Fujitsu Series 3 Manual
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Page 991
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers 6.6. Baud Rate Generator Registers 1 and 0 (BGR1 and BGR0) Baud Rate Generator Registers 1 and 0 (BGR1 and BGR0) are used to set a frequency division ratio of serial clocks. Also, an external clock can be selected as the clock source of the reload counter. bit 15 14 13 12 11 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field EXT (BGR1) (BGR0) Attribute R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/WR/W R/WR/WR/W R/W R/W R/W R/WR/W Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Baud...
Page 992
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers Data must be written in the Baud Rate Generato r Registers (BGR1 and BG R0) in 16-bit data access mode. If the current values of Baud Rate Generator Registers (BGR1, BGR0) are changed, the new values are reloaded only after the counter value has reached 15h00. In order to validate the new set values immediately, change the BGR1/0 set values and execute the programmable clear (UPCL). If the reload value is even, the LOW signal width of serial...
Page 993
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers 6.7. FIFO Control Register 1 (FCR1) The FIFO Control Register (FCR1) is used to set the FIFO test, select transmit or receive FIFO, enable transmit FIFO interrupt, and control the interrupt flag. bit 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 ... 0 Field FTST1 FTST0 - FLSTEFRIIEFDRQFTIE FSEL (FCR0) Attribute R/W R/W - R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial value 0 0 - 0 0 1 0 0 [bit 15:14] FTST1, FTST0: FIFO test bits They are FIFO Test bits. They must always be set...
Page 994
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers [bit 11] FRIIE: Receive FIFO idle detect enable bit This bit sets to detect the receive id le state if receive FIFO contains valid data for more than 8-bit hours. If the receive interrupt is enabled (SCR:RIE=1), a receive interrupt is genera ted when the receive idle state is detected. If set to 0: The receive idle state detection is disabled. If set to 1: The receive idle state detection is enabled. Bit Description 0 Disables the receive FIFO idle...
Page 995
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers [bit 9] FTIE: Transmit FIFO interrupt enable bit This bit enables a transmit FIFO interrupt. If this bit is set to 1, an interrupt occurs when the FDRQ bit is set to 1. Bit Description 0 Disables the transmit FIFO interrupt. 1 Enables the transmit FIFO interrupt. [bit 8] FSEL: FIFO select bit This bit selects the tr ansmit or receive FIFO. If set to 0, transmit FIFO is assigned FIFO1, and receive FIFO is assigned FIFO2. If set to 1, transmit FIFO...
Page 996
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers 6.8. FIFO Control Register 0 (FCR0) FIFO Control Register 0 (FCR0) is used to enable/disable the FIFO operation, reset FIFO, save the read pointer, and set the data re-transmission. bit 15 ... 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field (FCR1) - FLSTFLD FSETFCL2FCL1 FE2 FE1 Attribute - R R/W W R/W R/W R/W R/W Initial value - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [bit 7] Unused bit This bit value is undefined when read. This bit has no effect when written. [bit 6] FLST: FIFO...
Page 997
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers [bit 5] FLD: FIFO pointer reload bit This bit reloads the data, being saved in transmit FIFO by the FSET bit, to the reload pointer. This bit can be used to re-transmit data after a communication error or others have occurred. When the re-transmission setting has finished, this bit is set to 0. Bit Description 0 Not reloaded 1 Reloaded If th is bit is 1, data is being reloaded in the read poin ter. Therefore, data writing except for FIFO...
Page 998
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers [bit 3] FCL2: FIFO2 reset bit This bit resets the FIFO2 value. If this bit is set to 1, the FIFO2 internal state is initialized. Only the FCR1:FLST2 bit is initialized, but the other bits of FCR1/0 registers are kept. Description Bit During writing During reading 0 No effect. 1 FIFO2 is reset. 0 is always read. Disable th e tra nsmission and receptio n first, and then reset FIFO2. Set th e tran smit FIFO interrupt enable bit to 0 before...
Page 999
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers [bit 1] FE2: FIFO2 operation enable bit This bit enables or disables the FIFO2 operation. To use the FIFO2 operation, set this bit to 1. If FIFO2 is set as transmit FIFO and if data exists in FIFO2 when this bit is set to 1, the data transmission starts immediately when the LIN interface (ver. 2.1) is enabled to transmit data (TXE=1). During this time, set both TIE and TBIE bits to 0. Then, set this bit to 1 and set both TIE and TBIE bits to 1. ...
Page 1000
6. LIN Interface (ver. 2.1) Registers 6.9. FIFO Byte Register (FBYTE) The FIFO Byte Register (FBYTE) indicates the effective data count in the FIFO buffer. Also, this register can be used to generate a receive interrupt when a certain number of data sets is received in the receive FIFO. bit 15 14 1312 11 109 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Field (FBYTE2) (FBYTE1) Attribute R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/WR/W R/W R/W R/WR/W Initial value 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The FBYTE register...
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