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Comdial Execumail Voice Processing System 6.5 Instructions Manual

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Page 461

66 Messages EkecuMail6.5 
Many messages for a subscriber will be one-way messages. All messages taken by 
a transaction box or an interview box are also oneway messages. These 
messages are delivered to the subscriber who owns the box. 
Two-way Messages 
Two-way messages are left between subscribers or between subscribers and their 
guests. A subscriber leaves messages for other subscribers or guests during the 
subscriber conversation with the system. 
In the subscriber conversation, the subscriber can...

Page 462

Reference Manual Messages 6 7 
You can also set up the system to send a public notice to the Operator Box each 
time a call is transferred to a fax machine’s extension. If the person sending a fax 
records a message describing the fax, this voice message is added to the notice. 
Anyone with public message access can then redirect the notice (and attached 
voice message) to the subscriber who should receive the fax. 
The system can also send a public notice to the Operator Box if certain error 

Page 463

68 Messages EkecuMail6.5 
Subscribers can mark a message for more than one special delivery option. For 
example, you can send an urgent private message with return receipt requested. 
Subscribers can also change or add to the special delivery options of a message 
they’ve already sent, if the message has not yet been received. 
Access Codes Control Special Delivery Options 
You can restrict a subscriber from using any or all of the special delivery options 
by adding access codes to Access field on the...

Page 464

Reference Manual Messages 69 
callers if they want to mark their messages urgent. For complete steps, see the 
Subscribers topic. 
You can also allow outside callers to leave urgent messages for transaction 
boxes, interview boxes, the Public Interview Box, and the Operator Box. For 
details, see the topics 
Transaction Boxes, Interview Boxes, Public Interview BOX & 
Public Messages, and Operator Box. 
The Message Life Cycle 
All messages are subject to the same retention, or “aging,” pattern: 

Page 465

70 Messages ExecuMail6.5 
Error Messages 
The system can tell you in two ways if a system error occurs: by displaying a text 
message at the system console, and for some errors, by also sending a voice 
Text Error Messages 
The system displays text error messages at the bottom of the Banner Screen. The 
system also logs error messages in the call log file (also called the “REPLOG” 
file). Each error message has a special code, which you can use to identify the 
Voice Error Notices...

Page 466

Reference Manual Messages 7 1 
You can also specify one or more subscribers who should receive error notices 
by setting the Error 
notices to field to one or more Personal IDS. If an 
error occurs, these subscribers receive a notice from the voice mail system. This 
notice is played at the top of the subscriber’s regular message stack, after urgent 
To send error notices to more than one subscriber, separate the subscribers’ 
Personal IDS with commas. For example, set the field to...

Page 467

72 Messages ExecuMail6.5 
for related information, see: 
Call Transfer & Call Screening 
n Guests 
n Interview Boxes 
n Message Delivery 
n Message Playback 
H Message Receipts 
n Message Taking 
n Message Waiting Lamps 
q Operator Box 
n Public Interview Box & Public Messages 
n Reports 
n Recording Voice Fields 
l Subscribers 
n System IDS 
n Transaction Boxes 
See also: 
n The User’s Guide 
n Changing the System Conversation  

Page 468

Reference Manual Message Delivery 73 
Message Delivery 
The effectiveness of a voice mail system depends upon the prompt delivery of 
messages. ExecuMail can contact subscribers to deliver their messages on a 
regular basis. This feature is called message delivery. You can set up the system 
to call subscribers at home, at their work extension, or on a pager or mobile 
phone and deliver their new messages. These message delivery calls can be 
made at regular intervals or as soon as each new message is...

Page 469

74 Message Delivers ExecuMail6.5 
Access: PCFB 
Transfer? Yes--).X >Greeting 
--r >Action 
Await-Ans-->4 Rings 
Screening? No Holding? No Max-msg: 90 set Edits OK? Yes 
-Message Notification 
Lamp #: x Activate Lamps? Yes 
#l: x 
after 0 min. 8:OOam- 6:OOpm MTWEF 4 rings 30 min,Off 
;;i after 0 
min. 6:OOpm- 9:OOm MTWHF 5 rings 60 min,Off 
after 0 min, lzi:ooam-11:59pm mwimu 0 rings 30 min,Off 
#4: after 0 
min, 12:Oosm-11:59pm BITWEIFSU 4 rings 60 mhgrgent 
Ctrl-E for expanded...

Page 470

Reference Manual Message Delivery 75 
On Screen 
Identified As 
“Your work phone” 
#2 “Your home phone” 
#3 “Your pager phone” 
* “Your spare phone” 
However, you can assign message delivery numbers following a different 
convention (for example, message delivery for Phone #I can be assigned to a 
subscriber’s home number). Just be sure the subscriber understands which 
number is referred to in each case. 
For each message delivery number you use, you will want to set up several 
options. Figure 44...
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