Toshiba Perception E Ex Digital Pbx Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Perception E Ex Digital Pbx Installation And Maintenance Manual
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AlTACHMENT A Tl/DS-1 INTERFACE The DS-1 interface operates at the rate of 1.544 Mbps. This rate is obtained by either one of the following two methods: METHOD 1: l Rate of each channel (time slot) = 64 kbps l 64 kbps * 24 channels = 1.536 Mbps l Rate required for synchronization = 8 kbps l DS-1 rate = 1.536 Mbps + 8 kbps = 1.544 Mbps METHOD 2: l 8 bits per channel * 24 channels = 192 bits l 1 bit for frame synchronization l Total bits in one frame = 193 bits l DS-1 rate = 193 bits * 8000 sampling rate per second = 1.544 Mbps In order to provide the above capabilities, PERCEPTIONe,e, Tl/DS-1 digital trunk interface shall comply with the requirements defined by the industry for DS-1 service. The specified require- Tl/DS-1 SEPTEMBER i&j ments are shown in the following paragraphs. DS-1 Service Requirements Physical Interface: The physical interface must comply with the defined specification for Tl/DS-I frame and signaling format, pulse density restric- tion, and electrical characteristics. Frame and Signaling Format: As mentioned in Method 2, the DS-1 frame format consists of 24 8- bit words and one framing bit for synchronization, which yields 193 bits per frame. The frames are grouped into multiframes. These multiframes are referred to as Super-frame (see Figure 1). Superframe Grouping Format: Super-frame can be grouped in two ways: 1) Twelve frames per Super-frame (SF). This grouping is known as the D3/D4 Framing Format. l In this arrangement the framing bit is used only for synchronization. l The synchronization identifies the begin- ning of the Super-frame and the signaling I 1 FRAME I Y 125 MICROSECONDS w I 193 BITS I , I FRAMING BIT (1 BIT) FIGURE l-FRAME ASSEMBLY

PERCEPTIONea,, Tl/DS-1 SEPTEMBER 1991 frames within the Super-frame. l The identification is done by verifying the Terminal Framing (FT) bit sequence “101010” (odd frames) and the Signaling Framing (FS) bit sequence “001110” (even frames). (See Figure 2.) 2) Twenty-four frames per Super-frame. This grouping is known as the Extended Super- frame (ESF). l In this arrangement the framing bit is time multiplexed to support three functions, namely, Synchronization, Cyclic Redun- dancy Check (CRC), and Facility Data Link (FDL). Signaling Protocol: The DS-1 interface is com- patible with two types of signaling protocol: cant bit of each time slot in every sixth frame (sixth and twelfth) is robbed for signaling pur- poses. The signaling in ESF is closely similar to the one in SF, but the former contains the A, B, C, and D signal bits which occur in the sixth, twelfth, eighteenth, and twenty-fourth frames. To provide compatibility between SF and ESF framing format, the A, B, C, and D bits are used in a manner that C = A and D = B. 2) Common Channel Signaling: The Common Channel Signaling is also called the Bit Ori- ented Signaling (BOS). This type of signaling is mainly used in Digital Multiplexed Interface (DMI) applications. In this protocol, the first 23 bits are used for data processing, while the last bit is used for signaling. 1) Channel Associated Signaling: The DS-1 signaling must be compatible with both the A and B bit signaling protocol of Channel Asso- ciated Signaling (CAS), used by a D4 type channel bank. In this protocol, the least signifi- Pulse Density Restriction: Since regenerative repeaters are used in the transmission facility, a restriction on the transmission of data has been imposed upon. This restriction is designed to pre- vent a clock recovery failure (due to an excessive number of “ZEROS”) from happening. The restric- n SUPERFRAME _I FRAME FRAME FRAME SIGNALING FRAMING (FS) TERMINAL FRAMING (FT) FIGURE 2-D4 FRAMING FORMAT -22-

PERCEPTIONeb,, Tl/DS-1 SEPTEMBER1991 tion imposes that in every frame of 8(n+l) bits, where n = 1 - 23, there must be at least an “n” number of “ONE.” There can also be no more than 15 consecutive “ZEROS” present. To comply with these requirements, the Tl/DS-1 interface pro- vides the following two techniques: 1) Zero Code Suppression (ZCS): This tech- nique forces the second least significant bit of any time slot with eight consecutive “ZEROS” to “ONE.” 2) Bipolar Eight Zero Substitution (B8ZS): This technique provides a unique algorithm. Whenever a time slot contains eight consecu- tive “ZEROS,” the “ZEROS” are replaced by an 8-bit code (OOOll O-j.1). The bipolar violation occurs in the fourth and the seventh bit posi- tions of the inserted code. The receiving end recognizes this code, and it translates it into all “ZEROS” (see Figure 3). Voice and Data Applications: The Tl/DS-1 trunk TIE) provides a feature transparency to voice and datatransmission applications. PERCEPTIONeLex supports voice only with the NDTU. Data trans- mission must be done through a modem or modem pooling. Synchronization: The PERCEPTIONeLex Tl/DS- 1 interface can support two types of clock synchro- nization. It can either generate the clock reference internally (Master) to the public digital or private digital network, or attain clock (Slave) from the external digital network. In case there is more than oneTl/DS-1 trunkinstalledin PERCEPTIONehex, only one will provide the clock synchronization signal. When connecting PERCEPTIONehex to the network, PERCEPTIONeLex will always be slave. Out of Frame (OOF) An Out of Frame (OOF) condition occurs when an error in the framing bit is observed. An error is considered to have happened when two out of four, or two out of five framing bits are absent. This capability to emulate different trunks (CO, DID, condition causes the MFALM LED to light. ORIGINAL WORD 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUBSTITUTED WORD 0 0 0 +I -1 0 -1 +I POLARITY* JJ *Assume last “ONE” transmitted was a positive “ONE. ” Polarity is reversed if the last “ONE” transmitted was a negative “ONE. ‘I Bipolar violations always occur at the 4th and 7th bit positions. FIGURES-SAMPLEOFB8ZSCODE -23-

PERCEPTIONeb,, Tl/DS-1 SEPTEMBER 1991 Loss of Signal (LOS) A Loss of Signal (LOS) condition is specified when the DS-1 signal is absent for more than 150 milli- seconds. Upon detection of LOS, the DS-1 inter- face generates a consecutive sequence of unfra- med all “ONE”signal, in orderto keep the regenera- tive repeaters alive. This condition causes the FALM LED to light. Jitter Jitters are short-term variations of significant in- stants (of a digital signal) from their idle positions in time. In the digital transmission, a jitter is generated from two principal sources, digital regenerator and multiplexers. A regenerator jitter is introduced by the imperfections in the timing recovery process, whereas a multiplexer jitter is mainly related to the stuffing mechanism used to synchronize the low speed incoming pulse stream. Jitters may introduce a number of impairments such as errors, slips, crosstalks, and distortions to the original signal. The following data indicates the maximum input jitter allowed in band 1 (10 Hz to 40 KHz) and band 2 (8 KHz to 40 KHz). l Band 1: 5.0 per 648 nsec. peak-to-peak (10 Hz to 40 KHz) l Band 2: 0.1 per 648 nsec. peak-to-peak (8 KHz to 40 KHz) Slip Slip occurrences are caused by two factors: 1) Lack of frequency synchronization between the two ends of the DS-1 network. 2) Phase jitter. An overflow or underflow of the receiver buffer is indicative of a slip. Bipolar Violation (BPV) The Alternative Mark Inversion (AMI) coding is used in the DS-l/DMI line transmission. Any vari- ation to this rule is considered a violation. An excessive bipolar violation is declared when a number of BPV, which causes performance to r:- degrade, goes below the threshold of 1455 BPVs in 1000 consecutive seconds. If a B8ZS coding is used, a bipolar violation detected due to “ZERO” substitution should not be considered an error. Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) The CRC is used with an Extended Super-frame (ESF). The CRC code uses 2Kb/s of the 8Kb/s- frame-bit pattern for an end-to-end error rate checking. AlTACHMENT B CHANNEL SERVICE UNIT 1) A Channel Service Unit (CSU) provides the following: l Electrical protection l Keep-alive signal l Repeater function 2) CSU requirements: l One CSU for each Tl/DS-1 interface con- nected to the network. l One CSU for a Tl/DS-1 interface between PBXs that are located more than 655 feet apart. 3) Examples of approved CSUs: l Kentrox l Digital Link -24-



PERCEPTIONeh, SYSTEM RECORD FEBRUARY 1992 SYSTEM DATA BLOCK 2 (DSD2 Program) *Enter the name and access code in this column.

PERCEPTIONeh,, SYSTEM RECORD FEBRUARY 1992 CLASS OF SERVICE DATA BLOCK (DCOS Program) NOTE: Use multiple lines as required. AlTENDANT DATA BLOCK (DATT Program) ITEM Attendant Number PROMPT REQ AN0 ENTRY Al-l-0 ATT1 0 1 NOTE: Use a second sheet if Tenant Service is activated. -3-

PERCEPTIONeh, SYSTEM RECORD FEBRUARY 1992 ELECTRONIC/DIGITAL TELEPHONE BLOCK (DEKT Program) PCB Location (L 1 PROMPT ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ENTRY ’ _- d , I”U , I I I I I I I MT A I\T t N Button Acsinnmnnts- ““Syy . . I l”. ..“. DN Onlv! KEY 0 1 I I I I I I I Primary , t 1 KEY 1 KEY 2 _--__ ^ KEY 4 KEY 5 KEY 6 KEY 7 KRV 8 I -_-- - 1 KEY 9 1 KEY 10 KEY 11 KEY 12 NOTE: Use multiple sheets as required, Sheet / of 9 -4-

STANDARD TELEPHONE DATA BLC ITEM 1 PROMPT Port Number Directory Number Station Set Mix Class of Service Tenant Number Call Pickup Group Hunt Number REQ POR DN SMX cos TEN PUG HNT Dialing Type Speed Dial List Warning Tone Allowed? Call Forward to Trunk Toll Restriction Class DLG SDL WTA CFT TOL Off-hook Call Messaae Waitina Lamo I I Announce Emeraencv Rinadown Station I I I MWL i RDS OCA PERCEPTION,~, SYSTEM RECORD FEBRUARY 1992 CK (DSlT Program) PCB Location (1 ENTRY 1 ENTRY 1 ENTRY 1 ENTRY 1 ENTRY 1 ENTRY I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STANDARD TELEPHONE DATA BLOCK (DSIT Program) PCB Location (L Message Waiting Lamp MWL Emergency Ringdown Station RDS Off-hook Call Announce OCA NOTE: Use multiple sheets as required. Sheet - of - -5-