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Comdial Execumail Voice Processing System 6.5 Instructions Manual

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Page 481

86 Message Groups 
Using Lettered Access with Numbered Groups 
You can use numbered groups on systems where the subscribers send messages 
by spelling a person’s last name. It is not as efficient, however. When a subscriber 
presses the threedigit number to select a numbered group, the subscriber first 
hears the names of all subscribers whose last names are spelled with the letters 
on the keys pressed, then afterward hears the matching numbered groups. 
For example, under lettered access,...

Page 482

Reference Manual Message Groups 87 
make it easy for subscribers to select the group they want. Groups with identical 
recorded names will cause confusion. 
Give special consideration to the names or numbers you give open groups. If you 
use named groups, make sure the three letters are easy to remember. For 
example, it would be easy to remember that pressing “A L L” on the telephone 
keypad sends a message to a group with the recorded name “All Staff”. If you 
use numbered groups, it helps to...

Page 483

88 Message Groups ExecuMail6.5 
the letters you typed. Press a to select this subscriber. Press a to view 
the next subscriber whose last name matches the letters you entered. Press 
a until the subscriber’s name is displayed. Then, press a. 
5. Record a name for the message group. For more information, see 
the topic 
Recording Voice Fields. 
6. Add members to the message group. See Adding Group Members at the 
for detailed steps. 
Adding Group Members at the Console 
To add a subscriber to a...

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- Reference Manual Message Groups 89 
Removing Group Members at the Console 
To remove a subscriber from a group: 
Access the Groups Screen by pressing [m&lx]. 
2. Page to the message group you want (or use the Jump command). 
3. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to the name of the subscriber 
want to remove from the group. 
4. Press [nl to remove the subscriber from the group. Press Q to remove the 
subscriber from the group. Press @ to cancel. 
5. To remove other members from the group,...

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90 Message Groups ExecuMail6.5 
3. With the cursor in the top portion of the screen, press [F8). 
4. Press m to highlight New Owner and press [-Enter). 
5. To make yourself the new owner, press a. To assign the group to another ,: 
subscriber, press @, then enter the name of the new owner. 
Assigning Dispatch Distribution 
By default, every new message group, whether added at the console or by phone 
has broadcast distribution. Only the system manager can change the group to 
have dispatch...

Page 486

Reference Manual Message Groups 9 1 
Creating Message Groups By Phone 
Subscribers can create new message groups themselves from any touchtone 
telephone, by accessing their setup options. 
To create a group by phone: 
11. Call the system. Enter your Personal ID and security code. 
Press 2 2 2 to skip ahead to setup options. The system asks: 
‘Would you like to access your setup options?” [PH~SubJikeToAcmsSetupl 
Press 1 for Yes. The system asks: 
‘Would you like...

Page 487

92 Messaae Groups ExecuMail6.5 
Changing a Message Group By Phone 
After you add a message group to the system, you can add, delete or list group 
members, and change the group’s spelled and recorded name, from any 
touchtone telephone. You change groups by accessing setup options. Only the 
group’s owner can change the group by phone. The system manager can change 
any group at the system console. 
To add, delete or list group members: 
1. Call the system. Enter your Personal ID and security code....

Page 488

Reference Manual Message Groups 93 
Sending a Group Message 
You send messages to groups the same way you send messages to individual 
To send a message to a group: 
1. Call the system. Enter your Personal ID and security code. 
2. When the system asks if you’d like to leave messages, press 1 for Yes. 
3. Spell the letters of the message group’s name, or press the special System ID 
for numbered groups and the group’s number. Press 2 until you hear the 
name of the group you want, then...

Page 489

94 Messaae Groups EkecuMail6.5 
Listing Group Members Who Haven’t Heard a Message 
Before you decide whether to cancel a message, you may want to find out who 
in the group hasn’t heard it. 
To list the members of a group who haven’t heard your group message: 
1. Start to leave another message for the group. If some group members 
haven’t heard your earlier messages, the system asks if you want to hear 
them before recording a new one. 
Press 1 for Yes to review your earlier messages. After you...

Page 490

Reference Manual Message Not&a tion 95 
Message Notification 
The effectiveness of a voice mail system depends upon the prompt receipt of 
messages. While subscribers may call the system to collect their messages 
irregularly, or not at all, the system can contact subscribers to deliver their 
messages on a regular basis. 
This feature is called message 
notification and delivery. You can set up the 
system to call subscribers at home, at their work extensions, or on their mobile 
telephones, to deliver...
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