Communications System
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
Toshiba Voice Processing Vp100, 300s, 300 Configuration Manual
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Page 201
INFORMATlON T&k 13-Z-I- 23 MAXIMUM NUMBER OF MESSAGES Deflnttlon: Usage: Example: fo Configure: ConslderatIons: To determine the number of messages allowed in specific nxLUx&s This can be useful to Control the amount of storage used by specific maiIboxq espe&Uy when disk usage is of great concern., When there is concern that messages are not being erased, limiting the number that can be received may solve the probleq The range is from 1 to 32 If more than 32 messages are required, configure the mailbox...
Page 202
13-22 Configuration Mand- Usage:The PA feature is used in speciaI cases where it is important for callers to receive special attention if the extension they calkd was unavailable. Thisismostoftennsedforerecut+sorsmaIlACD groupsA feature of PA is to automatica& announce to the personal assistant, where the call is coming from and why (ring-neanswer or busy). This enables the personalasistanttocustomizehowthecall is answered. This is automati no further c&ignration ~~w@R~zL If the personal assistmt is...
Page 203
All transfers to PA are screened and announced. COS Attribute 15 - TRANSFER TO RINGING and Attribute 34 - TRANSFER CALU wITHouTcI-mxlNG FOR BUSY OR NO ANSWER, are ignored when a call is transferred to a ma&ox configured for PA The ringback count defined in the INPORMATiON Table of the PA mailboxisused. 25 QUICK GREH-ING ACTIVATION (Adaptive Integration, Called Party Wentiicati~n Optional Feature) Definltlon:For Integrated systems, employees who have a mailbox on tne Toshiba VP System may turn ON/OFF...
Page 204
13-24 Configuration Mand- unav~P~staymtheiinefwtheoperat~* ThecaUeristransferred to the intercept ma&ax defined in the mailbax or porthunk INFORMATION Table. If Auto-Tiansfer to a&stance is enabled but a PA extension is not defmed, the prompt says y(~) aks not mmver; &rare s&y (~1 the hefix the cpmax”The caller is automatically transferred to the intercept mailbox defined in the mailhux or portkunk INFORMATION Table. The transfer is the same as if the caller dialed q for the interc4zpt extension. ID...
Page 205
Example:When a caller reaches an unavailable mailbox with PA spedfied, the T&h.il~ VP System prompts to the caller: u(llcune) does not mmua. pJMsew~forpascKlol~~eorpresr~tmtoleovea~~’* To Conflgute:WhenthisindarissettoYESinboththemailboxandport INFORMATION Tables, and Index 26 is defmed as YES, callersare given the option to leave a message instead of being transferred to c%sktance..*- ConsJdertions:ThisindexisnotusedifIndex26issettoNO. 28 ANNOUNCE CALLS TO INTERCEPT Dellnitlon: Usage: EXCMlple: To...
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13-26 Confifguration h4anualn Copying an Existing INFORMATION Table to a New Table When using the INSTAIL or UPDATE programs to ADD an INFORMATION Table, you may choose to copy au existing INFORM ATION Table. The ability to copy the information from one table to another avoids having to enter duplicate information. This is useful, for example, if different Company Greetings are to be played at various times for the same port or trunk. The information for each table would be identical, eZkept for the...
Page 207
INFORMATION Tab&e 134’* LrYIf a value is entered in question 4, the following question is displayed. DQuestions for MAILBOX INFORMATION Table Entires t[lQuestion 3 is only asked if Incoming Call Restriction is installed. kehlba w ~c.-mReieaae 5.3 May. 1Esl
Page 208
UITIf a mine is entered for question 4, the following qufstion is displayed. II7After asking the Cdl B&king and Siie Digit Menus question the Toshiba VP System continues withz f!YQu&ns 15 - 17 are not asked if the value for question 14 is zero.
Page 209
ETQuestions 19 and 20 are not asked if the value for question 14 is zero. mQuestion 21 is only asked if FlFO Queuing is installed.#-:r,,;. -. WQuestion 25 is only asked if Adaptive Integration is installed. BZQuestion 27 is not asked if the value for question 26 is NO. m Using UPDATE Use the UPDATE program to:l LIST one or all INFORMATION Tables.l MODIFY ap Index Value Within an INFORMATION Table. *ADD or DELETE an INFORMATION Table.LIST USthg one or all INFORMATION TablesFor one table, enter the number...
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13-30 cont7gurat;on Manual- Example of a rnzdbox INFORMATION TabIe: ToshlbaVPsyWm-m Roreaw5.3 May.1531