GE F650 Manual
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CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING 6.3 GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS, POWER SUPPLY NETWORK GEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 6-3 6.3 General considerations, power supply network All devices running on AC current are affected by frequency. As a non-sine wave is the result of a fundamental wave plus a series of harmonics from this fundamental wave, we can infe r that devices running on AC current are influenced by the applied waveform. For a correct testing of relays running on AC current, it is fundamental to use a current and/or voltage senoidal waveform. The pureness of a senoidal wave (lack of harmonics) cannot be expressed specifically for a specific relay. However, any relay incorporating sintonized circuits, R-L and R-C circuits, is affected by non-senoidal waveforms, as in the case of F650. These relays respond to the voltage waveform in a different way to the majority of AC current voltmeters. If the power supply network used for the testing contains wide harmonics, the voltmeter and relay responses are different. Relays have been calibrated in factory using a Network of 50 or 60 Hz with a minimum harmonic content. When the relay is tested, a power supply network with no harmonics in its waveform must be used. The ammeters and chronometers used for testing the pickup current and relay operation time must be calibrated and their accuracy must be better than the relay’s. The power supply used in the tests must remain stable, mainly in the levels near the operation thresholds. It is important to point out that the accuracy with which the test is performed depends on the network and on the instruments used. Functional tests performed with unsuitable power supply network and instruments are useful to check that the relay operates properly and therefore its operating characteristics are verified in an approximate manner. However, if the relay would be calibrated in these conditions , its operational characteristics would be outside the tolerance range values. The following sections detail the list of tests for verifying the complete relay functionality.
6-4F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 6.4 ISOLATION TESTS CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING 6.4 Isolation tests During all tests, the screw located on the rear of the relay must be grounded. For verifying isolation, independent groups are created, and voltage is applied as follows: 2200 RMS volts will be applied progressively among all terminals in a group, short-circuited between them and the case, during one second. 2200 RMS volts will be applied progressively between groups, during one second. WARNING: No communication circuit shall be tested for isolation. Groups to be created depend on the type of modules included in F650, selectable according to the model. The following table shows the different groups depending on the module type: SOURCE 1:G1 : H10, H18 G2: H13, H14, H15 SOURCE 2:G1: H1, H9 G2: H4, H5, H6 MAGNETIC MODULE. G1 : A5.. A12 G2: B1..B12 I/O F1 (MIXED) G1 (Inp . 1): F1..9 G2 (Inp . 2): F10..18 G3 (Out .): F19..36 I/O F2 (SUPERVISION) G1 (Sp v 1): F1..4 G2 (Inp . 1): F5..9 G3 (Inp . 2): F10..14 G4 (Sp v 2): F15..18 G5 (Out .): F19..30 G6 (Out .): F31.36 I/O G1 (MIXED) G1 (Inp . 1): G1..9 G2 (Inp . 2): G10..18 G3 (Out .): G19..36 I/O G4 (32DI) G1 (Inp . 1): G1..9 G2 (Inp . 2): G10..18 G3 (Inp . 3): G19..28 G4 (Inp. 3): G29..36 I/O G5 (analog)G1 (Inp. 1): G1..9 G2 (Inp. 2): G10..18
CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING6.5 INDICATORS GEK-113000-AFF650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 6-5 6.5 Indicators Feed the relay and verify that when commanding a LED reset operation, all LED indicators light up and they are turned off when pressing the ESC key for more than 3 seconds. 6.6 Power supply testing Feed the relay with the minimum and maximum voltage. For each voltage value, verify that the alarm relay is activated when there is voltage, and it is deactivated when there is no feed. If the power supply source incorporates AC feed, this test is also performed for VAC. If the relay incorporates a redundant power supply, these tests shall be performed on both power supplies. Voltage values to be applied are the ones indicated below according to the relay model: NOTE: Codes HIR and LOR correspond to a redundant power supply 6.7 Communications Verify that available communication ports allow communication with the relay. Ports to be checked are as follows: Front:RS232 Rear:2 x RS485, 2 x Fiber Optic - Serial, 2 x Fiber Optic - Ethernet, 1 x RJ45 - Ethernet . A computer with EnerVista 650 Setup software and an appropriate connector must be used. SUPPLYV min.V max. HI/HIR 110-250 Vdc 120-230 Vac 88 Vdc 96 Vac300 Vdc 250 Vac LO/LOR 24-48 Vdc 19.2 Vdc57.6 Vdc
6-6F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 6.8 VERIFICATION OF MEASUREMENT CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING 6.8 Verif ication of measurement Set the relay as follows NOTE: ALL ANGLES INDICATED ARE LAGGING ANGLES ALL VALUES OBTAINED IN THIS TEST MUST BE THE ONES CORRESPONDING TO THE PHASOR ONES 6.8.1 Voltages Apply the following voltage and frequency values to the relay: Verify that the relay measures the values with an error of ±1 % of the applied value from 10V to 208V. 6.8.2 Phase currents Apply the following current and frequency values to the relay: Verify that the relay measures the values with an error lowe r than ±0.5% of the test value or ± 10 mA, whichever is greater, for phases and ground. Verify that the relay measures the values with an error lower than ±1.5% of the test value or ± 1 mA, whichever is greater, for sensitive ground (SG). GENERAL SETTINGS NAMEVALUEUNITSRANGE PHASE CT RATIO GROUND CT RATIO STV GROUND CT RATIO PHASE VT RATIO PHASE VT CONNECTION WYEN/AWYE – DELTA NOMINAL VOLTAGE 100 V0.11-2250 V NOMINAL FREQUENCY 50 Hz1 Hz50-60 Hz PHASE ROTATION ABCN/AABC – ACB FREQUENCY REFERENCE VIN/AVI-VII-VIII AUXILIARY VOLTAGE VXN/AVX – VN CHANNELANGLEFREQUENCY 50 Hz60 Hz 50 Hz60 Hz 50 Hz60 Hz VI 0º05 50100 150200 VII 120º05 50100 150200 VIII 240º05 50100 150200 VX 0º05 50100 150200 CHANNELANGLEFREQUENCY 50 Hz60 Hz 50 Hz60 Hz 50 Hz60 Hz Ia (A) 45º015 105 10.1 Ib (A) 165º015 105 10.1 Ic (A) 285º015 105 10.1 IG (A) 0º015 105 10.1 ISG (A) 0º05 10.1 0.010.005
CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING6.8 VERIFICATION OF MEASUREMENT GEK-113000-AFF650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 6-7 Percent of Load-to-Trip The relevant actual values displays are shown below: Actual > Metering > Primary Values > Current > % of Load-to-trip Note Percent of load-to-trip is calculated from the phase with the highest current reading. It is the ratio of this current to the lowest pickup setting among the phase time and instantaneous overcurrent protection features. If all of these features are disabled, the value displayed is “0”. - Inject current of various values into Phase A. - Verify that percent load-to-trip is calculated as the correct percentage of the most sensitive operational Phase Overcurrent element and displayed. - Repeat for phases B and C. 6.8.3 Active, reactive power, and COSJ metering Equations to be applied for powers in a wye connection are as follows: Apply the following current and voltage values: With the indicated voltage and current values, verify that the power measure corresponds to expected values indicated in the following table: Maximum admissible error is ± 1% of the test value for P and Q, and 0.02 for cosj. Power per phaseThree-phase power P=V*I*Cos ϕ P=Pa+Pb+Pc Q=V*I*Sen ϕ Q=Qa+Qb+Qc APPLIED VOLTAGE AND CURRENT VALUES PER PHASE Phase aPhase bPhase cV-I Angles VI = 50 V, 0º VII = 50 V , 120ºVIII = 50V, 240ºϕ=45º Ia = 10∠ 45º Ib= 10∠165º Ic = 10∠285 º Cosϕ= 0.707 EXPECTED POWER VALUES Phase aPhase bPhase cThree-phase Pa = 353.55 MW Pb = 353.55 MWPc = 353.55 MW P = 1060.66 MW Qa = 353.55 MVAr Qb = 353.55 MVArQc = 353.55 MVAr Q = 1060.66 MVAr
6-8F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 6.8 VERIFICATION OF MEASUREMENT CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING 6.8.4 Frequency Frequency measure on channel VII (terminals A7-A8): Apply 50 Vac at 50 Hz on channel VI I. Maximum admissible error:± 10 mHz. Apply 50 Vac at 60 Hz on channel VII. Maximum admissible error: ± 12 mHz. Frequency measure on channel Vx (terminals A11-A12): Apply 50 Vac at 50 Hz on channel Vx . Maximum admissible error:± 10 mHz. Apply 50 Vac at 60 Hz on channel Vx. Maximum admissible error: ± 12 mHz. Results: CHANNELVoltage (V)Set Frequency (Hz)Measured Frequency (Hz) VII 50 50 Hz 60 Hz VX 50 50 Hz 60 Hz
CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING6.9 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS GEK-113000-AFF650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 6-9 6.9 Inputs and outputs During all tests, the screw on the rear of the relay must be grounded. 6.9.1 Digital inputs During this test, the user determines the activation/deactivation points for every input in the relay for the set voltage value of 30 Volts. Verify that the error does not exceed ± 10% (+10% on activation, -10% on deactivation). Default board settings for the input test can be modified in EnerVista 650 Setup software in: Setpoint > Inputs/Outputs > Contact I/O > Board X X, is substituted by the corresponding board: F for board in first slot G for board in second slot H for board in first slot of CIO module J for board in second slot of CIO module Test settings for mixed board (type 1:16 inputs and 8 outputs): The inputs test is completed by groups of 8 inputs, as this type of board has 2 groups of 8 inputs with the same common. For the first 8 inputs, the voltage threshold setting is determin ed by Voltage Threshold A. For the next 8 inputs, the setting is Voltage Threshold B. Inputs (or contact converters, CC1 – CC16) must also be set to POSITIVE. Test settings for mixed board (type 2: 8 digital inputs, 4 blocks for supervision and 8 outputs): The inputs test is completed by groups of 4 inputs, as this type of board has 2 groups of 4 inputs with the same common. For the first 4 inputs, the voltage threshold setting is determin ed by Voltage Threshold A. For the next 4 inputs, the setting is Voltage Threshold B. Inputs (or contact converters, CC1 – CC8) must also be set to POSITIVE. If the relay incorporates more input modules, these tests must also be applied to them. I/O Board Type 1 (MIXED) Voltage Threshold A_X 30 V Voltage Threshold B_X 40 V Debounce T ime A_X 5 ms Debounce T ime B_X 5 ms Input Type_X_CC1 (CC1) POSITIVE ... ... Input Type_X_CC16 (CC16) POSITIVE I/O Board Type 2 (SUPERVISION) Voltage Threshold A_X30 V Voltage Threshold B_X 40 V Debounce T ime A_X 5 ms Debounce T ime B_X 5 ms Input Type_X_CC1 (CC1) POSITIVE ... ... Input Type_X_CC8 (CC8) POSITIVE
6-10F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 6.9 INPUTS AND OUTPUTS CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING 6.9.2 Contact outputs The correct activation of every output to be verified. For every output, activation command of a single contact must be given, and then verify that only that contact is activated. Go to EnerVista 650 Setup Software (Setpoint > Inputs/Outputs > Force Outputs). For switched contacts, the change of state of both contacts shall be verified. 6.9.3 Circuit continuity supervision inputs Supervision inputs are tested as normal inputs, revising the voltage level that is 19 Volts. Coil 1: Apply 19 Vdc to both 52/a (terminals F1-F2) and 52/b (terminals F3-F4)”Coil 1” circuit supervision inputs and verify that they are activated. Apply -19 Vdc to both 52/a (terminals F1-F2) and 52/b (terminals F3-F4)”Coil 1” circuit supervision inputs and verify that they are activated. Remove voltage from both inputs and verify that it takes them 500 ms to change state (deactivate). Coil 2: Apply 19 Vdc to both 52/a (terminals F15-F16) and 52/b (terminals F17-F18)”Coil 2” circuit supervision inputs and verify that they are activated. Apply -19 Vdc to both 52/a (terminals F15-F16) and 52/b (terminals F17-F18)”Coil 2” circuit supervision inputs and verify that they are activated. Remove voltage from both inputs and verify that it takes them 500 ms to change state (deactivate). 6.9.4 Latching circuits Send a closing command to the latched contact (F31-F33). Make circulate a current of 500 mA through the contact in series with the sensing terminal. Send an opening command and verify that the contact does not open. Interrupt current and check that the contact is released. Repeat the test for the other latched contact (F34-F36). I 500
CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING6.10 CONNECTIONS FOR TESTING PROTECTION ELEMENTS GEK-113000-AF F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER 6-11 6.10 Connections for testing protection elements Connect current sources to the relay according to the wiring diagram. Current and voltage input terminals are as follows: PhaseConnections Current IAB1-B2 IB B3-B4 IC B5-B6 IG B9-B10 ISG B11-B12 Voltage VI A5-A6 VII A7-A8 VIII A9-A10 VX A11-A12
6-12F650 DIGITAL BAY CONTROLLER GEK-113000-AF 6.11 INSTANTANEOUS OVERCURRENT (50PH, 50PL, 50N, 50G, 50 SG) CHAPTER 6: COMMISSIONING 6.11 Instantaneous overcurrent (50PH, 50PL, 50N, 50G, 50SG) Set the relay to trip for the protection element being tested . Configure any of the outputs to be enabled only by the protection element being tested. Apply 0.9 times the Pickup current and check that the relay does not trip. Gradually increase the current value and verify that the relay operates between 1 and 1.1 times the set pickup current. The relay must trip by instantaneous in a time frame of 10 to 55 ms. All the relay trip contacts must operate, as well as the contact set as 50. Remove current and apply it again suddenly to a value of 4 time s the pickup current. The relay should trip instantaneously in a time frame of 10 to 45 ms. Test one point for each phase and group of the protection element. Note (*): Only available for Enhanced models 50 ELEMENTS TEST PARAMETERS Element Settings (50PH, 50PL, 50G and 50SG) SettingValueUnits Function Enabled Input RMSNA Pickup Level 3 A Delay time 0 Seconds Test Execution Conf igure one output for 50 Trip Apply times I pickup Element TripTripping times (ms) 0.9 x Pickup NONA 1.1 x Pickup YES10-55 4 x Pickup YES 10-45 ElementsPhaseGroup 50PH and 50PL IA0 IB 0 IC 0 50G IG0 50SG (*)ISG 0