Yamaha Dvx 1000 Owners Manual
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Index381 DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual SLOT 1 ........................................ 246 System exclusive messages ......... 245 Transmission and Reception ..... 248 USB port ...................................... 246 MIDI | Bulk page ............................... 257 MIDI | Ctl Asgn page ........................ 250 MIDI | Pgm Asgn page ...................... 249 MIDI | Setup page ............................. 248 MIDI button ........................................ 19 MIDI interface ................................... 217 MIDI machine control ...................... 245 MIDI remote ..................................... 236 Banks ........................................... 236 LATCH ........................................ 241 LEARN button ............................ 239 MIDI messages ........................... 239 TARGET parameter ................... 237 UNLATCH .................................. 241 MIDI timecode .................................. 245 MIDI Warning preference ................ 267 mini-YGDAI I/O cards ....................... 55 Mix minus .......................................... 105 MIX SOLO ......................................... 120 Mix Update Confirmation preference ................................................ 270 MIXDOWN ....................................... 120 mLAN I/O card ................................... 55 MMC ................................. 215, 242, 245 MOD. DELAY ................................... 311 MOD. FILTER ................................... 313 Monitor | C-R/TB page ..................... 124 Monitor | Solo page ........................... 120 Monitor | Surr Lib page .................... 186 Monitor | Surr Patch page ................ 145 Monitor | Surr Setup page ........138, 144 Monitor | Surround page .................. 142 Monitor alignment ............................ 142 MONITOR LEVEL control ................ 24 Monitor matrix .................................. 138 MONITOR section ............................. 24 Monitoring ........................................ 119 CONTROL ROOM DIMMER LEVEL ............................ 123 Digital input channel status ......... 57 DIMM (Dimmer) ....................... 119 LAST SOLO ................................ 120 MIX SOLO .................................. 120 MIXDOWN ................................ 120 MONO ........................................ 123 MUTE/SOLO section ................. 143 RECORDING ............................. 120 SETTING section ....................... 143 Solo function ............................... 121 SOLO SAFE ................................. 121 Solo safe function ....................... 121 Solo setup .................................... 120 SPEAKER SETUP ....................... 144 STATUS section ......................... 143 Talkback function ....................... 123 MONO ............................................... 123 MONO DELAY ................................. 310 MS buttons .......................................... 78 MS microphone ............................. 78, 80MTC ................................................... 245 MULTI FILTER ................................ 318 Mute groups .............................. 147, 148 MUTE/SOLO section ....................... 143 Muting ............................................... 227 N Naming .......................................... 79, 91 Nominal Pan preference ................... 267 Nuendo .............................................. 215 Nuendo/Cubase SX .......................... 235 O OCTA REVERB ................................ 319 OFFSET .............................................. 200 OMNI IN connectors ................... 25, 53 OMNI OUT connectors ......... 25, 50, 54 Omni outs ............................................ 54 OMS ................................................... 217 ON buttons .......................................... 17 Operating basics .................................. 29 About the display ......................... 29 AUX indicator .............................. 35 Buttons .......................................... 31 Channel name .............................. 30 Confirmation messages ............... 32 FADER indicator .......................... 35 Metering ........................................ 39 Page area ....................................... 30 Page tabs ....................................... 30 Page title ........................................ 30 Parameter boxes ........................... 31 Rotary controls & faders .............. 31 Sampling rate indicator ............... 30 Selecting channels ........................ 34 Selecting display pages ................. 30 Selecting encoder modes ............. 36 Selecting fader modes .................. 35 Selecting layers .............................. 33 Tab scroll arrows .......................... 30 Timecode counter ........................ 30 Title edit window ......................... 32 OPERATION LOCK ........................ 280 Operation lock .................................. 280 Optional card ...................................... 28 Installing ....................................... 28 Options .......................................... 6, 374 I/O card ......................................... 55 MB1000 ....................................... 374 RK1 .............................................. 377 SP1000 ......................................... 377 Oscillator ........................................... 273 Other functions ................................. 265 Preferences .................................. 266 Out Patch | 2TR Out page ................ 114 Out Patch | CH Name page ................ 91 Out Patch | Direct Out page ............. 115 Out Patch | Library page ................... 177 Out Patch | Omni Out page ....... 50, 113 Out Patch | Slot Out page .114, 130, 283 Output patch ..................................... 112 Initial settings ............................. 302 Parameters .................................. 300OUTPUT PATCH button ..................19 Output patch library ..........................177 P P2 ............................................... 215, 242 Straight cable .................................26 Package contents ....................................6 PAD switches ................................ 16, 53 Pair Confirmation preference ...........267 PAIR/GROUP button .........................19 Pair/Grup | Fader1–32 page ..............148 Pair/Grup | Fader33–48 page ............148 Pair/Grup | In Comp page ................153 Pair/Grup | In EQ page .....................152 Pair/Grup | Input page ........................78 Pair/Grup | Mute1–32 page ..............148 Pair/Grup | Mute33–48 page ............148 Pair/Grup | Out Comp page .............153 Pair/Grup | Out EQ page ..................153 Pair/Grup | Out Fader page ..............148 Pair/Grup | Out Mute page ...............148 Pair/Grup | Output page .....................89 Pairing ........................................... 76, 89 HORIZONTAL .............................78 Using the display ...........................78 Using the SEL buttons ..................77 VERTICAL ....................................78 PAN button ..........................................18 Pan/Surr | Ch Edit page .....................131 Pan/Surr | Pan1-32 page .....................70 Pan/Surr | Pan33-48 page ...................70 Pan/Surr | Surr Mode page ...............128 Pan/Surr | Surr1-16 page ...................135 Pan/Surr | Surr17-32 page .................135 Pan/Surr | Surr33-48 page .................135 PAN/SURR LINK ..............................128 PAN/SURROUND button .................19 Panning ....................................... 70, 104 F.S button ......................................89 FOLLOW PAN .............................74 GANG ............................................70 INDIVIDUAL ...............................70 INV GANG ....................................70 PAN buttons ..................................71 Parameter boxes ...................................31 Parameter changes .............................256 Parameter lists ....................................293 Parameter wheel ..................................23 Patch Confirmation preference ........267 Patching ..............................................109 2TR digital outputs .....................114 Direct outs ...................................115 Input and Output .........................49 Input channels ..............................49 INPUT PATCH button ......... 19, 49 Input patching .............................109 Input patching from the display 110 Insert in ........................................118 Insert patching ............................116 Omni outs ............................ 50, 113 OUTPUT PATCH button ............19 Output patching .........................112 PAN/SURROUND button ...........19

382Index DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Slot outputs ................................. 114 Using the encoders ..................... 111 PEAK indicators ............................ 16, 53 Peak level ............................................. 41 Phantom power ................................... 53 +48V ON/OFF switches .............. 16 Phase .................................................... 63 PHASER ............................................. 312 PHONES jack .............................. 23, 119 PHONES LEVEL control ................... 23 PLAY .................................................. 203 PLUG-IN ........................................... 258 Plug-ins .............................................. 229 Y56K ............................................ 162 Port ID/PORT preference ................ 269 POWER ON/OFF switch ................... 27 Power section ...................................... 27 Prefer1 page ....................................... 266 Prefer2 page ....................................... 268 Prefer3 page ....................................... 270 Preferences ......................................... 266 Preset compressor parameters ......... 325 Preset EQ parameters ....................... 323 Preset gate parameters ...................... 324 Pro tools .............................215, 216, 227 Automation ................................ 233 Channel display mode ............... 221 Channel levels ............................. 227 Control surface operation ......... 222 Display ........................................ 220 Explicit mute .............................. 227 Flip mode .................................... 228 Implicit mute .............................. 227 Insert display mode .................... 220 Meter display mode ................... 222 MIDI ........................................... 217 Muting ........................................ 228 OMS ............................................ 217 Panning ............................... 227, 228 Plug-ins ....................................... 229 Pre or Post .................................. 228 Scrub & Shuttle .......................... 232 Selecting ...................................... 227 Send levels ................................... 228 Soloing ........................................ 227 Program changes ....................... 245, 249 PROTECT button ............................. 166 Punching in & out ............................. 197 R Rear panel ............................................ 25 AD input and output section ...... 25 Digital I/O & control section ....... 26 Power section ............................... 27 SLOT section ................................ 26 REC .................................................... 203 RECALL button .................................. 22 Recall Confirmation preference ....... 267 Recall safe function ........................... 170 Receive Full Frame Message preference ............................................... 270 RECORDING .................................... 120Remote ................................................215 AD8HR/AD824 ...........................287 Display .........................................220 FRAMES ......................................244 Insert display mode ....................220 LOCATE/TIME section .............244 Machine control ................. 215, 242 MACHINE CONTROL section 243 MIDI messages ............................239 MIDI remote ...............................236 MMC ...........................................215 Nuendo ........................................215 P2 ..................................................215 ProTools ......................................215 REMOTE 1/2 ...............................215 Target parameter ........................219 TRACK ARMING section ..........244 TRANSPORT section .................244 Remote | Channel page .....................233 Remote | Insert page ..........................219 Remote | Machine page .....................244 Remote | Meter page ..........................222 Remote | Remote 1 page ....................218 Remote | Remote 2 page ....................237 REMOTE 1/REMOTE 2 buttons .......22 REMOTE button ........................ 19, 215 REMOTE connector ................... 26, 246 Remote layer Nuendo/Cubase SX ....................235 Pro tools .......................................216 RESET BOTH ......................................77 REV+CHORUS .................................314 REV+FLANGE ..................................315 REV+SYMPHO. ................................315 REV->CHORUS ................................315 REV->FLANGE .................................315 REV->PAN ........................................316 REV->SYMPHO. ..............................316 REVERB 5.1 .......................................319 REVERB HALL ..................................310 REVERB PLATE ................................310 REVERB ROOM ................................310 REVERB STAGE ................................310 Reverse cable ......................................283 REVERSE GATE ................................310 RING MOD. ......................................313 RK1 rack mount kit ...........................377 ROTARY ............................................313 Rotary controls & faders .....................31 Routing .................................................71 Routing | Bus To St page .....................85 Routing | CH1-16 page .......................71 Routing | CH17-32 page .....................71 Routing | CH33-48 page .....................71 Routing | Library page .......................181 ROUTING 1–8 buttons ......................21 ROUTING DIRECT button ...............21 ROUTING DISPLAY button ..............21 Routing ST Pair Link preference ......268 ROUTING STEREO button ...............21 S Sampling rates ...............................55, 57 DOUBLE CHANNEL .................. 59 DOUBLE SPEED .......................... 59 Sampling rate indicator ................ 30 Setting the higher sampling rates 59 SINGLE ......................................... 60 SRC sections .................................. 56 Scene | In Fade page .......................... 168 Scene | Out Fade page ....................... 169 Scene | Rcl Safe page .......................... 170 Scene | Scene page ............................. 166 Scene | Sort page ................................ 171 SCENE button ..................................... 20 Scene MEM Auto Update preference ................................................ 268 Scene memories ................................. 163 Auto update function ................. 167 Edit indicators ............................. 164 Fading .......................................... 168 PROTECT button ...................... 166 Recall safe function ..................... 170 Scene numbers ............................ 164 Shadow memory ......................... 167 Sorting ......................................... 171 Storing and Recalling ................. 165 Using the Scene Memory Page .. 166 What is stored ............................. 163 Scene memory #0 .............................. 164 Scene memory #U ............................. 164 Scene memory display ........................ 22 SCENE MEMORY section ................. 22 Scene numbers ................................... 164 Scene up/down buttons ...................... 22 SEL buttons .......................................... 17 SELECTED CHANNEL section ......... 21 Selecting channels ................................ 34 Selecting display pages ........................ 30 Selecting fader modes .......................... 35 SET SPL85 .......................................... 143 Setting levels ......................................... 98 SETTING section .............................. 143 Setup ..................................................... 43 Setup | GPI page ................................ 276 Setup | In Port page ........................... 265 Setup | MIDI/Host page ....................... 218 , 243, 246, 285 Setup | Out Port page ........................ 266 Setup | Output Att page ...................... 90 Setup | Prefer1 page ........................... 266 Setup | Prefer2 page ........................... 266 Setup | Prefer3 page ........................... 266 Setup | Remote page ..................285, 288 Setup | Surr Bus page ........................ 130 Setup | Time Ref page ....................... 188 Setup | Time Sig page ........................ 189 SETUP button ..................................... 19 Shadow memory ............................... 167 SHIFT LOCK button .......................... 32 Show Compact Size preference ........ 270 SIGNAL indicators ........................16, 53 SINGLE ................................................ 60 SLOT 1 ............................................... 246

Index383 DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual SLOT 1/2 ..................................26, 48, 54 SLOT button ................................24, 137 SLOT section ....................................... 26 SMPTE TIME CODE INPUT connector .................................................. 26 SNAP TO SPL85 ................................ 143 Solo ..................................................... 120 2TR DIN FLIP ............................ 122 LAST SOLO ................................ 120 LISTEN ........................................ 121 MIX SOLO .................................. 120 MIXDOWN ................................ 120 RECORDING ............................. 120 SOLO ........................................... 120 Solo function ............................... 121 SOLO INTERRUPTION ........... 121 SOLO SAFE CHANNEL ............ 121 Solo safe function ....................... 121 SOLO TRIM ............................... 121 SOLO buttons ...................................... 17 SOLO indicator ................................... 24 SOLO SAFE ....................................... 121 SP1000 side panels ............................ 377 SPEAKER SETUP .............................. 144 Specifications ..................................... 332 SRC sections ........................................ 56 Star distribution .................................. 46 STATUS section ................................ 143 STEREO button ................................... 24 STEREO DELAY ............................... 310 STEREO fader ...................................... 17 Stereo meters ....................................... 20 Stereo out ............................................. 81 Attenuating ................................... 83 Compressing ................................. 84 Delaying ........................................ 83 EQ’ing ...................................... 84, 88 Naming .......................................... 91 Pairing ........................................... 89 Setting from the control surface .. 88 Setting from the display ............... 83 Setting the levels ........................... 88 Viewing the settings ..................... 86 STEREO section .................................. 17 STOP .................................................. 204 STORE button ..................................... 22 Store Confirmation preference ........ 267 Storing and Recalling ........................ 165 SURR. MODE ................................... 138 Surround ............................................ 125 BASS MANAGEMENT ............. 139 BUS1–BUS8 ................................ 130 DIV .............................................. 132 F & R ............................................ 132 F.S button ...................................... 89 FAST ............................................ 131 GRAB button ................................ 21 INIT ............................................. 130 Joystick .......................................... 21 LFE ............................................... 132 LINK ............................................ 132 MONITOR ALIGNMENT ........ 142 Monitoring .................................. 136Monitoring matrix ..................... 136 Oscillator ..................................... 144 Pan graph .................................... 131 PAN/SURR LINK ...................... 128 PAN/SURROUND button .......... 19 Panning from the display .......... 131 PATTERN ................................... 132 Setting up and Selecting ............. 128 Slot ............................................... 145 SPEAKER SETUP ...................... 144 ST LINK ...................................... 132 Surround effects ......................... 161 SURROUND MODE ........... 72, 128 Surround mode indicator ............ 30 Surround pan ............................. 125 Trajectory patterns ..................... 131 SURROUND MODE ........................ 128 Surround mode indicator .................. 30 Surround modes ...............125, 128, 138 Factory-default ........................... 126 Surround monitor ............................ 136 Bass management ....................... 138 Configuring basic ....................... 138 Monitor alignment ..................... 138 Monitor matrix .......................... 138 Monitoring level ......................... 142 Surround monitor library ................ 186 Surround pan .................................... 125 SYMPHO. 5.1 .................................... 320 SYMPHONIC ................................... 312 SYNC parameter ............................... 286 System exclusive messages ............... 245 System version ................................... 289 T Tab scroll arrows ................................. 30 Tab scroll buttons ............................... 20 TALKBACK button .................... 24, 123 Talkback function ............................. 123 TALKBACK LEVEL control .............. 23 Talkback mic ....................................... 23 Target parameter ............................... 219 Tascam I/O card .................................. 55 TC Drop Warning preference .......... 267 THX pm3 ........................................... 140 TIME REFERENCE .......................... 200 TIME REFERENCE section ............. 188 Time signature map .......................... 189 Timecode counter ............................... 30 Timecode Display Relative preference ............................................... 270 Timecode source ............................... 188 Title edit window ................................ 32 TO END button ................................ 200 TO HOST USB port ........................... 26 Touch Sence Edit In ALL preference ............................................... 271 Trajectory patterns ............................ 132 TREMOLO ........................................ 312 Trigger signals ................................... 276 U UNLATCH .........................................241 UPDATE ............................................200 USB .......................................................26 OMS .............................................217 USB port ......................................246 User assignable layer ..........................272 User Def | User Def page ...................274 USER DEFINED KEYS .......................23 Initial assignments ......................295 User defined keys ...............................274 Utility | Battery page ..........................289 Utility | CH Status page .......................57 Utility | Lock page ..............................280 Utility | Oscillator page ......................273 UTILITY button ..................................19 V Variable mode ........................... 100, 103 VERTICAL ...........................................78 Video Editor .......................................259 View | Fader page .................... 73, 86, 97 View | Library page ............................175 View | Parameter page ............ 72, 86, 96 VIEW button .......................................19 W WC IN ..................................................48 Web site ................................................55 Website ...................................................6 Welcome ...............................................13 Window Changing the surround mode ...129 Channel Pairing ............................77 Copy operation ...........................106 Password ......................................280 Set Password ................................281 User Define Select .......................275 Wordclock ............................................46 About wordclock ..........................46 Connections ..................................46 Daisy chain distribution ...............46 Source ............................................48 Specifying source ..........................47 Star distribution ............................46 WC IN ...........................................48 WORD CLOCK IN connector ....27 WORD CLOCK OUT connector 27 Y Y56K ...................................................162 Yamaha web site ..................................55 Yamaha website .....................................6

YAMAHA [Digital Mixing Console-Internal Parameters] Date: 26 Aug. 2002 Model: DM1000 MIDI Implementation Chart Version: 1.0 Function... Transmitted Recognized Remarks Basic ChannelDefault Changed1–16 1–161–16 1–16Memorized ModeDefault Messages AlteredX X **************OMNI off/OMNI on X XMemorized Note NumberTrue VoiceX **************0–127 X VelocityNote On Note OffX XO OEffect Control AfterKey’s Ch’sX XX X Pitch Bend X X Control Change0-95,102-119 O O Assignable Prog Change :True#0–127 **************0–127 0–99Assignable System Exclusive O O *1 System Common:Song Pos :Song Sel :TuneX X XO X XAutomix System Real Time:Clock :CommandsX XO OAutomix, Effect Control Aux Messages:Local ON/OFF :All Notes OFF :Active Sense :ResetX X X XX X O O NotesMTC quarter frame message is recognized. *1: Bulk Dump/Request, Parameter Change/Request, and MMC. For MIDI Remote, ALL messages can be transmitted. Mode 1: OMNI ON, POLY Mode 3: OMNI OFF, POLYMode 2: OMNI ON, MONO Mode 4: OMNI OFF, MONOO: Yes X: No

DM1000 Level Diagram DA DSP Noise Floor PHASE GATE AD dBuAnalog CASCADE IN CASCADE OUT Digital Clipping Level Max. Output Nominal Output [+18dBu] [–2dBu][+24dBu] [+4dBu] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3233 Digital Bit34 3536 0–10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–120–130–140–150–160–170–190–200–210 GAIN dBuAnalog dBFS –180 [0dBu = 0.775Vrms] [0dBFS = Full Scale]+24 +20+10 0–10–20–30–40–50–60–70–80–90–100–110–120–130–140–150–160–170–180–190 Input [+24dBu] Max. [+4dBu] [–60dBu] [–40dBu]InNominal Input Nominal Input PAD INSERT Digital Analog GAIN MAX., PAD OFFGAIN MIN., PAD ONInput Max. Digital Analog ATT. EQ INSERT LEVEL ON COMPDELAY PAN DELAY BUS AdderATT. EQ COMP MASTER LEVEL ON MASTER INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT INSERT BALOUTPUT PATCH INPUT PATCH +4 OMNI OUT 1-12 –2+24 +20 +10 0 –10 –20 –30 –40 –50 –60 –70 –80 –90 –100 –110 –120 –130 –140 –150 –160 –170 –180 –190 +4

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T el: 02-2511-8688 THAILAND Siam Music Yamaha Co., Ltd. 4, 6, 15 and 16 th floor, Siam Motors Building, 891/1 Rama 1 Road, Wangmai, P athumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand T el: 02-215-2626 O THER ASIAN COUNTRIES Yamaha Corporation, Asia-Pacific Music Marketing Group Nakazawa-cho 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Japan 430-8650 T el: +81-53-460-2317 A USTRALIA Yamaha Music Australia Pty. Ltd. Level 1, 99 Queensbridge Street, Southbank, V ictoria 3006, Australia T el: 3-9693-5111 COUNTRIES AND TRUST TERRITORIES IN PACIFIC OCEAN Y amaha Corporation, Asia-Pacific Music Marketing Group Nakazawa-cho 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Japan 430-8650 T el: +81-53-460-2313 NORTH AMERICA CENTRAL & SOUTH AMERICA EUROPE AFRICA MIDDLE EAST ASIA OCEANIA HEAD OFFICE Yamaha Corporation, Pro Audio Division Nakazawa-cho 10-1, Naka-ku, Hamamatsu, Japan 430-8650 T el: +81-53-460-2441 P A25

U.R.G., Pro Audio Division © 2004 Yamaha Corporation 006IPTO-F0 Printed in Japan WD83390 Yamaha Manual Library http://www.yamaha.co.jp/manual/ Ow ner’s M an ual K eep T h is M an ual F o r F u tu re R efe re n ce .