active group Setting Group 3All protection functions available when setting group 3 is the active group Setting Group 4All protection functions available when setting group 4 is the active group Setting Group 5All protection functions available when setting group 5 is the active group Setting Group 6All protection functions available when setting group 6 is the active group Phase Current Phase TOC High Phase time overcurrent , high level (51PH) Phase TOC LowPhase time overcurrent , low level (51PL) Phase IOC HighPhase instantaneous overcurrent , high level (50PH) Phase IOC LowPhase instantaneous overcurrent , low level (50PL) Phase DirectionalPhase directional unit (67P). Quadrature Voltage for polarization Thermal ModelThermal model or Thermal image unit for phases (49) Neutral Current Neutral TOCNeutral time overcurrent (51N) Neutral IOCNeutral instantaneous overcurrent (50N) Neutral DirectionalNeutral directional unit (67N). Voltage, current and dual polarization. Ground Current Ground TOCGround time overcurrent (51G) Ground IOCGround instantaneous overcurrent (50G) Ground DirectionalGround directional unit (67G). Voltage, current and dual polarization. Sensitive Ground Current Sensitive Ground TOCSensitive ground time overcurrent (51SG). Sensitive Ground IOCSensitive ground instantaneous overcurrent (50SG). Isolated Ground IOCIsolated ground overcurrent (50IG) Sensitive Ground DirectionalSensitive ground directional unit (67SG) Negative Sequence Current Negative Sequence TOCNegative sequence time overcurrent (46P) Voltage Elements Phase UVPhase undervoltage (27P)

CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARE GEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 3-21 Firmware version 7.50 and above also include Frequency and Miscellaneous menus in the Protection Element section. Phase OVPhase overvoltage (59P) Neutral OV HighNeutral overvoltage, high level (59NH) Neutral OV LowNeutral overvoltage, low level (59NL) Negative Sequence OVNegative sequence overvoltage (47) Auxiliary OVAuxiliary overvoltage (59X) Auxiliary UVAuxiliary undervoltage (27X) Power Forward PowerForward power (32FP), in primary values. Directional PowerDirectional power (32), in primary values. Watt Gnd Flt HighWattmetric ground fault high (32N High), in secondary values Watt Gnd Flt LowWattmetric ground fault low (32N Low), in secondary values Frequency UnderfrequencyUnderfrequency unit (81U). OverfrequencyOverfrequency unit (81O). Frequency Rate of ChangeFrequency rate of change function (81R). Miscellaneous Broken ConductorBroken or fallen conductor detection function (I2/I1). Grouped element . Ratio between the negative sequence current , I2, and the positive sequence current I1. In normal and ba lanced load situations, this ratio is zero, while in severe load fault conditions, an unbalance is produced and this ratio is increased. Locked Rotor Locked rotor detection function (48). Load EncroachmentLoad Encroachment function.

3-22F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARECHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES Control elements menu This option shows all protection elements available in the relay as shown in the following two tables (exact menu depends on firmware version). Table 3-7: Control elements menu, f irmware version below 7.50 Control Elements Setting Group Control elements can be used in either a single setting group (default mode-all units can op erate simultaneously) or three setting groups (elements are grouped in three independent tables, with only one active at a given time). Underfrequency Underfrequency unit (81U). Grouped element . OverfrequencyOverfrequency unit (81O). Grouped element . SynchrocheckSynchronism check unit (25). Single element . AutorecloseRecloser (79). Single element . Breaker FailureBreaker failure (50BF). Single element VT Fuse FailureFuse Failure (VTFF). Single element . Broken ConductorBroken or fallen conductor detection function (I2/I1). Grouped element . Ratio between the negative sequence current , I2, and the positive sequence current I1. In normal and ba lanced load situations, this ratio is zero, while in severe load fault conditions, an unbalance is produced and this ratio is increased. Locked Rotor Locked rotor detection function (48). Grouped element . Pulse CountersPulse counters function. 8 counters provided. Analog ComparatorsAnalog comparator function. 20 analog comparators provided. Frequency Rate of ChangeFrequency rate of change function (81R). Grouped element . Load Encroachment Load Encroachment function. Grouped element . Max. Number of StartsMaximum Number of Starts (66). Single element . Digital CountersUp to 8 Digital Counters Cold Load Pickup Cold Load Pickup Function. Not grouped, a single unit provided (Available starting on f irmware version 7.00). PLC T imer Masks Configuration of masks that can be assigned to PLC timers

CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARE GEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 3-23 Table 3-8: Control elements menu, f irmware version 7.50 and above Inputs/Outputs menu Section that contains the settings for all input and output boards and the Force Outputs and Virtual inputs activation tools. (*) indicates online only, (**) indicates offline only This section shows the settings related to inputs and outputs for the different boards available in F650 (F, G, H, J) Control Elements Setting Group F650 incorporate a flexible grouping capability for protection units can be used in either single setting gr oup (default mode- All units that belong to Active group, conf igured in Setpoint > Control > Setting Group, can operate simultaneously ) or up to six setting groups (in this mode, all protection elements, that are available when setting group function is disabled, will be available in each individual setting group (Up to maximum of 6). Only one of setting group will be active at a given time). Units grouped under Protection elements section will be the units affected by changing of setting group. Synchrocheck Synchronism check unit (25). Single element . AutorecloseRecloser (79). Single element . Breaker FailureBreaker failure (50BF). Single element . VT Fuse FailureFuse Failure (VTFF). Single element . Pulse CountersPulse counters function. 8 counters provided. Analog ComparatorsAnalog comparator function. 20 analog comparators provided. Max. Number of StartsMaximum Number of Starts (66). Single element . Digital CountersUp to 8 Digital Counters Cold Load Pickup Cold Load Pickup Function. Single element . Available for f irmware version 7.00 and above. PLC T imer Masks Conf iguration of masks that can be assigned to PLC timers 60 CTS FailureCurrent transformer failure function 2nd HRMC InhibitSecond harmonic inhibit Inputs/Outputs Contact I/OInputs and outputs settings for all boards in F650. The I/O settings conf iguration can only be per formed through EnerVista 650 Setup, not available through the HMI. Force Outputs (*) This menu allows activating each contact output in the relay, to facilitate maintenance t esting. Online mode only. Virtual Inputs (*) This menu allows operating virtual inputs. These variables are used as inputs to logic schem es conf igured in the relay. Virtual inputs can be operated in a latched mode (32 latched virtual inputs) or in Self-reset mode (32 self reset virtual inputs). Remote Comms. This menu allows configuring remote inputs coming from other devices and allow enab ling None, GSSE or GOOSE messages. Available for IEC61850 (6) models only. Contact I/O Board F Board located in f irst slot , always connected. Board GBoard located in second slot , depending on model def inition. If model is type G0 there is no boar d in second slot . Board H Board located in f irst slot of CIO Module (external inputs/outputs module) Board JBoard located in second slot of CIO Module (external inputs/outputs module)

3-24F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARECHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES Quick settings menu This menu allows quick access to the main Setpoints of the relay. Figure 3-10: Quick Settings Relay conf iguration menu This is the relay configuration section in which the relay ca n be configured using internal states or already compiled equation on PLC Editor . Relay Conf iguration OutputsConf iguration of contact output operate and reset signals for all boards. LEDs 15 LEDs fully conf igurable from any logical variable, contact or virtual input . First 5 LEDs are latched by hardware, the rest are self-reset but can be latched through PLC conf iguration. For f irmware version 7.20 and higher, all 15 LEDs can be latched by setting. From the LED configuration screen, it is possible to print the vertical LED label for the relay. Operations Conf igurable operations up to 24. Operation texts, interlocks, f inal states, frontal keys, time out s and masters. Protection Elements This tab allows assigning operands (logic signals) as inputs to different protection el ements. To block, reset , initiate the different protection elements inputs. Control Elements This tab allows assigning operands (logic signals) as inputs to different control elements. OscillographyTrigger and up to 16 digital channels to be included in oscillography records, are pr ogrammable from any logical variable, contact or virtual input . Text conf iguration is only for offline mode. NOTE: T his screen is used for the conf iguration of digital channels and oscillography trigger. The rest of parameters, such as function enabling/disabling, sampling rate, number of oscillography f iles, etc. must be set on the Setpoint > Product Setup > Oscillography menu. Control Events Up to 128 user programmable events from any logical variable, contact or virtual input . P ossibility to display the event as an alarm on the alarms panel. Control events are also displayed in the snapshot events recording. 1 ms time tagging. A control event is a logic signal associated with an operand or combination of operands, t hat allows following the status of that signal.

CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARE GEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 3-25 The following figures show an example of the default factory configuration for F650: Figure 3-11: Relay conf iguration SwitchgearUp to 16 configurable switchgear elements. A switchgear element can be a breaker, a line se lector switch, a grounding selector switch, a busbar selector switch, etc. This screen allows conf iguration of type of contacts, opening and closing time, contact assignation and text for events related to switchgear. There are 64 pre-established events for switchgear, which correspond to opening, closing, Error01 and Error11 of the 16 programmable switchgear elements. Remote outputs Up to 32 DNA bits and 64 user St bits to be transmitted to remote devices over CAN using GSSE m essages Inputs Text conf iguration for offline mode f ile management for all the contact inputs available in device. Virtual InputsText conf iguration for offline mode f ile management . 32 latched and 32 self reset virtual in puts. MMI (HMI-Human Machine Interface) Screen one line diagram conf iguration. This menu shows a canvas to draw a simplif ied one-l ine diagram of a bay in a feeder, line, transformer, etc. The menu includes a library for power elements, metering elements, text and drawings. See an example on the next page.

3-26F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARECHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES Figure 3-12: HMI conf iguration Logic Conf iguration menu This logic configuration allows creating more complex configurations, using the graphical PLC, than using the tables from Relay Configuration. For file management detailed information go to section 3.1.4 File management menu. File description: *.pep:Header for Logic project: PLC project file containing the necessary information relative to the relay model, logic libraries included in the project (*.lib), graphic file name (*.aut), etc. *.aut:PLC Project file containing all the drawings used by the logic, required by 650 relay based on IEC 61131-3 standard. Functional block diagram (FDB). *.lib:User programmable logic objects: Library file to be included as an object in a PLC project. Logic packages that can be stored into libraries and be distributed in different PLC projects.

CHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARE GEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 3-27 IEC 103 Conf iguration menu This menu allows to update the IEC 103 configuration of the unit. Figure 3-13: IEC 103 Conf igurator See chapter 5.13 Clock menu This menu allows updates to the date and time of the relay, either synchronizing them with the PC clock, or entering the information manually. Figure 3-14: Clock

3-28F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 3.1 ENERVISTA 650 SETUP SOFTWARECHAPTER 3: INTERFACES, SETTINGS & ACTUAL VALUES 3.1.8 Actual values menu The menu bar in the main screen of EnerVista 650 Setup software shows the ACTUAL menu option. This option concentrates and displays all the status of protection, control elements, metering, counters information, oscillography, events, fault locator, etc. This section shows only the structure of menus in EnerVista 650 Setup. Front panel The front panel menu shows the LEDs submenu where all the front LEDs can be monitored. Status The following menu includes all the available protection status in the device. Location of different menus can vary depending firmware version. Actual Front PanelThe relay front LED status is shown on this menu. StatusProtection and control status signals for all available protection functions in device. MeteringAll metering values available in device. Primary and secondary values, frequency and pha sor diagram provided. Inputs/Outputs All input and output status provided. For contact inputs and contact outputs as well as vir tual input and virtual output signals. Records Only enabled in online mode, retrieval of all the available records in device. Snapshot ev ents, control events, oscillography and fault reports. status Operation Bits Up to 24 elements. OPERATION BIT XX is (0) when the conf igured time out for the operation X X expires or when success conditions are met . And it is (1) if operation XX is executed and interlocks are fulfilled. Breaker Breaker status (open, closed or undef ined). The rest of the status signals corresponding to the switchg ear XX conf igured as breaker are in the Status > Switchgear Status > Switchgear XX menu. Protection Status of all the protection units in the device. Control ElementsStatus of all the control units available in the device. Protection SummaryThis screen shows a complete list of all protection and control elements in the relay, show ing their status (enabled or not). Snapshots Events summary Summary of the snapshot events status (enabled or disabled) for protection, control, inputs a nd outputs boards and switchgear. ModBus User Map Up to 256 elements. Value in SIGNED INT 16 BIT format of the reading for the selected a ddress conf igured in Setpoint > Product Setup > ModBus User Map Switchgear Status Up to 16 blocks of switchgear status signals for the 16 conf igurable devices. Status signals suc h as inputs for A and B contacts, status for A and B, open and close status, error 00 and error 11, open init and close init , fail to open and fail to close signals. Calibration Internal states for calibration. Factory calibration and calibration error signals. FlexCurvesFlex curve status for A, B, C and D user curves. (0) if it is not conf igured, (1) if it is conf igured. T o conf igure a flex curve go to Setpoint > System Setup > Flex Curves menu. System InfoThis screen can monitor the system parameters and the internal status of the Relay op erating system. Not enabled by default , password required Records Status Information related to the different records stored in the Relay, such as: Fault reports, contr ol events, oscillography, data logger, demand, energy, and breaker maintenance. SNTP-IRIG_B & PTP 1588 Information related to synchronization via IRIG_B, SNTP or PTP1588. Versions Information related to the different f irmware versions and hardware revisions. RedundancyInformation related to the status of the frames sent through PRP and HSR. Also information r elated to the status of RSTP port .