Yamaha Dvx 1000 Owners Manual
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MIDI Data Format371 DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Appendix Parameter change (Function call: Scene/Library Clear) Reception When this is received, the specified memory/library will be cleared. If \ this is re- ceived from Studio Manager or Cascade Link, the operation will be execut\ ed, and then the result of execution will be transmitted as the following pa\ rameter response. Transmission When a memory or library is cleared on the DM1000, this message will be \ trans- mitted with the device number set to [Tx CH]. *1) Varies with the firmware version. Parameter change (Function call: attribute) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches \ the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, the attribute of the specified memory/library wil\ l be changed. T ransmission In response to a request, a Parameter Change message will be transmitted\ on the [Rx CH]. If [Parameter change ECHO] is ON, this message will be retransmitted wit\ hout change. Parameter request (Function call: attribute) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches \ the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, a Parameter Change message will be transmitted on\ the [Rx CH]. Refer to the above table for the Functions and Numbers. Parameter change (Function call: link) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches \ the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, the patch link data of the specified scene will b\ e modified. T ransmission In response to a request, a Parameter Change message will be transmitted\ on the [Rx CH]. If [Parameter change ECHO] is ON, this message will be retransmitted wit\ hout change. Parameter request (Function call: link) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches \ the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, a Parameter Change message will be transmitted on\ the [Rx CH]. Refer to the above table for the Functions and Numbers. STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 01111111 7FUniversal ADDRESS 00010000 10Function call 0110ffff 6fclear function 0mmmmmmm mhnumber High 0mmmmmmm mlnumber Low EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive function number SCENE LIB CLEAR 0x60 1-99 EQ LIB CLEAR 0x61 41-200 GATE LIB CLEAR 0x62 5-128 COMP LIB CLEAR 0x63 37-128 EFF LIB CLEAR 0x64 41-200 CHANNEL LIB CLEAR 0x66 1-128 INPATCH LIB CLEAR 0x67 1-32 OUTPATCH LIB CLEAR 0x68 1-32 Bus to Stereo LIB CLEAR 0x69 1-32 Surround Monitor LIB CLEAR 0x6A 1-32 AUTOMIX LIB CLEAR 0x6B 1-16 STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 01111111 7FUniversal ADDRESS 00010100 14Function call 0000ffff 0fattribute 0mmmmmmm mhnumber High 0mmmmmmm mlnumber Low DATA 0ttttttt thattribute(protect:0x0001, normal:0x0000) 0ttttttt tl EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive function number SCENE LIB ATTRIBUTE 0x00 0-99(0:response only) AUTOMIX LIB ATTRIBUTE 0x0B 1-16 STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 01111111 7FUniversal ADDRESS 00010100 14Function call 0000ffff 0fattribute 0mmmmmmm mhnumber High 0mmmmmmm mlnumber Low EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 01111111 7FUniversal ADDRESS 00010100 14Function call 0010ffff 2flink 0mmmmmmm mhnumber High 0mmmmmmm mlnumber Low DATA 0iiiiiii ihinpatch 0iiiiiii il 0ooooooo ohoutpatch 0ooooooo ol EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive function number SCENE LIB LINK 0x20 0-99(0:response only) STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 01111111 7FUniversal ADDRESS 00010100 14Function call 0010ffff 2flink 0mmmmmmm mhnumber High 0mmmmmmm mlnumber Low EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive

372Appendix C: MIDI DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Parameter change (Function call: pair, copy) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, pairing will be enabled/disabled for the specified channel. *1) 0:CH1 – 47:CH48, 128:BUS1 – 135:BUS8, 256:AUX1 – 263:AUX8, 512:STEREO Effect is 0:Effect 1–3:Effect 4 •In the case of PAIR, you must specify channels for which pairing is pos- sible. •In the case of PAIR ON with COPY, you must specify Source Channel as the copy source, and Destination Channel as the copy destination. Parameter change (Function call Event: Effect ) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, the corresponding effect’s function activates (depending on the effect type). •This does not activate when the effect type is different. Parameter change (Sort Table) When scene memory sort is executed on the DM1000, the memory sort table will be transmitted to Studio Manager. Studio Manager will sort the memories according to this data. If Studio Manager performs a scene memory sort, it will transmit this data to the DM1000.8-7 conversion is performed on the data area in the same way as for bulk. Parameter request (Sort Table) When the DM1000 receives this data, it will transmit Sort Table Data. Parameter change (Key remote) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, the same processing that is executed when the key speci- fied by Address is pressed (released). Transmission If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without change. Parameter change (Remote Meter) When transmission is enabled by receiving a Request of Remote meter, the specified meter information is transmitted every 50 msec for 10 seconds. When you want to transmit meter information continuously, a Request must be trans- mitted continuously within every 10 seconds. Reception This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. Transmission When transmission has been enabled by a Request, the parameter specified by Address will be transmitted on the [Rx CH] channel at 50 msec intervals for a duration of 10 seconds. Transmission will be disabled if the power is turned off and on again, or if the PORT setting is changed. If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without change. *The meter data can be either the unadjusted DECAY value of the DSP, or the table-converted value. The interpretation of the data will de- pend on the parameter. STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 01111111 7FUniversal ADDRESS 00010001 11Function call Pair 0000ffff 0ffunction 0sssssss shSource channel H 0sssssss slSource channel L DATA 0ddddddd dhDestination channel H 0ddddddd dlDestination channel L EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive function channel PAIR ON with COPY 0x00 *1) PAIR ON with RESET BOTH 0x01 *1) PAIR OFF 0x02 *1) STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 01111111 7FUniversal ADDRESS 00010010 12Function call Effect Event 0000ffff 0ffunction 00000000 00 0ppppppp ppRelease:0, Press:1 DATA 00000000 00 0eeeeeee eeEffect number (0:Effect1 - 3:Effect4) EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive function channel Freeze Play button 0x00 0:Effect1-3:Effect4 Freeze Record button 0x01 0:Effect1-3:Effect4 Auto Pan 5.1 Trigger Button 0x02 0:Effect1-3:Effect4 Auto Pan 5.1 Reset Button 0x03 0:Effect1-3:Effect4 STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00010011 13Library sort table 0000ffff 0fLibrary type DATA 0ddddddd dsData :: 0ddddddd deData EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00010011 13Library sort table 0000ffff 0fLibrary type EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00100000 20Key remote 0kkkkkkk kkKey address H 0kkkkkkk kkKey address M 0kkkkkkk kkKey address L DATA 0ppppppp ppRelease:0, Press:1 EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00100001 21Remote meter 0mmmmmmm mmADDRESS UL 0mmmmmmm mmADDRESS LU 0mmmmmmm mmADDRESS LL DATA 0ddddddd ddData1 H 0ddddddd ddData1 L :: EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive

MIDI Data Format373 DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Appendix Parameter request (Remote Meter) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, data of the specified address is transmitted on the [Rx CH] at intervals of 50 msec as a rule (although this may not be the case if the port is being used by other communication), for a period of 10 seconds. If Address UL= 0x7F is received, transmission of all meter data will be halted immediately. (disable) Transmission If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without change. Parameter change (Remote Time Counter) When transmission is enabled by receiving a Request of Remote Time Counter, the Time Counter data is transmitted every 50 msec for 10 seconds. When you want to transmit Counter information continuously, a Request must be trans- mitted within every 10 seconds. Reception This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. Transmission When transmission is enabled by receiving a Request, the Time Counter infor- mation is transmitted on [RxCH] channel every 50 msec for 10 seconds. Transmission will be disabled if the power is turned off and on again, or if the PORT setting is changed. If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without change. Parameter request (Remote Time Counter) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When this is received, the Time Counter information is transmitted on the [Rx CH] channel every 50 msec for 10 seconds. When the second byte of Address is received on 0x7F, data transmission will be halted immediately. (disable)Transmission If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without change. Parameter change (Automix Status) When transmission is enabled by receiving a Request of Automix status, the Au- tomix Status data is transmitted every second for 10 seconds. When you want to transmit the Automix Status information continuously, the Request must be transmitted continuously minimum within 10 seconds interval. The data is transmitted continuously while the transmission is enabled, even when the Au- tomix Status on the DM1000 has been changed. Reception This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. Transmission When the transmission is set to enable by receiving a Request. The Automix Sta- tus data is transmitted on the [Rx CH] channel every second for 10 seconds. The data is transmitted continuously while the transmission is enabled, even when the Automix Status on the DM1000 has been changed. Transmission will be disabled if the power is turned off and on again, or if the PORT setting is changed. If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without change. Parameter request (Automix Status) Reception This is received if [Parameter change RX] is ON and the [Rx CH] matches the device number included in the SUB STATUS. This is echoed if [Parameter change ECHO] is ON. When the data is received, the Automix Status data is transmitted on the [Rx CH] every second for 10 seconds. When the second byte of Address is received on 0x7F, data transmission will be halted immediately (disable). Transmission If [Parameter Change ECHO] is ON, this message is retransmitted without change. STATUS 11110000 F0 System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00100001 21Remote meter 0mmmmmmm mmADDRESS UL 0mmmmmmm mmADDRESS LU 0mmmmmmm mmADDRESS LL 0ccccccc chCount H 0ccccccc clCount L EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00100010 22Remote Time counter 0000tttt 0t0:Time code, 1:Measure.Beat.Clock 0ddddddd ddHour / Measure H 0ddddddd ddMinute / Measure L DATA 0ddddddd ddSecond / Beat 0ddddddd ddFrame / Clock EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00100010 22Remote Time counter 0ddddddd dd0:Transmission request, 0x7F:Transmission stop request EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0001nnnn 1nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00100011 23Automix status 00000000 00 0000dddd 0dAutomix status H 0000dddd 0dAutomix status L EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive STATUS 11110000 F0System exclusive message ID No. 01000011 43Manufacture’s ID number (YAMAHA) SUB STATUS 0011nnnn 3nn=0-15 (Device number=MIDI Channel) GROUP ID 00111110 3EMODEL ID (digital mixer) MODEL ID 00001100 0CDM1000 ADDRESS 00100011 23Automix status 0ddddddd dd0:Transmission request, 0x7F:Transmission stop request EOX 11110111 F7End of exclusive

374Appendix D: Options DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Appendix D: About Optional Product MB1000 Peak Meter Bridge Installing the Meter Bridge 1Attach the brackets to the meter bridge. Align the holes on the lower part of the meter bridge with the holes on the upper part of the brackets (as shown in the illustration below), then use four 8 mm screws ( 1) included in the MB1000 package to affix the brackets to the meter bridge. 2Install the meter bridge to the DM1000 following the steps below: a) Insert two of four 12 mm screws ( 2-2) included in the MB1000 package into the lower holes ( 2-2), then tighten them with your fingers. Leave the screws projecting by about 4 mm. b) Align these screws with the notches on the included meter angles, then align the holes on the upper part of the meter angles with the holes on the upper part of the DM1000 ( 2-1). c) Insert the other two 12 mm screws ( 2-1) into the upper holes (2-1), then tighten them securely. d) Tighten the screws ( 2-2) that were finger-tightened in Step a) securely to firmly attach the meter bridge to the DM1000. 3Connect the meter bridge cable to the DM1000’s METER connector. WORD CLOCKIN OUTCONTROLIN OUTTO HOST USB REMOTE MIDISMPTE IN COAXIAL AES/EBU COAXIAL AES/EBU2 2 12TR IN DIGITAL METER1 SLOT SLOT INPUTOMNI IN2 3 4 5 6 7 81 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 81 10 11 12 9 21 316 4 AC INPOWERON OFF 2-1 2-22-1 2-2 1 1 2-1 2-2 2-1 2-2 Meter angleUpper Lower

MB1000 Peak Meter Bridge375 DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Appendix Meter Bridge Controls AChannel indicators These indicators display the channels for which the lev- els are currently displayed (Input Channels 1-16, 17-32, 33-48, Aux Outs 1-8, Bus Outs 1-8). BINPUT METERING POSITION indicators These indicators display the current metering position specified for the Input Channels. COUTPUT METERING POSITION indicators These indicators display the current metering position specified for the Output Channels. D[PEAK HOLD] button This button turns the Peak Hold function on or off. When the Peak Hold function is turned on, the button indicator lights up. This button works in unison with the PEAK HOLD button displayed on the Meter display. ETIME CODE display This display indicates the timecode or MIDI clock value the DM1000 is receiving or generating. F[1-16] / [17-32] / [33-48] / [REMOTE 1] / [REMOTE 2] / [MASTER] buttons These buttons select the layers of the channel meters dis- played on the meter bridge. The button indicator of the currently-selected layer lights up. If you turn on the Meter Follow Layer check box on the Setup | Prefer1 page (see page 266), the layer selection on the meter bridge follows the layer selection on the DM1000. GLevel meters These 12-segment LED level meters display the channel levels of the selected layer. HBus meters These 12-segment LED meters display the signal levels of Bus Outs 1-8. 1-16 MASTER 17-32 33-48REMOTE 1 REMOTE 2 PEAKMETER BRIDGE MB1000 FOR TIME CODE BEATCLOCK MEASURE HM S F 16 32 48 15 31 47 14 30 46 13 29 45 12 28 44 11 27 43 10 26 42 9 25 41 8 24 40 7 23 39 6 22 38 5 21 37 4 20 36 3 19 35 2 18 34 1 17 33 AUX 8 AUX 7 AUX 6 AUX 5 AUX 4 AUX 3 AUX 2 AUX 1 BUS 8 BUS 7 BUS 6 BUS 5 BUS 4 BUS 3 BUS 2 BUS 1 BUS 8 BUS 7 BUS 6 BUS 5 BUS 4 BUS 3 BUS 2 BUS 1 0 OVER -12 -15 -18 -24 -30 -36 -48-3 -6 -9 0 OVER -12 -15 -18 -24 -30 -36 -48-3 -6 -90 OVER -12 -15 -18 -24 -30 -36 -48-3 -6 -90 OVER -12 -15 -18 -24 -30 -36 -48-3 -6 -9 0 OVER -12 -15 -18 -24 -30 -36 -48-3 -6 -9INPUT METERING POSITION OUTPUT METERING POSITION PRE EQ PRE FADER POST FADER PRE EQ PRE FADER POST FADER PEAK HOLD 3 4 5 2 8 7 6 1

376Appendix D: Options DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Rack Mounting the MB1000 Using Rack Angle Brackets You can rack mount the MB1000 meter bridge using the rack angle brackets that came with the meter bridge. 1Detach the MB1000 from the DM1000. Also, remove the SP1000 side panels if they are attached. 2Hold a rack bracket against one side of the meter bridge so that the rack angle bracket ear projects to the side, and align two holes on the brackets with the holes on the side of the meter bridge, as shown in the illustration below. 3Affix the bracket using the screws included in the meter bridge package. 4Attach the other bracket to the other side of the MB1000 in the same way. Rack angle bracket Side of Meter Bridge

Installing the SP1000 Side Panels377 DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Appendix Installing the SP1000 Side Panels The figure below illustrates how to attach the left side panel to the DM1000. Attach the right side panel to the DM1000 in the same way. Rack Mounting the DM1000 Using the RK1 Rack Mount Kit You can rack mount the DM1000 using the optional RK1 Rack Mount Kit. 1Remove the side panels if they are attached. 2Hold one of the brackets against one side of the DM1000 so that the bracket ear projects to the side, and align five holes on the bracket with the holes on the side of the DM1000, as shown in the illustration below. 3Affix the bracket using five screws included in the RK1 package. 4Attach the other bracket to the other side of the DM1000 in the same way. Caution: Do not rack mount the DM1000 and an MB1000 connected together as a unit. Be sure to rack mount them separately using the dedicated brackets.

378Index DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Index Symbols ø/INS/DLY | DLY 1-16 page .............. 63 ø/INS/DLY | DLY 17-32 page ............ 63 ø/INS/DLY | DLY 33-48 page ............ 63 ø/INS/DLY | Insert page ................... 116 ø/Ins/Dly | Insert page ...................... 158 ø/INS/DLY | Out Dly page ........... 83, 95 ø/INS/DLY | Phase page ..................... 63 ø/INSERT/DELAY button ................. 19 +48V ON/OFF switches ..................... 16 Phantom power ............................ 53 Numerics 1–12 buttons ........................................ 23 1-16/17-32/33-48 buttons .................. 22 2TR D1/D2 buttons ............................ 24 2TR IN D1/D2 buttons ....................... 56 2TR IN DIGITAL AES/EBU 1 ........... 27 2TR IN DIGITAL COAXIAL 2 .......... 27 2TR IN DIGITAL connectors ............ 54 2TRD1/2 ....................................... 48 2TR OUT DIGITAL AES/EBU 1 ....... 27 2TR OUT DIGITAL COAXIAL 2 ..... 27 2TR OUT DIGITAL connectors ........ 54 2TRD1/2 .............................................. 48 A ABORT .............................................. 204 About the display ................................ 29 AC IN connector ................................. 27 AD input .............................................. 16 AD input and output section ............. 25 AD Input section ................................. 53 AD8HR/AD824 ................................. 287 ADAT I/O card .................................... 55 AES/EBU I/O card .............................. 55 AMP SIMULATE .............................. 314 Analog inputs & outputs .................... 53 ASSIGN button ................................... 18 Assignable parameters ........................ 38 Assigne Control changes ......................... 250 MIDI messages ........................... 239 Parameters to the encoder ........... 37 Program changes ........................ 249 Remote layer ............................... 215 USER DEFINED KEYS .............. 225 Attenuator ............................... 67, 83, 94 Output signals .............................. 90 AUTO button ...................................... 17 Auto Channel Select preference ....... 267 Auto Direct Out On preference ....... 268 Auto EQ Edit in preference .............. 270 Auto EQUALIZER Display preference ............................................... 267 Auto Inc TC Capture preference ..... 270 AUTO PAN ....................................... 312 AUTO PAN 5.1 ................................. 319Auto PAN/SURROUND Display preference .............................267 AUTO REC ........................................203 Auto ROUTING Display preference 266 Auto SOLO Display preference ........267 Auto update function ........................167 Auto WORD CLOCK Display preference .............................267 Automix ..............................................187 ABORT ........................................204 ABSOLUTE .................................202 AUTO button ....................... 17, 199 AUTO REC .................................203 AUTOMIX button ........................19 Automix main page ....................200 Automix memory page ..............204 COPY ...........................................208 EDIT OUT .......................... 201, 206 Edit safe buttons .........................206 Editing events offline ..................207 ERASE ..........................................208 Event edit page ............................211 Event job page .............................207 FADER EDIT ..............................202 Fader Edit mode ..........................201 Fader1 &2 pages ..........................205 FRAMES ......................................188 INT START TIME ......................200 MOTOR ......................................206 MOVE/MERGE ..........................209 NEW ............................................203 OFFSET .......................................200 OVERWRITE ..............................203 Parameter events can be recorded .........................................187 PLAY ............................................203 Playing back .................................199 PROTECT ...................................205 Punching in & out ......................197 REC ..............................................203 Recording ....................................190 Recording the event ....................191 RELATIVE ...................................202 RETURN .....................................201 SEL button ...................................199 Setting up .....................................188 Setup | Time Sig page .................189 STOP ............................................204 TAKEOVER ................................201 TIME REFERENCE ....................200 TIME REFERENCE section .......188 Time signature map ....................189 Timecode source .........................188 TO END button ..........................200 TRIM ...........................................209 UPDATE ......................................200 Automix | Event Edit page ................211 Automix | Event Job page .................207 Automix | Fader1 or 2 page ..............205 Automix | Main page ................ 190, 200 Automix | Memory page ...................204 AUTOMIX button ..............................19 Automix main page ...........................200Automix memory page ..................... 204 Automix Store Undo preference ...... 271 AUX 1–AUX 8 buttons ....................... 18 AUX button ......................................... 18 AUX indicator ...............................18, 35 AUX SELECT section ......................... 18 Aux send mode ................... 99, 100, 103 Aux sends .......................................93, 98 Attenuating ................................... 94 Comp settings ............................... 95 Copying channel fader positions ......................................... 106 Delaying ......................................... 95 EQ settings ..............................94, 96 Excluding certain channels ........ 105 Fixed mode .................................. 100 Mix minus ................................... 105 Panning ....................................... 104 Setting from the control surface .. 94 Setting from the display .........94, 99 Setting levels .................................. 94 Variable mode ............................. 100 Viewing settings ............................ 96 Viewing settings for multiple channels ......................... 102 Aux1 | Pan1–32 page ......................... 104 Aux1 | Pan33–48 page ....................... 104 Aux1 | Send1-32 page ....................75, 99 Aux1 | Send33-48 page ........................ 99 Aux1 | View1–16 page ....................... 102 Aux1 | View17–32 page ..................... 102 Aux1 | View33–48 page ..................... 102 B Bass Management .............................. 139 Battery ................................................ 289 Bulk dump ......................................... 256 Messages ...................................... 245 BUS button ..................................24, 137 Bus out ................................................. 81 Attenuating ................................... 83 Compressing ................................. 84 Delaying ......................................... 83 EQ’ing ......................................84, 88 Naming .......................................... 91 Pairing ........................................... 89 Routing signals to the stereo bus .85 Setting from the control surface .. 88 Setting from the display ............... 83 Setting the levels ........................... 88 Viewing the settings ...................... 86 Bus to stereo library .......................... 181 BUS1–BUS8 ....................................... 130 Buttons ................................................. 31 C Cascade COMM Link preference .... 268 Cascading consoles ............................ 282 Cascade page ............................... 285 Reverse cable ................................. 26 SYNC parameter ......................... 286 CATEGORY ......................................... 57 Changing names ................................ 265

Index379 DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual Channel Copy Parameter preference ................................................ 269 Channel faders ..................................... 17 Channel ID/Channel preference ...... 268 Channel library .................................. 175 Channel strip section .......................... 17 CHORUS ........................................... 311 CHORUS 5.1 ..................................... 320 CLEAR button ..................................... 24 Clear Edit Channel after REC preference ................................................ 270 COMP 5.1 .......................................... 321 COMPAND 5.1 ................................. 321 Compressor library ........................... 182 Preset ........................................... 183 Compressors ............................66, 84, 95 Compressor link ......................... 147 DYNAMICS button ..................... 20 Linking ........................................ 152 Parameter table ........................... 336 Preset parameters ....................... 325 Confirmation messages ...................... 32 Connections ......................................... 43 Configuring a recording system that uses a DAW ..................... 45 Configuring a recording system with a hard disk recorder ........ 44 Configuring an analog 32-channel mixing system ................. 43 Contrast control .................................. 20 Control changes .........................245, 250 CONTROL connector ........................ 26 CONTROL port pin assignments .... 340 CONTROL ROOM DIMMER LEVEL ................................................ 123 Control room monitor ..................... 119 Control surface .................................... 15 AD input section .......................... 16 AUX SELECT section ................... 18 Channel strip section ................... 17 Data entry section ......................... 23 DISPLAY ACCESS section .......... 19 Display section .............................. 20 ENCODER MODE section ......... 18 FADER MODE section ................ 18 Headphones & talkback section .. 23 LAYER section .............................. 22 MONITOR section ....................... 24 SCENE MEMORY section .......... 22 SELECTED CHANNEL section .. 21 STEREO section ........................... 17 USER DEFINED KEYS section ... 23 COPY ................................................... 58 Copy Initial Fader preference ........... 270 Cursor buttons .................................... 23 D Daisy chain distribution ..................... 46 Data entry section ................................ 23 DAW .................................................. 235 Nuendo/Cubase SX .................... 235 Other ........................................... 235 Pro tools ...................................... 216Recording system ......................... 45 Remote ........................................ 215 DEC & INC buttons ........................... 23 DEL button .......................................... 32 Delay ........................................ 63, 83, 95 DELAY SCALE ............................. 64 FB.GAIN ....................................... 64 DELAY LCR ...................................... 311 DELAY SCALE .................................... 64 DELAY+ER. ...................................... 316 DELAY+REV ..................................... 317 DELAY->ER. ..................................... 317 DELAY->REV ................................... 318 Digital I/O & control section ............. 26 Digital inputs & outputs ..................... 54 Dimensions ........................................ 341 DIMMER button ................................ 24 DIO | Cascade page ........................... 285 DIO | Format page .................. 56, 58, 59 DIO | Word Clock page ................ 47, 55 DIO button .......................................... 19 DIO Warning preference ................. 267 Direct outs ......................................... 115 Display ................................................. 20 DISPLAY ACCESS section ................. 19 Display Brightness preference .......... 269 DISPLAY button ..................... 18, 23, 24 Display section .................................... 20 DIST->DELAY .................................. 318 DISTORTION ................................... 313 Dithering .............................................. 58 DIV ..................................................... 132 DOUBLE CHANNEL ......................... 59 DOUBLE SPEED ................................ 59 Drop Out Time preference .............. 271 DUAL PITCH ................................... 313 DYNA. FILTER ................................. 314 DYNA. FLANGE ............................... 314 DYNA. PHASER ............................... 314 Dynamics | Comp Edit page .. 66, 84, 95 Dynamics | Comp Lib page .............. 182 Dynamics | Gate Edit page ................. 65 Dynamics | Gate Lib page ................. 181 DYNAMICS button ............................ 20 E EARLY REF. ...................................... 310 ECHO ................................................ 311 EDIT indicator .................................... 29 Edit indicator ....................................... 22 Editing events offline ........................ 207 Effect | FX1 Edit page ........................ 159 Effect | FX1 Lib page ......................... 178 Effect | FX2 Edit page ........................ 159 Effect | FX2 Lib page ......................... 178 Effect | FX3 Edit page ........................ 159 Effect | FX3 Lib page ......................... 178 Effect | FX4 Edit page ........................ 159 Effect | FX4 Lib page ......................... 178 Effect | P-IN Edit 2 page ................... 162 Effect | P-IN Edit1 page .................... 162 EFFECT button ................................... 20Effects Bypass ..........................................159 EFFECT button .............................20 Internal effects .............................155 Parameter tables ..........................310 Plug-ins ........................................162 Effects library .....................................177 Preset ............................................178 programs ......................................178 Effects parameters ..............................310 Effects processor 1 .............................155 EMPHASIS ...........................................57 Encoder | Encoder page .......................37 ENCODER MODE section .................18 Encoders .................................. 17, 36, 38 Assigning parameters ...................37 Encoder mode ...............................36 ENTER button .....................................23 Enter titles Title edit window ..........................32 EQ ................................68, 84, 88, 94, 96 Preset ............................................323 EQ | ATT 1-16 page .............................67 EQ | ATT 17-32 page ...........................67 EQ | ATT 33-48 page ...........................67 EQ | EQ Edit page ................... 68, 84, 96 EQ | EQ Library page .........................184 EQ | Out Att page ......................... 83, 94 EQ library ...........................................184 Preset ............................................185 EQ link ................................................147 EQUALIZER DISPLAY button ..........21 EQUALIZER FREQUENCY control .21 EQUALIZER GAIN control ...............21 EQUALIZER HIGH button ................21 EQUALIZER HIGH-MID button ......21 EQUALIZER LOW button .................21 EQUALIZER LOW-MID button .......21 EQUALIZER Q control .......................21 ESAM ..................................................259 ESAM indicator ...................................29 Event edit page ...................................211 Event job page ....................................207 F F & R ...................................................132 F1–F4 buttons ......................................20 Fader groups ............................. 147, 148 FADER indicator .......................... 18, 35 FADER MODE section .......................18 Fader REC Accuracy preference .......271 Fader Touch Sense preference ..........269 FADER/AUX button ...........................18 Fader1 &2 pages .................................205 Fading .................................................168 ALL INPUT CLEAR ...................168 AUX1–8 .......................................169 BUS1–8 ........................................169 Global fade time ..........................168 INPUT CH1–48 ..........................168 STEREO .......................................169 FAST ...................................................131 Fast Meter Fall Time preference .......267

380Index DM1000 Version 2—Owner’s Manual FB.GAIN .............................................. 64 Features ................................................ 13 Automix ........................................ 14 Channel configuration ................. 14 Effects ............................................ 14 ESAM ............................................ 14 Hardware ...................................... 13 Inputs and Outputs ...................... 13 MIDI ............................................. 14 Remote control ............................. 14 Scene memory .............................. 14 Sonic specifications ...................... 13 Surround sound ........................... 14 Fixed mode ................................ 100, 103 FLANGE ............................................ 312 FLANGE 5.1 ...................................... 320 FOLLOW SURROUND ................... 156 Frame Jump Error preference .......... 271 FRAMES ............................................ 188 FREEZE .............................................. 318 FS .......................................................... 57 G GAIN controls ............................... 16, 53 Gain of the AD card ............................ 43 GANG .................................................. 70 Gate library ........................................ 181 GATE REVERB ................................. 310 Gates ..................................................... 65 DYNAMICS button ..................... 20 KEYIN SOURCE .......................... 65 Parameter table ........................... 335 Preset parameters ....................... 324 Global Paste ....................................... 171 GPI ..................................................... 276 Parameters .................................. 278 Sources ........................................ 279 GRAB button ....................................... 21 Grounding screw ................................. 27 Group ................................................. 147 Fader groups ............................... 148 Mute groups ............................... 148 H HA HA CONTROL .......................... 288 Hard disk Recording system ......................... 44 Headphones & talkback section ......... 23 Higher sampling rates ......................... 59 HORIZONTAL ................................... 78 HQ. PITCH ....................................... 313 I I/O card ................................................ 55 Installing ....................................... 28 SLOT 1–2 ...................................... 54 IEEE1394 ............................................. 55 In Patch | Cascade In page ................ 284 In Patch | CH Name page ................... 79 In Patch | Effect page ........................ 156 In Patch | In Patch page .............. 49, 110 In Patch | Insert In page ................... 118In Patch | Library page ......................176 INDIVIDUAL ......................................70 INIT ....................................................130 Initial Data Nominal preference .......268 Initializing the DM1000 ....................289 Input channels .....................................61 Attenuating ....................................67 Compressing .................................66 Delaying .........................................63 EQ ..................................................75 EQ’ing ............................................68 Gating ............................................65 Levels ..............................................75 Naming ..........................................79 Pairing ............................................76 Panning ................................... 70, 75 Routing ................................... 71, 75 Setting from the control surface ..75 Setting from the display ...............63 Switching the signal phase ...........63 Viewing the settings ......................72 INPUT connectors ....................... 25, 53 Input patch .........................................109 Initial settings ..............................298 Parameters ...................................296 INPUT PATCH button .............. 19, 110 Input patch library .............................176 Input sensitivity GAIN controls ...............................16 INS button ............................................32 Insert in ..............................................118 Insert patching ...................................116 Insert Time Link to Locate Memory preference .............................271 Installing a card ....................................28 INT 44.1k, INT 48k, INT 88.2, INT 96k ..................................................48 INT START TIME .............................200 Internal effects Aux sends .....................................156 Editing ..........................................159 Effects processors 2 through 4 ...155 FOLLOW SURROUND .............156 Inserting into channels ...............158 Meters ..........................................160 MIDI CLK ...................................160 MIX BALANCE ..........................159 TAP TEMPO ...............................160 TEMPO ............................... 159, 160 INV GANG ..........................................70 J Joystick ..................................................21 Reverb 5.1 effect ..........................319 Joystick Auto Grab preference ..........268 K KEYIN SOURCE .................................65 L LAST SOLO ........................................120 LATCH ...............................................241 LAYER section .....................................22Layers .................................................... 33 Initial bank settings .................... 306 LEARN button ................................... 239 Levels ..............................................88, 94 LFE ...................................................... 132 Libraries .............................................. 173 Bus to stereo library .................... 181 Channel library ........................... 175 Compressor library ..................... 182 Effects library .............................. 177 EQ library .................................... 184 Gate library .................................. 181 General operation ....................... 173 Input patch library ..................... 176 Output patch library .................. 177 specifications ............................... 337 Surround monitor library .......... 186 Link ..................................................... 147 Compressors ............................... 152 EQ ................................................ 152 Link Capture & Locate Memory preference ............................. 270 Lock Time preference ....................... 271 M M.BAND DYNA. .............................. 320 Machine control ................................ 242 MASTER button .................................. 22 MASTER MODE ................................. 40 MB1000 peak meter bridge .............. 374 Meter | CH1-32 page ........................... 39 Meter | CH1-48 page ........................... 39 Meter | CH33-48 page ......................... 39 Meter | Effect page ............................... 39 Meter | Master page ............................. 39 Meter | Position page .......................... 39 Meter | Stereo page .............................. 40 Meter bridge ...................................... 374 METER button ..............................19, 39 METER connector .............................. 26 Meter Follow Layer preference ......... 268 Metering ............................................... 39 Meters Stereo meters ................................. 20 MIDI ...........................................217, 245 Bulk dump .................................. 256 Bulk dump messages .................. 245 Control changes .......................... 250 Data format ................................. 360 FADER H/L ................................. 254 Initial parameter to control change table ................................ 344 MIDI clock .................................. 245 MIDI IN & OUT ports .........26, 245 MIDI indicator ............................. 30 MIDI note on/off ........................ 245 Parameter changes ...................... 256 Parameters ................................... 251 Program changes ........................ 249 REMOTE connector .................. 246 Scene memory to program change table ................................ 343 Setup ............................................ 246