Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
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Page 181
INFORMATlON Ta& 13-1 13.1 UNDERSTANDING INFORMATION TABLES This section contains all index items in the INFORMATION Table. Some index items pertain only to optional feature packages. If the Tbshiba VP System is not equipped with an optio% any table entries associated with that option are not displayed in the configuration. INFORMATION Tables contain specific instructions for all ports1 and mailboxes defined in the database. Information in the index items of these tables spbfks how to handle each...
Page 182
13-2 Confiauration Marnal m Index items The following chart shows all the INFORh4ATION Table indexes. The chart de& whether the index applies to a port, trunk, or maibox, and whether optional software is required to activate the feature. If the option is not installed, the index item does not appear;- 2fj ALJTOTRANSFER TO ASSIST v v J 27 MSGWITHALJTOTRANSFER v v [ v 28 AN?-JOUNCE CALLS TO INT v . Available for adaptive Integration ‘. AI SDM p$y!&y;; ICR Incoming Call Restriction RF0...
Page 183
INFORMATION la& 13-3 B Example of a Port/Trunk INFORMA’TION Table: D Example of a Mailbox INFORMATION Table i
Page 184
13-4 Conf!guration Mamd 13.2 HOW INFORMATION TABLES ARE USED When calls come into a port, trunk, or ma&ox, the COS Table is used to determine which SCHEDULE Table to use accurding to the current time of day and day of week The SCHEDULE Table directs the lbshiba VP System to the proper INFORMATION Table. The call is handled as defined by its COS and the INFORMATION Table. .-- TcehlbaVPSystwm Fldease5.3 May.%1
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INFORMARON Tab 13-5 ) 13.3 HOW TO CONFIGURE INFORMATION TABLES Configure INFORMATION Tables by entering values for each index item in the applicable table. Disregard those index items that are not required for the COS using the lNFORM.&ION Table. For default, enter an empty line. Ports: l2 index items apply to ports. ‘I?&le Indexes g 11 throu’gh 17,19 through 25, and 28 do not apply. Trunks: All port indices apply to trunks when Adaptive Integration, Called Party Identification, and trunk...
Page 186
To Conftgure: Considerations: ports answer InWATS calls for customer service and sales groups. The customer service hunt group is the intercept position for callers needing assistance from these ports. Enter the mailbox number of the intercept position. The Toshiba VP System looks at the USER Table to obtain the extension of the intercept mailbox to determine where to send calis. Intercept mailboxes must fmt be entered in the USER Table before they may be included as au index value for an...
Page 187
INFORMATlQN Table 13-7 blocked extensions Refer to the CUSTOM PROMPT Table chapter in this manual for more information. Examples: To configure: Conslderatlons: 0 Prohibit InWAlS callers from reaching all but specified extensions. -, . . l Block calls to hospital rooms at night. Enter a value for this index in the port INFORMATIQN Table. Enter the same value for Index 3 in the Mailbox INFORMATION Tables for extensions to be reached through ports with this blocking number. The range is O-255....
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e 13-0 Confiqmtion Manual 6 PRE EXTENSION Definition: / DlGrrSi When a caller dials a ma&~ that is not in the USER Table, these digits are inserted before the mailbox is called. Usage: This is pknarily used for pIacing off site (extension on another PBX) or Tie line calls. Example: If an aces number is requirex$ it is inserted priL to send@g the digits entered by the caller. To Configure: Enter up to 12 digits, may include O-9, l , #, D for delay, and E for expectdialtone. Considerations:...
Page 189
INFORMATION Table 13-Q - / 10 USE ALTERNATE TRANSFER CODES2 DetInttlon: Usage: Example: To Configure: Considerations: 18 NDCT MAILBOX Deflnitlon: Usage: Example: To Configure: Considerations: ‘Ike Alternate Bansfer Codes are used when transferring callers to mailboxes not defined in the USER Table. ‘lb call a ma&x on a network where the CO trunks terminate on one lbshiba VP System but the mailbux is at another location. If the location is over TIE lines, a different transfer string may...
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26 AUTO TRANSFER TO ASSISTANCE Definttlon: After reaching an unavailable extension, callers are automaticaIl; transferred to assistance. If Personal Ass&tan= (PA) is defined, callers are transferred to that extensior~ If PA is not defined, callers are transferred to the intercept position defined for the mailbo*, portortrunk. usage: Example: Assures callers are answered by a person rather than lkng a&d to leave a message or dial another extension for assktance. - If the pemmal asistant is...